Date The

Chapter 287: To be a Parent

Chapter 287: To be a Parent

Avery drummed her fingers on the table. She had her arms folded over it, waiting patiently for the couple to come down and join them. Her gaze scanned the area and the bustling crowd. Chatter was kept to a low volume despite the variety of groups present.

They managed to snag a round table near the center of the lounge. The linen embroidered tablecloths on top of wooden furniture took her back in time. The place projected a home-y feel that reminded her of her childhoodwhich was one of the reasons why she loved Cornelia Town.

Inevitably, Avery shifted her attention back on the table. "How have you been, Isabelle?"

Madame Isabelle sat on the chair to Avery's right. She had pushed the chair back in order to steady her cane on the floor, keeping her chin up at all times. People who recognized her tipped their heads in her direction. She would answer them back by smiling slightly.

At the sound of her name, Madame Isabelle gave Avery a hard look.

"Oh, don't look at me like that," she berated the madam with a wave of her hand. "Things are in the past. Everything worked out in its own way. Don't be sulking around me now. This should be a day of celebration."

Avery bowed her head, feeling sheepish. Madame Isabelle's poise and sophistication always caused her to feel immature no matter how much time passedalmost like her mother-in-law, Nana Hathaway. She could only hope she'd become half as wise and as collected as them.

"I'm sorry," Avery mumbled.

Madame Isabelle patted her hand, making her look up. The former softened her expression. "It's okay, dear. I knew I had borrowed time. That nine years was a blessing I would never regret. And I'm happy to know that you and Ambryan became closer over the years."

No words could describe how Avery felt when she heard those words. She considered herself but lucky and blessed that the person who found her son was Madame Isabelle. If only they stayed in touch, maybe things would be even better than they were now.

"Thank you for everything," Avery breathed out, tearing up a little. "How could I ever"

Madame Isabelle playfully smacked the back of her hand. "Stop asking for repayments. Just let me attend the wedding and I'd be more than happy."

She beamed at that. "You're definitely first on the list!"

Meanwhile, two young girls made their way back to the table. They each held an ice cream cone that came from the freezer besides the front counter. Their tiny bodies squeezed between chairs that were merely inches apart while raising their arms to keep their ice creams safe.

"Hey! The chocolate is mine!"

"No, it's not! You ordered vanilla!"

"I ordered chocolate!"

"You did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Girls," Madame Isabelle called sternly. Eri and Ede immediately closed their mouths and stood side by side, staring back with wide 'innocent' brown eyes. Madame Isabelle merely narrowed her gaze.

"That is not how ladies should behave," she scolded. "Practice the art of compromise. It will save you from exhaustion, stress and never-ending arguments. For instance in this case, can't you share both flavors?"

The twins looked at each other. Then, they glanced at their ice creams. 

"Waiter, please bring two bowls please," Avery requested. She knocked on the table in order to get their attention. "Come and sit, girls. I have some chocolate buttons in my bag that we can mix into the ice cream."

"Okay!" They replied with enthusiasm. 

The watier came back and placed the bowls on the table. Avery picked one, telling the girls to drop their ice creams along with the cones. She crushed the latter into pieces and added a pack of MnMs. The twins's mouths literally watered in anticipation.

This was the scene Eve came up as soon as she spotted them.

"Oh, no" she gasped, taking a seat. "Are you sure you want them to be sugar-high this early?"

Madame Isabelle was quick to react. She arched an eyebrow at Eve and the man approaching their table. "Well, this wouldn't have happened if two adults woke up on time."

Ambryan quickly kissed both his mother and his mom on their temples. Then, he chose the spot between Madame Isabelle and Eve. Avery directed a smile his way before cutting the ice cream into two servings. The girls happily ate the concoction and ignored everyone else.

"If you want to play it that way, the reason we slept late last night was because of Eve's shocking news," Ambryan defended, draping his arm on top of Eve's chair. "I'm nothing but an innocent man being wrongly accused."

Eve glared at his smirk. "No one believes you're innocent."

Avery interrupted their banter before it could even start. "Eve has news?"

Madame Isabelle followed her example. She placed a hand over her heart and hitched her breath. "Dear heavens, are you pregnant?"

