Dawn of the Void

Chapter 86: Gearing Up

Chapter 86: Gearing Up

68 Days till Pits Open

Might as well have been a lifetime. James dismissed the countdown as the elevator doors opened and he led Crimson Hydra out into the parking lot. Jessica had worked through the night to set up a new system, and each squad was to pass through in order to gather equipment before heading out to their intersections.

The parking lot was barely recognizable at this point. Foot traffic was intense, and overhead speakers announced messages and requests like at an airport.

Shipment of Divine Diamond has arrived at Loading Bay 3.

Team Blue Hydra has completed quota for their night shift. Congrats team, be sure to mark your points on the board before clocking out.

3rd level Apprentice War Smith requested in Floor 3, Zone 2.

The original cement walls were no longer visible; Structuralist walls compartmentalized everything, their surfaces glowing metallic green like the iridescent backs of a beetles.

A familiar face was waiting by the elevator, tablet in hand. Mr. Kelly!

Mark, was it?

Yes sir. The young man had been a DRC assistant, or something. Was part of the first wave of government employees that Jessica had swiped. He was obviously pleased to have been remembered. Were ready for you, if youll step this way?

Mark led them out of the immediate lobby-like area, down a hallway with colored strips running along the floor, and into a large space with a table along each opposite wall. Jamess eyes widened at the sight of what lay on the tables: gear.

On one side lay swords, axes, spears, maces, all kinds of weapons. Chest plate armor, helmets, the parts for your arms and legs. At the very end of the lengthy table were a half dozen Sola Animas in their dormant form, and then on the wall hung what looked like hundreds of rune amulets. The other table was covered in military gear, ranging from crates of ammo and magazines to guns, rifles, military vests, and helmets.

Hed hoped Jessica would be present, but instead Mark handed them off to another lady who summoned their squads profile on her tablet and beamed at them.

Welcome, Crimson Hydra, and its an honor to meet you, sir.

It took James a moment to realize she was addressing him. Oh, yeah. Uh - thanks.

Her smile widened as if hed just said the most perfect thing. Youve got a rare code gold, which means your team is free to pick whatever you think appropriate for your upcoming mission. Just check-out with me before leaving.

Wait, anything? asked Serenity.

Well, yes, but we ask that you be mindful of the other teams that have yet to pass through. Please take only what you think youll need.

Oh goody, said Serenity. Christmas has come early!

My friends, if I may? Olaf stepped toward the medieval weapons. I have some experience with this. HEMA has taught me a little, though nobody can say they know how real the way we fight today is to the way it used to be.

Everybody clustered around him, eyeing the weapons.

Most first students at HEMA want the exciting weapons, the sexy weapons, said Olaf, his expression turning severe. To this I say: no! It takes much training to learn to use a sword. That is why I recommend the spear. He took one up, gripped it in both hands and studied its construction. Sighted down its length to check out straight it was, then ran a thumb over the leaf-shaped blade.

Very good. Has some flexibility. He shook it again, and the body flexed. But light, strong, sharp. With a spear you keep your enemy far from you. Nem3s have big sword arms, so possible they cut through spear, but better than they cutting through you, yah? He beamed, delighted, and Kimmie was the only one who smiled back, though it clearly took effort.

Now see here. He touched the crossbar two feet below the spearhead. This is good. This common in boar-hunting spear. Can anybody tell me why?

James recalled his experiment with rebar all too well. Keeps the demon from sliding up the spear to get at you.

Yes! Very good, Mr. Kelly. Gold star. But see how they set the bar two feet down? A lot of room for demon to get steel deep in belly. Quick lesson. Hold spear like this. Legs comfortable, hip width apart. Dont throw your spear. You will lose it and dont know how to throw straight. Instead, poke! Poke poke poke. Back away. More pokey-poke. If Nem3 coming at you fast, and you must use spear, stick the butt in the ground, yes? In hole, against crack, something, then hold. Setting for charge. Nem3 will impale itself on spear. Then you run away.

Olaf beamed at them.

Yo man, I kind of want this guy, said Yadriel, moving to where a truly medieval weapon lay. It was a metal sphere the size of a grapefruit with spikes emerging from all over its head. A thick chain ran to a metal bar the length of Jamess forearm, with a textured grip running down its length.

