Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 11 - This Man Might Actually Fall In Love

Chapter 11 - This Man Might Actually Fall In Love

The flowers were in full bloom, despite the brittle wind of winter tugging at the petals. The sun was high on the horizon, adding a soft hue to the scenic atmosphere. Butterflies fluttered against the flowers that gently swayed against the breeze, a quiet ambiance in the air. The scent of the freshly bloomed garden quelled even the most frantic heartbeats. The sun was beginning to fall behind the clouds, painting the sky magnificently.

Despite how picturesque this place was, the innocent victims couldn't brace themselves from the storm clouds rolling over them. ??

Lina and Everett awkwardly toured the garden, with Kaden trailing darkly behind them. Kaden said nothing the entire walk, hands tucked in his pockets, eyes like an eagle, watching the pair.

"So, I heard you're still in university," Everett slowly said, finally deciding to make small talk and ignore the brooding presence behind him. Even so, he couldn't stop the tremble of his shoulders, the chill crawling up his spine, and the goosebumps that rose.

Just being in the powerful DeHaven heir's presence was enough for Everett to fear for his life. Who wouldn't be terrified of the family that had a hand in everything? They owned shares in everything that a person could possibly imagine, just an inch away from being a frightening monopoly.

"Yes, I'm a History Major," Lina explained, but her attention was drawn to Kaden, who was pretending to not see them. He'd pause to look at the flower or into the distance as if he wasn't stalking and ruining their date.

"Oh, a useless liberal arts degree," Everett lightly laughed. "With the influence of the Yang family, I expected you to be part of the prestigious business college in your university."

Lina's lips thinned, but hid her irritation. "Not everyone wants to be a cookie-cutter heir."

Everett was surprised by her swift insult, so quick that he nearly didn't take offense. He paused to look at her. They said the youngest daughter of the Yang main family was weak and sick, that was why she never made a presence in high society. He expected a naive pushover with frail shoulders and gentle eyes. She had the latter, but one the former.

"It seems I've offended you," Everett said, even though it had been his intention. This date was going nowhere, but there was a way to reschedule it to his favor.

"Let me make it up to you," Everett eagerly said. "How about you prove to me how useful a history major would be by going on a museum tour with me?"

Lina blinked. "I wouldn't want to bore you with my useless degree."

Everett chuckled at her words, a masochist at heart, he took no offense. The more she wasn't interested in him, the more he wanted her.

"You know, you're the first to insult me blatantly to my face, not many have the guts to do so," Everett admitted.

His family was not subpar to the Yangs. In fact, his family was close friends with the Yangs due to a few generations ago.

Because of the close relations and Everett's high standing in society, women were eager to get on his good side.

All, but Lina Yang, who wasn't even an heiress. She had all the reason to cling onto the biggest thigh she could find. But she was aloof and alluring, finding everything but him interesting.

"I hope you don't spin a cliche love story in your head," Lina joked. "Where my disinterest in you sparks interests from you."

Everett flashed her an apologetic gaze.

Lina sent him a worried look. She couldn't help but admit, Everett was a handsome man with a clean-cut appearance that made him appear like a white-collar employee.

Everett was the kind of man whose hands were never tainted with blood or dirty money. There was a sense of stability from him, like a white banner of justice, but too bad she was attracted to red flags.

"This isn't a book," Everett teased. "Of course that kind of trope will not happen."

Lina raised a brow. "Well, as long as you stick to your words."

"Shame that he's not known to be a man of his words," Kaden commented, walking past them as if he was a random passerby.

Lina's lips twitched. Kaden had ruined the good moment. And she was beginning to change her plan about Everett. Maybe she could utilize Everett as a means to stopping these childish blinddates.

"I don't mind," Everett chuckled. "I do not care what others think of me, but only of what you think of me, Miss Yang."

Lina slowly nodded, but her attention was still drawn towards Kaden.

Kaden strutted like the entire country was indebted to him. Maybe it was, for Ritan was only this large and prosperous because the Second King of Ritan was a beast on the battlefield, conquering kingdoms, seizing lands, and merging them to his enormous empire.

Lina realized she had been silent for far too long. "How admirable of you to think that way—"

The breath left her lungs when Kaden paused and glanced back, the sunset resting behind his shoulders.

Kaden glowed ethereally, his sharp eyes connecting with hers. Realizing he had her attention, his lips slightly tilted upwards in an arrogant manner.

Kaden held her innocuous gaze, his attention drifting to her pouty lips, then her eyes again, and he felt a stir below his abdomen.

"The sun is setting, and I would not want to pull you from your dutiful studies," Everett added, noticing her attention was elsewhere. This irked him, for he wanted to be more acquainted with her.

Having a powerless wife by his side would be quite good for his future position. Everett didn't need a power-hungry wife, which was precisely why he went on this blind date with the youngest daughter of the Yang family.

Lina was supposed to have no social standing or future position, making her the perfect trophy wife.

Of course, it wasn't a bad thing either, for there should be no shame in being a stay-at-home wife if it was what the woman wanted. Anything was fine, as long as she didn't reach for power.

"Miss Yang?" Everett spoke.

Lina stiffened, realizing she was staring at Kaden for way too long. And both men knew it.

"Yes?" Lina muttered, quickly looking away from Kaden.

Her heart skipped. He caught her looking again. Her face turned red and she spun to face Everett, turning her back to Kaden.

"I'm afraid I will not be able to entertain you on a museum date," Lina said.

Lina didn't want to see the portrait of the Second King again. Even if it's a drawing, even if his love story was the most beautiful in history and every scholar loved to dissect it.

"Then let me entertain you on the date instead," Everett took a step closer to her.

The breeze picked up. The wind blew wildly past them, sending Lina's hair fluttering. Sunset washed over her skin and he was momentarily awestruck by her beauty. Especially the look in her eyes, so tragically beautiful that his chest stung.

"You're a history major and it just so happens I have a hobby of collecting antiques. Let me show you what you do not learn in textbooks," Everett offered.

It was a tempting opportunity, but Lina had to decline, realizing this blind date might actually lead to an unfortunate marriage.

"I can't, I'm sorry—"

"Please, you don't have to apologize." Everett reached into the pocket of his suit and pulled out a business card, handing it to her.

"If you ever change your mind, Miss Yang, you'll know where to find me," Everett amicably said.

Lina stared at the card, branding him as the COO of his father's lawfirm.

Lina wasn't a fool. She knew who Everett was, knew he was the most obtainable bachelor, and knew how many young socialites fawned over him. Accepting this business card would be giving him unwanted hope.

"Well…" Lina trailed off. She only wanted to use him to not go on anymore blind dates, but this man might actually fall in love.

Everett smiled gently in her direction. "Please, I insist. I am truly intrigued by you, Miss Yang. Out of all the women I've been forced to meet, only you have caught my eyes."

"I just—"

"Fuck." Kaden cursed. "It reeks of desperation here."


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