"Eve's going to have a baby?" Eri asked, ice cream on her lips. She ate another spoonful without breaking eye contact.

Ede snapped her head in her older sister's direction. Excitement lit up her entire face. "Is it a boy or a girl? Please let it be a boy who looks like you."

"I'm not pregnant," Eve denied. She sent a glare over to Madame Isabelle who hid a smug expression. "That's not even in our minds yet. Don't get ahead of us please."

"I don't know" Ambryan frowned. He pulled his head back and glanced down at his girlfriend. "Did we use protection last night?"

A foot kicked his shin.


Eve closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath. Deciding to speak up instead of letting someone else make the wrong assumption, she stared everyone down and said, "I received an invitation to Paris and I've accepted it."

"The modelling camp!" Avery exclaimed. She covered her mouth and muffled her squeals. "You got in? I am so happy for you! I knew you could do it!"

Madame Isabelle had something else in mind. Her attention had gone to the young girls. "Where would you sisters stay?"

"With me."

All eyes landed on Ambryan.

Needless to say, each pair had shock written all over them. The CEO received their blunt stares without a care in the world. To him, it wasn't even up for debate. The answer came as natural as the oxygen that flowed into his lungs. This was how things should be according to his mind.

Eve was the first to break. "I'm sorry but no."

He snapped his head in her direction. "Why not?"

"You are far too busy to look after them." 

She knew his schedule more than anyone. There wasn't free time there that allowed him to babysitnot even during the weekends. What about sudden calls from the school? Or appointments like for a dental checkup? Or a parent-teacher conference? 

There was no way he could always move his work hours around them.

Avery raised her hand up. "I could pick them up from school and look after them until Ambryan gets home. I'll keep track of their meals too and take them out on weekends. It would be so much fun."

"That's not" Eve began to protest.

"We'll be staying with Kiri? I miss her," Ede cut in.

Eri gaped at her twin. "Me too!"

Eve slammed her hands on the table. The table became quiet in an instant. She kneaded her temple. "Girls, I know Aunt Georgie isn't feeling well but you'll be staying with Andie and Jarrett."

"Why them?" Ambryan questioned. Worry lines creased on his forehead.

Eve shrugged. "Andie has this idea that she wants to know how it feels like to be a parent."

Madame Isabelle and Ambryan exchanged looks. The short conversation about Russell Spinster lingered in their minds. Now that Ambryan was aware that he could be a threat, he found the situation alarming. It was a wonder how Russell hadn't found them in all these years.

Ambryan shifted his attention back on Eve. "I still think they should stay with me."

Groaning, Eve wiped her face. "They have been more than fine living with Aunt Georgie. They'll be able to handle themselves. There's no need for them to stay in a lavish penthouse."

"Well, what if I'm the one who wants to know what it feels like to be a parent?"

"You have pets."

"It's not the same."

"Some would argue that it is."

"Madame Isabelle, what do you think?" Avery asked out of the blue. 

Both Ambryan and Eve followed her line of sight and waited for the answer.

Scowling, Madame Isabelle took what information she had into consideration. She had known Georgie when the Summers used to live in this town. She was a caring and observant mother. The girls weren't in their teens yet. They would still need that sort of attention.

Not to mention their securityit should be accounted for more than before.

That said, the decision came easy for her.

"In my opinion, it would be best if the girls stayed with Avery," Madame Isabelle began to say. "I understand Andie's wishes but she should prepare for pregnancy and taking care of babies first. Looking after your sisters will not benefit her all that much."

"I agree with her," Avery piped in, nodding her head vigorously.

Eve bit on her bottom lip. "Aunt Avery, I couldn't possibly"

"Eve, I actively volunteer to do this. You're like family to me. And your sisters as well," the madam explained. She looked at the twins affectionately and smiled. "Plus we might just be family someday."

Ambryan exhaled sharply, giving in. "If I can't look after them, I would have to agree that mother and father's house would be the next best place."

Eve found herself at a loss. Three people against one, who wouldn't feel that way? She owed the Hathaways more than enough. There wasn't a need for them to go this far. But

Her eyes travelled around the table, taking everyone in.

But who was counting? Family shouldn't be that way.


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