Date The

Chapter 250: Night One: A Party to Flaunt

Chapter 250: Night One: A Party to Flaunt

Jane stood on top of the staircase.

Cameras flashes below, applause reverberated in the ballroom, cheers and well wishes reached her ears her blinding smile lit up the place. She waved her hand like she participated in a pageant. Her guests approved the display with louder praises and compliments.

She descended elegantly while the diamond tiara on her head glinted under the spotlights.

It was truly her moment to shine.

At the base of the stairs, she stopped at a small platform and grabbed the microphone. Her melodic voice flowed out of the speakers. "Thank you all for another wonderful year. To see your faces on this special day always touches my heart. I could only hope this party gives you as much joy as you had given me. So please"

She paused and gestured to the other side of the room. "Give it up for one of the biggest bands in the world"

Heads turned around as more spotlights followed her direction. A curtain parted open and five silhouettes emerged from the shadows. One on the drums, two on guitar and bass plus the lone person with the microphone. The drummer started a beat, building anticipation from the crowd. Feet ran for this second stage and swarmed around it like sardines.

Then, a deep voice took the center of attention.


I'm hurting, baby. I'm broken down~

I need your lovingloving, I need it now~


Screams and squeals overpowered the music as all the lights turned on to fully reveal the performers. Jane remained on her spot. A wide grin bloomed on her face at the scene. She made the right decision to have the band perform first. Her amber eyes met the lead singer's and they exchanged a secret smile.

Pulling the mic off its stand, Jane opened her mouth.


I don't wanna be needing your love

I just wanna be deep in your love


The guests gasped at the sudden sound of her voice. She ignored them and paid attention to the band alone. She blew a kiss. Now, the rest would remember to include her when they talked about the band at her birthday party.

The lead singer reached out his hands towards her, continuing the song,


And it's killing me when you're away, ooh, baby,

'Cause I really don't care where you are

I just wanna be there where you are


Their voices joined together for the chorus. The crowd started dancing and singing along. The sound team increased the volume of the microphones and the amplifiers, drowning them out. The music could be heard throughout the estate. There was no escape.

Jane stepped down the stage once the song reached the second verse. She mingled among her age group and danced. They had their phones out, livestreaming the party, taking photos, recording videos and slowgram stories. The party had just started. 

And they had all night to hype it up on trending topics.

In the middle of the room, the Seven Wonders of the World took up the space as ice sculptures. Colored beverages flowed their sides like fountains and filled up towers of vintage wine glasses. Servers stood by to keep the guests under control while they picked their poison.

Food came out of the kitchen in trays. The servers constantly walked around and kept a lookout for anyone in need of something to fill in their growling stomachs. No one was allowed to go hungry at this party. There was enough food for every person to bring home if they wanted.

Moving to a new song, Jane broke away from the group and started to greet her other guests. Cheek-to-cheek kisses were in order as well as hugging if necessary. Birthday wishes came her way one after another. Her smile stretched wider with each one she heard. 

"Amazing party as always, Jane! I can't believe you snagged Macaroon Five!"

"I know! I can't believe it either! They were so hard to book. We had to pull every effort." Jane laughed. Then, she leaned in and hid her lips from prying eyes. "I may have shed a tear or two just to get them to soften up."

"So sly!" The guest teased, nudging her side. "But you do have your ways once you set your eyes on something. You have to teach us sometime. Or is it top secret?"

Jane pouted but lightened up the expression with a scrunch of her nose. "I can see what you're doing but you should know better that trade secrets aren't meant to be shared. It diminishes the mystery! How else could I keep surprising you all?"

"Such selfishness!" 

"It is my birthday," Jane reminded, giggling at the curiosity. "Am I not allowed to be selfish?"

Someone behind her scoffed. "Always has a way to get whatever she desires, huh? How is that working out with Ambryan Hathaway? Weren't you supposed to get married someday like you said? Then, why is he hanging around with some B-grade model?"

Jane stiffened at the obvious jab. She allowed herself a moment to express her irritation before she twisted her neck slowly and faced the intruder. Everything seemed fine from afar but whoever looked at her closely would notice the coldness behind her warm amber eyes

or even the forced happy smile on her lips.

