Dawn of the Void

Chapter 111: Light Eternal

Chapter 111: Light Eternal

Oh man, breathed Jason. Disciple 1! And I get to pick a brand-new Benediction.

The others murmured their agreement, but James dismissed the message from his vision and turned to the far throne.

Belanger had slumped down to the ground and lay still.

Be right back, said James and took off at a run. He crossed the cavern quickly and leaped up to land lightly beside the throne.

Belanger was dead.

James crouched and pressed his fingers to the mans neck.

No pulse.

Hope you found some peace, muttered James, then turned his attention to the blue gem.

The Light Eternal.

A test humanity was meant to fail. Would just touching it behind James to its power?

One way to find out.

James picked up the Light Eternal and studied it.

It was a raw hunk of sapphire, multifaceted and bound in golden wires, some of the gems faces cloudy, others polished to a clear gloss. Looking inside was like peering into a telescope aimed at the heart of the galaxy; James got a vertiginous sense of depth and immense space, saw thousands of sparkling motes like endless star fields.

You have acquired the Light Eternal.

Do you wish to become its Guardian?

James snorted. As always the system provided the barest amount of possible information. He looked over his shoulder to where the rest of Crimson Hydra were talking amongst themselves. Hey, everyone. They looked his way. Im going to accept the position of Guardian for the Light Eternal, all right? Might make me responsible for humanity and the apocalypse though.

Go for it! said Olaf, giving James two thumbs up.

My man, grinned Yadriel.

All yours, hon, agreed Serenity.

The others nodded, so James turned his attention to the message before his eyes and willed his acceptance.

You are now the Guardian of the Light Eternal.

You have gained the ability to use the Light Eternal.

You have gained your first Miracle: Resurrect (1/day).

You are now immune to Curses, Fear, Possession, and Illusions.

No locks, doors, or portals can bar your way.

The Light Eternal has already been Betrayed, all further powers are lost.

Huh, said James, trying to process the text. You seeing this, Jelly?

Yes. First Miracle. Holy shit.

Resurrect. That mean what I think it means?

Bringing back the dead. Yes. You could probably start your own religion now. Had the apocalypse not already begun.

Ha, yeah. A little late. Shit. You think I can bring back anybody?

Try it.

James felt his blood turn to ice. His chest locked up and he couldnt breathe. The enormity of the power hit him like a bullet train. Resurrection. Napoleon, Jesus Christ, Elvis, he could bring back anybody.

But his mind turned to one person and one person first: Laney.

Clutching the Light Eternal James clenched his jaw and willed his dead wife return to life.

The Guardian of the Light Eternal may only Resurrect someone who died

Within the last 24 hours.

James gasped, overbalanced, and sat. His heart was pounding, his whole body felt raw and wounded, his mind spun.


James hung his head and focused on not screaming. To have that hope dangled before him and then snatched away.

But of course. Otherwise Belanger would have brought the real Jane back. James had been an idiot to think otherwise.

You all right, hon? Serenity leaped up beside him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Yeah. Just freaked myself out. The gem gives me the ability to bring someone back from the dead. I thought for a second

Your wife?

Yeah. James exhaled. Fuck. But it only works on folks who died within the last twenty-four hours.

No shit. She stared at the gem. Honest to goodness resurrection?

Seems like it. Plus, Im not immune to all mental effects, and apparently locks and doors can no longer bar my way.

What about the whole apocalypse thing?

Looks like were too late for that part. It said the Light Eternal was already betrayed and has lost all other powers.

Fucking Belanger. Serenity glared at the corpse. So now what?

I dont know. James felt hollowed out, exhausted. Guess we were too late. Still.

Damn it. Serenity shook her head. It cant just be this. Dont get me wrong, resurrection is balls to the walls amazing, but one person a day?

Yeah. James slowly stood. Considered the gem, then lowered it to his side. Maybe something more will happen when I level. I dont know.

The demons wouldnt have tried so hard to stop us if it didnt do more, right? Serenity searched his face. Even the Monitor showed up.

Wish I had answers for you. But I got none.

Serenity sighed. Well, it was worth a shot. Now this way you can bring me back if I ever drink too much.

Ha, right. James leaped down to the cavern floor, and together they crossed back to the others.

So what we get, boss? asked Jason. We control the apocalypse now?

James told them what hed been gifted with, but that the majority of the Lights powers were lost to them.

Youre shitting me, yo said Yadriel. All this for some cheap-ass Jesus powers?

Cheap-ass Jesus powers? repeated Kimmie in bemused disbelief. Did you really just say that?

Naw man, that aint right, insisted Yadriel. Thats not how this shit works. We should have gained, I dont know, like a demon bomb, or fuck, something huge.

