Dawning Skye

Chapter 153

153 Lost And Found

Skye and Tidas made their way through the hall quickly to Marie’s quarters for their makeup dinner. Magnus hadn’t been happy they’d gone to Moonstone Castle for the holidays. In his mind, they could’ve invited Skye’s parents to stay in the palace instead of going out to the country. The princess had to explain her and Peggy’s holiday tradition for the king to accept their leaving.

When the guards opened the door and they entered Marie’s quarters, the couple was greeted with enthusiasm. Magnus, Marie, Maevis, and Lawrence were all sitting at the table. The group had stood and approached for their greetings and hugs. Skye clasped her arms around Marie and Magnus, then turned and shook fingers with Maevis. Lawrence held his arms out with a cheeky grin to his sister in law, only to be embraced by his little brother with a bear hug.

He coughed and sputtered as Tidas squeezed him far harder than necessary. As they pulled away from each other, the brothers smiled and lightly smacked each other’s shoulders before heading over to the table. The food was ready, but it hadn’t been brought out yet. Both the kings had insisted on waiting for the newlyweds before starting to serve the meal. That way everyone could eat at the same time.

Maevis looked towards the door, then turned back to the royal couple; “Where is Nicolas? He did come back with you two didn’t he? I’ll string him up by his wings if he left me here by myself; I’m no diplomat!”

“Oh I think you’ve been doing a fine job so far Mae,” Magnus turned towards Skye and Tidas as he spoke; “You two should’ve seen her on Yuletide and Hogmanay! She was amazing! The people loved her!”

Tidas shifted in his seat; “Why did you make the announcement already? I thought you were going to wait until the queen and king approved the treaty?”

Magnus looked at his youngest son with a marked decrease in his joviality; “Because Maevis was here, and your brother thought it’d be a good idea to do it on Yuletide. Something about how the season would make the people more receptive to accepting that Fae are real.. It worked! The palace has been flooded with well wishes and diplomatic requests. We’re going to be very busy come the thaw.”

According to the present four, Alcon had accepted the Fae as real the moment they saw Maevis officially introduced. Marco had the idea to have a kind of parade to show her off to the masses. Her classic fairytale looks had people clamoring for knowledge on all types of Fae. Tomes pertaining to Fae in any way were reserved for weeks out by those wishing to learn more about the legendary creatures.

Once they’d gone over a few details about some of the people the old Fae had met, a knock came from the door. After Marie called out, the doors opened; revealing Marco and Karena. Seeing them enter, Skye realized that there were two extra seats. Magnus had said it was a family dinner, and family dinners usually included all members.


Smiling wide, Karena wrapped her arms around Skye for a disingenuous hug. The princess embraced her back sincerely, and asked how her holiday was. She went off about the parade they’d had; claiming to be the centerpiece. Magnus rolled his eyes every so often, unknown to the princesses. Skye listened intently as Karena somehow turned the the event into something all about her.

Marco greeted his family verbally, but took his seat right away; he wasn’t the hugging type like his brothers. Tidas didn’t realize his oldest brother would be coming, and flashed an annoyed look at his other brother for not warning him ahead of time. Lawrence shrugged his shoulders, indicating he knew nothing of it either.

Magnus had watched his two youngest sons’ exchange, adding to his irritation. Why his sons didn’t get along with their oldest brother, he didn’t understand. Tidas didn’t know that Marco had requested Skye be his second wife instead of Tidas’ first. It was years ago, and Magnus didn’t think it was due to anything more than strategy. Other than that, Magnus knew of no other reason for Tidas to take issue with his oldest brother.

Marco thought that the Moonstone family needed a stronger tie to his future crown than the bond Lucas and Magnus shared. He wanted Skye’s financial support personally, not just the possible support of his youngest brother, if needed. Magnus had refused him due to the contract already in place with Lucas, and Marco never broached the subject again.

Magnus wanted Tidas to have Skye’s fortune for his own security, and due to his public works projects. Marco had explained to the king the total cost of everything he’d proposed so far. Only a quarter of his suggestions had been passed, but the Crowned Prince thought ‘his father should know of the burden his brother wishes to put on their people’.

He’d flashed large numbers in front of Magnus, but failed to explain the payout for the majority of Tidas’ ideas. Most of which benefited the general population instead of just the nobles and the already wealthy. Magnus had always been both impressed, and blinded by Marco’s intelligence. He often used it to manipulate his father into denying his youngest brother’s projects. If the head beneficiaries weren’t either him or the nobles, then it was worthless to him.

Some things Marco let Tidas do because it made him look good. Extra medical supplies distributed, roads built or repaired, the sewer system, etc.. Anything to make him look like a good future king to the people.

