Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 3 – Changes in status. Weird Guildmaster.

Chapter 3 – Changes in status. Weird Guildmaster.

When Gerhart left the guild, it was early noon outside, the sun shining brightly. It was the middle of June, and it was hot.

Gerhart didn't immediately go to the adventurer's guild. Instead, he walked to the city slums where the orphanage was located. As it was the middle of the day, many people were still outside trying to sell their items before closing their stalls.

"Skewers! Get your skewers here! Meat and vegetables! Only six coppers!"

"Trinkets! Get your trinkets here!"

"Weapons! Get geared with forged steel!"

"Potions! Authentic potions!"

"Books! Romance and adventure on paper!"

"Fighting manuals! Including Aura and Body Tempering!"

"Magic manuals! Up to the 2nd circle! Shoot fireballs and heal wounds!"

Stall owners shouted, promoting their wares.

Of course, the goods they sold were unrestricted for the common folk, as the guilds, churches, and kingdoms controlled the higher-quality goods.

To have access to an orichalcum sword, you must be of a sufficiently high enough rank in one of the guilds to be allowed to purchase it. This, of course, created a black market, but that was another matter.

Gerhart, Mylo, and Hazel's gear were, of course, unrestricted goods. They were only F-rank Explorers, who were barely better than G-rank novices. To advance to E-rank, one must have conquered the 10th floor. To become a D-rank, one must conquer the 20th floor. Etc.

The Vlita dungeon was a labyrinth-type B-rank dungeon with 50 floors. Naturally, those who cleared the dungeon could be promoted to A-rank Dungeon Explorers and were considered honorary nobles. Several A-rank experts from other professions also existed within the city, including the guild master, Skyler.

D-rank explorers like Emerald Flame are considered a middling group within the city.

Gerhart ignored the vendors and continued walking. However, he did notice something odd.

"Why am I not hungry?" He asked himself, smelling the delicious scent of cooked meat.

Usually, at this time, his stomach would growl for food... But he wasn't hungry.

"Odd... Did absorbing energy somehow sate my need for food?" Gerhart thought.

Shaking his head, Gerhart continued walking through the crowded streets until he reached his destination, an old orphanage. It was a church serving Brigva, the goddess of motherhood, children, and the hearth. She was the guardian spirit of pregnant women, loving families, and orphaned children. However, she was a lesser goddess, and a weak one at that, subordinated to higher-ranking life gods. Not many worshipped her, let alone donate their money to her church. Even with the king exempting taxes from them and giving them a stipend, they were still poor, and some children had to work to reduce the burden.

In the past, Gerhart also worked after he turned ten, giving half of his meager income to cover his food expenses. Still, he was thankful for the shelter they provided since surviving on the streets would be a death sentence.

Just as he reached the orphanage, a few children in patched clothes pointed over, smiling.

"Hey! It's Gerhart!"

"Gerhart is back!"

Several children ran over, innocent smiles plastered on their faces.

"Trody, Michelle, Korky..." Gerhart forced himself to smile, greeting the children.

"I heard you went into the dungeon!"

"Did you fight monsters?"

"What treasures did you find?"

"Where are Mylo and Hazel?"

The young kids started shooting one question after another, overwhelming the wary Gerhart. Especially that last question. He didn't have the heart to tell them the truth.

"Did I hear Gerhart returned?" A nun in her 50s exited the orphanage and looked over.

"Mother Roysa..." Gerhart felt emotional as he looked at her.

She was the one who raised him ever since his mother abandoned him in the orphanage. He considered her his true mother and the one he trusted the most.

Gerhart and Roysa locked eyes with one another, and after looking at Gerhart's appearance, the tear in his armor, and the bags he carried, an ominous premonition sprung in Roysa's mind.

"Children, please leave Gerhart alone. He is tired." Roysa maintained her composure and spoke.

"Yesss." The children answered, reluctantly leaving Gerhart.

"Gerhart, please come with me," Roysa said, her expression sour.

"Yes, Mother Roysa..." Gerhart grimly nodded and followed her inside.

Passing through the church, they entered Roysa's room, a small, barebone bedroom/office.

Roysa locked the door and closed the window, giving Gerhart her chair while she sat on her bed. Only then did she start speaking.

