Dawning Skye

Chapter 183

183 The Cat’s Paw

As the three women stopped outside of a tavern, Skye looked up at the sign. It was a deep red wooden sign with dark-gold trim that read The Cat’s Paw. She thought it was hilarious that Shasta was a regular, considering what she was. Since she told Skye and Maevis that a friend owned it, they wondered if the name had been inspired by Shasta.

Upon entering the establishment, Skye and Maevis looked about. The tables were made of nicely lacquered oak with matching booths and stools. A few booths lined one wall going all the way back. The back wall had the bar and two doors on it; one for employees, and one for the restrooms.

The walls were a deep red, akin to the sign that hung out front. Maevis noted that the floors were stained the same shade as the tables and stools, which couldn’t have been cheap. The trim around the furniture and walls was the same dark-gold color as the sign’s letters, making the tavern very elegant looking.

The people in the tavern all looked at the three as they came through the door. Most cheered and greeted Shasta, but a few we blatant in their dislike of her. Most were mages, or so Skye thought based off of their armor. One woman immediately marched up to the Vice Commander with clear anger on her face, and began to chide her.

“What are ye doin’ here?! Didn’t I tell ye to Never to come back here til ye paid yer tab?! And the bill for those tables and chairs ye smashed up with Armen?!” The petite woman had balled her fists and placed them on her hips as she spoke.

“What’s an Armen?” Maevis asked out loud.

The woman turned to her side, and pointed at one of the men who’d glared at Shasta when they came in and said; “That’s Armen.”

When Skye and Maevis looked at the man, the each visibly gulped. The man could barely fit on the stool he was sitting on. The legs were bowing from the man’s weight, but he wasn’t fat. He reminded Skye of the Nomad from Warrick Forest, and looked just as scary. A chill ran up her spine as she recalled how he’d held her down and slapped her. If Petrie hadn’t of saved her, she and Tidas would be dead..

“Armen should’ve been named Goliath..” Maevis commented, bringing Skye out of her thoughts.


“Hello to you too, Renee. First off, I already gave Alfred the money I owed him. Second; only Alfred can kick me out, so get off your high-horse and get me my cream,” Shasta sneered as she’d spoken.

Renee flashed an incredulous expression before it switched back to anger. She scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she shifted her weight to one foot. She reminded Skye of one of the haughty characters from her books. She was waiting for the beautiful petite woman to throw her head back and point her finger at Shasta next, but a person came out from the employee’s area.

The three Fae hadn’t noticed him, but Skye did instantly. His ears were pointed straight up, and his tail swayed lazily as he sauntered towards them. His white-grey fur stood out against the decor of the tavern, and made Skye smile as she realized what he was.

Seeing the young, pretty human looking at him, the Fae smiled and winked as he came to stand directly behind Renee. Maevis finally saw him, and smiled to see another Fae that was making a life for themselves in the human world. The more she ventured out of the palace, the more Maevis realized just how many Fae were already a part of human society.

The two women were still going at it when Shasta stopped mid-sentence, smiled, and said; “Hello Alfred! I’ve brought some friends for one of your fine meals!”

Renee flashed a frozen expression; “He’s behind me, isn’t he?”

Skye and Maevis nodded with sympathy in their eyes. The girl’s reaction made it clear that her attitude towards Shasta had been previously discussed. She stepped off to the side and turned to face her boss with a hung head. He quirked his head slightly as he sighed, his expression full of disappointment.

“How many times do I have to tell you, Renee; Shasta is always welcome her. She’s already paid her tab, and has even brought more customers with her. If I have to tell you again, I’ll cut your hours,” Alfred had spoken in a deep, soothing voice.

Renee apologized to her boss, then turned to Shasta and said; “I still don’t think ye should be allowed here, but what the boss says, goes. Ima truly sorry to yer friends for the trouble.. And I guess to ye too-just don’t go startin’ anything, please? We just got the new furniture yesterday,” Renee finished with sincerity in her plea.

Shasta smiled at the young lass and said; “I’m not the one who starts things, but I will do my best not to pick,” Shasta said in an honest tone.

Renee was taken aback a bit by Shasta’s response. She usually would’ve started going off about how the fights rarely ever started because of her. That she was always the victim.. But she hadn’t of even scoffed at her.

