Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 108 – The ultimate, most expensive human bomb ever!

Chapter 108 – The ultimate, most expensive human bomb ever!

Gerhart arrived in his bedroom and removed his shirt. He planned to make a new clone! However, this time, it wasn't like Primo. He planned on making a linked clone.

{Unique Talent - Superior Linked Division(Main Body): Can divide into dependant subordinates with different personalities, roles, talents, and souls but share their consciousness, memories, and thoughts through a soul link. However, these bodies and souls are also dependent on the main body and cannot grow more powerful than the main body. Hence, they have absolute loyalty to the main body. Creating each clone requires a corresponding amount of energy(The more invested, the better the quality). Subordinates are incapable of Division and cannot leave a 100km distance from the Main Body. When Divided, they consume energy but can also gather energy. Limit to Division: 10,000)

{Unique Talent - Superior Linked Merge(Main Body): Can merge with subordinate bodies, gaining all their talents and skills while improving and providing power to the main body. Merged bodies can separate again. When merged, subordinate bodies don't consume energy and add their energy to the main body. The main body won't become bloated due to merging. Limit to merge: 10,000)

Gerhart was planning on creating a Clone as a test and giving it a Corrupted Crystal. After corrupting a clone, Gerhart could merge with it, those borrowing its talents, including the Corrupted talent, while creating an insulation layer. While he could technically eat one himself, he didn't want to eat any of those things, even with the Relic in his body.

"Okay, let's start the test," Gerhart muttered as he attempted Superior Linked Division.

As soon as he activated it, Gerhart had a vague sense as a long list of roles appeared in his mind.

Select a role:

  • Blank
  • Servant
  • Laborer
  • Miner
  • Lumberjack
  • Farmer
  • Mechanic
  • Architect
  • Builder
  • Smith
  • Hunter
  • Foot Soldier
  • Living Bomb
  • Archer
  • Cavalry
  • Bodyguard
  • Brawler
  • Magician
  • Healer
  • Thief
  • Assassin
  • Agent
  • Merchant
  • Minister
  • Diplomat
  • Alchemist
  • Doctor
  • Herbalist
  • ...
  • Entertainer
  • Musician
  • Dancer
  • Seducer
  • Gigolo
  • ...
  • Playboy
  • Little Brother
  • Big Brother
  • Ugly Bastard
  • BDSM Enthusiast
  • ...

Gerhart was interested as he read the list, but he also read some weird shit.

"Well, I get that a city has those, but I don't want to make a seducer or gigolo. And what the fuck is with Playboy, Little Brother, Big Brother, and Ugly Bastard? Are those even roles?! They sound like personalities! And why, for all that is holy, is BDSM there?!" Gerhart mentally retorted before ignoring the weird roles.

He didn't need anything specific, so he chose a Blank.

The Host is performing Subordinated Linked Division on himself.

The new body has a dependent subordinated body and soul. If the main body dies, the subordinate dies.

The Subordinate Body can serve as an extension of power but cannot replace the main body should it fall. Low priority advised.

Reminder - Investing Energy now is +100% more efficient.

"This is a test run, so 100 points are fine," Gerhart muttered.

Soon, a lump of flesh grew out of Gerhart as he felt a slight drain in his Aura, Magic, and Vitality. The lump soon separated from him, turning into a full-sized adult. The clone's appearance differed from his, and while it shared his consciousness, memories, and thoughts, its personality was blank. It wasn't like his Split Soul, which was an exact copy. Also, he felt the clone was subservient to him, unlike Primo.

Looking down, Gerhart saw it had genitalia, but it was relatively smallish to even his original size. It was also afflicted with Sterility. While Gerhart could make it to have sex with someone, it was fruitless.

Looking at its talents, it was akin to seeing your common peasant.

"Hm. Okay, let's start the test." Gerhart muttered as he took out the bottle with the A-rank Corrupted Crystals.

These were the weakest crystals the Echos produced and treated as expendable cannon fodder. But that was what Gerhart needed.

"Eat." Gerhart handed the crystal to the clone.

"Yes, master." The clone blankly replied, taking the crystal before obediently swallowing it.

