Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 512: 328 Doubt_1

Chapter 512: Chapter 328 Doubt_1

The Sect Leader of the Flying Flow Sect frowned, unsure of how to defend himself against the combined suspicious gazes of the other leaders. The Flying Flow Sect was indeed collecting something, but it had nothing to do with the assassination last night. However, the matter was too important to share with others.

After contemplating again and again, he heaved a long sigh, “I admit to the actions of the Flying Flow Sect, but it’s definitely unrelated to last night’s assassination. Whether the other five major sects believe me or not is irrelevant. We won’t waste time explaining or justifying this.”

“Why is that?” All the Sect Leaders were puzzled. What was the Flying Flow Sect plotting that they’d rather be suspected as the culprits and escalate their conflict with the Heavenly Saint Sect, than reveal their sneaky dealings from last night?

Previously, only the Heavenly Saint Sect was involved in investigating the murderer. Now, the other sects were also alarmed. Was the Flying Flow Sect scheming something in the dark that could jeopardize the safety of all six sects? Everyone put pressure on the Flying Flow Sect, insisting they reveal the truth.

Seeing that the five major sects had used their Rule to intimidate, the Sect Leader of the Flying Flow Sect was covered in a cold sweat. Even though they were all at the Half-step Saint Seat level, he alone, regardless of how strong he was, could not possibly contend with five people. It was certain that if he did not provide a plausible explanation, the five would attack him at once, as the issue pertained to the interests of the major sects and could not allow any negligence.

An Elder from the Flying Flow Sect then stepped forward to intervene, stating, “Please don’t resort to violence. The Flying Flow Sect has indeed been collecting information about the other sects and scouting the surrounding terrain because we intend to relocate to the Demon Beast Mountain Range.”

“The Flying Flow Sect has always been located in harsh conditions, which has weakened us over many years. This is detrimental to our growth. Luckily, the Beast King from the Demon Beast Mountain Range has fallen, making this spot a perfect location for our new home. All five of you are here for the opportunity provided by the Saint Seat, but the Flying Flow Sect is merely looking for a place to settle.”

“However, since everything has not yet been decided, ideally, we didn’t want to stir up any rumors. The reason we investigated your forces was out of concern that you may also plan on relocating here, given that the spiritual energy here is many times richer than anywhere else. The murder of over a dozen people last night has nothing to do with us.”

The Sect Leader of the Flying Flow Sect glared sharply at the Elder and chastised, “If you shouldn’t say it, don’t. Your honesty has disrupted our plan. Where can we find another ideal location?”

The other five Sect Leaders relieved, no longer doubting his words. They were well aware of the circumstances of the Flying Flow Sect. Comparing this situation with the murder, the former was clearly far more important. A sect moving to a new location would not want disruptions during such a crucial phase. The incident last night was bound to anger the Flying Flow Sect.

“If it wasn’t the Flying Flow Sect, then it must be the Shingo Sect. Celica Shingo may have outwardly agreed, but being a father, who wouldn’t seethe over his own child being arrested?”

The Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect coughed, immediately shifting the blame to the Shingo Sect. Celica Shingo who enjoyed hearing this was suddenly taken aback. He found himself branded as the prime suspect and glared back with anger, remembering he had not wronged the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect and that their relations were even relatively harmonious.

Celica Shingo clenched his teeth and stared at the Heavenly Sword Sect, “Before speaking, provide evidence. Our Shingo Sect has always stayed out of these disputes. Besides, my name is well known to everyone. If I were to act, I would do it openly, not behave like a coward. You should find out the truth before making accusations.”

The other Sect Leaders all nodded. Celica Shingo’s character was unquestionable as he had reached a level of pure integrity. Even if the Shingo Sect was involved, it would have been an order from an elder in the sect, not from Celica Shingo himself.

“Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect, you have been pointing fingers at everyone. I suspect you are the one behind this! What gives you the right to accuse others? You have already provoked several sects. If you don’t provide an explanation, our Flying Flow Sect will be the first to oppose.”

The Sect Leader of the Flying Flow Sect sneered. Just a moment ago, the former was accusing him, and now he had cleverly shifted the blame to others. But he certainly hadn’t taken the others for fools who would let him manipulate the situation to his advantage.

Celica Shingo, too, was quick to accuse the Heavenly Sword Sect, together with the Flying Flow Sect. Until now, he was not part of the whole scenario and was just observing the show, until he suddenly noticed the blame being shifted to him. He could now understand the Flying Flow Sect. The others were incessantly adding fuel to the fire.

The other Sect Leaders shared this sentiment, jointly pressuring the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect who had now falsely accused two sects. None of them felt secure; anyone could have become the next accused. While the Shingo Sect and the Flying Flow Sect could clear their names quite easily, they knew it wasn’t going to be as simple for them if they ended up being accused.

So, in order to avoid falling under the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect’s suspicions, they decided to act first. They pushed the blame onto him, making him the prime suspect, since all the victims had left behind written words in their blood. Wasn’t this irrefutable evidence pointing to the Heavenly Sword Sect? With the bloody letters clearly proving everything, why were they casting doubt on each other?

The Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect looked wary. His refusal to bear the blame had caused the others to rise against him. But he knew he couldn’t back down now. Otherwise, he would certainly be declared the murderer, and the Heavenly Sword Sect couldn’t take the blame for it. This would result in them missing out on the opportunity of the Saint Seat, a scenario he couldn’t afford with his life span already dwindling to less than ten years.

The Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect took a deep breath, his eyes pondering, “I understand why you all resent the Heavenly Sword Sect because of our superior strength. But let me earnestly ask you, does anyone amongst you desire the opportunity of the Saint Seat more desperately than I do? To generate conflict among us by murdering over ten people is to hinder the progress of seizing the opportunity. ”

” Unlike you, I have only a few hundred years left after breaking through to the Half-step Saint Seat. Even for my own selfish desires, I wouldn’t let a minor issue influence the bigger picture. Regardless of how deep the enmity might be, I would set it aside until this matter has been settled.”

“But how would you explain the blood letters?” Although his words made sense, Celica Shingo couldn’t help doubting, considering how openly the other had doubted him earlier. This was his little act of revenge. After all, the blood letters left behind by the victims were the best weapon for accusation.

The others initially agreed. However, due to Celica Shingo’s question, they became indecisive again. Could they trust the words written in blood by those who were about to die? None of them had seen the murderer, but the victims would have seen their killer. Could their words not be trusted?


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