Renee looked at the two with her. She had been surprised to see the fairy diplomat from the parade, but but wasn’t sure who the human woman with her was. She’d never seen her around before, but something about her hair kept nagging at her. She wanted to ask, but Alfred ordered her to go fetch drinks for the customers. Not wanting to irritate her boss more than she already had, Renee took off to the bar.

Once away, Alfred apologized for his employee; “Please, forgive Renee. She’s young and highly protective of me. Being a Beast man business owner isn’t always easy.”

Shasta’s gate changed from jovial to all business as she asked; “Oh? And who is Stupid enough to mess with you? I’ll take care of them free of charge!”

Alfred laughed before thanking Shasta for her enthusiasm. He explained that the tax collector assigned to his area was shaking down the beast men that owned a business. He claimed it was some kind of new rule that added twelve percent because he wasn’t human. Skye stepped forward with fire in her eyes and asked for the man’s name.

Once Alfred gave her the name, Skye turned around and opened the door and yelled; “Klaus! Come here! I have an important message for ye to deliver to me husband!”

Shasta and Maevis exchanged a confused look between themselves before they asked Skye what was going on. She chuckled slightly, then told them that Klaus had been trailing them since they left the arena. And that she knew Shasta and Maevis were following her earlier, too.

Shasta’s eyes bulged from her head at the news. She had no idea that sky knew that they were following her. The fact that she could play it off so well kind of irritated her, but it also impressed her greatly.

After about a minute, Klaus came through the door with a bashful look. He was embarrassed to be caught, but the princess didn’t seem to mind. When he went to apologize, Skye put her hand up and said it was fine.

“I’ve been followed all day, so it doesn’t bother me now. But if ye really want to make it up to me, bring a message to me husband for me..”

After explaining the situation to him, Skye had Klaus leave straight away. Alfred had been watching Skye as she’d spoken to the young guard. Shasta noticed his staring and said, “Way wrong tree to be barking up, my friend; that’s Tidas’ wife.”

Alfred quirked an eyebrow at Shasta in confusion; “You mean the girl you don’t like?”

Shasta grinned and shrugged her shoulders; “I know, I know.. But I was Really wrong on that one.”

“You actually like a human other than the MacArthur boys?” Alfred asked with real surprise in his voice.

Shasta shrugged again; “I know! It’s weird, right? But Skye’s a good lass..”

Alfred was surprised to see the gentle smile that covered Shasta’s face. She had never liked humans. Their nature to take whatever they wanted had led to the deaths of thousands of Fae over the centuries, not to mention the body count of their own species.

Shasta had a particular reason she didn’t like humans. A tragedy from her past had made it clear to her how selfish humans were.. But it was also the reason she fought for them. As Alfred watched the princess come back and begin discussing their food options with her friends, a small hope flickered in his heart for his dear friend.

Skye seemed very kind, and the fairy that fluttered next to them was very familiar to him. Not from personally meeting her, but because of a description Shasta had given him many years ago. It was when they were both slaves; slated to fight each other to the death. Their cells had been side by side, so they talked often.

Over the years they had shared many stories about their lives before they were enslaved. It took Alfred years to get Shasta to tell him her origin story. Once she had, he’d completely understood why she lived her life the way she did.

Bakenekos were born from tragedy, and Shasta’s life had been just that. Alfred prayed to the gods that she would find happiness, but nothing ever worked in her favor. Not until the day Tidas saved them from the slavers...

As the three women took their seats at the farthest, most secluded booth, Renee brought over some drinks. Shasta got her cream, while Skye got a talk dram of ale. She didn’t really like ale, but the citrusy aroma actually smelled good. After a sip, she grinned broadly at Alfred and asked; “Do ye add orange rind to it?”

Alfred returned Skye’s smile; “Yes I do. I brew my own beer, so I experiment with different flavors on occasion. Most of my regulars liked this flavor the best, so I keep it on my menu. Would you like to taste the food it’s paired with?”

Skye beamed at him; “Aye! I’d love that, thank ye!”

As Alfred walked back towards the employee door, the sliver of hope in his heart grew. Skye seemed like a good person, and Shasta seemed attached to her. If she could open up to her about her past, then maybe his friend could finally have the life she deserved. With one final look, Alfred headed into the kitchen area to begin his planning..


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