"Gerhart... Where are Mylo and Hazel?" She asked with a pained, muted voice, afraid the orphans would overhear.

"..." Gerhart silently pulled out Mylo's mace and Hazel's bow, causing Roysa to tear up.

"They are..." Roysa asked with a trembling voice.

"I couldn't protect them..." Gerhart also teared up, clenching his hands around his friends' weapons, muttering. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Roysa stood up and hugged him. Gerhart sought solace in her embrace for a few minutes until they both calmed down.

Returning to the bed, Roysa asked, "What happened?"

"We got robbed..." Gerhart then told her what happened. Of course, he excluded the part about the relic.

After narrating everything, Roysa turned silent, her fists clenched in anger, but soon let it go. "What will you do now?" She asked.

"I will become an adventurer... It is too dangerous for me to go to the dungeon now." Gerhart said.

"Must you risk yourself?" Roysa worriedly said.

"I'll be fine... Mylo and Hazel are watching over me..." Gerhart gave her a determined look. "And this is the only way for me to fulfill our dreams."

"... You have grown up..." Roysa gave a wary smile.

"The chick needs to leave the nest someday." Gerhart smiled back. And then he made a request. "Mother Roysa... I need to ask a favor."

"Yes?" Roysa blinked and asked.

"Can you help me check my status?" Gerhart requested.

"Your... Status?" Roysa blinked her eyes in confusion. "Why?"

"I... Want to confirm something." Gerhart said.

"Alright..." Roysa stood up.

Gerhart silently kneeled in front of her, lowering his head. Roysa then placed her right hand on his head and pressed her left hand against her chest.

"Brigva, patron of lost children, please reveal this child's potential... Appraise Status." Roysa chanted.

The next moment, Gerhart received information in his head.

Name: Gerhart
Race: Human
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Level: 3

Skills: None.

Strength: D
Vitality: D
Endurance: D
Agility: E
Dexterity: D
Perception: D
Instincts: E
Intelligence: D
Aura: F
Magic: H

Talents: Pack Mule, Treasure Hunter, Strong Arms, ???.

Once Gerhart saw his status, he was astonished.

"So it was true?! My talents and stats improved?!" He thought in shock.

Most people's status remained the same most of their lives except for their level increasing by absorbing magic stones. Skills were obtained from Skill Books or created with tremendous effort and talent, so even low-quality skill books were treasured. He, Mylo, and Hazel didn't have skills yet.

On the other hand, stats symbolize your base attributes and how much they grew at each level. The average was F, E was above average, and D was exceptional. Except for Aura and Magic, everything was E or D.

There are also a few hidden stats, such as charm, luck, willpower, and elemental affinities... But those are unconfirmed. And lastly, there was also a so-called level cap imposed on everyone, but it was hidden. 

Gerhart tried recalling what his status looked like before this...

Strength: E
Vitality: D
Endurance: D
Agility: F
Dexterity: F
Perception: G
Instincts: E
Intelligence: G
Aura: G
Magic: K

Talents: Pack Mule.

"Now that I think about it... That is exactly what my status looked like in my previous life." Gerhart thought.

"Gerhart, are you satisfied?" Mother Roysa's voice cut his thoughts.

"Ah... Yes. Thank you, Mother Roysa." Gerhart smiled and stood up.

Mother Roysa herself didn't know the information shown, and only he knew about it. It was also shown in a way that even someone illiterate like him could understand.

That was also why children who reach five years old get appraised. Children with exceptional statuses are usually adopted/recruited by local lords and get heavily invested in, which is one of the main reasons the kingdom forks out money to run orphanages. Sometimes, gifted prodigies can be orphans, and such assets cannot be wasted.

As for a child lying... That usually didn't happen since they would be tested according to what they revealed.

During his time as an orphan, he saw a few children being adopted for their talents and high magic and aura stats, their futures bright. Meanwhile, kids with average talents like him were left to rot in the orphanage, doomed to stay a commoner. The only way to fight that fate was to become a Dungeon Explorer or Adventurer.

"Mother Roysa, please have these," Gerhart said, placing the two bags of his friends and their weapons on the floor. "If one of the kids wants to adventure, let them have these... It should save them some money and protect them. But I am sorry, but I'll borrow Mylo and Hazel's money for now. I'll give you a dozen... No... A hundred times more later on." Gerhart promised.