"Melissa," she greeted. "Your words may always seem like you dislike being here but I am touched that you attended nonetheless. It shows how much you care about me."

"Pft." Melissa snorted. She propped her right elbow and her folded left arm, dangling the vintage wine glass by its rim. "Bullcrap. I'm only here to keep appearances. Something you should know  a lot about. That's a magnificent act you're holding up."

"That's crossing the line, Melissa!" The first guest accused. She marched to Jane's side and glared. "This is no place to act like a brat. That cocktail you're enjoying is provided by Jane. The least you could do is show your gratitude."

Melissa arched an eyebrow and lifted up her drink. "This? Something I can also buy on my own? What's so special about it? It's not like you can't have it anywhere else."

Then, she walked up to Jane and gave her a mocking laugh. "You should tell me where you get your dog treats. Our new rottweiler at home is having trouble being trained. I think he'd become better with those treats of yours."

"Why you"

"Oh, but," Melissa gasped, covering her open mouth. "Trade secrets can't be shared, right? Or else, it would break the mystery and you'll be exposed for the fake person that you are."


To avoid the hand that shot out to grab her, Melissa spun on her heel. The drink in her hand poured out of the glass from the abrupt movement. Red liquid dripped down Jane's chest and into her dress, staining the chiffon fabric.

"Oh, my," Melissa uttered. She opened her purse and offered a clean handkerchief. "Here, Jane. Clean yourself up while I look for your stylists. They should be by the Great Pyramid of Gyza"

Jane shoved her wrist away, making the bystanders gasp. She stared at the floor with wide eyes. Her chest rose and fell visibly as well as at a rapid speed. Tremors crawled over her skin while the wine continued its trail towards the sweetheart neckline of her dress.


"I know you don't like being here, Melissa," she began to whisper. Her gaze slowly rose up until their eyes met. Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes. She gripped her skirt just to stop her hands from shaking. "But did you have to do that? Do you despise me that much?"

Melissa widened her eyes. Then, she shook her head rapidly. "Jane, it was an accident. I swear I wouldn't be that petty. There's a crack on this floor. See?"

She stepped aside to reveal the crack from under her evening gown. Murmurs flooded the room, exchanging opinions on the new information. Camera phones recorded the scene to rewatch it later and discuss it further. 

"And you knew that," Jane simply stated. "You knew there was a crack and used it!"

"Trip on my heels and risk injuring myself?" Melissa scoffed. Her voice raised higher, the more she heard about this accusation being thrown at her. "Please. I wouldn't put myself in harm's way for such shallow reasons. You just want to cause a scene!"

"Melissa, can't you understand?" Jane's friend spoke again to defend the former. "Accident or no accident, this just ruined the night for Jane. She had spent hours and energy to make this party happen. Then, it's ruined by your small cocktail? You should apologize."

Melissa made a face. Her mouth half-open, she scowled at nothing in particular. "Apologize after she claimed I did it purposely? After I offered to help her out? Excuse me but that kind of person doesn't deserve an apology!"

"That's it. Get out."

A scoff escaped Melissa's lips. She bowed before the two and said, "Gladly."

This time, there wasn't any drink left to fly off her hand. A foot stepped on her gown's mini train after she took a few steps towards the exit. "Bitch."

The resistance forced her knees to squeeze together and lose her balance. People moved out of the way when they noticed it happen. She landed on the floor, blowing her bangs out of her face. Her eyes glowered at the possible culprits.

Jane dialled on her phone, her gaze flickering towards the floor and random spots in the room. "I guess we should really get that crack fixed. It wouldn't be good if it placed more people in harm's way. Yes, hello? I'd like to report about an incident in this venue. It will cost you if you don't fix it soon."

Melissa shot to her feet. She couldn't be tricked. Jane hadn't taken back her words at all. Only fools would believe that she suddenly had a change of heart.

When the call ended, Jane turned to her friend. "I'll go change."

Then, she shifted her attention to Melissa. "Do help yourself to the giveaway tokens at the exit."


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