Date The

Chapter 244: Emerged With Thorns

Chapter 244: Emerged With Thorns

Avery bit her inner lip. 

This conversation wasn't going well like she predicted. Jane had always been stubborn. An internal sigh filled up her lungs. Maybe she should give it another try. This first attempt was doomed to fail from the start.

"I understand what you mean, Jane," the madam replied. This time, she didn't try to touch the young woman. Her lips merely displayed a sad smile. "I once believed I'd love another man for life. That we'd get married and have kids. But now? I wouldn't trade Jackson for him or anyone else. I wouldn't have been able to achieve this happiness if I had clung to that same guy."

Jane heard of similar storieswhich was why she believed none of them could understand her feelings. Her nails dug into the armrests as her neck twisted back. "That's different."

"How is it different? Explain it to me," Avery pleaded. 

"My heart belongs to Ambryan for as long as I can remember. It aches whenever he's with someone else. It longs for him whenever he's absent. It always does something in anything that involves him and it's not something I can easily ignore either."

"Jane, no" she breathed out. The hint of tears swelled in the back of her eyes. 

"And then sometimes, it becomes unbearable. I can't just sit and wallow in pain. I have to fight for what I want and how to protect it. Giving up would mean my feelings aren't valid. That they are comparable to objects thrown in the trash just because someone is unsatisfied."

The tone in Jane's voice became edgier. It took all her willpower not to lash out. 

"I've never asked for anyone to put themselves in my shoes but I'd, at least, hoped that the people who care about me would respect my wishes and these feelings," she snarled syllable by syllable. Her amber eyes welled up in disappointment at Avery. "I'm sorry if you think I should stop loving your son just because he has someone else in his eyes but I won't listen to any more of this."

Jane rose to her feet and spun on her heel. She stalked back into the house without sparing the madam another glance. So what if others managed to find love more than once? Their lives weren't hers. They couldn't compare their own experience with hers. 

She merely followed how she felt. 

How could that be a wrong thing?

Avery hid her face behind her hand. She hadn't been able to speak after seeing Jane like that. She recognized that the latter truly adored her son. The helpless feeling that neither could be happy whenever together broke her heart. It was as irreparable as ever.

Her violet eyes flickered to the last spot she saw Jane.

It may be true that Jane loved Ambryan. 

But she also despised not getting her wayleading to her obsession over him even if she couldn't see it. Avery finished the rest of her tea and stood up. She had tried her way. Granted, she could have tried harder except Jane made her stand clear. 

It wouldn't have made her feel right to not listen.

The maids came to her aid but she raised her hand in protest. She already knew the way out. There wasn't a need for them to do the extra work of escorting her. There would be eyes wherever she went anyway.

"Avery!" A bustling voice called after her.

Fixing her expression, the madam stopped walking and greeted the approaching individual. This had to be her fakest smile for the entire week. Not even her act in front of her husband could compare. "Stuart."

Stuart Wilson wore a cashmere vest over a polo shirt. With the cream trousers and tamed brown hair, Avery guessed he had come back from golfing. His mustache had gotten longer than his usual style.

"Came to see Jane, huh?" He chuckled, his hands on his hips.

She glanced at the ground. "I do care for her."

"I know, I know. I really appreciate it. You know how sad she becomes at this time of year." Stuart sighed. If he had his way, he'd kidnap Ambryan and forced him to attend. It would have been the easiest thing to do. But his daughter viewed it as meaningless. 

He shook those thoughts out of his head and clapped his hands together. "Hopefully the party would make her forget it. I've prepared the best of what she wanted."

"I'm sure it will be fabulous." Avery meant every word. The grandness was something the media always wrote about. She would never forget how they managed to use many adjectives to describe an ice sculpture.

Stuart nodded his head. "Well, I won't keep you. See you at the party and drive safe."

"Have a good day, Stuart."

Jane pushed the curtain out of the way and stared out of her second-story window. She watched as Avery headed for the gates. Her face was devoid of emotions. 

