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Chapter 282: All is Well in Tea and Books

Chapter 282: All is Well in Tea and Books

"Welcome! Make yourself at home."

Ambryan hesitated by the doorway. It had been a week since the woman from across the street knocked on the ballet studio. When he answered it, the same woman broke down into tears. It had shocked him so much that he shouted for Madame Isabelle instead of walking up the stairs.

The two women locked eyes for a few seconds.

Now, he was here in the middle of a grand estate. It contained riches beyond his imagination. The place was beautiful but nothing that caught his interest. Servants glanced his way but they averted their gaze whenever he looked back.

It was odd. He could hear them whisper after this happened. 'His resemblance to the woman of the house was uncanny', they said. The statement had a mix of pity and amazement in it. In his opinion, both of them did possess the same set of violet eyes. 

But nothing about it should sound pitiful.

Ambryan turned around and said, "Mom, how long are we going to stay here?"

Beside him, Avery stiffened in her place. Jackson grabbed her hand immediately. He squeezed it tight, hoping she would calm down. Things had gone smoothly so far with Madame Isabelle. The rest were up to Ambryan on how he would take in the new environment.

It was a big change.

And they had to have patience.

Madame Isabelle knelt on one knee and grasped both of Ambryan's hands. She looked straight into his eyes, holding a gentle gaze. Her hand brushed his hair over his right ear. "Treat this just like home, okay, NoAmbryan?" 

He frowned at that. "But you have classes, right? We can't stay here forever."

She shifted her attention towards his biological parents. Avery turned her head to the side. Her hands clenched into fists. Her heart wrenched at how her son only acknowledged one maternal figure. Even when they had explained what happened, he couldn't seem to accept it.

So they thought they needed to do something so he'd warm up to the truth.

Avery found the process excruciating. All she wanted to do was hold him in her arms and never let go. She had missed 9 years of his life. They had failed him for that long. She would never be able to forgive herself for it but, at least, she hoped that the guilt wouldn't grow bigger.

If only that he'd give her that chance.

"When classes are back, I'll come visit you during the weekends," Madame Isabelle responded. She couldn't find another way to phrase it. She had closed it for a week to help with the transition. Not a minute had gone by without her pushing back her tears.

Ambryan's scowl deepened. "Visit?"

"Yes, you'll stay here from now on," she reminded him. "Didn't we talk about that?"

"But I never agreed to it. I don't want to stay here, mom."

Madame Isabelle moved her hands to his upper arms, caressing them in comfort. It was a lot to take in but their progress had been so little. They had to change tactics. "Ambryan, you haven't even given it a chance yet."

"No! I want to stay in Cornelia Town with you and E, and that stupid Andrea and everyone else!" Ambryan cried at the top of his lungs. "I don't want to change schools! I don't want to change anything! Let's go back please."

"Listen to me," Madame Isabelle said sternly. She pulled him closer and hardened her voice. If he had to hate her for it, she would let it happen. "Everything will be alright. It will take some adjustments but you will find that this new place is just as good as home."

He shook his head continuously, refusing to hear it. "No, it can't if none of you are here!"

"Ambryan" Jackson cut in. Avery wasn't doing too well either"Let's go up to your room, shall we? You can decorate it in any way you want. We'll go straight to shopping once you've settled in if you want to get started."

"No! I don't want a new room! I don't want a new home!" Ambryan stepped backwards and pushed Madame Isabelle's hold on him away. He spun on his heels, running in a random direction. 

"Ambryan!" Avery yelled after him.

Jackson instantly trapped her in his arms. "Leave him alone for now. There are guards all over the estate. He won't be able to get out. We won't lose him like last time."

Madame Isabelle straightened her legs. She heaved a sigh. Ambryan really did have a way of making things difficult. "I'm sorry. I thought he had gotten over it when we had our talk."

"It's alright," Jackson reassured her. He gestured to both women to enter the house. It would take a while before Ambryan calmed down. They needed to talk about the plan until then. "We appreciate all you've done so far. Are you sure there isn't a way for us to repay you?"

