Debuff Master

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Siegfried went on the offensive this time, attacking Kaosin with his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp that had transformed into a saber.


Kaosin was nearly caught off guard by Siegfried’s speed, but he managed to cast a Movement Speed buff on himself to widen the distance between them.

Movement Speed buff? It’s no use,’ Siegfried thought and placed down Shadow Hell the moment he saw Kaosin trying to escape with the help of a buff.


The debuff field greatly slowed down Kaosin’s movement speed.

“W-What the hell is this?!” Kaosin exclaimed upon realizing that he was encumbered by something invisible. He became as slow as a turtle.

He planned to evade the oncoming attack using his Movement Speed buff, but he ended up much slower than earlier upon receiving a debuff.

“And what the hell are these?!” Kaosin exclaimed once again after a bunch of shadows emerged from the ground and charged at him.


The Night Stalkers conjured by Shadow Hell moved nimbly, and they went after Kaosin, swinging their shadow sabers at him.

Kaosin gripped his dual sabers and growled, “I’m going to kill all of you.”

He swung his sabers, cutting down the Night Stalkers one by one, but his efforts were in vain. The Night Stalkers simply came back to life, and they even came back stronger than ever.

“What kind of fucked up skill is this—” Kaosin growled under his breath, but he was unable to finish his words.

All of a sudden, Siegfried appeared in front of him and greeted, “Hi!”


Kaosin’s eyes shot wide open from surprise, but before he could do anything, Siegfried swung his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp from right to left, lacerating Kaosin’s chest.


Blood spurted out of the wound in Kaosin’s chest.


Surprisingly, he still had the strength to swing his sabers and retaliate. He possessed an animal-like instinct that allowed him to retaliate despite his grievous wounds, but Siegfried was one step ahead of him.


Kaosin's sabers carried with them immense bloodlust, but Siegfried used the step he had learned from the Grappling Master, Leonid, to evade the attacks and counterattack with his own.


The +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp sliced Kaosin’s back, leaving a nasty bleeding wound.

“You bastard...!” Kaosin growled and tried to appear as threatening as possible.

However, Siegfried did not even give him the slightest opening to retaliate.


The +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp sliced Kaosin’s right arm.


And Kaosin's right arm fell to the ground with a dull thud...

AAAARGH!” Kaosin cried out like a wounded beast. His primal instincts then kicked in as he swung his saber with his remaining hand, but it was in vain.


Siegfried was a step faster than Kaosin. The +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp sliced Kaosin’s left arm before Kaosin could even swing his saber down.

Kaosin lost both arms in the span of a few seconds. He lost his balance after losing both arms, and he ended up kneeling in front of Siegfried.

“You fucking bastard... I went easy on you—” Kaosin growled.



“You? Went easy on me?” Siegfried scoffed. Then, he flashed a smug smirk and said, “With your pathetic skills?”

“Y-You...!” Kaosin started trembling from anger upon seeing the smug smirk tugging at Siegfried's lips.

Exactly one minute later...

“I’m going to make sure you fucki—” Kaosin growled.

He was about to hurl a flurry of curses at Siegfried, but he was unable to do so.


Siegfried swung his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp.


The +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp split Kaosin from the top of his head down to his neck before exiting between his legs.

Siegfried did not allow Kaosin to hurl insults at him and cut him in half cleanly.

Thud, thud...

Kaosin's both halves fell to the ground with a thud.


“A scoop! This is a scoop!”

“Siegfried versus Kaosin... Siegfried won one-sidedly...”

The reporters were shocked to see both halves of Kaosin hitting the ground, but they almost instantaneously snapped back to reality and started typing on their keyboards, as their journalist instincts had kicked in.

They typed as fast as they could to beat the other news outlets to the punch.

Siegfried Versus Kaosin.

Everyone thought Kaosin would win the match. Shockingly, not only did Siegfried emerge victorious from the duel, but he shattered all expectations by defeating Kaosin in a landslide victory.

Without a shred of doubt, the news of this duel would shake the BNW community.


“Abuser? No way... There’s no way he’s an abuser.”

“Forget about class. He’s just on a whole different level.”

“I think anyone who accuses him of being an abuser will now be called a jealous loser.”

The Adventurers spectating were convinced Siegfried was not an abuser. They were convinced that he was an expert far more skilled than the likes of Kaosin.

The fact that he had destroyed Kaosin completely was one thing, but the Halo of Innocence behind him meant that the Church of Martial God had cleared him of all wrongdoings.

In other words, there was no way he could be a game abuser at this point.

Of course, there were still a few Adventurers who refused to acknowledge Siegfried out of sheer envy.

“He might not be an abuser, but Kaosin’s HP was already half.”

“They should’ve dueled with both full HP.”

Hmm... It’s a tough call for me...”

They questioned Siegfried’s skills by pointing out the fact that Kaosin did not take the potion to restore his HP, and this was indeed a valid argument, as the duel was heavily in Siegfried’s favor due to Kaosin’s lacking HP.

“I think Kaosin will win in a rematch...”

“I’m not so sure about that. I think Siegfried will win again, but it would be a closer match than this.”

The Adventurers were split on their opinions. There was no way of knowing who was stronger than the other, as the duel was stacked against Kaosin’s favor due to his HP.

However, what happened next helped everyone unify everyone’s opinions.


Kaosin disappeared without a trace.


A magic circle appeared at a corner of the arena, and Kaosin emerged from it.

The forty-nine-hour login restriction penalty did not apply to anyone who died in the arena. Instead, they would resurrect after thirty seconds and could continue playing the game.

“Hurry up and click ready, you asshole!” Kaosin exclaimed as soon as he was resurrected.

