Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 194 - 194 An Unexpected Situation

194 An Unexpected Situation

With the loudest explosion he ever heard in his entire life resounding throughout the whole forest base, Blake couldn’t help but unconsciously put his hands over his ears, trying to tune out the invading sound as much as possible.

Blake was torn between using his hands to also cover up his eyes compared to his ears because the dust cloud that was caused by the strongest dark flame bullet he and Cyra had ever launched was so huge that his excellent sight could see hundreds of meters away was now blocked tremendously by the thick dust floating around in the air.

But in the end, the resounding boom that happened was way more domineering compared to the dust impeding his eyesight, so his hands had automatically moved to cover his ears instead.

After the loud boom that had almost made Blake totally forget about the horde of demons running toward his direction and made the ground beneath his feet tremble, silence descended upon the area.

Upon the silence, Blake tried to use his senses, mostly his eyes and ears to find out more about what had happened to their surroundings.

He tried to look inside the hole that was supposedly only four steps away from his position to see whether the soul of the muscular humanoid demon had floated up or not, but the dust cloud had yet to settle down and Blake couldn’t see anything yet.

There was also the chance that the soul had not floated up too high due to the hole had sunk even deeper due to the strength of the dark flame bullet that was even stronger than the one used to destroy a whole front gate that was even bigger than Robus, so Blake stayed in his place, waiting patiently for the dust cloud to lessen before jumping down into the hole.

Though the ground beneath his feet had not stopped trembling yet and had even gotten stronger, signaling the horde of demons were not stopping their advance and kept getting closer and closer to him, Blake had seen the distance separating the horde and the base wall, it was more than enough for him to wait for a dust cloud to die down and revealing the sight in front of him.

However, Blake didn’t just stand idly by either. Knowing that his next step after this was to run away to the forest to escape the horde of peculiar demons, Blake spread his wings and told Cyra to prepare to run away as soon as his hands grasped the soul of the muscular humanoid demon.


Both his eyes and ears were focusing on anything that might enter their radar, and with the dust cloud settling down more and more, Blake could finally see the glow of the dark flame inside the hole, telling him the dark flame had most likely started eating the muscular humanoid demon’s body after blasting off his head.

Blake decided to wait a couple more seconds for the dust cloud to completely settle back down to the ground, but his caution suddenly rose to the highest level when he didn’t expect a sound would register to his ears.

Blake wouldn’t have been so alerted if the noise he heard was the sound of the feet of the horde of demons making their way closer or even the sound of them crashing against the base wall. The base of the humanoid demon spans for more than several hundred meters in diameter, and it would take more than just a few seconds for the horde to cross that distance with the speed they were moving at.

The reason Blake had violently jerked his head toward the direction of the sound, was none other than because he heard those sounds coming from inside the hole where the burning corpse of the muscular humanoid demon should have been lying.

Upon the dust cloud disappearing, Blake finally realized that even though the dark flame was indeed still burning, Blake couldn’t see any dark orb floating in the middle of the hole.

He could see parts of the dark earth constructs that he had built still stood tall, a testament to the toughness of the material that those constructs were built with, albeit some parts had been destroyed, particularly the diagonal dark earth wall that supposedly held the muscular humanoid demon’s head due to being the target of one of the strongest attack that Blake and Cyra could cast.

Blake could even see the dark flame burning up through those rubbles and partially standing construct, but he couldn’t see any soul orb.

And the sound that he heard the first time was heard again, this time more evident than ever, the sounds of something violently brushing against the dirt ground entered his ears.

The next moment though, Blake didn’t even need to focus on his ears as the reverberating noise of earth crumbling was once again heard from the middle of the hole, and this time, Blake’s eyes could also see movement from the middle of the hole.

The dark earth constructs that should have stayed intact unless a creature with Robus’ might hit it with all its power suddenly crumbled down, revealing the muscular humanoid demon’s body that still had dark flames burning on his body, eating his flesh, and revealing the white bones underneath the muscular humanoid demon’s red skin.

Blake didn’t know how the muscular humanoid demon could even survive such an ordeal, but seeing that his head which was supposedly blasted off by his dark flame bullet was relatively intact and less injured compared to other parts of his body that were either charred or was in fact, still burning, Blake’s head turned the gears in his mind, trying to figure out what had happened.

However, his reflex of mind to figure out how things had happened first instead of thinking about how to deal with the unprecedented event turned out to be a fatal mistake for Blake.

Without any darkness tendrils binding his body down anymore, the muscular humanoid demon was now able to move and use his muscles freely.

And instead of flying in the air, relying on the strength of his wings to move, his feet, the strongest of his muscle group, now had access to the ground where he could gather his monstrous strength and blast it off against the solid ground. And that simply means…

In a blink of an eye, the time that Blake spent realizing that he should not be thinking about the how of the past but what of the future, the muscular figure on the ground, had suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing inside the hole other than half-standing dark earth constructs and rubbles.

Blake wanted to raise his eyes and dart his eyes left and right to search the muscular humanoid demon’s whereabouts, but before his neck muscle was even able to move his head upward, a large figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, blocking anything his eyes could see other than the sturdy red body of the figure.

Blake’s mind could not even register the shock properly before his world suddenly turned upward, an expanse of red sky entered his eyesight as numbness assaulted his chin.

Blake didn’t even feel his body was flying through the air before he crashed back down, making the numbness spread from his chin to the back of his back.

Cyra, who was right beside Blake at the time, was not less surprised when she saw Blake’s body suddenly shot backward without any resistance, seemingly flying like a loose kite.

With a single blink, Cyra saw the imposing figure that stood a step away from her. Nether began to course in her body as she was forming a dark flame blade in her hands.

However, before the dark flame blade had finished forming, she felt her instinct screaming at her, telling her to get away as soon as possible.

From what was supposed to be a dark flame blade, Cyra abandoned her fine control over the dark flame in her hands as she violently exert all the fiery nether that she gathered in her hands, resulting in another explosion that pushed her body off the ground, flying backward as she felt a strong wave of air brushed past her chest.

She raised her head forward, seeing the muscular humanoid demon sweep his feet towards her direction, carrying enough power for her to even feel a wave of wind despite her whole body being coated by dark flame.

Seeing the appearance of the muscular humanoid demon that was somehow still capable of standing, Cyra prepared herself for another fight, sending her nether through her hands once again.

But then, she suddenly thought of something important, averting her gaze from the muscular humanoid demon’s figure, back to Blake’s direction.

Blake was still laying on the ground despite him having landed about a second ago, and she didn’t see any signs of Blake’s muscle twitching or moving in an attempt to get back up.

‘I need to protect brother!’

Cyra then discarded her initial thought of a fight and shifted her focus on protecting Blake, her feet already filled with nether, ready to cause another explosion to push her body closer to Blake’s location.

However, when she checked on the muscular humanoid demon, Cyra could only see a blur moving sideways, straight to the direction of the west wall of the base, the part where there wasn’t any forest but instead the huge expanse of the uneven grounds and grass.

The blur then easily jumped up the tall walls as if it was only a meter tall before then disappearing into the back of the wall, forever lost from her sight if she didn’t chase after it.

She knew that it was the muscular humanoid demon running away, and as much as she wanted to fight, the priority in her mind right now was Blake’s condition, so she ignored the fleeing muscular humanoid demon, and instead released the nether in her feet to get closer to Blake.



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