"I..." Roysa hesitated for a moment before heavily nodding. "Thank you, Gerhart."

"Hm." Gerhart nodded and picked up his bag. "I need to leave now..."

"Gerhart... Wait..." Mother Roysa spoke. "Please make a promise to me."

"Hm? What?" Gerhart asked, confused.

"If... If you ever manage to become A-rank... Please return here. I have something to tell you." Roysa said after much struggle.

"Can't you tell me now?" Gerhart raised an eyebrow.

"No... I am afraid not... It would be a burden for you to know..." Roysa looked to the ground.

"Thank you... I will make sure to become A-rank as soon as possible." Gerhart confidently said and exited the room, leaving Roysa behind.

Mother Roysa was left in the room, remembering the day Gerhart was anonymously left at her doorstep as a several-day-old newborn... And the pendant around his neck... proof of the extraordinary identity stripped from him.

"Be safe... Son..."




Sometime later, Gerhart entered the Adventurer's Guild located in the city outskirts compared to the Dungeon Explorer Guild in the middle of the city.

It was a rowdy place, similar to the Dungeon Explorer's Guild... Little wonder when both professions are strikingly similar.

Without wasting time, Gerhart found the receptionist's desk. There were two long lines, one filled with horny males with a pretty receptionist and the other with horny females with a handsome receptionist.

And there was an empty stall with a scary-looking, bald, middle-aged receptionist with scars, piercings, and tattoos. He picked his ear in boredom, looking toward the ceiling as if to count the planks.

"How petty..." Gerhart thought in disdain and walked to the empty stall.

However, Gerhart failed to notice the fearful looks everyone gave him.

"W-Wait... Is he going for..."

"Idiot... Don't..."

"He's dead meat..."

The adventurers spoke in hushed voices. However, Gerhart ignored them.

"Excuse me," Gerhart said to the scary-looking receptionist. However, the receptionist ignored him.

"Excuse me," Gerhart repeated himself, a bit louder.

"Hm...?" This time, it caught the man's attention.

The man turned to look at Gerhart with an apathetic look. "What do you want, kid? You lost?"

"I'm here to register," Gerhart said, taking out the sealed envelope Skyler gave. "Guild Master Skyler recommended me."

"Oho?" The man's attention turned to the envelope. "Yeah, looks legit..." He muttered and then scanningly looked at Gerhart.

As the man's eyes looked at him, Gerhart felt like he was seen through. It was a similar yet different feeling compared to Skyler.

"Not bad..." The middle-aged man muttered and stood up. He then turned to the other receptionists. "I'll be gone for a bit. Inform me if something big happens."

"Yes, sir!" The two receptionists respectfully said.

"Follow me, kid." The middle-aged man said, walking through the guild hall that turned silent.

Gerhart followed the man while taking note of the change in atmosphere. "What is wrong with them?" He asked himself.

As the adventurers saw Gerhart follow the middle-aged man upstairs, they couldn't help but stare in shock.

"He didn't get his face broken!" They all thought.

Little did Gerhart know of the violent and explosive temper this receptionist has... And that he punches anyone who he doesn't like, in the face, no less. And yet, he was still a receptionist because he was the only one who could handle the B and A-rank adventurers... Because...




After walking to the top floor, the middle-aged opened the door without knocking, revealing an office filled with monster head trophies and paperwork.

In front of a desk sat a stunning young woman. She had delicate, beautiful skin, a sharp nose, rosy high cheeks, emerald eyes, and fiery red flowing hair... And most importantly...

"Holy cow udders! What a rack!" Gerhart thought, trying not to look at her explosive chest.

"Hm? Father? Who is this?" The young woman gently asked.

"FATHER?! THEY LOOK NOTHING ALIKE!!! Is she adopted?!" Gerhart mentally retorted.

"He's here to register. He got recommended by the scary old lady, so I'll make a short interview with him." The man said.

"H-Hah? Wait, you will do the interview... Does that mean..." Gerhart suddenly realized something.

"Ah, right. I didn't introduce myself." The bald, scary man gave a sinister grin. "I'm Vlita's Adventurer Guild's Guild Master, Abiah The Rage Hand. Nice to Meet'cha, boy."



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