Eh? You wanna go at it again?”

“I said click ready!”

“You’re just gonna lose again...”

“Fuck you! Just do it! You just got lucky because I only had half HP!”

“But I even gave you a potion.”

“Shut up and get ready!” Kaosin screamed. Then, he growled, “I’m going to fuck you up this time!”

“Sure, if you say so?” Siegfried replied with a shrug and tapped the ready button.

Good. Now I can put you in your place.’ He had no qualms about accepting the rematch. Siegfried was not happy with his victory earlier, as he knew that everyone would bring up the fact that Kaosin only had half of his HP.

Thus, Siegfried was hoping to duel Kaosin again.

Fortunately, Kaosin had demanded a rematch before Siegfried could do anything.

“We can go at it as much as you want,” Siegfried said with a smirk before pressing the ready button.


The crowd exclaimed. They were thrilled to hear that the two were going to have a rematch.

Siegfried Versus Kaosin: Rematch!

The two were going head-to-head again without any handicap, so everyone would finally be able to tell who was a better player than the other.

The rematch began.

[3... 2... 1...]


The system initiated the duel.

“I’m going to sashimi you up, fucker,” Kaosin growled, glaring at Siegfried like a beast.


Kaosin went all out from the start. It seemed that he was wary of the insane Movement Speed debuff of Shadow Hell, judging by how he cast his Movement Speed buff as soon as the duel started.

Kaosin charged at Siegfried with his sabers in hand.

I’ll finish this in one second,’ Kaosin thought while preparing to use one of his ultimate skills, Silence Blade. The skill used Battojutsu to strike the target with both weapons, killing them quickly without making a single sound.

Silence Blade streaked through the air, flying straight for Siegfried’s neck.


Unfortunately, Siegfried was a step ahead this time once again, as his saber sliced Kaosin’s neck. There was no way Siegfried would lose in a contest of sword drawing speed, as he had used the Sword Emperor’s secret technique, Quick Draw.

Kaosin’s eyes were wide open, but he refused to believe what happened just now.

“Impossi—” Kaosin tried to voice out his disbelief but to no avail. A thin red line appeared on his neck; blood flowed down the line, and then...


Blood gushed out of the wound as if Kaosin's neck had become a fountain of blood. The next moment, his head was detached from his shoulders, and it was propelled to the skies by the pressure of his own blood.

Whoa... It’s incomparably stronger,’ Siegfried thought while looking down at Kaosin’s headless corpse. He couldn't help but be surprised by the power of the Sword Emperor, Betelgeuse’s secret technique, Quick Draw.

He was certain that he counterattacked a step slower than Kaosin’s attack, but Quick Draw arrived faster than Kaosin’s Silence Blade and was even more powerful as well.

In other words, there was a massive gap in class between Kaosin's Silence Blade and Quick Draw. Unfortunately, it was a gap that was far too big of a gap for Kaosin’s Silence Blade to close.

T-Thud! Thud...!

Kaosin’s head landed and rolled on the arena floor like a ball.




The spectators were stunned, and some of them would have to pick their jaws from the ground. None of them had expected the infamous Kaosin to lose a duel in just three seconds.

A deafening silence fell upon the arena...


The silence lasted only for a short while.


“He’s not an abuser, and neither was he just lucky... H-He’s the real deal...!”

“Crazy! So he was just toying with Kaosin earlier?!”

“This is insane...”

“I didn’t know he was this good...”

The Adventurers were in awe of Siegfried, and they could not help but acknowledge him.

Nobody dared to doubt him this time, and even those who were convinced Kaosin would win the rematch were now convinced that Siegfried was stronger than him—except for one.

Kaosin refused to accept the results of the two duels.

“A-Again...! Get ready right now! I want a rematch!” Kaosin demanded after resurrecting.


“I said get ready! You just got lucky because I made a mistake just now! That doesn’t count so get ready to fight again!”

“But I don’t think it will be any different...”

“I SAID, GET FUCKING READY!” Kaosin screamed at the top of his lungs.

Siegfried scoffed and replied, “Nope~ I don’t wanna~”


“Why bother when you can’t beat me, anyway? Also, why don’t you practice more instead of wasting time accusing innocent people of being an abuser? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”

“What did you say...?”

“You’re so pathetic that you think everyone else is as pathetic as you.”

“You son of a...!”

“Alright, I’m going now. Have a nice day!” Siegfried said with a grin. Then, he turned and left, “Let’s go, Hamchi.”

“S-Stop him! Drag him back here at once! Drag that bastard back!” Kaosin screamed until he started to convulse and foam from his mouth.

The Adventurers spectating grimaced and shook their heads in response.


“The playground bully met his match.”

“He was so smug whenever he won a duel, but look at him going batshit crazy after losing.”

There was a saying, "you reap what you sow," and it was perfect for this situation.

Kaosin was acknowledged by everyone for his skills, but he was shunned for his rotten personality. His rotten personality had earned him the ire of numerous Adventurers and the loathing of his victims, which was why seeing Siegfried wipe the floor with Kaosin was like a breath of fresh air for his victims.

“I guess the show’s over. Let’s go.”

Kyaaak! Ptooey!”

Pfft! He’s done for. There’s no way he’s winning the tournament now.”

The Adventurers sneered at Kaosin before leaving the arena one by one.

Even the reporters rushed out from the arena, as every second counted from here on. They had to beat the other reporters to the punch, so they needed to leave as quickly as possible and publish their articles.

In the end, Kaosin was left all alone in the arena.

“I... lost? I lost to that loser...?” Kaosin muttered in a daze. He could not accept the reality that he had lost to Siegfried, whom he was certain was a game abuser.

Kaosin couldn't accept it at all.


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