Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 198 - 198 Demons...?

198 Demons...?

‘But what if there was another large group of demons that possibly wasn’t related to the humanoid demons from the deeper realms?’

Upon this realization dawning upon him, Blake soon reached a conclusion about the next course of action that he and his two best friends should take.

Darting his eyes in the direction of the humanoid demon base, only trees, and other vegetation filled his eyes. However, Blake’s eyes seemingly saw past through those huge trees and tall bushes, even past the walls and buildings of the humanoid demon base. Though his eyes couldn’t see them, his mind was visualizing the demon horde that had made the ground beneath his feet tremble due to their stampede.

A moving picture- a perfect replay video was happening in Blake’s head when he first laid his eyes on the horde. Some might focus on the intimidating air that the horde possesses, having seemingly unshakable lines of shoulders that move forward indefinitely no matter the obstacles in their course.

Some might also become fully alerted about their appearance, their ghastly appearance with their bodies that couldn’t be said to be complete or even healthy, even Blake already had several ideas about what those creatures were that looked fairly similar to other creatures that he had seen in movies before back in his world.

However, despite Blake being aware of the two points mentioned above, with the recent thoughts that he had and the earlier questions from his two friends about his goals, Blake was more focused on the other aspect that the horde had instead of the two mentioned points.

What Blake was focusing on was the large number of demons in that horde. And with a lot of demons being present, that also means the number of souls present was even much more with one demon giving him one or more souls.

Even if somehow Blake’s brain stopped working and lost the ability to remember how many demons were present inside the horde, the sheer trembling of the ground was enough to remind him of the copious number of demons in that horde.

So when he thought about what he should do next so he could evolve and then meet Vera faster, the answer soon presented itself in Blake’s mind.


“I know what we should do next,” Blake said, catching Robus and Cyra’s attention.

“The thing that we would be doing now would be simple, we only need to slaughter as many demons as possible,” Blake gave a short explanation first before continuing, “But to do that, we would have to prepare for a few things first.”

Fighting and killing the demons in the horde would be one of the fastest solutions to Blake’s problem of finding demons to kill and souls to consume. Still, just seeing the horde of moving demons, Blake couldn’t just come in and throw several spells to the horde and expect the horde would stop their unrelenting charge because of a few dark flame fireballs.

Feeling the tremble now, Blake did not believe that they would stop just because of a few fireballs, no matter how deadly it was. If the fireballs could not kill hundreds of demons in a single exchange or two, then Blake would not think about the fireballs being intimidating enough to even slow down their charge when huge towering walls of the base did not have the ability to do so.

However, that did not mean that there wouldn’t be a way for Blake to work around that restriction, he would just need to do a little something first.

‘And it would also let me learn more about them before they get nice and close for Robus to pummel.’

Their circumstances and appearances raised so many questions, and by probing them first, not all the questions might get an answer, but some will definitely be found, and that was much better than going into a fight with a completely unknown enemy that they know not a single thing about.

Blake then proceeded to tell his plans to Robus and Cyra, and the two soon nodded their heads, understanding their role quickly as Blake made his instructions simple enough for the two of them to follow.

Then with the three of them nodding their heads into each other, the three of them then started moving.

Instead of moving outside the forest to meet the force head-on and welcoming the horde with his bare body, Robus had gone deeper inside the trees instead, and moved to the side, away from the back of the humanoid demon’s base. The thick layer of trees was the only thing that stood between him and the plains where the demon horde was currently moving toward.

On the other hand, Blake and Cyra had once again gone into flight mode. Blake stood on Cyra’s back, wings spread, and hands holding tight onto her waist. After he was done making sure his hands would not accidentally slip, Blake then signaled Cyra to simultaneously release explosions under their feet, sending both their bodies up to the sky.

This time, instead of following Robus who had gone to a different part of the forest, they moved in the direction of the horde, flying high enough that they would not be reachable by those demons from below, but not too high that they could not release their attacks at their full strength.

With Blake and Cyra constantly using explosions of their fiery nether to push their bodies past the wind and Blake’s wings having made his body lighter, the two of them soon arrived in the air not too far from the charging horde.

They were only about 150 meters away from crashing into the humanoid demon’s base, and their seemingly indestructible line of demons would probably break apart slightly if they did run through the walls. But Blake did not have a plan to just remain idle and watch the show from above.

When he and Cyra were finally close enough, Blake told Cyra to commence the first part of their plan. With Blake’s hand being occupied with securing Cyra, Blake’s task would be keeping the two of them flying above the air using his wings and explosions to his feet.

While Cyra, whose hands were free, began creating fireballs with them, then later threw those fireballs toward the horde below her.

Cyra’s ability in controlling the fiery nether was really above Blake’s as the dark flame fireballs that she created in just a split second was far stronger compared to the dark flame fireballs that Blake created by gathering his nether for a whole second.

The dark flame fireballs that she created in that short amount of time were capable of creating a dark flame fireball that could essentially hit three demons at the same time, burning at least six demons’ bodies in just a single volley of her attacks.

And while Cyra was focused on creating the fireballs and throwing them at as many demons as possible, changing the locations of the thrown fireballs to make sure that as many demons were touched by her flames instead of hitting the same target over and over again, Blake was focused on something else.

Blake’s feet and wings never ceased their activity, adjusting the shape of the wings every once in a while, making sure Cyra would keep having more patches of demons that had not been tapped by her flames yet, and creating several smaller explosions that were used to maintain the height that he was currently flying on rather than gaining more heights.

However, the one that had spent most of Blake’s focus was not his feet or wings, but it was his eyes.

Different kinds of demons, varying from humanoid demon mages, humanoid demons with unique physical traits, wolf-like demonic beasts, bear-like demonic beasts, deer-like demonic beasts, whatever kind of demons, Blake could almost find them all if he searched hard enough.

‘Though there were no flying demonic beasts or humanoid demons so far.’

And just like the demons that exist at the front of the horde, leading the charge, the demons that ran in the front middle part of the horde, Blake thought as front middle part because he still couldn’t see the end of the horde yet despite flying a little deeper, still had the same look, being paler than the usual demons he knew, and with wounds covering their bodies, yet running as powerful as if they were healthy.

The more he observed the horde, the earlier guess that had in his mind became firmer. Blake had read about a similar thing in the textbook about demons that he studied back in the human world, but since it only mentioned general characteristics, Blake couldn’t be 100% sure yet, but at least he already had 80% confidence that his guess might be true.

Blake did not just focus on observing what kind of demons exist in the horde, what took most of his attention was observing how they react to being attacked by Cyra’s dark flame, which would be more than enough to cause an unbearable amount of pain to common demons.

And what Blake found had proved his theory even further.

Cyra’s dark flame worked like usual, they were incredibly potent, with a single spark being enough to cause flames to start lighting up on a demon’s body, resulting in the demons having their bodies light up.

However, instead of thrashing around and trying to put out the flames, the demons below him did not do anything as if the flames did not hurt them one bit. They just continued their change, seemingly unbothered at all by the presence of dark flame on their bodies.

‘They didn’t even react when Cyra threw those fireballs at them, not a single look above or even anywhere to see who had attacked them…’

‘Just running forward without caring about anything, they seemed to be… mindless…?’

With this knowledge in mind, Blake was now 99% sure that he was correct.

‘These guys were… demon zombies…?’


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