Dawning Skye

Chapter 174

174 Highs and Lows

*** WARNING: This Chapter Has Extremely Descriptive And Graphic Sexual Content.

Viewer Discretion Is Advised***

Skye leaned into her husband’s shoulder as she spoke softly; “I would very much like that.. I miss you, Tidas..”

Cupping Skye cheek affectionately, he replied; “I miss you too. Whenever I’m not working, I’m thinking about you.. Sometimes while I’m trying to work now too; it’s becoming problematic.”

“Well..” Skye leaned her face up and batted her long lashes; “I think we may be able to fix that problem.. At least for tonight.”

Tidas didn’t speak; instead, he claimed his wife’s lips in a blazing kiss. He shifted his body to face Skye while he kissed her and unzipped the back of her dress. Once done, Tidas situated himself as he laid her down onto the pillows. She wrapped both arms around his neck as they deepened their kisses.

As they fenced, Tidas began to slip Skye’s dress from her shoulders. He pulled it down to just before exposing her nipples, then left trails of tiny kissed and love bites. He started from her neck; making sure to nip at her ear lobe before jumping to her collarbone. Slowly working his way from one side, to the other, then back until he reached her dress line.

One small tug, and Skye’s taunt nipple was greeted with the warmth of her husband’s mouth. He suckled and encircled her teat with his tongue before gently biting down on it. Skye arched her back in response, allowing Tidas to pull her dress down to her hips.

Skye ran her hand through his hair, then moved both of them up and down his shoulders. As his head moved lower, she moved her hands back to his hair, and tugged whenever he nipped. Both of their breaths were labored as Tidas hovered right above Skye’s most sensitive area.


Lifting her arse up, Tidas removed Skye’s dress and undergarments. Instead of teasing her like he normally did, her husband kept kissing her all the way down to her knees. He then went back up along the inside of her thighs; stopping at the junction between them.

Tidas didn’t need to tease Skye because she was already drenched from her need of him. He looked up at her to see sunset eyes pleading to him.. Begging him for satisfaction. The urge to see his wife moan and squirm from pleasure was too strong, but he did so while watching her.

Without warning; Tidas stuck his index finger into his wife’s passage. He’d always played with her bud beforehand, to give her some temporary relief. The muscles around her entrance tightened to the point of pain as she moaned and wriggled against him.

“Please.. U-Use yer tongue.. P-Please..”

Tidas flashed a sultry smile as he asked; “And where would you like me to lick? ...Here?”

Skye groaned as her husband sought her core. He moved his arm back and forth as he dipped his fingers in and out. With a soft grin, he pulled his fingers out from her, then began to rub at her bud.

“Or here..” Tidas’ tone was filled with need as Skye thrashed about, trying to keep her voice under control.

In a desperate move, Skye bit down on the tip of her thumb. She hoped that the unsweetened pain would keep her grounded enough to control herself, but it also spurred her husband on. She usually only did it while deep in thought, but doing it in the throes of passion was unbelievably sexy.

While still rubbing her, Tidas had Skye lift her legs up to rest on his chest and shoulders. Using his other hand, he teased Skye’s passage with the tip of his member a few seconds before gliding in. The feeling of her husband inside her nearly sent Skye over the edge before they’d even really begun.

Tidas barely had to move his hips a dozen times before Skye was hitting her first peak. It had been so long since the last time they were together.. And Tidas had nearly driven her insane with his tender teasing earlier. As she staggered down from her heights, Skye focused on her husband.

Tidas was watching her reactions with gentle eyes. He slowed down as he felt Skye’s contractions dissipating. They stared at each other with hazy passion reflected in their expressions. Tidas smiled softly before putting his wife’s legs off to their respective sides. He hovered over her as he stretched out his legs, then shifted the majority of his weight to his arms.

After a few minutes of gazing at each other, Skye reached up and cupped her husband’s cheek. The gentle smile from before reappeared, but it had a touch of sadness to it. Concern showing on her face, Tidas explained his:

“I love you, Skye.. More than anything. More than my position or rank. And if I’m brutally honest; more than everyone in Alcon. I know that’s a terrible thing in your eyes, but I can’t help it.. I would give up everything for you..”

Tidas grabbed Skye’s hand from his cheek, and entwined their fingers together as he spoke; “If you looked at me and told me to pack up Zazzy and Peggy, that we were leaving, never to return.. I would do it. To me, there is no living without you; no life without you in it. If something were to happen to you, my darkness would swallow me whole..”

Skye gripped her husband’s fingers; “I love ye, husband; everything ye are, with everything I am. I know the kind of man ye are.. The darkness ye carry will Never scare me away. The fact that it bothers ye so also tells me how good of a man ye are..”

