Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 203 - 203 Attacked

203 Attacked

When Blake was only about fifteen meters away from the necromancer and the wolf that was ready to pounce on him, Blake whispered into Cyra’s ears, “Please take care of my body for a while.” Blake then stayed silent for a whole second before he whispered a couple more sentences to Cyra’s ears, making sure she understood it clearly.

Before then sending his nether to the runes inscribed on the skin of his chest, activating his bloodline ability.


Darkness Monarch’s Covenant

As a monarch, your subjects’ power will be your strength and your power will be their strength. You will be able to make a pact with another demon. You will get their elemental affinity and bloodline power, in return, their darkness affinity will be multiplied depending on how high your darkness affinity is. (2/3)


The number written on the back of the skill’s description was 2/3, but if Blake succeeded in making a covenant with the necromancer, then it would be full 3/3.

Blake didn’t know whether that number would increase or not in the future when he evolved or whether he needed to do something else to increase that number, or whether it would not go up again no matter what he did, Blake would not know.

What Blake knew was that he certainly would not be disappointed if he could make the covenant with the necromancer, getting himself an army of hundreds of demons from the necromancer itself and possibly creating another one using the new bloodline ability that he would get after making the covenant with the necromancer.


Not wasting a single second after he finished whispering to Cyra, his bloodline ability then activated, sending the ball of black light straight toward the necromancer.

With the distance between Blake and the necromancer only being a few meters apart this time, the necromancer was able to see and react to the attack that was thrown at him.

But still, even if the necromancer could see the attack coming, he was a necromancer, not a mage that specialized in casting spells. So even though he saw the attack coming, the necromancer did not cast any spells to protect himself or even tried to jump off the wolf’s back to dodge it or anything like that.

Giving the wolf that already had its eyes locked onto the glowing ball of black light a tap on its stomach, the wolf instantly knew what his master wanted. Using its strong feet to jerk its body, the wolf had literally thrown itself to the side, supposedly dodging the incoming attack that came out of nowhere with great speed.

The wolf would be able to easily dodge the attack if it had time to re-activate its bloodline ability and charge its muscles with lightning, repeating the same scene from before where the wolf had literally blinked to the back.

But with such a small distance between the wolf and Blake, activating its bloodline ability was impossible to do since the attack would arrive in no time, hence the reckless act of the wolf jerking its body to the side, letting the side of its body possibly be hit by the attack as long as its master that was sitting on top of its body was safe.

However, to the wolf’s and the necromancer’s surprise, things did not go as they thought they would go.

The wolf was barely able to move the necromancer’s body out of the way of the attack’s trajectory, but in just a blink of an eye, the attack that was supposed to go in a straight line had abruptly changed the direction of its flight.

The ball of black light was already locked onto the necromancer’s body. No matter what kind of attempt the necromancer tried to do in order to dodge it, the ball of black light would not stop following the target that had been locked onto.

With the wolf in an awkward position after forcing its body to do such an aggressive movement, the wolf’s balance was out of place, and it would be impossible for the wolf to do any kind of movement as it was still in the process of regaining the balance of its body.

The necromancer raised his hand, trying to stop the ball of dark light from hitting the vital parts of his body by sacrificing his hand as a meat shield.

However, the ball of black light passed through the necromancer’s hands as if it wasn’t there in the first place before hitting the necromancer directly in the middle of his chest.

Before Blake could celebrate his ‘attack’ had successfully hit its target and his theory about his bloodline ability being undodgeable being proved true, Blake’s eyes turned dark as his consciousness was transferred elsewhere.

But it didn’t only happen to Blake as the necromancer seemed to have experienced the same thing.

While Blake’s body had gotten heavy all of a sudden, causing Cyra to almost crash butt-first into the ground if not for her creating an explosion to break her fall and support Blake’s body, the necromancer wasn’t so lucky to have someone catching his falling body.

The wolf that he used as his mount had suddenly become frozen stiff, just standing still in place, staring forward with a blank gaze, seemingly not focusing on anything in particular. It looked as if the wolf’s mind had stopped working completely, making it unable for the wolf to catch the necromancer’s body as he fell head-first into the ground below.