Almost instantly, the clone underwent a violent transformation as black veins covered it, and its eyes glowed red before receding and returning to normal.

Warning! Unnamed Subordinate Clone ingested Malicious Energy.

Hacking Malicious Energy- Success.

Gerhart also received energy from the Universe. But the amount was negligible, barely 50,000 points. Gerhart didn't need to be a genius to know this clone was mass-produced cannon fodder.

Looking at the clone, it was now more robust and handsome, and it packed a larger package.

"Hm... I see." Gerhart muttered as he checked the clone's status.


"... Right..." Gerhart muttered as he looked at the clone. "Show me your status."

"Yes, master." The clone blankly replied.

Gerhart then checked again.

Name: ___
Race: Noble Human(Clone)(Corrupted)
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Level: 50

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:

  • Strength: A
  • Vitality: A
  • Endurance: A
  • Agility: A
  • Dexterity: A
  • Perception: A
  • Instincts: A
  • Intelligence: A
  • Aura: A
  • Magic: A

Secondary Stats: (+)


  • (+)
  • Perfect: Deep Magic(Evolvable)
  • Unique: Elite Farmer(Evolvable), Elite Gigolo(Evolvable), Shroud of Deceit, Corrupted.

From a regular human, the blank evolved into a Noble Human. However, since it was a Blank, the talents it acquired were so unrelated that Gerhart didn't want to look at it. It was like looking at a malformed child.

"I guess I jinxed myself with the Gigolo thing. Oh well, no matter. Merge with me." Gerhart extended his hand.

"Yes, master." The clone replied.

The clone turned into liquid as it entered Gerhart through his palm. Gerhart's flesh wriggled slightly before returning to calm.

In his mind, Gerhart felt that he was storing the clone inside him. While inside, Gerhart could borrow the clone's talents.

Gerhart then checked his status, and sure enough-

Race: Golden Noble Tyrant Human(Corrupted)

Unique Talents: (+), Corrupted.

"Hm... I see." Gerhart muttered.

He then willed it and expelled his new clone. And then, Gerhart checked his status.

Race: Golden Noble Tyrant Human

Gerhart couldn't help but smirk. "Heh. Bingo."

However, he then looked at the poor blank before him. Its very existence irked him. It was too- Blank. And its build was terrible. It was no different than crippled. So Gerhart made a cruel decision and called Laverne over.

"You want me to drain the Corruption out of him?" Laverne curiously asked.

"Yes. Try it." Gerhart nodded.

He was curious if she could extract it. And what would happen if she could?

"Okay." Laverne nodded and tried extracting the energy from the clone by placing her hand over its heart.

However, as seconds passed, Laverne slowly frowned. "Strange. It is my dark servant, but I can't extract the energy. It is like it rebelled."

"That's fine. I just wanted to confirm it firsthand." Gerhart replied as he walked to the clone and patted its shoulder.

"Sorry, buddy. But I think it is better this way." Gerhart said as he began extracting the Corrupted energy.

Warning. Extracting Malevolent Energy will cripple and potentially kill the target.
To prevent crippling and killing the target, convert the Malevolent Energy to a benign form.
Doing so would be beneficial to the target.

"I suspected as much. But I want to test what would happen. Do it." Gerhart muttered.

What happened next made even Gerhart flinch. He felt it. The pure agony his clone experienced. Gerhart chose to terminate their shared senses, only feeling the pain signals the clone sent.

The process lasted only ten seconds, which Gerhart regarded as ten too long as the clone turned to dust in his hands.

"Sorry, buddy. I won't do something like this again." Gerhart muttered.

The energy was decent, a bit less than the amount to cover creating one of the Noble Human Envoys he made, but that was likely due to absorbing some useless talents so weak he barely felt anything.

Gerhart then started thinking about it before turning to look at Laverne.

"Hey, Laverne. Ma Yang had S-rank stats but was a regular human. Well, as much as an Otherworlder is. Why didn't Ianuarius make him an Elite Human? Wasn't Ma Yang his champion?" Gerhart asked.

