Date The

Chapter 230: That Stalker Bish

Chapter 230: That Stalker Bish

Jane pouted. "Yan, that's just cruel."

"I have a girlfriend and I don't want a misunderstanding," Ambryan almost sneered. It had been a fact that whenever she was around, his patience evaporated like water. "And the last thing I want is for the internet to attack her. She only stopped me last time. But if I see it again, I might not be able to hold back."

Eve stood by, keeping quiet. The puzzle pieces started to fit together. She almost cursed herself for not realizing sooner. The woman's identity had been staring at her face this whole time. 

Their meeting had become inevitable.

Ambryan flickered his gaze towards his secretary. Then, he cleared his throat to get both of the women's attention. "Jane, this is Eve, my secretary. Eve, this is Jane Wilson. You've already met her father."

The mention of Stuart Wilson brought back memories to Eve. She was positive that his strange behavior during his small get together and the company party had something to do with his daughter. 

She should have known that the minute she saw the birthday invitation.

Eve plastered a stiff smile, nodding her head. She gripped her hands tightly. "Pleasure."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine! I heard about you from my father. You're quite the loyal employee." Jane hid a smirk. Patience wasn't in her vocabularyeven when she tried, she eventually failed. Her amber eyes hardened for a second. Eve almost thought it was her imagination. 

Because it vanished and a sickly sweet smile replaced the cold expression. Shifting her attention back to Ambryan, she reached for his arm. "So Yan, did you like the giant wine glass?"

He tried to dodge but she won this time around. With his free arm, he sent a signal to Wenwarning her about paparazzis and their cameras. The bodyguard moved behind Jane and continued to stay out of her sight.

It was Eve's turn to hide her amusement. Jane was like an open book. Both her and Ambryan saw through her actions. Jane may have thought she won but Ambryan only misdirected her. It was commendable acting.

Jane remained oblivious to this gesture and babbled away about the gift. "But you probably like the bottles of red wine more. I heard from father that you liked the wine I bought for him so I went ahead to get you some too. Tell me what you think when you have a taste."

"I will keep it in mind." Ambryan stalled while his security team took care of the press. He sneaked a glance in Eve's direction. She also stayed behind Jane and kept a lookout. Nothing on her face betrayed her emotions.

'What could she be thinking right now?' He wondered.

"And if you love it, I can get you more from the same vineyard. They have a lot of varieties."

Ambryan's temple throbbed. This script sounded familiar. The words and statements could have changed but it conveyed the same intentionsto the point that finding ways to reject became an annoying and tedious task.

"I see. I might pay a visit myself."

Jane brightened up at his response. She clung to him closer, giggling under her breath. "We can go together! I became close to the owner and staff. I'm sure it'll be fun."

"I'll have to ask Evangeline first though," Ambryan added. He averted his eyes but paid attention to his peripheral vision, checking if Eve glimpsed his way when he mentioned her.

"Why?" Jane mocked, irritation seeping through her head. Her fingers curled on his arm. A little more and her acrylic nails would dig into his suit. "Does your girlfriend control your life now? Can't make your own decisions?"

"Oh, I can," Ambryan corrected her. He looked into her eyes and said, "My decision is to bring her with me. I'll add it to the list of places we'll go to when we have a trip overseas."

She clicked her tongue. "Going on a trip, huh?"

"I'm planning on it." He shrugged.

Eve practically choked. They had talked about a trip but overseas? That would cost a lot of money. Just the mere thought of it gave her a headache. If he was still set on it after their relationship agreement ended then, she'd insist on paying part of the expenses.

There should still be enough for her sisters' education after that, right?

On the other hand, Ambryan reconsidered his own words. Evangeline had rejected the notion of a weekend getaway. The possibilities seemed to expand now. There should be a business trip he could arrange that required his secretary's presence along. 

She would surely agree if she believed the funds came from the company, right?

Jane noticed his withdrawal from reality. She yanked his arm to bring him back. His girlfriend wasn't around. It would be selfish of her to keep his attention even when around another person.

"Well, then" she began to say. "You are planning on attending my birthday, at least?"

The bliss feeling Ambryan had quickly vanished. This party invitation was becoming ridiculous. "It seems you need to upgrade your communication lines. It would be terrible if it continues to stay like this. I had sent my apologies and rejection more than once, after all."

"But Yan!" Jane whined. Her amber eyes drooped at the corners, making her dainty features even more intense. "My birthday only comes once a year! And I had been overseas most of the time so I really want to be with everyone that matters to me on this special day."

Ambryan patted her hands and pushed them off the crook of his arm. Wen had given the signal that the press had been taken care of. The time to pretend was over. "I'll send you a gift."

Jane stuck out her bottom lip and stomped on the concrete. "What if I want your attendance as a gift? You can bring your girlfriend too. I look forward to meeting her."

"She's not comfortable with crowds."

"But that's part of your lifestyle. Are you sure she's suitable to stand by your side?"

"As long as she's willing to be with me, I don't care about anything else," Ambryan stated. There was no hint of hesitation in his voice. He reached out to grab Eve by the arm, startling her. "If you'll excuse us, we have to go back. There's still work to do."

"Well, I can" 

He snapped his head over his shoulder and gave Jane a stern look. "I think you've done enough, Jane. We should end the conversation here before I start a dispute with your father and we'd never see each other again."

"Fine," she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'll see you around."

Ambryan released Eve and they walked ahead. Their vehicle was at the end of the street. It was the closest spot for Wen to park. The bodyguard met them at their destination, opening the backseat for them to climb in. Soon, they found themselves on the roaddriving further away.

Jane lowered her gaze, glaring through her lashes. She gritted her teeth. 

Things were more complicated than she thought. 

Ambryan relaxed his shoulders. He wouldn't need to see that woman for another time. It was almost a shame she came back from abroad. He made a mental note to ask Wen why Jane was in the area. The timing couldn't be a coincidence.

Then, he shifted his attention to his left.

His secretary typed away on her business phone, seeming unaffected by the whole exchange. 

"Eve, about Jane" Ambryan said, thinking about how to approach the subject.

Eve peeled her eyes off her phone screen. "What about Ms. Wilson?"

"What do you think of her?"

She glanced up and scowled. There were many ways to describe Jane Wilson that the choices were overwhelming. Majority of them came up as negative based on their few encounters. She searched for a positive onemostly for the challenge than the need to speak safely because of Jane's wealthy status.

"She adores her father?" Eve attempted. It was the best thing she could come up with from the pressure to provide an answer.

Ambryan shook his head. He laid his head on top of the backrest and crossed his arms over his chest. "You mean she's spoiled?"

"That came out of your mouth. Not mine."

"This is a safe space," he assured her, looking out his window. "I've told Richard many times how that woman irritates me."

Eve debated on how much to ask. This would have been easier if she was Evangeline right now. But it would be weird for her alter ego to suddenly chatespecially when Ambryan covered up the evidence that he met Jane today. 

"Why does she irritate you?" She caved. 'This should be safe, right?'

"It's been like that since I can remember," Ambryan replied.

Turning her head to her own window, Eve rolled her eyes. It was typical of him to be vague. Her question seemed suddenly useless. "But she's quite fond of you. I'm sure it saddens her."

Now that Eve knew her identity, it was easier to guess Jane's intentionseither it was for her birthday party or it was to help gain Ambryan's favor. Eve leaned more on the second one since it could result in the first option as a consequence. 

Jane's offer to make Ambryan notice her was only a bluff. So when the spoiled young miss would try to persuade her again, she could use that as her excuse to reject. 

Hopefully, it would be enough to stop this game. 


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