No. Olaf made a peremptory gesture with his hand. Bad idea. You more likely hit your head than demon. Very hard to use. No.

Yeah, but. Yadriel picked up the morning star. Its got my name all over it.

Ill take a spear, said Kimmie with an apologetic smile, and took one up. Pokey-poke.

Everyone else picked a spear except for Serenity.

So, excuse me? The lady waved her hand. Once you claim your weapon, it should appear on your statistics sheet. Thatll show its officially been registered.

James pulled up his sheet. A new field had appeared at the bottom:

Equipment: Dawn Spear, Level 1.

Whys it called a Dawn Spear? asked Joanna.

The dawn classification is one of the first type of weapons a War Smith can make, said the lady. Its strength varies throughout the day. It offers a +2 to Power from 6 A.M. to 9, then +1 for the rest of the day, and loses all bonuses while remaining a well-built spear during the night.

Huh, said James, looking his spear up and down. Thisll give my Smite a boost, then.

Oh, Mr. Kelly? Ms. Miles asked me to make sure you got this. The assistant pulled a blanket-wrapped bundle out from behind her lectern. She apologizes that she cant give it to you herself, but shes dealing with logistics up in Queens. This was made by Samantha Haight, our highest ranked War Smith. Jessica put in the request personally.

Very exciting, said Olaf, rubbing his hands. Open it up.

James took the bundle. It was oddly shaped, a weapon, obviously. Peeling back the blanket, he uncovered a large axe, the blade made of pure divine diamond, the haft of ivory and gold.

Ooh, said Kimmie. So pretty.

The axe was two feet long, and the lower part of the blade extended down to create a greater cutting edge.

Ah, said Olaf, taking the axe from James. A skeggox. Beautiful, beautiful. This style is called bearded. See here, the lower part of the blade? This is the beard. Allows axe to remain light by not putting a lot of metal - or diamond - here on the face of the blade. Olaf frowned at James. This is a serious weapon. You must be careful.

Motherfuckin demons better be careful, said Yadriel, covering his mouth as he stepped back and hunched over. James gonna be like chippity chop there go your legs, bitches.

James grinned and took the axe back. Opened his statistics sheet.

Equipment: Dawn Spear, Level 1.

Sun Skeggox, Level 2

Sun Skeggox, said the assistant, divining his question before he spoke it. You can put a little divine power into it to get it to glow, or a lot to make it really bright. Also adds a +5 to your Power.

How come James gets all the good stuff? asked Serenity.

Jason laughed. Maam, you have an M20. I dont think you should complain.

James scanned up his sheet:

Power: 10 (27)

The urge to give the Sun Skeggox an experimental swing was overwhelming, but he restrained himself; itd be poor form to cut someones arm off before the fight even started. Even so, he eased a trickle of divine power into the axe and was rewarded by the diamond blade turning a dull bronze which began to glow with a faint orange light.

Very impressive, asserted Kerim with a brisk nod. It is just like being in a game of Dungeons and Dragons, is it not?

Thats it? Serenity frowned. Dull-ass orange?

Miracles are wasted on this lady, laughed Denzel.

James eased a little more divine power into the blade, and the glow lightened to a purer candle white. It still paled in luminosity compared to the overhead fluorescent lights, however.

Kerim pushed his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. I would wager it is effective against demonic darkness. He glanced around. Dont you think?

Yeah, said James. Im guessing it is. Someone remind me to get this Ms. Haight a thank you card.

Dude, its the apocalypse, said Yadriel. Lets bust open an ATM and send her a gift basket of like, a million dollars.

Where would she spend it? asked Denzel.

She wouldnt, yo. Its a joke.

A gift would be nice, said Kimmie. Ill keep an eye out for something nice.

Anyways, groused Serenity. You all got your caveman weapons? Time for rune amulets.

Second, armor, said Olaf firmly.

And You and Olaf already have a major amulet each, said James. Lets not get greedy.

Ill take some armor, said Jason, glancing at the flak jackets on the other table before reaching for a medieval breastplate. One size fits all?

They adapt to your frame, said the assistant with a smile.

Soon they were all attaching backplates and chest plates. They indeed molded smoothly to their bodies, forming smooth shells with a ridge running vertically down the center.

Very good, said Olaf. This deflect attack. If I stab like so, see how tip of my spear slide off to the side?