The madam resisted to run for it, silently cursing the walking path of the lawn. It curved several times in order for people to appreciate its garden plants. She regretted not bringing the driver with her. 

She sighed and looked back at how far she'd come.

The curtain swayed back into place.






Riffle tapped his fingers on his work desk. Every now and then, his gaze landed on the CEO's office door. Two men currently occupied the room on the other side. Neither one was the type to neglect his work like someone he knew. 

But the meeting was made without an appointment so it should be a casual visit.

Then, how would he be able to tell if it was okay to interrupt? 

Ambryan met his father's eyes. 

He leaned back on his chair and laced his fingers together, propping his elbows on the armrests. Jackson had a similar pose except his arms were crossed over his chest. He came as soon as he had free time in his schedule.

His wife and his son may not think much if he missed out on these things.

But they mattered a great deal to him so he won't let it happen if he could.

"Welcome back from overseas," Ambryan said. "I saw the reports. Congrats on the deals you made. They reminded me that I still had a long way to go to reach your level of expertise."

Jackson grunted, unable to hear him. "Is it true that you want Evangeline to move in with you?" 

He wasn't about to fall for the distraction tricks. They could talk about work another time. Today was about establishing his presence in his son's love life. These matters should also reach him whether from Ambryan or from Avery. 

They must consider telling him whenever this type of thing happens.

Ambryan blinked in surprise. "Where did you hear such a thing?"

"From your mother. She said it was the reason for your phone call."

"Ah." Realization dawned on him. He rubbed his chin and stared at the ceiling, contemplating the question carefully. "Well, I am thinking about it."

"So it's true?" Jackson gasped. He unfolded his arms and leaned forward. Both of his feet thudded against the floor. Things surely had been exciting while he was away.

His son found the reaction amusing. 

"That I want to live with Evangeline in the same residence? Yes."

Jackson processed the information. Not only did his wife not lie about that but also his son wanted to live with a womanhe who preferred his own company and privacy in one household with a woman he had interest in. 

"Then, is it also true that you think I wouldn't approve?" The question came without hesitation.

Ambryan arched an eyebrow. "Would you?"

"It's too early," his father contradicted.

"I heard whirlwind romance is the trend these days."

"But you hardly know her," he further explained. 

There were many factors to think aboutone of them being that Ambryan had a home office. If trusted to the wrong person, confidential information could be leaked. Another thing was that enemies could use her to get inside the house. 

Not to mention the actual connotation of living in the same place.

It wasn't as easy as it sounded. Her things would also be there. It would cause rearrangements. The items in the fridge would change positions based on her actions. Then, the littlest things could cause an argument. 

In conclusion, Jackson thought it was a big decision for a budding couple.

"On the contrary, I believe I know enough." Ambryan confidently stated.

It was his father's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Really? What's her favorite dessert?"

"French macarons."

"Her favorite fruit?"


"How many siblings does she have?"

"Two. Both girls and musically gifted."

"Her favorite pastime?"

"I think she has several but I'll go with reading online novels or comics on her phone."

"A strange habit she has."

"She likes to doodle when bored." 

"Pet peeve."

"People chewing with their mouths open."

"Oh," Jackson muttered. "That is annoying." 

"Well?" Ambryan taunted with a smirk. That was some rapid fire questions compared to the first time they talked about her.

Jackson took a deep breath. "I'm still not fully convinced but you're both grown adults, not teenagers. I trust that you'd do the right thing."

Ambryan shook his head, smiling. He bowed over the table and skimmed a few documents before signing them. "We're not moving in together anytime soon."

"Why not?"

"Evangeline declined to even stay over one night. I doubt she'd agree to moving in yet."

"What is she waiting for?" Jackson demanded. He had mentally prepared himself for this but little red riding hood disagreed with the idea? He could have used that time and energy for something else.

"For her to climb up in her career through her own abilities." Ambryan closed the folder and looked up. A proud expression glowed in his face. He hadn't known he liked that about her until they started dating.

"She can still do that even when you move in together."

"She thinks I tend to distract her."

"Then, she could distract you back. Everyone wins."


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