Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 31 – Can you help with Special Training?

Chapter 31 – Can you help with Special Training?

After dinner and having a bath, Gerhart, Hope, and Havre sat in the living room and discussed their subsequent actions.

"I decided. I am conquering this village." Gerhart said.

"As we thought." Hope and Havre gave knowing glances to one another.

"So, in what way would you like to do it, Gerhart?" Havre asked.

"We must do this with utmost secrecy. Even one missed villager could spell disaster. I trust you two already thought of some plans." Gerhart glanced at the two girls.

"Yes. We did think of a plan." Hope nodded. "We will start with the accessible targets, such as Irene and her daughter. Once they are all under control, we will target the hunters outside when we go hunting later. After they are under control, we will target the guardsmen. By doing this, we will have insiders who can help us access more individuals, do as we please when hunting, and control the gates. After we achieve those goals, we can proceed to phase two of the plan - to control Asher's family."

"How strong are the hunters again?" Gerhart asked.

"About D to C rank. In the whole village, only Asher and Thomas are B-rank, and they are half-crippled." Havre reassured. "A healthy B-rank, even if aged, would never stay in a place like this, preferring a wealthier life in the city. If anyone in our village reached that rank, they would leave. And spell-casters are impossible. They would never retire in a place like this. Irene is already the strongest spell-caster here with C-rank Magic, and that is because she wanted to stay instead of joining a mage's guild."

"For a remote village that is already terrifyingly strong. In your average village, a retired D-rank would be the strongest existence." Gerhart said.

"With that said, I believe they won't be a problem. When they trust their backs to us, we can safely strike." Hope confidently said.

"By the way, when will we start hunting monsters?" Gerhart asked.

"Starting next week, which is in four days. Every Monday and Thursday, you will go hunting, while the other days will be for training. When you have enough training, we will increase the number of days you will go hunting monsters and the areas of difficulty." Havre said.

"I see." Gerhart nodded and stood up. "I think that would be all for today. We should get some rest."

"Okay. Good night." Havre said.

"Good night, Gerhart." Hope also said.

And so, the trio went to sleep. Or so Gerhart initially thought since he forgot something important.

Fifteen minutes after he went to bed—


"Hah?" Gerhart opened his eyes and looked at the figure by the door.

He saw Hope in her loincloth, her thighs damp, her cheeks crimson, and her pink eyes filled with lust. "I c-come to give night service..."

"Havre, what sorcery did you use on her?" Gerhart wondered as the lustful mouse girl crawled on his bed.




The following morning, Gerhart woke up and looked to his right. He saw Hope staring at him with her curious pink eyes.

"How long were you awake?" Gerhart asked.

"Only five minutes. I didn't want to disturb your sleep. And I enjoy watching your sleeping face." Hope smiled.

"You loveable mousey maid." Gerhart playfully said, hugged, and kissed her, grabbing her butt.

"Mmm... Please don't. You will get me in the mood~." Hope objected, weakly pushing him away. It was clear she wanted it but held herself back. "We would need to have Havre cast another Contraception spell on me~."

After the wild ride last night, Havre arrived after the deed and cast a Contraception spell before going to sleep.

"But what did she do to you to suddenly come to me last night?" Gerhart asked, curious.

"... This and that..." Hope buried her in Gerhart's chest and refused to talk.

"Hmhm. I'll spare you this time." Gerhart playfully chuckled, kissed Hope's forehead, and got up from bed.

After dressing up and walking outside, he ran into Havre.

"Good morning, Gerhart. Did you enjoy the surprise?" Havre playfully asked.

"I did. Hope was much more sensitive than during our first time. Did you use Aura Massage on her?" Gerhart guessed.

"Yes. Some of the women in the village come to me to have a massage specifically to enhance their pleasure during intercourse, and that is how I learned this usage accidentally since it turns out only I have enough control to use it like that. But I don't do it for the men." Havre smiled.

"Isn't it bothersome, though?" Gerhart weirdly asked.

"I swing both ways, so I also enjoy it," Havre waved her hand. "I sometimes do it with the few lesbians in the village, and they especially sought me out when they wanted to bear a child and needed a boost. Even the straight and frustrated ladies come to see me."

"Oh..." Gerhart nodded in understanding.

"By the way~. I never tried it on a man before. Want to give it a shot?" Havre suggested with a playful look.

"I... Maybe another time." Gerhart resisted the urge.

"Hmhm~." Havre chuckled.



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After breakfast, in the massage room.

After Gerhart received an Aura Massage, he was about to leave when Havre stopped him.

"Wait. Stay here this time." Havre instructed.

"Ah? Okay." Gerhart nodded.

Hope stripped to her loincloth and lay on the massage bed, and Havre began massaging her.

"So, we plan on controlling Irene first, right?" Havre asked.

"Yes. That is what I plan." Gerhart said.

"Then I have a plan, but it would need your cooperation. But I warn you, it would be a bit scummy." Havre said.

"Hm? What is it?" Gerhart became curious.

"I want you to..."




Later, after physical training, Gerhart fought Thomas again.

Thud* Thud* Thud* Thud*

After exchanging many blows, Gerhart eventually felt an energy flow inside him and subconsciously tugged on it, guiding it to his fist. Suddenly, hints of Silver Aura emerged from his fist as he punched out.

"Oh?!" Thomas's eyes lit up as his arm got covered with a brown Aura.


A different sound was heard, as if two rocks collided. Thomas didn't move an inch, but he still praised. "Heh... You got your Aura. Let's stop here."

"Okay." Gerhart stepped back.

"Starting tomorrow, you will switch to Aura training. When you fully control it, we will continue sparring." Thomas said.

"Okay. Thank you, Thomas." Gerhart smiled.

"See you tomorrow." Thomas waved his hand and left.

Gerhart then went to where Hope and Havre were training and saw that Hope was standing still, a white Aura covering her while enduring the strikes of a wooden sword.

Bam* Bam* Bam* Bam*

Havre struck Hope, and Hope endured it using her Aura. Of course, these were casual attacks, or Hope couldn't block them.

Gerhart continued watching them train for a while before they finished, had lunch together, and headed to Irene's house. But this time, only he and Havre came over.

"Oh? Hello, Gerhart. Hello, Havre." Irene smiled and then looked left and right. "Where is Hope?"

"Ah, she said she will be training at home," Gerhart replied.

"I see. And what brings Havre here today?" Irene asked.

"I'm here to help," Havre meaningfully winked at Irene.

A glint suddenly flashed in Irene's eyes, and she smiled. "I see. Then please, come in."

Gerhart smiled back and entered the house.

"So, tell me, Gerhart. What can I help you with today?" Irene asked.

"I don't know. Havre told me we will do Special Training here." Gerhart innocently replied.

"Yes, very Special Training. And I need Irene to help with that." Havre said.

"Oh? What kind of training?" Irene curiously asked.

"Hehe~ I want to teach him the art of Aura Massage. Can you help with that?" Havre asked.

"Well... Bonnie won't be home for the next two hours. Sure, why not." Irene smiled. "Want something to drink first? I have some juice."

"Sure, thanks." Gerhart nodded and sat at the dinner table.

"I'll help," Havre said and got some cups.

Irene took the cups and then poured juice. While she did, she whispered to Havre, "I owe you one."

"My pleasure," Havre whispered back.

"In more than one way~." Havre secretly thought.


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