Even the parade had simply been a good marketing event to the Crowned Prince. It was made even better by Tidas Not being in the spotlight for once. While he and Karena didn’t have the presence his youngest brother did, they’d easily Played the roles of beautiful and fair rulers..

About halfway through Karena’s story, the food began to be brought out. Beef stew and chicken pot pies with large chunks of vegetables in them were offered first. A haunch of roasted lamb with baby sweet onions on the the side came next, followed by the side dishes. Both mashed and roasted potatoes were offered, along with the ever-present loaves of bread, butter, and jam.

A separate vegetable melody was passed around next, followed by a tray of yelllow squash cooked in butter and brown sugar. Their dessert was a dark chocolate yule log cake with mixed berry whipped cream in the center. Real raspberries and blueberries decorated the outside for garnish. It was a beautiful cake, and delicious too.

After Karena had finished her story, Magnus asked Skye how handing out the presents to her father’s cotters had gone. Skye beamed as she explained decorating the cart, and the smiles on their faces as they’d accepted their gifts with gratitude. The princess practically glowed as she described how elated their happiness made her feel.

“Gross.. You went down to the village yourself?! Wasn’t it dirty and muddy? The people dirty? You’re far braver than I, little sister,” Karen stated in a snotty tone.

Skye bit her tongue as she replied; “Ahh, thank ye...sister,” and attempted to continue her story.

Karena jerked her head up when Skye mentioned that Tidas and another had helped her to celebrate by wearing the elf costumes, and Nic being Nic. Everyone seemed to find it funny, even Marco; except Karena. She looked mortified that the Third Prince would be caught dead in such a situation. When she’d literally said as much, Tidas lost his temper a bit; “So let me get this straight: you’re mocking us because we dressed up as elves for a bunch of children?”

Marco glared at his wife as a cue to shut up, but Karena didn’t see it; “Commoner children, yes.. If you’re going to do something so embarrassing, at least do it for the kids that matter..”

Skye was about to say something to the bitch, but Magnus beat her to it; “Are you trying to say that a Child only has worth if they’re a noble?! By the gods, how stupid can a future queen be?!”

Karena tried to defend herself; “I didn’t mean it like that. I was only trying to-”

“Make yourself look like a classic snob, undeserving of her title? Well let me inform you that you’ve nailed it! Starting tomorrow, you will resume your lessons with a tutor of MY choosing. Obviously you must’ve paid off the previous one,” Magnus was rubbing his forehead in exasperation as he finished speaking.

Karena scoffed at her father in law and king; “What?! Why? I’m twenty years old, I have no need for further school-”

Magnus slammed his fist down on the table; “DO NOT ARGUE with your KING! Leave now! I want you out of my sight until tomorrow.. Reflect upon your choices, lassie. I do not tolerate fools.. You’d be wise to follow your sister in law’s example.”

‘Great... Now my life will be hell..’ Skye lamented inwardly.

Karena glared furiously at Skye before getting up, and walking towards the door. She stomped her feet and mumbled under her breath like a pouting, spoiled child. The kindness in Skye felt pity for the crowned princess, but knew she’d brought the admonishment upon herself. To say such a cruel thing about innocent children had shocked Skye, to say the least.

Karena had always seemed so nice and lively; Skye was shocked to learn of the kind of person she really was. She knew Karena to be shallow and petty, but not cruel. The glare she had flashed at Skye caused a cold sweat to break out on her skin. An ominous feeling filled Skye’s gut as Karena whipped her head around to flash one last irate glare at the group before leaving.

As soon as she snapped her head forward and down to take a step, Karena belted out an ear-shattering scream. She stumbled backwards; tripping over a footstool, and landing on her entitled arse. As soon as she went down, Skye was on her feet, but not to help Karena..

Zazzy stood with her head quirked in confusion at Karena’s reaction. It was the first time she’d seen someone upset like that, and was perplexed by her yelling and flailing instead of her attempting to hurt her. She shrinked her head back slightly until she saw her mother heading her way with her arms stretched out to scoop her up.

Everyone that was sitting was now standing; mostly slackjawed at the sight before them. It wasn’t a giant lizard or a wyvern, and the way it nuzzled Skye led to the abrupt realization: it was the dragon from the egg!

Skye smiled nervously as she said; “Well... This wasn’t supposed to happen yet, heh-heh.. Umm, everyone; I’d like to introduce ye all to Zazzy!”

Marco was across the room in a flash, pulling his sword from his sheath as he did so. Tidas was standing in front of his wife by the time his brother had gotten to her; sword in hand. Each ready to swing on the other...


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