Tidas’ heart felt a hundred pounds lighter. Skye’s words and love made him feel worthy of his titles whenever doubt found it’s way in. She was his foundation for everything, which is why he feared anything happening to her. But the past few months had shown him how truly strong she was.

The version of her past self was the image Tidas would envision on the battlefield. Fearless, but hasty, emotional, and magic-less. But the goddess under him was no magic-less, easily-duped greenhorn. Skye was tactical and driven, and knew exactly what she needed to do to accomplish her goals.

“While I don’t doubt ye would run away with me.. Ye wouldn’t be the man I love if ye didn’t turn back. Which you would do, once I was safely away.. But then I would just follow ye anyways. Isn’t it best to just start out Stayin’ Together?”

“I’d wait a thousand years for you, if I had to.. But I don’t plan to. My plan is to always be by yer side, and you at mine. No matter who ye are in life, crap comes yer way. Every time we try to ‘protect’ each other, someone always gets hurt.. Instead of tryin’ to spare each other, why don’t we just work through it together?”

Tidas grinned at his wife; there was no arguing her logic. If he truly looked at her objectively, Skye would be an outstanding prospect for a cadet. He already felt an itch to fight with her, but his love and worry Far outweighed his desire for a fight with her.. At least the kind involving fists..

Still grinning; Tidas said, “Aye, wife.. Together: from here on out,” then kissed her with the whole of his being.

Entwining their other hands together, Skye and Tidas moved in sync. Skye wrapped her legs around her husband’s to help her keep to his timing. They rotated between gazing passionately into each other’s eyes, and devouring each other’s lips. As their need for each other built, Tidas bit down where her necklace was.

The leather protected Skye’s neck from teeth marks, but still gave the pleasure of the pressure. She moaned his name, then arched her back as she began to climb her final peak. Tidas couldn’t hold back any more; he didn’t want to. He slid Skye’s hands above her head and held them there as he hammered her.

Skye screamed out louder as Tidas pushed her higher, up into the clouds. Her entire body felt electrified and serene at the same time. He invaded her senses, and filled her to brimming with affection and happiness. Their lovemaking had been a mingling of their souls; each giving a piece to be made whole by the other.

With a body-racking shudder, Tidas hit his peak. Skye’s breathing was as ragged as his own, bringing a cocky smile to his face. He couldn’t even form words as his head and body lost themselves to the haze of euphoria.

After their coupling, Tidas released Skye’s hands as they both instantly collapsed. Their panting mixed with the sounds from the fire, breaking the silence of the winter night. It wasn’t long before their breathing evened out, but Skye was nearly sleeping by then.

Tidas leaned up on one arm and simply watched his beautiful wife drift. She usually fell asleep right after their couplings. As adorable as Tidas thought it was, he didn’t actually want either of them sleeping on the floor.

Not wanting to disturb her too much, Tidas scooped his wife up in his arms; blanket, pillow, and all. He then carried her over, and gently transferred her from the blanket to the bed. After relieving himself and retrieving his pillow, he climbed into bed with his wife.

Snuggling up to her backside, Tidas began to trail tiny kisses up and down Skye’s neck and shoulder. She made a happy little grumbling noise as he mixed in dragging his chin along the top of her shoulder. As Skye drifted off, visions of her husband’s adoring face and loving eyes filled her head and dreams...


Skye awoke to a lonely bed, but smiled as she trailed her fingertips along her shoulder. She could still feel Tidas’ kisses and stubble on her skin, and grinned at the surge of affection she felt. They still needed to discuss some things, but Skye felt that they had an understanding now. They both knew exactly how much the other meant to them..

As a small giggle escaped Skye, Peggy opened the door to her room. Zazzy came barreling in like an excited puppy. She was smiling as her tail flopped about. It was like she was trying to use the weight of it like a rutter. Akin to the way a cheetah used it’s tail to make turns at high speeds.

After a few rounds of running around the couch area, the baby dragon realized that her mother was awake. She immediately went straight to her; not slowing down as she did so. Before Skye knew it, she was tackling her on the bed. She felt a strange surge of magic within herself right before Zazzy slammed into her.

It was the same magic from yesterday; the magic she’d used to send Shasta flying. It was the only reason Zazzy hadn’t caused Skye any serious injuries from running at her. She could feel her skin, muscles, and even her bones become stronger seconds before the impact. All her senses sharpened at once, allowing Skye to catch Zazzy, and flip her to the other side of her, on the bed.

Peggy had screamed, thinking Zazzy was about to seriously injure Skye. The shriek had caused Klaus and Ronnie to come barging into her room with their weapons drawn. Peggy screamed again out of sheer shock, but Skye froze. Her actual front was covered, but the way she had turned when catching Zazzy had left her backside completely exposed. Giving the two men a perfect view of her naked arse..


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