Date The

Chapter 370: OS 07: A Sitting of Babies (Jackson & Avery)

Chapter 370: OS 07: A Sitting of Babies (Jackson & Avery)

"Would you like sugar in your tea, grandma?" A 3-year-old Chloe poured imaginary tea into a purple cup. She was kneeling on the floor, hovering over a round table filled with toys of fake food and a plastic tea set. The three chairs that came with the table had stuffed animals while Avery Hathaway sat on the floor across from her.

Avery accepted the cup. "Yes, please."

Chloe reached for the bowl of sugar cubes, tiny tongs ready in her hand, "How many?"

"Two, please," Avery squeaked. She stopped breathing to suppress her giggles. Her granddaughter had to be the most adorable thing in the worldeven more adorable than when Ambryan was a baby. 

She sipped from her cup and sighed deeply. "You have to tell me where you got this tea, Chloe. It's simply divine."

"It's Yorkshire tea. Dad says it's the best."

"Of course, he did." Avery snorted and shook her head. In the back of her head, she could imagine Ambryan educating Chloe about tea as soon as she could talk. 

The living room of the Hathaway Mansion was quiet. Jackson sat on one of the arm chairs with a book in his hands. His eyebrows scrunched above his teal eyes. He hardly perceived anything from his surroundings, not even his wife and his granddaughter's afternoon tea roleplay.

Avery sent a glare his way, knowing full well he wouldn't notice. It took a lot of convincing for Eve and Ambryan to let them babysit the kids. But then, her husband didn't seem to care enough about their presence and would rather read a book? 

She set her cup down and looked at Chloe who entertained the teddy bear next to her. "Do you want to go shopping later, Chloe? I can buy anything you want."

Hazel eyes glanced her way. "Mom said it's not okay to waste money."

"But I'm your grandmother. My job is to spoil you. If you don't let grandma spoil you, grandma will be sick."

A snort came from the armchair. Avery squinted her gaze at her husband. Of course, he heard that one but none of the others. She huffed and stood up. "I'll check on the kitchen and see how our afternoon snacks are coming along."

Chloe nodded and turned to her toy oven. It had a timer on top, telling her she had a few seconds left before her food was fully cooked. The ringing of a bell filled her ears and she switched it off.

A piece of fake cupcake was inside the oven. She transferred it to a plate and grabbed a plastic fork. Rising to her feet, she made her way towards her grandfather.

"Grandpa, I made you a cupcake," she told him with a soft tone. Her eyes blinked up expectantly. Eve taught her to be considerate for every guest. Jackson sat by himself but he was still invited to her tea party.

So she had a cupcake baked for him, choosing one in the right colors.

Jackson raised his eyebrows at her. He looked at the cupcake and set his book down, gripping one side of the plate. "Is this for me?"

Chloe nodded. "Dad said you liked blueberries and cheese."

"Uh" Jackson raised the cupcake up to his eye level. The icing had a yellow tint much like cheese while the sprinkles were blue. He cleared his throat. "Thank you."

He made an attempt to set the cupcake aside but his teal eyes met Chloe's. She waited by his side and watched him. Jackson stiffened.

Was he actually intimidated by a 3-year-old? He glanced at the cupcake and lifted it up to his lips. He opened his mouth, producing a sound of taking a bite. He chewed on airan odd experience that felt foreign in his mouth.

"Mmmm!" Jackson moaned. "That's a really good cupcake."

Chloe beamed, her smile stretched from ear to ear. "I knew you'd like it!"

"I do, I do." Jackson attempted another bite when hasty footsteps gradually became louder. He hid the cupcake from sight and fixed his appearance. Chloe hopped onto his lap, pretending to eat the rest of the cupcake.

A maid appeared from a hallway, panting for breath. She gulped and slowed down her pace until she came to a full stop.

"What is it?" Jackson asked gruffly. 

"Master Jackson, excuse me for being rude."

"Don't display such unruly behavior in front of my grandchild. You should always mind your manners. She could copy you and think it's okay."

"I apologize, Master Jackson."

"Go on then. What is it?"

"Young master Cain is missing."

"WHAT?!" Avery yelled, waltzing back into the living room. Her gaze flickered towards Jackson then back at the maid.

The madan did a double take. 

Was Chloe sitting on Jackson's lap? What happened while she was gone?

Avery shook her head. That wasn't something she should worry about now. She gritted her teeth and crossed her arms over her chest. "Explain yourself. How could you lose a sleeping baby who is almost 2 years old?"

"II" the maid stammered. They were short of staff today and another servant had asked for help for only a few minutes. She didn't remember if she locked the door not but when she came back, Cain wasn't on the bed anymore.

Clicking her tongue, Avery clapped her hands and called out the servants. She instructed them to get in line and explained the situation. "Cain is wandering somewhere inside the mansion. Find him in less than an hour or you all will get a cut on your pay this month."

They bowed their heads and scurried out of the living room. Avery felt the pocket of her dress vibrate. She fished out her phone and her eyes flew wide. 'A mother's instinct really was phenomenal,' she thought.

