Date The

Chapter 306: I Missed You

Chapter 306: I Missed You

A soft moan flowed out of her lips. Her hands clung to the back of his neck, tugging him closer as if to merge into one person. Eve deepened the kiss with a hunger that blazed from her core. Critical thinking flew out the window as she gave in to her instincts. 

Ambryan tightened his hold around her waist, answering back just as eager. But something seemed to be missing. Rather, something seemed to be lacking. It wasn't enough. His desires wanted more. He groaned against her lips and restrained himself.

Otherwise, he might have devoured her whole right then and there.

Eve broke away from the kiss and came up for air. She panted, her breath brushing his skin. She met his brooding eyes and gulped. "I missed you?"

"I believe you." Ambryan kissed her forehead and held her hand. He led her towards the elevators. "But I don't think this should be done in the hallway."

"Right. We should" Anything Eve had to say then would never see the light.

Once the doors opened, Ambryan yanked her inside and picked his floor. The lift closed its doors and trapped them inside. It was only for a less than a minute but he lost the last bit of his strength and swept Eve off her feet.

He tilted his head up to kiss her, finding this position much more comfortable.

Eve gasped in surprise. Her knees supported herself up by clamping onto his hip. How? She didn't know. They had moved on their accord and, before she knew it, she couldn't adjust anymore. Ambryan had left her with little choice when he circles his arms below her bottom.

Her arms clung to his neck once again. 

The elevator reached the correct floor without interrupts. When the enclosed space unhinged its opening, the couple already separated from each other. Eve averted her gaze away from the hallway. She couldn't dare to look at anyone if someone happened to be there. She had ridden lifts with Ambryan more times that she could count.

Never had she thought he'd be the type to attack her like that.

Ambryan stepped out of the elevator and adjusted the knot of his tie. His pristine clothing and straight posture revealed nothing of what had just transpired. Eve clenched her jaw at the sight, stomping her way behind him.

It wasn't fair! 

She probably looked like a mess compared to him.

Unlocking his room, Ambryan finally glimpsed in her direction. The angry scowl between her eyebrows amused him. He smirked and let her inside firsteven bowing like a butler. 

"After you, milady," he said.

Eve huffed and marched into the room. She headed for the bathroom immediately. Ambryan chuckled, undoing his tie and shrugging off his blazer. He headed for the desk table. His laptop bag laid on top of it. He took out his laptop and logged into the device.

The sound of keys typing caught Eve's attention when she exited the bathroom. She paused in front of the door and watched him work. After a while, she sat on the bed. Her focus never left his broad back. The muscles underneath his dress shirt shifted occasionally.

Her hand flinched, itching to trace the creases on the fabric.

She fell on her back and folded an arm over her eyes.

'I must not distract him, I must not distract him, I must not distract him,'

His eyeglasses perched on his nose, Ambryan cleaned up a document Madison had messed up. He let the matter go since he had left in a rush when a lot of work needed to be done. It was still somewhat better than starting from scratch. 

He immersed himself into his work mode, failing to notice the time. 

The previous events had slipped out of his mind.

Then, a slim figure creeped under his right arm. 

Ambryan paused and elevated his hands up. Eve wiggled her way onto his lap. She thought of pulling up his arm but realized she'd block his view of the monitor. In a split second, she decided to spring from the floor. She soon realized it didn't work as she planned since Ambryan looked in her direction when she appeared.

Her brown eyes batted their lashes at him. "Hello."

"What are you" Ambryan trailed off. 

Eve snuggled under his other arm. She sat sideways with her legs dangling over the edge. She hugged him on his torso, resting her temple below his shoulder. Her eyes closed and she sighed. "Don't mind me. Just keep working." 

"There's a perfectly good bed"

"But I don't want the bed." Eve pressed her lips on his dress shirt and looked up at him through her lashes. The pupils of her round eyes seemed bigger than usual. "I want to be with you."

Ambryan exhaled sharply and wiped a hand over his face. Internal conflict took place in his head. On one hand, he couldn'tdidn't!want to deny her wishes. He shared the same sentiments as her. One the other, he had obligations to fulfill. It would cause him more trouble in the future if he neglected them now.

"It's okay," Eve whispered as if she could read his mind. "I won't distract you. I just want to cuddle. I'll probably fall asleep but if I'm too heavy, you can put me on the bed."

Caressing her hair, Ambryan pulled her head back against his shoulder. He shifted his attention back on his laptop and resumed typing. Eve slowly gave in to her tired eyelids. The soft keys sedated her like a lullaby. His body heat soothed her muscles and worries.

"Ambee," she spoke softly.


"Thank you for coming."

Ambryan flickered his gaze down at Eve. She had her head tilted up towards him. Mouth slightly open, she snored lightly. He brushed a thumb over her exposed cheek and kissed her temple. This image of her would forever be engraved in his mind.

It was how he wished she'd look for a long period of time.

The look of peace.

(A/N: But breathing, of course, right? Right??)

Eve rolled over to her side. Soft duvet cushioned her slumbering figure. She had changed out of her clothes and wore the oversize robe in the bathroom. Sometime while sleeping, the knot around her waist had loosened.

Ambryan closed his laptop and joined her on the bed after changing into his sleepwear.

He took a deep breath, redoing the knot of her waistband. They both had an exhausting day and earned a good amount of rest. He left another lightfeather kiss on the corner of her lips. She mumbled something in her sleep and stretched her arms in his direction. 

A smirk emerged on his face. "Having a naughty dream, Mrs. Hathaway?"

"Ungh," Eve grunted. Her arm hooked around his neck, she yanked him along with her when she rolled to her other side. Ambryan had the lower half of his body on one side of the bed while the upper half had been trapped by Eve's embrace. He scooted his legs over her sleeping form and lied on her side of the bedhis back close to the edge.

He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Eve yawned. She nuzzled her nose against Ambryan's chest. His arm over her upper body kept her warm and safe. A satisfied sigh flowed out of her nose. If Cale could see her now, he'd roll his eyes at her. She had always woken up before her alarm went off since coming to Paris.

Now, she wouldn't mind being late for a day if it meant more time in this bed.

Her leg slid between Ambryan's legs and something poked her on the stomach.

Eve's eyes flew wide upon realizing what it was. She stared at her boyfriend. His onyx hair had become unruly sometime in the night. He slept soundly and undisturbed. His chest rose and fell in slow and steady beats. 

Pressing her lips together, Eve shifted her position. 

Ambryan held her in place. She glared at his face and suspected that he wasn't really asleep. She waited for a minute if he'd twitch or try to peek at her. Neither happened. She attempted to escape again but their difference in strength was apparent.

Eve pinched his side.


She bit onto his shoulder.

Still nothing.

She blew on her bangs, wondering what to do. She would have been merciful earlier and let him sleep peacefully but this was too much. Arms stretched over her head and parallel to the bed, she tried slipping out of his embrace instead of breaking it.

It didn't take long for Eve to face another dilemma.

Like how the same something poked her on the face

Ambryan stirred in his sleep. She stayed still. Freedom was almost near. One wrong move and not only would she be late but also she would be sore. Slowly, she inched towards the other side of the bed and planted her feet on the floor, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Ambryan asked groggily. 

Eve whirled around to see him staring at her with sleepy eyes. Her heart skipped a beat. And, when his lips stretched into a lazy smile, she almost melted on the stop. Oh, how this man affected every fiber of her being.

He'd be the death of her somedayand it would be an honorable way to die.

And that day could be today if he kept looking at her like that.

Ambryan pressed one side of his face deeper into the pillow and said, "I think we had unfinished business from yesterday. Should be alright now that we've rested enough, right?"


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