Dawning Skye

Chapter 170

170 Building Hope

Tidas, Lawrence, Nicolas, and Maevis had all been in deep conversation the entire time they waited inside the gazebo. They’d mostly been talking about what had happened outside of Skye’s room, and Marco in general. Maevis didn’t like him at all. The magic she’d felt from him was Ether, but it’d felt.. off. Like there was something more to it right below the surface.

During the parade, between Karena’s incessant conversations; Maevis had tried to suss out information from her. She was doing well with benign things, but once they’d gotten to how she and her husband would run their kingdom, Marco had cut his wife off mid-conversation.

Karena was about to explain: “How the days of laziness for the commoners was limited”, when Marco called out to her. The look of fear in her eyes made Maevis believe that the Crowned Prince wasn’t as reserved and proper as he liked everyone to think. Afterwards, the only things Karena would speak on after that were superficial in nature.

Nicolas wanted to know what Skye had handed Marco. He found it far too convenient that the man had been outside of Skye’s room when Tidas had been affected by the strange magic. From what Lawrence had said, Marco may be far more powerful than he wants everyone to believe. The amount of magic he had personally was minuscule, but his amulet was a different story.

Aero was the best at sensing magic within others, but Nicolas had a pretty good sense when it came to magical items. Manics used unison magic to create items so they could sell or wield multiple types. The items themselves also had a bearing on what part of a person they affected. A necklace or ring was easily the best choice for Elemental magic. Whereas a brace or guard would better suit an item with Tank magic infused in it.

Nicolas had only been around Marco a few times, but he could feel that the amulet had a deep well of magic connected to it. He wasn’t sure if Marco just couldn’t tap into all of it, or if he was intentionally trying to keep the fact hidden. Either way, it didn’t bode well for the future...

After almost two hours of waiting, Tidas was becoming a little anxious. Skye should’ve been done by now, but she still hadn’t come out of their room. He was getting ready to go in after her when he heard the familiar click from the door handle. About twenty seconds later; Skye, Marie, Shasta, and Peggy entered the spacious, heated gazebo.

The two MacArthur men stood and greeted the women as they entered. When Lawrence saw Shasta, he grinned cockily. Noticing his smirk, she crossed her arms as she glared at him. She knew what he was thinking; she cleaned up just for him.

Shasta smiled as she attempted to deflate Lawrence’s ego; “I fell off of Skye’s horse and needed a shower, nothing more. Don’t go gettin’ any funny ideas..”


Lawrence feigned innocence as he replied; “I wasn’t thinking anything except that you look very nice tonight.”

Shasta could feel the heat on her face again. Lawrence made her feel things she’d never felt before. He was handsome, funny, and caring, but also a little arrogant; which she liked. He knew exactly how good looking he was, and used it to his advantage. Just like he would with any other trait or talent.

Ruscovic hadn’t had such a long stint of peace for decades. It had been nearly three years since Lawrence’s kingdom had gone to war. The Ital Kingdom was always instigating a war with one kingdom or another. It had even sparked a few conflicts between others over the centuries. They had an alliance with the Sync Kingdom currently, and had been trying to get Meccano on their side for several years. If Karena wasn’t the Crowned Queen, her brother would’ve most likely allied with them, and picked apart Ruscovic and Alcon.

The Sai Republic made every effort to stay out of the affairs of other kingdoms. The only time they’d ever reached out to another kingdom was to overthrow their previous regime. The family had ruled over Sai for generations, but the final Emperor had turned into a maniacal dictator. He killed anyone that argued; from small infractions to actual criminal behavior. All were judged the same: death for offending Emperor.

The majority of the nobles came together and requested aid from the other kingdoms, but made it clear that they would remain a solitary republic after their revolution. All kingdoms refused to help officially, but Lucas Moonstone had friends in Sai. He’d spoken to Magnus and convinced him to send them supplies instead of soldiers. They didn’t want a foreign kingdom coming in and taking over their country. The people Wanted to save themselves, so Lucas did what he could.

After a few years, the evil emperor was slain, and Sai began to rebuild itself. Unlike Alcon, they spread their wealth and technology that the emperor had hoarded throughout their country. The entire kingdom hand sewers, running water, and sanitation utilities that were part of every village and town above a specific population. A few villages in the mountains had refused the modernization, but other than that, everyone was equal.