Avery cleared her throat and answered the call. "Hello? Eve, dear. Why are you calling in the middle of your date? Didn't I tell you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about?"

"This will be quick, I promise," Eve responded, her voice shaking a bit. "I forgot to tell you and couldn't get it out of my head. Don't ever leave Cain alone, especially when he sleeps. He likes to roam around and get stuck in the most unlikely places. He almost crawled up a chimney once"

Whatever Eve had else to say went out of the madam's other ear. Her lips became cold as the blood drained off her face. A chimney? They had fireplaces in almost every room.

"That's all I have to say. I'm sorry. It's not that I don't trust you, Aunt Avery. I'm just really worried and the feeling won't leave me alone. I'm sure you can understand."

Avery snorted, rolling her eyes. "Of course, dear. This is natural behavior. Cain is sleeping next to me right now. I won't let him get out of my sight."

"Really?" Eve gasped. "Can I see him?"


"Eve?" The madam heard Ambryan say. "Are you calling mother?"

"Ambee" Eve tried to reason but her husband snatched the phone from her hands and pressed it against his ear.

"Why did you answer the phone if you said we shouldn't call you?"

"I" Avery trailed off, her heart hammering in her chest. She did say that. "I told you not to let your wife call. So why didn't you stop her, Yan?"

"I was in the restroom."

"That's not my problem so this is not my fault."

Ambryan closed his eyes briefly. He and Eve stood outside of the movie theater. Unlike their previous movie date, people bustled around them. They wore thrifted clothes to appear less conspicuous and both had their eyeglasses on. Eve caught someone looking who averted their gaze straight away. 

She signed, stealing a glimpse of her husband's face. No matter how much they drabbed down, Ambryan still had the air of a rich CEO around him. It was simply second nature to him.

"Mother, you're not making sense," Ambryan finally said.

"You're the one still on the phone, Ambryan! Then, you're blaming me for talking? You clearly have no self-control," Avery blabbered. She spit out whatever came to her mind as long as it wasn't related to the children.

"Grandma, is that daddy?" Chloe called out.

"Yes, dear. He's being a naughty boy."


"Time to go. Behave! Bye! Kisses!"

Avery hung up and massaged her temples with one hand. She dragged that conversation way too long. 

"But I wanted to speak to him" Chloe mumbled. Her head bowed in disappointment.

Jackson picked her up and rose off the chair. "Want to see your daddy's old room? You can bring home anything you want. I'm sure he'd be happy to see you interested in his things."


The madam watched them leave. She didn't agree to what Jackson said but that was the point. He'd make sure to let Chloe see the embarrassing stuff Ambryan had hidden. It was very immature, especially at his age.

But who was Avery to stop him from bullying their son? 

That matter aside, Avery also joined the search. There were many rooms but there were also enough servants to search the entire mansion. How could they not find Cain in five minutes? Impatience simmered in her veins as she marched down the hall. 

Avery placed herself in Cain's shoes. If what Eve said was correct, what would Cain find interesting? A few rooms came to her mind and she headed for the nearest one. It was the mini library they had for guests to use. Nothing valuable was inside for this purpose. 

She opened the door and there was no Cain.

Her search continued down the corridor for another room. Cain wasn't in it either. She kept goingby this point, checking all doors just to be sure. Her worries were starting to knaw her head.

Then, she caught up to the servants who turned their heads when they noticed movement. 

"Madam, the young master"

Avery dashed for them as soon as she heard those words. She slammed her hand on the doorframe to stop her momentum and looked inside. Her ears picked up the sounds of old gears turning. Before her eyes was the gym room Jackson had built out of an old storage room.

"There you are!" Avery yelled but Cain didn't seem to hear her. She marched right up to the treadmill and picked up the toddler crawling over the belt. "Why would you want to be here? It always smells like sweat"

She paused and had a look around. "Then again, Jackson hasn't used it in years so it doesn't anymore. You can have everything in this room if you're still into fitness when you grow up."

Avery spotted the servants and dismissed them, assuring them no one would be punished. Their relief was evident on their faces. The madam hugged Cain closer. He had laid down his cheek on her right shoulder and stayed limp. His round violet eyes stared at nothing. 

She brought him up the stairs to Ambryan's old room. Cain turned his head when he heard his sister's voice. His attention switched from her to the tower of blocks in the corner of the room. He raised his hand towards it, letting his grandmother know what he wanted.

"Cain!" Chloe shouted as she ran out of the hidden part of Ambryan's room. She patted her younger brother's head. "Did you wander off again? Don't worry. It'll be our secret."

Avery narrowed her gaze. "Do you always hide things from your parents?"

Chloe blinked up at her. "No, grandpa said not to tell or it will make mother worried when there's nothing to worry about. Mom is supposed to relax today so telling her won't help."

That was when the madam directed her squint at her husband. She spoke through clenched teeth. "Are you teaching our grandkids to lie?"

"It's called being considerate, Avery," Jackson defended. "Or do you want Eve to know about what happened?"