"I stand by what I said, Mr. Hathaway. No matter what it is you have to offer me, please redirect your efforts towards Ambryan. I know you have the riches to satisfy both his needs and your desire to thank me but"

"My time with him is more than enough for me," Madame Isabelle explained. "I'll never forget it."

Avery mustered a smile, easing a bit of her husband's worries. She couldn't break down againnot when her son had miraculously returned. "I understand it completely. If you ever need help in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us."

"I'll keep it in mind, Mrs. Hathaway."

Meanwhile, Ambryan found a place to hide. The hedges stood over seven feet tall on either side of him. He followed the narrow passage that they created and used his instincts in choosing at crossed paths. It should be enough to confuse the adults. 

Maybe if he found an opening, they wouldn't be able to find him at all.

Then, the hedges opened to a square clearing. 

"Young man, what are you running away from?" The old woman asked from her chair. Her curly white hair poofed around her head like a shower cap.  She wore a long-sleeved white dress that had a leaf pattern and a belt cinched around her waist.

Her teal eyes landed on him as soon as he came out of the garden maze.

"I-I" Ambryan stuttered. Somehow, she reminded him of Madame Isabelle. 

"Would you like some tea?" She offered, holding her own cup and saucer.

Ambryan noticed the setup on the table. Tea pot, cakes, scones and more, he realized that the woman was having her afternoon tea. Only one question popped in his head. "What kind?"

"Black, of course." She smiled and took a sip.

Gulping, Ambryan proceeded with caution. Tea was something he was familiar with. He had tried it one day because Madame Isabelle always drank more than a cup. Ever since then, he grew to like it so she started brewing two cups everyday for breakfast.

It was the most home-like item in the estate for him.

"Go on, take a seat," the old woman told him. "The servants will pour it for you."

On cue, a servant came forward to serve him a cup. He also offered Ambryan the tower of finger food desserts. The latter took a scone and bit it. His violet eyes lit up. It tasted much better and fluffier than the bakery in Cornelia Town. He wouldn't have thought it possible before. 

"Do you also live here?" Ambryan asked. When the servant showed him the tower of sweets again, he grabbed another scone and dipped it into the tea. The world of flavor in his mouth caused him to moan.

"Yes. Yes, I do." The old woman chuckled. She put her cup down and took a good look at him. "Are you also going to be living here? We can have tea again tomorrow if you like."

Ambryan paused for a second. He placed his scone on an empty plate, wiping off the crumbs that stuck to the sides of his mouth. "Um I don't know. I want to go home."


"Yes, I live in a ballet studio with my mom. I know she's not my real mother but I promised I'd never leave her side. I also have a few friends there. I don't want to leave any of them behind either," Ambryan confessed, bowing his head. 

How could they ignore his feelings like that? Everyone had just unanimously decided on the move. What's worse his mom wouldn't be able to stay. She was going to leave him alone with these strangers like it didn't matter to her.

Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes.

Why was he the only one who didn't want to be separated?

The old woman regarded him with indifference. She propped her elbows on the table and folded her hands, resting them on her chin. "Young man, do you know how big the world is?"

"Very big," Ambryan choked.

"Do you not wish to see how big it is?" She added. "Cornelia Town is only one of many places in this world. I personally lived in more than 5 countries during my lifetime. I never regretted it once. They were adventures that hold dear memories to me."

Ambryan blinked several times, looking up slowly.

"Being away from our loved ones doesn't mean our relationship has changed. Your mom loves you just as much as you love her back. Like me, she knows what the world has to offer and believes you deserve the best of everything."

Her stoic expression melted into a warm one. "Try looking at this as an adventure. Think about it. A mysterious and foreign place, new people to meet there is so much of it to explore. New knowledge to learn. Do you like books?"

"Yes, I do."

Her eyes squinted in delight. "We have our own library you know. Every brilliant work you can think of is in there. If not, wait for seven days and it will be."

"Can I see it?" Ambryan squirmed in his seat. 


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