And that scene did not only happen in the middle of the two dark earth walls that Blake had created. On the outer side of the wall and in the forest where hundreds of demons that belonged in the necromancer’s horde currently resided, all of the demons had turned into the same state as the huge wolf.

All hundreds of demons just stood still in their place with blank gazes without doing anything else. They all turned mannequin-like, not even responding when Robus’ fist was crushing their skulls inward.

And this time, the second their bodies were destroyed by Robus, the souls that came out of their bodies stayed floating in place instead of running straight toward the necromancer. Which Robus then accepted with glee, decreasing the number of souls that he needed to level up once more.

Back in between the dark earth walls, Cyra had been tasked by Blake with something. It wasn’t necessarily a hard task, but considering her abilities, it would take her more time and also a serious amount of effort to do.

She then placed Blake’s body gently on the ground, freeing her limbs from having to support him before then walking forward to do the task that Blake had given him.

On the other side, two people- or demons, in this case, were currently staring at each other in silence in an empty void, only their two bodies were visible as everything around them was pitch black, including the invisible platform that made them somehow able to walk in the complete darkness.

“Soo… Are you finally ready to talk?” One of the two figures spoke, calling out to the other figure who practically had the same skin color as him, one that almost blended in with the void around them, only the difference was the other figure was much skinnier, being only skin and bones while the first figure had an athletic human figure.

Blake had tried to speak with the necromancer for the past minute, but nothing other than growls came out of the necromancer’s mouth.

The necromancer was aghast the first time it realized that it suddenly opened up its eyes to the lightless void with the jet-black humanoid demon that had been attacking him for the past few minutes right in front of him.

The necromancer tried to command his undead to protect himself, but he soon realized that none of the hundreds of undead that he commanded was with him.

As panic began to creep inside his heart, the necromancer roared, showing a behavior that a humanoid demon would not make. The necromancer tried to pounce on Blake who was just standing calmly, knowing that physical contact was possible in the space of his bloodline ability.

Blake just stood there, not even saying anything as he recognized the panicked and agitated look plastered on the necromancer’s face. Blake just let the guy do whatever he wanted to do first. And that includes him blinking rapidly several times as the necromancer flails his arms back and forth to his face, passing through Blake’s eyes and face repeatedly.

And as more time passed, the necromancer finally calmed down. Ceasing his constant flailing of hands, and retreated a few steps back from Blake which led to the current situation.

“Soo… Are you finally ready to talk?”

The necromancer did not say anything in response to Blake’s question. Instead, another growl escaped from his mouth.

“Are you really unable to talk?”

Despite his lack of understanding of demons, Blake was supposed to be able to somehow communicate with the necromancer considering that he could even understand Robus even though the huge gorilla also used growls to speak to him.

‘Does this mean he didn’t mean to say anything at all?’

‘Is this the same case with how I can not hear any words from Robus’ roar when he was about to jump into his enemies?’

In order to complete the covenant, Blake needed to talk with the necromancer and get his agreement on the covenant. If Blake could not even understand a single word the necromancer was saying, how would he know if the necromancer had accepted his proposal or if he even understood a single word Blake was speaking?

Blake was about to try and do more things to try and communicate with the necromancer, but stopped when he saw the necromancer raising his right palm, putting it in Blake’s direction.

“You still haven’t given up on that? No matter what you do, you or me, none of us can hurt each other he-”

Blake’s words were suddenly cut off as he saw runes right in front of the necromancer’s chest lit up.

‘I didn’t know you could activate your bloodline power here…’

Blake was about to turn into observer mode once again as he wanted to see what kind of things the necromancer was trying to pull off with his bloodline power.

But Blake’s nonchalant and calm demeanor soon broke apart as he felt his whole body from head to toe being pressured by an unknown force.

‘What… is… happening…’ Blake stared at the necromancer in front of him with his eye wide open, observing every inch of his body.

Blake then saw the necromancer slowly closing his open palm. To his surprise and fright, the closer the necromancer’s open palm from turning into a balled-up fist, Blake felt the pressure pushing into his body kept on increasing to the point where his knees buckled and he fell kneeling to the invisible ground.


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