Dating the Strongest Boss

Chapter 47 - Devil Exchange

Chapter 47 - Devil Exchange

Translator: Yuzu

“Congratulations to the Wish Player for activating The Devil’s Game. You may now speak your wish to the Devil. Of course, you will need to trade the most important thing in your life in exchange for that.

So, are you ready to make an exchange with the Devil?”

“Ring, ring,” the noisy alarm clock chimed noisily.

The person under the blanket moved, his head still tucked under the blanket, faintly making a vague outline on the sheet. The person inside was like a caterpillar squirming from side to side, with only half of his hair was exposed.

Probably annoyed by the ringing, the man swayed back and forth inside the blanket with increasing amplitude.

Finally, he slowly peeked out a pair of sleepy eyes before slowly arching his head out, revealing a white, pale face.

The boy had black marks under his eyes, and it was evident that he had not rested well. Nevertheless, it was difficult to conceal his pristine face, especially his eyes, which, when slightly raised, would appear to be somewhat passionate.

He weakly pulled a pillow out from under his head and propped himself up slightly, glancing around his dorm room for the location of the sound.

He didn’t know whose alarm it was, but it had been ringing for such a long time. And, that person still didn’t get up to turn it off like a dead pig.

Xiao Chen squinted, found the right direction, and smashed the pillow hard on the head of the person facing him on the bed with a quick, hard blow.

“F*ck.” The man was shocked and bounced right off the bed. When he saw what the situation was, he couldn’t help but burst into a foul mouth and yelled, “Xiao Chen, you’re sick!”

Xiao Chen put his head against the bed rail, his face expressionless. His voice did not have any fluctuation, and his words were concise, “Turn off the alarm clock.”

Not sure if it was the alarm clock that had scared away his sleep or not, but after it was turned off, Xiao Chen couldn’t sleep. He dawdled on the bed for a long time before sitting up.

He supported his head with his hand, feeling a bit of an inexplicable shift in his heart and tightness in his chest.

He seemed to have just had a nightmare.

Xiao Chen frowned, carefully recalling the dream he had just had. Still, somehow, he could only remember that it was scary, but he couldn’t retain the exact contents.

“You’re back?” There was some kind of low male voice that was attached to his ear, whispering out softly. There was also a tingly touch like it was talking to him across time and space.

The voice was very familiar to him!

Xiao Chen’s eyebrows jumped, and he covered his heart as his heart rate suddenly became very fast. He looked around in fear, but there was nothing as if the connection had been cut off by something forcefully.


Xiao Chen cursed under his breath and pressed his temples.

How come there were hallucinations again.

This was not the first time.

Xiao Chen gasped, feeling a little stuffy. His current state was getting stranger and stranger. He always felt like his brain was empty like he had forgotten something important, and like there was a layer of fog blocking him. He tried very hard to push away this layer of fog, but it was always in vain, making him panicked even more.

Forget about it.

Xiao Chen forced himself to calm down.

He looked at the entire dorm room and propped his head up. He contemplated silently by himself for half a moment, then asked weakly, “Where is Li Da? Why didn’t he come back last night.”

The boy who was beaten was probably just broken up by that pillow of Xiao Chen and also could not asleep. After hearing Xiao Chen’s question, he scratched his head, crawled up from the bed, and squinted his eyes. He swept a glance at Li Da’s bed and sighed, “Who knows which girl he went on a date with. Do you still not know him? Every week there is a new girlfriend.

Xiao Chen said, “Oh”, and continued to slump on the bed.

After an unknown amount of time, the boy suddenly squeaked, “Xiao Chen, what are you mouthing off about? How come I don’t understand a word of it.”

Xiao Chen frowned, a bit not understanding what the boy meant, “What?”

Did he just say something?

The boy crossed his legs on the bed and hitched, “Just now, you jabbered a lot of alien language. Your voice was small, so I didn’t understand a single word.”

Xiao Chen choked and looked over with complicated eyes, but he didn’t say anything. Still, it was hard to ignore the fact that the veins in his temples tensed up because of the boy’s words.

The boy sat on the bed and sneered.

Xiao Chen, this person is indeed a bit different. He is a bit isolated, with a not too good personality, and is often distracted. Still, his grades are soaring, and his IQ is very high. Not only that, but he also looks handsome. When the university opened that time, I don’t know how many sisters were thinking this piece of fat meat.

The boy is called Zhou Ming, and he continued carelessly, “Just like a devil, I also called out to you several times, but you didn’t respond to me.”

Xiao Chen opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, and then suddenly realized something. He frowned, and closed his mouth tightly, then lay flat on the bed. Xiao Chen yanked the blanket down on himself with great force, covered his head with a death grip. He rolled over and faced the wall, looking as if he intended to continue sleeping. His voice was muffled under the blanket, “Okay, I got it. ”

“What’s your name?” The little boy leaned in front of the boy and blinked, a little curious.

