Death King Karnak

Chapter 38 - 37: Night of Dead (2)

Chapter 38: Chapter 37: Night of Dead (2)

A powerful necromancer can subdue a human soul through a contract of subordination, turning it into a subject and using it like a slave.

The story of an adventurer captured by a necromancer, who after extreme torture falls into darkness and becomes evil, is a common theme in various tales.

Naturally, Serati was horrified.

"Become a necromancer's subject?"

It was something that could never happen. It was absolutely unacceptable.


It was hard to outright refuse when her arms felt so empty. The future ahead also seemed too bleak.

Could falling into darkness and becoming evil really be worse than living a miserable life without her arms?

Serati stammered as she asked,

"If... if I really became your subject... would I be able to get my lost arms back?"

After hesitating for a moment, Karnak replied,


In truth, even for necromancy, regenerating severed limbs was no easy task.

It wasn't that the method was particularly difficult, but rather that there had never been a need to develop such techniques.

The issue could be easily resolved by grafting parts from another corpse or simply growing arms of darkness.

Why would an evil necromancer go out of their way to consider the well-being of their subject and take the harder path?

However, Karnak did have the ability to fully restore Serati's severed arms. Even with his currently limited necromantic power, it was possible.

After all, his subject, Boras, was constantly losing limbs.

Though his tone was often rude, Karnak had learned that Boras was the only one he could truly trust. He had once been so dedicated to perfecting the regeneration spell because he couldn't bear to see his precious servant disabled.

It was a spell that had become irrelevant once he turned Boras into a Death Knight.

"It is possible. It's just that..."

Serati grew anxious at Karnak's reluctant attitude and asked nervously,

"Then what's the problem?"

"I just don't want to do it. I told you, didn't I? I'm trying to distance myself from necromancy as much as possible."

Karnak genuinely intended to erase only her memories and then let her go.

Turning Serati into his subject?

Although she was an aura user and a beauty, which would certainly make her useful, it wasn't an appealing option for him right now.

'That would be like living as I used to.'

If he had sought power, he wouldn't have bothered developing chaos magic. He would have just continued to strengthen his necromantic abilities.


Serati was taken aback. This was not the response she had expected.

In truth, she harbored some doubts within. Was he deliberately tempting her to make her his slave?

As Karnak watched her in her confused state, he suddenly sent out a magical message.

[Hey, Boras.]

[Yes, young master?]

[You did this on purpose, didn't you?]

Boras was well aware that once a part of the body is completely lost, it cannot be healed even by a cleric's holy spells.

Even so, he had deliberately led the conversation to imply that necromancy could heal her.

[Why did you do that?]

[I felt sorry for the young lady. I know exactly how she feels since I've had my limbs severed in the past too.]

Although he had brushed it off casually back then, thinking his young master would simply restore them later, Boras still vividly remembered the despair he felt when he first lost his arm.

[I just wanted to help her if possible. It's not that difficult for you, is it, young master?]

Boras suddenly felt a bit uneasy.

Upon reflection, he realized Karnak was no longer the same Death King he once was.

[Is it difficult now?]

[It's not as easy as before, but I can manage it for one person. But are you sure I should really make this young lady my subject?]

Forcing a contract by exploiting a young beauty's vulnerability, turning her soul into a slave, and manipulating her at will.

[This sounds like something a truly despicable villain would do, doesn't it?]

[So, you were aware that you were a truly despicable villain? That's unexpected.]

[That's why I'm trying my best to live a good life now, isn't it?]

No matter how he thought about it, it was a gray area.

[Is this a bad deed or a good one?]

Boras gave a clear answer.

[Just do what Miss Serati wants.]

Explain the situation properly and let her make the choice. Then, the consequences would be entirely her own responsibility.

[This way, it wouldn't be the same as before, right?]


His mind became clear.

Feeling more at ease, Karnak called out to her in a gentle voice.

"Miss Serati."


Without thinking, her tone had shifted to a more respectful one. It was a sign that her resolve had already weakened.

"No matter how much I avoid necromancy, I can't just leave you in your current state."


"You decide, Miss Serati. I'll do whatever you want."

Would she continue living with the disability, having lost part of her memory and both arms?

Or would she regain her complete body, but live as Karnak's subject?

Serati couldn't answer.

It wasn't an easy choice to make.

Of course, she desperately wanted to reclaim her lost arms, no matter the cost, but...

"What do I have to do to become your subject? Do I have to sell my soul?"

Karnak chuckled softly.

"That's something you do when you make a pact with a demon from hell to gain power. I'm not bestowing any kind of power on you, am I?"

Serati was puzzled, not understanding why Karnak was chuckling. Was this some kind of joke among necromancers?

"So then, will my soul be tainted by darkness?"

"Not really. Just like how a wound healed by a holy spell doesn't always shine with divine light, necromancy works the same way. Once the regeneration is complete, it's simply your arm and your soul. There's no particular taint of darkness."

In fact, it would be troublesome if there were a taint of darkness.

"If my subject starts emitting a dark aura, wouldn't that reveal my identity as well? If such an aura appears, I'd have to work to get rid of it."

Serati was confused. This didn't seem to match what she had heard.

Wasn't becoming a necromancer's servant supposed to turn you into a demon, hungry for blood and slaughter?

"Then... what happens to me if I become your subject?"

"Your soul would be subordinated to me," Karnak explained.

"To be precise, your soul's structure would be fully revealed. This is necessary so I can see the structure of your soul and regenerate your arms."

Additionally, a few restrictions would be imposed.

"If you betray me, you'll face the penalty of death. That includes revealing my identity to others or raising a weapon against me."

"And I have to obey your orders unconditionally?"