Kerim sighed. Once opened the ills of the world cannot be returned to Pandoras Box. Unfortunately this feels all too correct.

Damn, said Olaf. Then why this big fight? Demons dont want James to have that miracle?

Guess not, said James. But you know what? We can go back outside and ask her. See what happens when we emerge with this gem.

Denzel grimaced and placed the base of his palm to his temple. Not that I dont want to, but that last fight took it out of me. I got no Aeviternum left.

Same, said Kimmie.

I hear you, said James. But we gotta leave this place regardless. He took one last look around the cavern. So lets go.

They climbed out. Took it slow. Eventually they reached the base of the original pit in Belangers backyard. Yadriel shifted into his Nem3 form and leaped right out of the hole, then turned and dropped a coil of rope that theyd salvaged from one of Jaywicks mens packs.

Up they scrambled, and then they were out. Dawn had broken. It felt as if theyd been underground for days, but probably less than an hour had passed.

James stared up at the demonic symbol. It spun five hundred feet up, malefic and of wrought iron, wreathed in purple flames and as enigmatic and hateful as ever.

The Light Eternal has sensed a portal.

Do you wish to open it?

What the fuck? whispered James as his vision filled with corrupted text. He blinked, swiped the text away, and then saw Jessica seated on the edge of the homestead, her legs crossed at the knee and hanging down over the edge of the eaves. One of her high heels swung from her toes. She canted her head to one side, curled her blonde hair behind one ear, and smiled.

Hello James. Ready to talk?

Time for a sales pitch?

The others had drawn back, nervous, watchful, ready.

Precisely. But lets speak seriously this time. Ill dispense with the insulting offers and teasing. You possess the Light Eternal. Its expended and near useless, but still an item of power that my kind doesnt want carried in confident hands such as yours. So. What is it you wish in exchange for it?

Nope. James tightened his grip on the gem. Youre not getting out of this that easy. You want the gem? You make me an offer.

The Monitor narrowed her eyes. Very well. But I can tell your group has utterly expended itself. Factor your weakness into this negotiation.

I dont think so. If you could take the gem by force youd already have done so. So make your offer already.

You know, I feel some measure of pride. How far youve come since our first meeting. I knew you were a Nexus, but I had no idea you were so uniquely talented and fortunate. Well done, James. Youve excelled beyond all measure. But you dont care for my praise, do you? Then let us deal. If you relinquish the Light Eternal to me I will safeguard New York City and render its inhabitants exempt from all trials and tribulations. I will remove all the demonic symbols, as you think of them, and make it so that no demon will ever set foot within its boroughs.

James hesitated. No. What use saving New York if the rest of the world burns?

Then I will expend much personal capital to bring back your dead wife and twin daughters. I will make it so they dont remember being murdered, and restore your family home so that you may first visit them there without their being unduly alarmed. Further, I will restore you to how old you were when they died, and provide you and yours with every luxury, comfort and necessity to ensure you live long and fulfilling lives.

How can we do that during the apocalypse? spat James.

Illusions. But illusions so perfect that your wife and children will never know the difference. You of course will know, but your living a lie will be mitigated by your familys happiness. Think on it, James: you will see your daughters graduate from college, watch them get their first jobs, get married, have children. All will be a lie but for their happiness. You will age and live a long, healthy life, enjoying every minute that this cruel world deprived you of.

While everyone else suffers and dies.

Yes, smiled Jessica. But your wife and children will thrive. Not illusions of them. Really them.

James, whispered Serenity, horrified.

He felt frozen. Paralyzed. It wasnt even a question of whether he trusted the Monitor or not. It was that his most fervent wish from all his long years on the streets was being offered to him. The chance to bring Laney and the girls back. To see them again. To hold them, hold them tight, to feel his heart burst at knowing they were alive, alive god damn it, and able to enjoy all that the murderers had deprived them of.

No, he croaked. He felt dazed, ruined, drained. No. I dont want that.

But you do? Jessica seemed truly puzzled. I can sense it.

I Tears welled in Jamess eyes. Theyre dead. They died. I want all that for them. I always will. Their lives. But what youre offering its

He covered his face with both hands. Words failed him. He felt dizzy. Someone put their hand on his shoulder. Then someone else, then a third.

With all the strength that he could summon James sucked in a deep breath and raised his face to Jessica. No. Screw you. No.

Hmm. Jessica frowned. Very well. A five-year reprieve. Across the world. All demonic activity will end. All hives will close. All symbols will disappear. Five years will be added to the countdown for the opening of the Pits.

Oh shit, Yadriel hissed. James!

