Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 6 - Leaving the village

Chapter 6 - Leaving the village

The village elder was convinced that Valdel had the blood of the hero coursing through his veins. So during the village meeting, the village elder explained his hypothesis that Valdel had the possibility of being the next hero. After a lengthy explanation, the village elder proposed that everyone should help pitch in to pay for Valdel's entrance to the knight academy.

Of course, he still couldn't attend this year since he was too young. The youngest one should be to be able to attend was at the age of sixteen years. Not only that they needed to pay two gold coins for the entrance fee. When the men of the village heard this, they were shocked. Some of them didn't even want to pitch in but now hearing the price the others who wanted to help now wanted to back out as well.

The village elder then said another thing that shocked the villagers once more. He said that he would shoulder half the cost. He by himself will pay one gold coin, and the other gold coin could be given by all the other men of the village.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but why should we pay for Valdel's schooling? It's already pretty hard to simply get by. I don't have enough, so how could I give any?" One of the men protested.

"Yes, that's right!" Another followed then another. Valdel's father couldn't say anything since he couldn't force them to help. If he could he wanted to pay for everything, but one gold coin was already impossible for him, let alone two.

"You fools! Have you forgotten who saved your pitiful lives?! If Valdel hadn't killed the red bear, we would've sent every man available to fight it, and even with that, there was no guarantee of victory. Many of you... No all of us would've died without Valdel! So is money more important than your lives?" The village elder shouted this was the first time they had heard the old man shout at anyone.

Even though what the village elder said made them feel ashamed, they still needed to say what had to be said.

"Even so! if we help Valdel pay for knight academy, we will still die. Not by the red bear, but because of poverty." Some of the men nodded at this statement.

The village elder snorted at this statement.

"Die of poverty? Really? You must be kidding me, Brenton. The meat you eat is delivered by the hunters of the village which share a portion of the meat they hunt. They keep some for themselves and sell the rest. So you won't die of hunger, so do you mean you will die because of the taxes? The taxes are indeed a bit heavy, but not too unreasonable that you wouldn't have any left. Or don't you want to share a bit of money since you need it for the you hire every time you go to town." The village elder looked at Brenton disgusted, he also looked at the others who had supported the fool.

"I know all of these things, I might be old but I'm not a fool like you. Do you want me to tell your wife... Actually do you want me to tell all your wives?" The village elder threatened the other men of the village who didn't want to cooperate.

"But I have never even touched another woman, let alone go to a p.r.o.s.tit.u.t.e." One of the men who protested earlier spoke.

"Hmph, I know all of your dirty little secrets. I have a good informant, so if you don't want me to tell your wives you might as well help. Instead of using the money to buy useless things, using it to cheat, and other such nonsense. Why don't you people just use it for your savior, for our savior. Also if Valdel becomes a knight, the status of this village will rise, and the taxes will lessen. He could even help us with that horrible marquis." When the villagers heard the village elder's threat they felt helpless. They knew what kind of misdeeds they've done.

Yet when they heard the latter part of the village elder's speech, they felt a bit more motivated to help. Now they were wondering why he simply didn't start with that.

"You youngsters are so easy to read. If I started with that some of you might simply agree because the others did so, then later I will find out you don't want to help at all. So I simply stated what I want to happen, and you fools obviously objected, next I threatened you all forcing you to help, finally, I gave you a better reason to help, making you feel a bit more motivated."

When the villagers heard what the village elder said, they all thought the same thing. What a sly old fox the village elder was. The next topic the villagers talked about was the entrance exam, they needed to teach Valdel how to read and write. Well even if he does fail the written exam as long as he does well in the practical exam he would still be able to enter.

"Dave you be the one to teach him how to read and write. If I remember correctly back in the day you used to be a merchant. So you must know many more things about the kingdom than me. Are you willing to do it." The village elder smiled at the merchant mischievously.

'For the eldest person here the old man sure acts like a child.' This was the thought everyone present had about the village elder when they saw his smile.

Dave shrugged his shoulders as he answered. "Sure I can, it's not like I can refuse." After this, the subsequent topics were easier to talk about.

Later Dave didn't know he would not only teach Valdel but Ren, Lisa, and Lara as well.


It has been three years since the attack from the red bear, as well as that peculiar village meeting. At this moment the people of the village were gathered at the entrance of the village. At the exit, three youths were saying their goodbyes.

One was a handsome blond-haired youth wearing some cheap armor and a short sword on his waist. Another was an average looking black haired kid with multiple hunting knives on his waist. The last was a beautiful girl who has her hair tied in a ponytail, she was equipped with a bow and arrow.