"It's possible, but I won't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because it would require me to manipulate your mind. In that case, your ability to handle aura would greatly diminish. There's no reason for me to weaken my subject's abilities."

Unconditional obedience isn't always a good thing.

For example, if Karnak, in a fit of anger, shouted at Serati to 'go die!'

And if she really went out and killed herself?

He would lose a highly skilled aura user for nothing.

"So other necromancers don't tamper with their subjects' minds halfway. They either turn them into puppets with no will of their own, or they impose restrictions while leaving their free will intact."

Serati was increasingly swayed.

After listening, it didn't seem like the conditions were as bad as she had feared.

Of course, this was assuming Karnak was telling the truth.

'Isn't this no different from a knight simply swearing allegiance?'

Although, it was a much worse situation than that. Karnak would hold her life in his hands.

But wasn't the comparison really between her two arms?

Would it be an unfair contract to serve a potentially dangerous lord in exchange for getting her arms back?

"The choice is yours, Miss Serati."

His gentle voice reached her as she agonized over the decision.

"The restriction of your freedom or the return of your lost arms and your future as a swordswoman."

It was a soft and warm voice, yet it pierced her heart deeply.

"Only you can weigh which is more precious."

As Karnak finished speaking, he felt a sense of satisfaction.

He had explained everything kindly, made sure she understood, and even gave her the choice. He hadn't forced anything.

'Wow, I guess I really have become much more human?'

Watching from the side, Boras had a peculiar expression.

Karnak was indeed trying to be kind, making an effort to live as humanely as possible while offering Serati a choice...

'Why does it still feel like a demon seducing an innocent maiden? Is it just my imagination?'

In the end, Serati made her decision.

"Please make me your subject, Lord Karnak."


The contract of subordination is an immensely complex and high-level spell.

For an ordinary necromancer, it would take at least half a day of preparation, followed by an extended period of ritual execution before the contract could be sealed.

However, for Karnak, who was once the Death King, the time it took to enjoy a cup of tea was sufficient.

"In the name of Karnak Jestarad, Lord of Darkness, I ask you: Serati Allen, will you become my subject?"


"Then open your mind and accept the contract."

Karnak placed his palm on Serati's head as she knelt before him.

The mana of darkness traveled from the top of her head, piercing through her entire body.


For a moment, she almost activated her aura in resistance. She would have, had she not heard the voice that followed.

"By doing so, you shall regain what you have lost."

Serati withdrew all of her aura and willingly accepted Karnak's darkness. At that moment, she felt an intense pain radiating from her severed arms.

"Guh! Ugh!"

A groan escaped her lips as her eyes widened with the change.

The charred scabs on her arms began to peel away, revealing new arms growing underneath.

To be honest, it wasn't a pleasant sight.

Unlike the dazzling light that accompanies the healing of holy spells, necromantic regeneration was grotesque—bones sprouting, crimson muscles covering them, and tendons and blood vessels forming. It was a truly horrific and gruesome process to witness.

Yet, Serati was overwhelmed with joy.

"Ah, ahhh..."

Her arms. The arms she had lost were growing back.

Even the pain was a sweet sensation as she watched them regenerate.

Karnak withdrew his hand from her head.

"Serati Allen, from this moment on, you are my subject."

Without realizing it, she began to speak formally.

"Yes, my lord..."

And with that, she collapsed.

As Boras supported the fainted Serati, he smiled faintly.

"This brings back memories. I also passed out like this."

"Does it hurt that much?"

"It feels like your entire body is being torn apart. That's why this couldn't be used during battle, remember?"

"True, I did envy the healing spells of clerics."

Boras suddenly tilted his head, puzzled.

"Wait, I'm no longer your subject, am I?"

"No, you're not."

By regressing through time, all past events had been undone. Naturally, the contract of subordination with Boras had also ceased to exist.

"So that's why you could make Serati your subject? With my current power, I can only manage one subject at a time."

"Does that mean if I lose a limb now, I can't regenerate it?"

Boras shuddered, realizing that his attempt to be kind might have just dug his own grave.

Karnak replied casually, as if it were nothing.

"Why wouldn't you be able to? I can still do it."


"I'd just have to break the contract with Serati and make you my subject again."

"...If the contract of subordination is broken, Serati will die on the spot, won't she?"

"That can't be helped. I can't turn you into a cripple just to keep her alive."

"Wow, that's... very considerate of you, I suppose..."

Boras stared intently at the unconscious Serati.

"I'd better take good care of myself. This girl's life is tied to my limbs now."

Had she been awake to hear this conversation, she might have regretted her decision bitterly.

In any case, it was time to start planning their next move.

Boras asked, "So, what will you do now?"

"I've been thinking about that."

Karnak currently had two options.

The first was to prepare for a counterattack and rescue Alius and Riltein.

The second was to abandon them and flee from Trist City.

"To live like a decent human being, the first option is the obvious choice."

The problem was that chaos magic alone wasn't enough to take on Shutraff.

He would have to use necromancy. Only then would he stand a chance.

"Why is that an issue? You've used necromancy when no one was watching so far."

"Because there are too many eyes on me this time."

Shutraff's necromantic power was formidable. To face him, Karnak would need more than just subtle, secretive use of his power.

"I'll have to use necromancy on a large scale, in full force, and that feels too much like going back to my old ways."

Rescue his comrades by reverting to being an evil necromancer and turning the city into hell.

Or abandon them and flee, refusing to touch that dark power.

"Which is the right thing to do?"

"Yeah, it's really confusing."

They spent a long time pondering the situation, but a clear answer eluded them.

Finally, Boras reached a similar conclusion as before.

"Let's ask Miss Serati when she wakes up."


"She's a proper human, unlike us. Maybe she'll come to the right conclusion."

"That's true! Hey, Boras, you're getting smarter by the day!"

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