Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 496: 311 Bowen_1

Chapter 496: 311 Bowen_1

“Perhaps our power is not strong enough, let all of us in the Throne Realm join forces, I refuse to believe this array can withstand our attack. Everyone, use your strongest Divine Skill, we must crush this barrier.”

The Heavenly Sword Sect Leader scowled intensely, directing his gaze towards everyone present. There were more than a hundred people in the Throne Realm. Their combined combat power was equivalent to that of a few Dominators. They didn’t believe they couldn’t break such a small array.

In addition, there were even Transcendent Tier individuals among them, the most numerous group. Almost every sect had dispatched a thousand people. Six sects together made up six thousand people, plus the force from Celica Shingo’s Shingo Sect, amounted to nearly ten thousand in all. Could this number fail to shatter the barrier? Even the Holy See would probably find it hard to survive.

At his command, more than a hundred people in Throne Realm stepped forward and launched a joint attack on the array barrier. However, just like before, it remained as solid and immovable as a mountain, not showing the slightest fluctuation. It was as if the array had been naturally formed, directly blocking off a small world.

The sect leaders lost their temper and scolded, “Everyone, listen! Call all the nearby disciples here, even those in the Mythical Realm who are Below Transcendent tier. As long as they are cultivators, they will do. Today, I refuse to believe.”

In their anger, they also hid a trace of fear because if they couldn’t break this array, they, half-step Holy See, would have to pay the price here. No matter how they thought of it, they felt wronged and restless, so they were prepared to use any means necessary as long as they could break the array.

At this moment, a Dominator Realm cultivator among the crowd spoke: “Sect Leader, I happen to know an Array Master. He’s quite well-known within a ten-thousand-mile radius, and even many nearby lords are his disciples. How about inviting him to break the array? With his skills, I’m sure he can capture frogs within one’s reach.”

“Why didn’t you say this earlier?” The Dominator Realm was a member of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and so the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect berated him in anger. If he had said so earlier, they could have sent someone to invite the Array Master sooner. They wouldn’t have gone through all that trouble, he had even thought that they were done for. His subordinates seemed to lack common sense.

The Dominator Realm could only scratch his head and smile bitterly, “Because he’s very talented, he naturally charges a high price. Normally, each of his services cost ten thousand spirit stones. This time, several Half-Step Holy Sees are trapped. I suppose he will also take some effort. I guess it will cost at least one hundred thousand spirit stones.”

“One hundred thousand Spirit Stones?” Celica Shingo chuckled, then said earnestly: “Even if it’s one million Spirit Stones, it isn’t a big deal. The seven of us will share the cost. That’s only a small amount for one person. Just assign people to invite him. But remember, they must return within an hour, no matter what means they use, understand?”

The Dominator nodded and promptly left through the void to invite the person. The place once again fell into a stalemate. A few hundred people could only stand by the edge of the array. However, they were also embarrassed. After all, they had to stay with the sect leader all the time, and any disagreement could cause them be blamed.

“Half of the people here stay, and the rest can return to the camp and make sure to keep an eye on Wake Shingo,” commanded the leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Yet, he understood that probably wake Shingo was already rescued, and it was already too late to rush back. Still, he held onto a glimmer of hope.

Half of the people immediately departed as commanded, and the remaining people genuinely regretted it. Why were they one step too late? It’s definitely better to stay here than to return to the camp. Watching Wake Shingo was just a pretense for resting. By now, it was already late at night, and many people present were already sleepy.

However, some wise people certainly didn’t want to return to the camp. They could guess that it had already turned into a mess. Wake Shingo must have been rescued long ago. By staying, they could avoid responsibility. If they returned, they would be blamed by the sect leader, and by then, not even jumping into the Golden River would help.

Meanwhile, Bart Clouds, stationed at the other end of the camp, received a message from Logan. The message informed him that six Half-Saints and Celica Shingo were trapped. Soon after, he saw several hundred people leaving the campsite. Now was the perfect opportunity to rescue Wake Shingo. Only a few Throne Realm guards were left in the camp.

This was of no concern to Bart Cloud. After conducting a thorough investigation, he found the camp where Wake Shingo was being held. Outside the door, there were only two guards. Both were at the realm of Throne Realm, but neither had reached the level of the Perfect King’s Seat. Bart Cloud had the confidence to defeat them within ten moves.

However, he did not want to resort to drastic measures if it was not necessary. If there were Dominators hiding inside the camp, any noise would draw attention, possibly jeopardizing the opportunity Logan had created. But after a little thought, he had an idea, plotting to lure these two men away.

Bart Cloud’s plan was simple. He simply set fire to a luxurious camp nearby, obviously a place occupied by a sect leader or an Elder. Such an action would undoubtedly attract attention. Sure enough, the two guards panicked when they saw the fire, debating whether or not they should attempt to put out the fire.

However, they had previously been given orders to guard Wake Shingo at all costs and not to move an inch from his side, so they were currently in the middle of a dilemma. After all, the camp that caught fire belonged to the sect leader. If any heavenly treasures were burned within, they could not bear the Sect Leader’s wrath.

And if the fire spread, it would not only burn just one camp. It could set all the nearby tents on fire. The other sects would definitely be furious then. Just thinking about it made their hearts shiver. They were just minor inner disciples who couldn’t afford to offend anyone.

One of the men sighed deeply and then said to the other, “Why don’t we put out the fire for a while and then come back? There are only two of us left in the camp. It should only take a minute to extinguish the fire, which is much better than letting it spread and being blamed by the Sect Leader. Didn’t the Sect Leader always say that we lack foresight?”

“No, in comparison to a tent, Wake Shingo is clearly the top priority. He carries the chance left to him by the Heavenly Saint Daoist and the Beast King. He is also the reason why all the sects have gathered in the Demon Beast Mountain Range.”

The other shook his head. He’d rather be scolded by the Sect Leader than let Wake Shingo risk being rescued. After all, the latter is a capital crime, while the former is just a punishment for reflection. You should weigh the pros and cons.

“Wake Shingo is going to be executed tomorrow. He’s already lost his value.” The companion gave a noncommittal reply. The various sect leaders had already given up on Wake Shingo, and there definitely won’t be anyone coming to rescue him. After all, they would be facing several half-step Saint Seats. Do ordinary people really possess such courage?

“I have an idea. One of us can stay here, and the other can go put out the fire quickly. If someone takes the opportunity to come to rescue, as long as you shout, I’ll rush back immediately. How about that?”

The two belonged to different sects, and the tent that caught fire was the camp of one of their Sect Leaders, so he was naturally anxious. The other guard, after some hesitation, agreed, since the other had already conceded.


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