Defrosting The Cold Young Master

Chapter 8 - 8: Going Home to Slap Faces!

8 Chapter 8: Going Home to Slap Faces!

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Jiang Siyou knew what it meant to be a man of the hour.

Compared to Ye Xingbei, she was nobody.

If she could take advantage of Ye Xingbei’s softheartedness, make her forgive her, then with Ye Xingbei as her backing, she would have a ceaseless supply of benefits in the future!

Becoming an international superstar, making a fortune every day, and being the center of attention, was an easy feat!

Such a golden leg, others could only dream of holding, but she, as long as she abandoned her dignity and begged, could achieve it!

After all, she and Ye Xingbei were sisters. As long as she cried miserably, she doubted Ye Xingbei would remain indifferent!

Her plan was good, and she appeared to be very adaptable.

But unfortunately, she was wrong.

The Ye Xingbei of today, was not the Ye Xingbei from five years ago.

Strong through motherhood.

Although Xiao Shu was not her biological son, in order to protect him and ensure his healthy development, the Ye Xingbei who had remained strong for five years would no longer give anyone a chance to exploit her again.

She found the scene of Jiang Siyou pleading for mercy quite delightful, it was a pity, there were too few spectators.

She suddenly thought about Gu Junzhu’s mention of the visit back to the Jiang Family in two days.

That day, the members of the Jiang family, should be all present!

On that day… Jiang Siyou, just wait and see!

And the other Jiangs as well!

She was really looking forward to their reactions when they saw that Gu Junzhu was not terminally ill at all, and she had no intention of playing the part of a widow!


Two days later.


Ten o’clock.

Gu Junzhu was sitting leisurely in the back seat of the car, looking at Ye Xingbei sitting next to him with interest: “I didn’t expect you to actually go back to the Jiang Family with me.”

Ye Xingbei snorted coldly, looking at him: “I also didn’t expect that the notorious free-spirited Fifth Young Master of the Gu family would give up his carefree life as a bachelor to be trapped by a marriage certificate!”

Gu Junzhu raising an eyebrow at her: “You understand me very well?”

Ye Xingbei shot him a glance: “I didn’t before. Now I do. Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy is the quickest path to divorce!”

The idea that she inexplicably had a legal husband made her feel like vomiting blood.

Damn Jiangs!

Damn Jiang Siyou!

Let’s see her deal with that later!

“Divorce?” Gu Junzhu crossed his arms behind his head, sighing: “My status means that I can’t get a divorce easily, drop that thought, it’s more feasible to think about pretending to be a couple.”

Ye Xingbei frowned: “What is your so-called status that doesn’t allow you to divorce easily?”

Gu Junzhu looked at her: “Didn’t my dad tell you? I am a state-appointed employee, a divorce requires approval from a special examiner, which is only possible if my grandpa gives his consent. If you wait for that, it’s more realistic to wait for my old man to kick the bucket.”

Ye Xingbei: “…”

Is it really okay to curse your own father like this?

Is he really his son?

She frowned: “I don’t understand, with your family’s conditions, there’s no woman you can’t get. Why did you have to choose the decrepit Jiang Family?”

Gu Junzhu gave her a sideways glance, tsks: “It looks like the Jiang’s really offended you. You call your maternal family the decayed household without stuttering.”

Ye Xingbei snorted: “I’ve long since stopped being part of the Jiang’s. I’m a Ye now; the Jiang family is not my maternal home!”

Gu Junzhu raises an eyebrow: “If the Jiang family is not your maternal home, why are you so eager to return?”

“Who told you that I’m going back to the Jiang family today for a visit?” Ye Xingbei raised her eyebrows at him: “I’m going back to cause some chaos, okay? With the distinguished Fifth Master Gu visiting them in person, all the members of the Jiang family will definitely be at home! Today, I will exact what they owe me, one by one, none of them can run away!”


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