"He was indeed Ianuarius's champion, but Ianuarius was too young. Not only that, but Ma Yang untalented. Raising him to level 60 and all S grade stats was already the most Ianuarius could do. But that was fine since Ma Yang could grow on his own." Laverne explained.

"Makes sense," Gerhart muttered.

After learning from trial and error, Gerhart a new clone. However, he didn't create a Berserker, but instead, a Living Bomb! The logic was simple.

"When the disposal time comes, I can leave them a nice present." Gerhart maliciously smiled as he planned his new clone.

He had to get Qold's Great Mind of Clearwater, so he called her over to copy it since Gerhart needed it before he got to work.

Investing in the clone's five core talents given by the archetype up to tier 7, Gerhart didn't stop, raising it to the Golden Marrow and evolving it into a Golden Noble Human. Thanks to that, Gerhart roughly found the benefit that a Golden Noble Human gets.

Benefits: Five Initial and Evolvable Compound Talents. Allowing tier 7 talents to evolve. Base racial stats are three grades more powerful.

Finally, Gerhart also invested a bit so it would have the stats of an SS-rank Berserker and gave it a Greater Veil of Mysteries and Superior Transformation(Partial). And for the final touch, he gave it the SS-rank crystal.

Looking at his masterpiece, Gerhart had a broad and malicious smile.

"Perfect." Gerhart said.

"Master, you are evil... I like it!" Laverne also had an evil grin.

Later, Gerhart showed everyone his new clone, now dressed. It looked like his disguised self, and no one could tell the difference.

"Everyone, meet my new clone, Deadmeat Junior," Gerhart introduced. "Deadmeat Junior, show your status for everyone."

Everyone had an unnatural look on their faces. Those who knew Gerhart's dark past tried hard not to laugh.

"Yes, master." Deadmeat Junior nodded.

When the party saw Deadmeat Junior's status, they couldn't help but inhale a sharp breath.

"Gerhart, that's evil..." Hope said, her lips contorting.

"Nya... I almost feel sorry for them." To-Meri winced.

"Hahaha! That's my master!" Qold openly laughed.

"I think I met my nemesis." Havre looked at it with a hint of fear.

"How much damage would he cause if he exploded?" Ray warily asked.

"I am unsure, but it would likely match a tier 8- no, tier 9- no... maybe a tier 10 forbidden spell?" Calvin made a bold guess.

"May the one unfortunate enough to get hit by it find quick rest." Bertrand made a silent prayer.

"Oh, man. I want to see it go boom!" Ariyana's eyes sparkled.

"Big boom! Stella wants to see it too!" Stella chirped in.

"If you want to see it explode, stay far away. I think ten- no, twenty miles would be safe. I think." Flora warily said.

"And build a magic-proof shelter using several layers of defense- just in case," Honorius added.

What they were seeing was the ultimate, most expensive human bomb ever!

Name: Deadmeat Junior
Race: Golden Noble Human(Clone)(Corrupted)
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Level: 70

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:

  • Strength: SSS
  • Vitality: SSS
  • Endurance: SSS
  • Agility: SS
  • Dexterity: SS
  • Perception: SS
  • Instincts: SS
  • Intelligence: SS
  • Aura: SSS
  • Magic: SSS

Secondary Stats: (+)


  • (+)
  • Unique: Great Living Bomb(Evolvable), Great Magic Overload(Evolvable), Great Transcend Limits(Evolvable), Great Self Explosion(Evolvable), Great Life Conversion(Evolvable), Beginner Endless Vitality(Evolvable), Beginner Supreme Magic(Evolvable), Beginner Aura Sovereignty(Evolvable), Beginner Supernova(Evolvable), Beginner Critical Mass(Evolvable), Beginner Strength Supremacy, Beginner Ultimate Defense, Initial Boundless Agility, Initial Absolute Dexterity, Initial Super Intelligence, Initial Phenomenal Instincts, Initial Micro Perception, Great Rampage, Great Mental Fortress, Great Mind of Clearwater, Great Veil of Mysteries, Corrupted, Blessing of @$%*!^.

"Let's see if those Truly Ancient Echos can handle this blowing up their faces! HAH!"


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