"..." Avery averted her gaze. "If no one is telling her, I won't."

Jackson chuckled.

Cain wailed, both hands reached for the tower. Chloe followed his line of sight and grinned. "You want to play, Cain? Let's play."

The two spent the rest of the day in their father's old room. More blocks could be found inside the toy chest. Cain's eyes lit up as soon as he saw them. He built his own tower, using various shapes. He'd get up to grab another block once he determined where to place the block he was holding.

Chloe made simple houses, pretending they were a village and found tiny figurines to play as villagers. Jackson decided to do his reading in the same room and sat on the armchair in the opposite corner.

Avery had their snacks brought up to the room as well. She watched the children play. Their territory expanded as the blocks scattered in different directions. She laughed at how serious they were while having fun. Before, she couldn't understand why grandparents like to knit. Now, she could and spent her time knitting a hat while asking Chloe or Cain to try them so she could make adjustments.

The day passed by without another incident.

Night time, however, was another thing.

Eve and Ambryan stood outside the front door. They had removed half of their disguises on the way to the manor. They wouldn't admit it but a small fear that their children won't recognize them dwelled inside of their chest. Both raised their eyebrows when a maid opened the door.

"Where's mother?" Ambryan asked, forgetting her manners.

"Oh, she's with master and the kids upstairs, second door to the left."

"Upstairs?" Eve exasperated. Although Chloe could be old enough, she didn't believe they could handle going up and down the stairs yet. 

What if Cain started wandering around? If he went to the stairs

She and Ambryan sprinted inside for different reasons. While Eve worried about their children's safety, Ambryan aimed to catch mischievous grandparents in the act.

"Oh, you're back," Avery greeted them. She glanced at the door then, returned her attention to Chloe. The red berette she knitted was almost done. She just needed to cut off the yarn from the needles.

Jackson also glanced at the door. Cain was on his lap, fiddling with two lego pieces. "How was the movie? I heard it was all the rage among the youngsters."

Ambryan stepped inside, his eyes fluttering in different directions. Blocks covered almost a quarter of the floor space. Visible footprints could be seen going in and out of the entryway to the actual bedroom. 

"What What are you doing here?" Ambryan breathed out. 

"Oh, no need to be embarrassed, Yan," his father said. "You weren't like other boys. You never had questionable magazines."

Ambryan squinted in response. "And how would you know that?"

Jackson froze for a second.

"Ask your mother."

"Jackson Bennett!" Avery exclaimed at the betrayal. She met her son's glare and raised her hands in surrender. The berette on her granddaughter's head also slipped. "Fine. Just so you know we would have loved you no matter what"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Ambryan stared at his parents, jaw hanging open. Was his mother implying what he think she was implying?

Behind him, Eve had bent over from laughing. She had her mouth covered so Ambryan wouldn't hear. Once she composed herself, she patted Ambryan on the back and said, "It's not about the magazines but I think Ambee hid other things though"

"Daddy! Daddy! You looked so pretty as Cinderella!" Chloe squealed. She grabbed the album Avery had hidden from sight and skipped right up to her father. She opened it for him to see. "I'm also going to be Cinderella for Halloween! Can you dress up with me?" 

Eve snatched the album before Ambryan could. She waltzed into the room, widening the gap between them. "I finally get to see this! Have I ever told you that you're the best in-laws one could have?"

"Not often enough," Avery snorted playfully.

It was hard to stop the grin on Eve's face. She leaned in for a closer look. "Is that Richard as fairy godmother?"

One hand on his hip, Ambryan covered his entire face with the other. Chloe tugged on the hem of his shirt. "Daddy? You don't want to be Cinderella with me?"

Ambryan immediately looked downwards.

His daughter's pleading eyes stared back at him.

"Sweetie" he began to say, getting on one knee in front of her. "There can only be one Cinderella. How about I get to be the prince instead?"

Eve plopped down on the couch across from Avery. She flipped through the album as much as she could. Ambryan had told her the story about the play but refused to reveal where he hid the photos. This was a chance she couldn't waste!

Chloe pressed her lips in concentration. "Okay. You can be the prince. Mom will be the fairy godmother and Cain can be a mouse!" 

"I thought I was going to be the prince?" Jackson interrupted.

"Father!" Ambryan protested.

"Just teasing, son." Jackson turned to Cain on his lap and lowered his voice. "Have you ever seen your dad flustered? Pretty funny, right?"

To Ambryan's dismay, a hint of a smile curved on his son's lips. He exhaled sharply. That was it. He would no longer allow his parents to babysit

"Oh! Daddy, can we come back next week? Grandma said we'll go get my costume! I can design it myself too!" 

Her eyes sparkled more than usual.


Eve smirked at her husband's dilemma. "It would be fine, you said. What could possibly happen?, you said. I bet you wished you listened to me now."

Ambryan glared at his wife who stuck her tongue out. He only wanted some alone time with her. If he had known this was the consequence then, he wouldn't have agreed!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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