And +2 to Stamina, said Joanna. Perfect. Ive been neglecting that stat.

The cuirass is classic, said Olaf. That is the name of back and front together. Comes from French, cuirace, means leather.

Get your cuirass outta here, said Yadriel.

No, not queer ass, cuirass, said Olaf in exasperation.

Queer nothing, said Yadriel.

Whats wrong with being queer? asked Denzel, his tone tight.

Nothing, if thats your thing, said Yadriel. Just keep that queer ass shit offa me.

Denzel glared at Yadriel then visibly let it go.

Yadriel. Jamess low tone caught the youths attention. No more jokes like that.

What? Yadriel seemed genuinely confused. Im not the one calling it a queer ass.

James held his gaze.

Oh, so its like that? We cant even make jokes when theyre that easy? Yadriel held up his hands in mock surrender. Shit, thats cool. Crimson Hydras woke as hell. I got it.

James met Serenitys gaze, and they both glanced at Denzel whod turned his back on Yadriel to examine a dagger.

Thanks, said James, ending that line of conversation.

Soon everybody was suited up in cuirasses but given how few greaves and vambraces - Olaf knew the names for all the weird armor parts - there were, James suggested they leave the pieces to those whod benefit from them more.

This appeals to my soul, said Kerim, stepping up to the wall of rune-amulets. It reminds me of the evil eye talismans that are sold in the markets all over Istanbul. That and a thousand others, each of ever more dubious efficacy.

These work, said Serenity, pulling hers out to examine it. Trust me.

Oh, I do. It just reminded me of home. Kerim ran his fingertips over them, murmuring as he read the labels. Ill take a greater rune of Speed.

Stamina for me, said Denzel. Gotta keep going when you guys start dropping.

Agility, said James. Helps with controlling my Aura.

Power, course, said Yadriel.

Hmm. Kimmie tapped her lips. I suppose Agility. I dont like being hit?

Power, said James, taking his up. It was the size of his palm and felt solid in his hand. A complex pattern of interweaving lines was painted gold against a black, glossy background. Whats this design? Celtic?

Nobodys been able to place it, said the assistant.

It has some resemblance to Islamic calligraphy, said Kerim, turning his over. But only slightly. Even the most stylized examples are still legible. This is not.

If it works, it works, said Serenity from the gun table. No complaining.

Not complaining, said Kerim softly, pressing his to his chest. Just musing.

James pressed his rune to his left shoulder and felt a wave of power wash over him as it melded with his body, sinking through his clothing to momentarily burn his flesh.

Ow! said Yadriel, smacking at the inside of his forearm. Mines - oh. Never mind.

The pain disappeared as quickly as it came. James rubbed the rune. Its ridges were tangible through his jacket.

Howd it go through clothing like that? asked Denzel. Thats some straight-up magic.

Not a lot of logic to most of this, said James, pulling up his stats. But as Serenity said.

Strength: 15 (25)

Stamina: 10 (22)

Speed: 8 (18)

Agility: 5 (15)

Power: 10 (33)

Arete: 90

Hed come a long way since this had begun. Arete 90 meant he could get out some six Sacred Strikes or three Heavenly Assaults without needing to resort to Aeviternum. Power 33? That was 2 from the synergy bonus with Strength, 10 from his Anima, 6 from the rune, and 5 from the Sun Skeggox. Madness.

He felt normal, just standing there, but there was a sense of potential, of explosive energy just waiting to be tapped. Add in the Strength 25 and Stamina 22, and he felt like he could fight all day long.

Shits getting real, said Jason quietly, staring into the air as well. Im not saying Im confident, but Im not not saying Im confident, either.

Serenity sighed and put down an M4. I got nothing but boring chest armor out of this. We ready to go?

I think we are, said James. Time to mount up. Kerim, Kimmie, you guys ridden on Angel Wings before?

Ooh! Kimmie clapped her hands excitedly. No! But Ive been dying to. They look so amazing. Im going to get one of my own?

James couldnt help but grin even as Serenity rolled her eyes. Yeah. Its a loaner.

I havent, said Kerim. But I, too, have hoped to have the opportunity.

Well, the opportunitys arrived. James smiled gratefully at the assistant as he led the team out. Lets go test these new toys of ours.


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