These three youths were Valdel, Ren, and Lara. Today was the day they leave the village. Valdel was going to attend the knight academy. Ren has decided to become an adventurer, while Lara wanted to follow Ren.

Lisa who was looking at her childhood friends, and her sister ready to leave, couldn't help but tear up a bit. She too wanted to join them, but she had not the capability to do so. On the day Ren proclaimed he wanted to be an adventurer, many tried to persuade him to stop. Yet he was persistent, the village elder decided to let Ren go if he was able to beat every man in the village.

So it was supposed to be a one on one each time until he beat them all. But Ren thought differently, he told all of the men to come at him at the same time. Some of them were furious because of his arrogance so they attacked together, but Ren easily subdued them. When the villagers saw how powerful Ren was, they had no choice but to agree to his decision. Even though they still thought Valdel could beat him since they saw that power of his awakening skill.

All of them thought nothing in this world could resist that power. After Ren's test was done, Lara and even Lisa said they wanted to become adventurers as well. Of course, they were given the same test, Lara won without a problem, but Lisa wasn't as good. So, in the end, she was forced to stay.

Matias and Milly hugged their son for a long while. Milly was crying so much not wanting to let go.

"Ren, if things get difficult you can always come back. No matter what, this is your home. Mommy will always be waiting for you." After crying for a bit more, Milly reluctantly let go of her son.

Matias then handed Ren a bag of silver coins.

"I know it isn't much, but I heard you need to pay to register in the adventurers guild. You can also use this to rent a room in an inn. I know you will become a great adventurer. I hope next time you come home, you'll bring home a wife."

Matias then slyly looks at Lara, while giving a wink at his son. Ren had a torrent of emotions flooding him at this moment. He wasn't used to these kinds of parting, one with emotion. When he was a demon, parting was a natural thing, so one didn't even need to invest any emotion.

Ren who had the sudden urge unconsciously hugged his mother and father.

"Don't worry I will become the best. I will always send money your way, and when I return not to mention one, I will bring back a bunch of wives."

The moment he said that he will bring a bunch of wives, an arrow flew past his head. When he looked where it came from, Lara with her expressionless face had fired the arrow.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Shouted Ren.

"Nothing... My hand slipped." With her ever stoic face, many couldn't understand what Lara was feeling or thinking. Except for Ren who knew she was being jealous.

Matias and even Milly who was crying started to laugh.

Valdel was also saying his goodbyes to his parents after he was done Lisa approached him. "So you guys are finally leaving."

"Yeah." Valdel didn't know what to say since he always thought the four of them would always stay together.

"I will always be waiting here for you guys." Lisa wanted to tell more. She wanted to tell him that she loved him, she wanted to kiss him, and tell him not to forget her, but in the end, she stopped herself. She didn't want to become a shackle of the one she loves. She knew that Valdel will be doing great things, he will surely become the hero he wishes to be.

So the only thing she can say right now was that she will be waiting. She couldn't become like her sister, able to follow and support the one she loves. So this was alright, she needed to endure for him and herself.

Valdel knew that Lisa wanted to say something more, but he hesitated to hear what it was. Cause if he hears what Lisa wants to say, his resolve to leave and become a great hero might waver. So, in the end, he decided to simply say.

"Don't worry I'll be back, no we'll be back, and I'm sure we'll have a ton of stories to tell you." While saying this, Lara and even Ren came closer to the two.

Ren who had a thousand years more experience, felt like he was simply being influenced by his human self. Yet he decided to embrace it, this warm feeling wasn't really repulsive it was actually quite comfortable.

The four childhood friends did a group huddle. "So this is it, the start of our very own adventures," Valdel spoke emotionally.

"I'll miss you, sis, I will try to write to you every week." Lara who was usually so stoic was actually showing an abundance of emotion at this moment.

"Just be safe, also keep these two idiots safe as well." Lisa was smiling but also crying at the same time as she said this.

"Who is taking care of who? Shouldn't you be asking me to take care of these two babies?" Ren was the last to speak, Hearing his comeback made the other three laugh. Ren joined in as well they laughed and laughed until finally, they needed to say goodbye for real.

The three walked away from the village, as their silhouettes slowly disappeared from sight. Lisa knelt and broke down crying.

"Why?! Why couldn't I do it?! Why was I the only one left behind?! WAAAAAAAAAAAH!" It took a while for Lisa to finally calm down.

This marked the day three legends started their grand, epic adventure.


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