“......” There was no answer.

“Why don’t you say something?” The little boy was a little aggravated.

“......” Still, silence.

“Don’t you like me?” The little boy was a bit pissed off and pouted.

“......” Silence.

Just as the little boy lowered his head down, thinking that he wouldn’t get a response, the other boy’s hand suddenly attached his head. The cold voice softly played on top of his head, and he heard the boy seriously say, “Like.”

Xiao Chen once again woke up from his dream, and his entire body had yet to calm down from this dream scene.

Unlike before, this time, this dream of his was very clear! He even remembered everything that had happened in the dream, so clearly that he could see the tiny pores on the man’s face, even hear the wind blowing...

But strangely, even though he remembered every tiny detail of the dream, he could never remember the boy’s face in the dream. He could only vaguely feel that the person was good looking, soft and weak, and not talkative.

But this person became a blank part in his memory as if someone had rigidly erased the trace of that person’s existence.

He suspected that this was the part of his memory that he had lost.

Xiao Chen covered his chest and pressed his palm directly against something. He opened his mouth and slowly reached out to pull out the necklace inside his clothes.

The pendant was in the shape of a sickle.

Xiao Chen’s Adam’s apple moved as he thought about something.

He actually couldn’t remember when it was worn around his neck. He could only have a vague feeling that this item was given to him by the most important person in his life.

So much so that every time he gazed at the necklace, he felt a surge of sadness and was close to tears.

“Xiao Chen!!!” Zhou Ming slammed open the door and walked in through the door with a frightened face. His footsteps were very chaotic, and even his voice was a little breathless as he spoke. His legs were trembling a little, like a man who had suffered some great excitement.

Xiao Chen sat on the bed and locked eyes with him. He found that something was wrong and frowned, “What’s the matter?”

Zhou Ming’s chest was a bit heaving; his whole body was still scruffy and unkempt. He could tell that he should have just gone to buy breakfast.

“Da, Da-zi, he’s dead!!!” Zhou Ming paused, his eyes grew wide and bloodshot, and the whole sentence was almost yelled out in fear.

Xiao Chen sat up, climbed down from the bed, and walked somewhat stiffly to Zhou Ming. He swallowed and asked, “What happened?”

It was not destined to be a peaceful day.

The entire school was in extreme panic as a male body was found in the school park.

The corpse was found by an old lady who had gotten up early to sell breakfast.

[Description of the scene]

It looked as if the face was soaked in water, swollen, and with pits resembling fish eggs, so it was hard to see who it was.

It was said that the old lady who found the body vomited on the spot and almost fainted, but still had half-consciousness before calling the police.

The police arrived, and through the deceased’s clothes in the ID card and student card, they confirmed that it was a school student, – Li Da.

But there was another point about the autopsy that the police did not reveal for fear of creating panic.

[Description of the scene]

The deceased’s vital parts seem to have been poured with acid. It was directly decomposed, entirely out of shape. The method of death was cruel; the deceased should have had consciousness during the torture for up to an hour before slowly dying. The cruelty of his death was chilling.

Xiao Chen and Zhou Ming stood in front of the announcement board of the suspension and rectification notice. Their expressions both felt a bit oozing. It could be seen that Xiao Chen was still okay, but Zhou Ming was almost too scared to sleep at night.

Xiao Chen didn’t know what to think, and his whole body was out of place. As soon as he turned around, he directly ran into someone – a girl who was shorter than him.

The girl looked in a somewhat weak state with her back bowed, and her bangs were blocking her eyes. She looked like the kind of cute girl who was popular with boys. She walked with her head down and didn’t look at anyone. She was wearing her school uniform that gave her an unexplainable feeling.

The girl raised her head and saw Xiao Chen’s face clearly. Her eyes widened instantly, and she hurriedly ran away.

Xiao Chen was a little face blind, but Zhou Ming, surprisingly, understood everything except studying, especially remembering faces.

After the girl walked away, Zhou Ming bumped Xiao Chen with his elbow and said, “Eh, see, that girl is Li Da’s ex-girlfriend.”

Xiao Chen nodded at the words. He wasn’t a gossipy person and wasn’t very interested in such things. His tone was flat as if he was staring off into the distance, “He has so many ex-girlfriends, there’s nothing to be surprised about.”

Zhou Ming did not seem like he was skipping this topic. He seriously said, “No, Li Da is scum with no bottom line. That girl is the only one among his previous girlfriends who is intact with him. She is also the one he has talked about for the longest time. However, they have only been together for two weeks. It is said that this girl has kneeled down in front of Li Da in public to get back together.

——If there really is a devil in this world who can grant my wish, then my wish is to let him live.


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