Five years? James stared at the demon, still numb from the gauntlet he had just survived.

Five years. After which we will resume where we left off. In an hour it will have been twenty-four hours since the Fourth Wave was released. Upon the passing of that mark, a universal countdown to Nemesis 4 is slated to begin. You may buy your planet and everyone on it five years to prepare.

James passed his hand over his brow. He felt tremulous and weak like an autumn leaf.

Shit, said Serenity. Thats a lot of time. We could get Blue Light ready.

Kerim stepped up beside James. My friend. It is tempting, yes, but ask yourself: why do they offer so much? What do they fear that were relinquishing to them?

We have all of eternity to enjoy your torment, said Jessica. Five years is nothing to us, though we understood it means much to you. Thus it is a small gift in exchange for the Light Eternal.

James felt an irrational desire to call the real Jessica, to consult with Star Boy, with Hackworth. How could he be entrusted with this decision alone?

The responsibility was breathtaking, overwhelming, terrible.

The gem allowed him to resurrect the dead. One person every twenty-four hours. Was that ability so powerful that the demons would stop the entire apocalypse? It didnt feel right. The gem also made him immune to illusions, fear, curses, and possession. Again, powerful, but he was just one man. Even if he reached the heights of power, that alone wasnt worth what the Monitor was offering.

And the final ability? To open all locks and portals?

No more thought, snapped Jessica. Decide, James Kelly. Save your people, give me that trifle -

James looked past her and up at the demonic symbol.

The Light Eternal has sensed a portal.

Do you wish to open it?

Again the text grew corrupted to illegibility, but James could sense a question there. Sense that this was not how the Light Eternal was meant to be used, but that his monstrous Arete rating was allowing it to perceive something, detect a possibility that should have been beyond its power.

Jessica appeared directly before James, her eyes burning bright, her blonde hair flowing about her face as if she were underwater. Cease! Take one step farther and I shall -

James couldnt understand the question posed by the gem, not exactly, but he knew it needed but his permission to act.

Why do they offer so much? What do they fear that were relinquishing to them?

James accepted the Light Eternals offer.

The Monitor shrieked with such hatred and fear that reality itself seemed to break; the gem lit up like a sun so that blue light streamed forth from between Jamess fingers, rays of such brilliance that they didnt illuminate so much as sear the rest of the world into darkness. New words appeared in Jamess vision, but words so utterly corrupted and glitchy that he couldnt make any sense of them. The text scrolled by, vanished, smeared back into existence, and then the Light Eternal blazed with heat, searing Jamess hand to the bone.

James screamed and dropped the gem. It shattered as it fell into a thousand glittering fragments.

The Monitors screams cut off as she disappeared.

All grew still, but the world was irrevocably changed.

The sky was broken. As if the air had been a pane of ice upon which a heel had come down with brutal force. Great shards were splintered and distorted. Larger shards grew more concentrated and smaller the closer they got to the symbol, twisting and gyring in upon themselves like spiral staircases made of nothing.

Jamess couldnt understand what he was seeing, but he ceased trying to process it and stared at the demonic symbol itself. The iron symbol had burst open, revealing a pulsing golden and crimson interior, the iron sides curling out like great ragged petals. Purple fire still burned from the broken shell, but it was clear that its interior was accessible now.

What? Kimmie stepped forward, hesitant, then reached out and touched one of the air shards. Her fingers pressed against a tangible surface.

James blinked, came back to himself, and saw that the spiral of broken facets spiraled in on the opened symbol.

The Light Eternal lay shattered at his feet, its blue light gone. Just a mass of broken fragments.

You have lost the Light Eternal.

You are no longer its Guardian.

You have lost your First Miracle and all associated Benedictions.

Guided by instinct, James placed a hand on a shard before him. It felt cool and smooth like plate glass, stronger than anything he could imagine yet broken by what hed done. With a grunt he heaved himself up and stood upon the shard.

At a forty-five-degree angle to the ground. Disoriented, he shook his head, fixed his gaze on the symbol, and began to climb toward it. From shard to fragment he went, some as easy to access as steps, others requiring him to leap or haul himself up.

Higher and higher he climbed. His stomach twisted and grew sour with acid, but he kept going. A hundred feet up, the world swaying this way and that as gravity pulled him toward the shards. Higher and higher, the pieces growing smaller and smaller till at last it felt like climbing a mad staircase.

The forest stretched toward distant mountains. Below the clearing and its homestead was small, childlike.

James inhaled deeply. The symbol lay right before him, massive and bewildering. The staircase of translucent shards led right into its burning heart. He couldnt see what lay within.

But with a final breath he placed his boot upon the symbols lip and stepped inside.


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