Lawrence was currently trying to do the same with his kingdom, but his nobles were fighting him tooth and nail on it. They feared what would happen if their commoners got a taste of ‘the good life’. They thought that it should be the same as in Alcon; limited to the capital. The King of Ruscovic wanted the best of All of his people, not just the privileged few.

Lawrence was currently working his way through the nobles’ wives, getting many of them on his side. He only had to sleep with a few to convince the majority of them. Rights for women was a subject he wanted to work on next, but at the moment he had his hands full just trying to get the men to see each other as equals. While his kingdom’s laws weren’t as bad as Alcon’s, they still needed a lot more work.

“LAW! Pay attention man! Or are you not interested in food anymore, now that Shasta’s here?” Tidas leaned across the table and smacked his brother as he spoke.

“Shut up, Tidas!” Shasta yelled, embarrassed.

Lawrence smirked as he registered what his little brother had said; “How about you focus on yours, and I’ll focus on mine?”

Shasta was so embarrassed that the tips of her ears were red. How everyone knew she liked Lawrence was beginning to piss her off. She was ready to leave when Marie placed her hand on top of hers and said; “Ignore the Boys; for that is what they are..”

“Oh, come on Auntie. We were just messing with her. She does far worse to me all the time,” Tidas stated as he grabbed plates from the servants to set on the table.

“So your excuse is an eye for an eye then? You know how I feel about that,” Marie spoke with an edge to her voice that Skye had never heard before.

Both brothers apologized to both their aunt and to Shasta. Marie believed that retribution was a fool’s errand, and only furthered the cycle of violence. She hated what her husband had done, and knew he deserved to be punished for it, but she couldn’t help wondering why he’d done it. They were so happy, then in one night, it all turned into despair.

Marie knew that Tidas’ main motivation for hunting his uncle was because of the pain and grief he’d caused her. She also understood that it was a direct order from the king. It wasn’t like Tidas could turn down doing it, even if he’d wanted to(which he didn’t). However, that didn’t stop Marie’s nightly prayers for her nephews, the people, and her husband.

The meal looked amazing, and smelled just as good. A plate filled with sliced beef was the main course. Mashed potatoes, bread, and gravy made from the beef juices were all set out first. Little dishes of butter and jam accompanied the bread like always. Next, a heaping bowl of roasted squash with bits of bacon and brown sugar were set on the table. Followed closely by a small bowl of brussel sprouts.

Shasta and Lawrence were the only ones to eat the sprouts. They placed the bowl between them and took turns eating. With the last one, Lawrence stabbed it with his fork and offered to feed it to Shasta. She looked at the table and saw everyone was busy chatting away, so she took the bite.

Lawrence watched her whiskers and nose twitching as she chewed the bite. He found her utterly adorable as she chewed with obvious restraint. He’d seen her eating in the mess hall before, so he knew she usually shoveled her food. Her attempt at eating slowly and properly was exclusively for Lawrence’s benefit, and he knew it.

Once their dinner was finished, the servants brought out one of Lawrence’s favorite sweet treats: milkshakes. Shasta had only had them on special occasions due to their cream content. Drinking one milkshake was like chugging a half bottle of whiskey to her.

As the chocolate milkshakes were set on the table, Shasta hesitated to even touch hers. She very badly wanted to; she Loves them. But it was a different kind of buzz than when she drank plain cream. She didn’t know if it was the sugar content or what, but milkshakes made the Vice Commander extremely friendly.

She found it curious that he’d picked That as dessert, but Shasta brushed it off as coincidence. She didn’t see Tidas or Zas telling Lawrence about her drinking preferences, or him asking them about it.. Even though he had.

“Are you not going to drink it?” Lawrence questioned honestly.

Shasta hesitated before answering; “Oh, I want too.. But..”

Before he realized it; Lawrence placed his hand on top of hers and said, “Let’s go for a quick walk. It’s not that cold out, and I’d like to talk to you away from everyone..”

Shasta’s heart felt like it was trying to escape her chest, it was pounding so hard. Lawrence’s voice had a sultry undertone to it that made Shasta’s head swirl. She was scared to be alone with him, but never had wanted anything more for herself than Lawrence. Picking up her glass, Shasta slammed over half her shake, then agreed. As the two got up, they announced what they were doing, and left.

Skye and Marie giggled to each other a few moments after the two had left. When Tidas asked what was so funny, Marie replied; “Oh, nothing.. Just excited to see what beautiful things can bloom in the snow on a winter’s walk..”


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