Date The

Chapter 228: Couples Here, Singles There Reading—

Chapter 228: Couples Here, Singles There Reading—

Eve listed the last bit of her to-do list on her business phone. 

Then, she checked on the time. 

The clock was minutes away from reaching lunch break. She tucked the device away and hugged a clipboard to her chest. Her teeth bit on her lips from the inside. The faint hint of a blush colored her ears. 

Her boss continued to type on his computer.

Clearing her throat, she decided to wing it with her best smile plastered on her face. "Sir Hathaway, would you like some egg rolls for lunch? I brought a lot today as requested."

Ambryan peeled his eyes off his monitor. He rested his chin on the palm of his hand. A hint of a smirk curled on the corner of his lip. "I didn't know you would be so eager. I only told you about that a day ago, right?"

"Well, it was either today or there wouldn't be enough eggs to share."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Sadly, I can't take time off for lunch. Mind bringing it here?"

"Of course. Wait a minute."

When the door closed, Ambryan covered his mouth. It was hard not to smile. The days only got better as they passed. Work seemed easier to handle. Stormy weather felt sunny to him. They no longer held power to dampen his mood. 

Everything was different. There weren't enough words to describe.

He was even able to enjoy his girlfriend's cooking.

Eve entered the office, lunch box in hand. She opened it as she walked and set it down on his desk. The egg rolls were perfect. They also had a few more herbs and toppings. Just staring at them increased her appetite. She could almost taste their creamy and buttery flavors.

Ambryan picked up the fork and thanked her for the treat.

He stopped mid-chew. 

Frown lines creased above the bridge of his nose. He slowly unhinged his jaw and bit on the egg roll. Butter oozed out while soft eggs sat on his tongue. Next, his taste buds identified the taste of mushrooms, cheese and parsley.

"This is different from the one before," he commented. There was no denying it. The flavors were too far apart. The other one had a sweet taste. This one had a fluffier impression and a savory tang.

He took another bite.

Perhaps she exerted more effort to impress him? Somehow that thought cheered him up a bit.

"Oh, well" Eve blinked, almost forgetting that this was a different recipe. She struggled on how to explain. "My previous attempt was a little embarrassing. And I know you don't really like sweets so...."

"So you changed the flavors?" He finished for her, taking another roll.

Eve nodded. "Yes. I told Andie to make her favorite egg roll." 

Ambryan stiffened. He just bit into the new egg roll on his fork. His brain processed the new piece of information, connecting the dots and filling the gaps in between. "Andie made this?"

"Mhm. I told you. She's the better cook between us."

"I can see why you think that." Ambryan steadied the fork on the lunch box. He retreated his hand and cleaned his hands before resuming his work on the computer. Then, he remembered that he still had an egg roll in his mouth.

He swallowed it in one go.

And almost regretted it.

"You don't want more, Sir Hathaway?" Eve scowled, confused by the sudden change. She lifted the lunch box to her nose and sniffed. Her sense of smell detected the fragrance of butter and herbs. She checked the rolls. None of them had an odd color.

Why could have gone wrong?

Ambryan coughed. He avoided looking in her direction. "I've had my fill. Thank you. And emails just came from investors and the board. I have to respond right away,"

"But there's so many left," his secretary whined. Indeed, there were a lot. The meal was enough for two people. The mere sight of it made his heart soar. 

Then, reality pulled it back down.

"Unfortunately, my hands are full," he said. His typing speed rose the more he became focused on the texts in front of him. A playful thought developed in his head. He gritted his teeth just to stop himself from grinning.

"Now, unless you volunteer to feed while I work"

"I'll go back to my desk then," Eve immediately responded. She shook her head, accepting his rejection of the food. She stepped towards the door then paused. 

Her hands tore the lunch box and split it into two. She placed the under layer of the tupperware on the table. "You can have these potato cheese balls. I know a street stand that makes the best ones I've ever tasted. They gave me a few tips and I tried to recreate them this morning."

Ambryan snapped his gaze towards the new dish. The breading around the potato balls had finished cooking with a golden brown color. A small container for a dipping sauce stood in the middle. He smelled the scent of butter and took a closer look. 

"They look crispy," he complimented, taking the fork and scratching it on the surface.

The pleasant sound of brittle crumbs flowed into his ears. 

"Well, I'm glad they sound like it," Eve chuckled. She bowed her head, the layer of egg rolls in both of her hands. "I'll be going then. Please eat them in case you get hungry."

"Thank you." 

Alone, Ambryan had his first bite. The flavors sort of matched the egg rolls. It had that creamy and buttery taste. The cheese bursted when he broke the mashed potatoes apart, adding a bit of salt just enough not to overpower the other flavors.

He had only one thought upon eating it. 

'I wouldn't mind eating this everyday.'

One hand on a knob of a closed door, Eve shut her eyes and let out a breath through her lips. She pulled out her personal phone and walked towards her desk. The lunch box clattered on her desk. She flopped onto the chair and pressed the mobile gadget against her ear.

"So?" Andie greeted, the pitch in her voice rising higher. "How did it go?"

"He tried a few but rejected the rest. I don't know why. It's weird," Eve answered. She blew on her bangs and laid her head on her work table. Her brown eyes stared at the door. "He hates sweets. I know he does. Plus they tasted amazing. Why would he look for the same egg roll?"

Andie clicked her tongue. "Did you give him the potato cheese balls?"

"I did." Eve huffed. Her heart weighed heavily in her chest. That was supposed to be the main dish of her mealalong with some egg rolls. "And he accepted them. Now, I'm stuck with pure egg rolls for lunch."

"At least, you had something else to offer," her best friend tried to coax. "It wasn't a total fail."

She sighed and hung her head. The white ceiling filled her vision. "I guess so." 

Pressing her lips together, Andie glanced out of the window of the bakery. A familiar face with medium blonde hair greeted her eyes. She waved her hand and hopped off the counter. "I'm gonna have lunch with Jarrett. See ya later, Eve. Enjoy the egg rolls. They are made with love."

She could almost see Eve rolling her eyes. "Have a good time." 

Andie ended the call and sprinted for the door. She dashed down the sidewalk and jumped into a pair of waiting arms. Her feet flew off the ground. Giggles erupted from her chest. Anywhere she looked, there were rainbows. 


"Hey." Jarrett chuckled in her ear.

Pulling back, Andie slapped her hands onto his cheeks. Her stormy blue eyes squinted at his face. The smile on his lips didn't fool her. She sensed it in her bones. Something troubled him.

"What's wrong?" She asked, ready to rebut if he refused to answer.

Jarrett brushed the hair on top of her scalp. His throat constricted. She always saw right through himeven before they started dating. "It's nothing. Just stressed from work. It has completely filled my head."

Andie considered his response. It probably wasn't a total lie. But it also wasn't the whole truth. She decided to let it go for now. Maybe he needed time. This date might even be good for him.

"Is there any way that I could help?" She stuck out her bottom lip, making it plumpier.

Her fianc leaned his forehead onto hers. "Maybe a kiss?"

"We can always try."

The couple shared a kiss on the street. Andie had her arms around his neck while Jarrett kept her close. The world faded away. Their worries vanished. This little bubble kept them safe and soundas if not even lightning could penetrate it.

Then, they broke apart.

"How's that?" Andie teased.

"Good." Jarrett cleared his throat. "I know you don't want me to keep things from you. And, to be honest, I thought I could go through this date without ruining the mood."

Andie's eyebrows shot up. "Ruin the mood? Babe, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here. It's not some service available for a number of hours. We're about to be stuck in the same house. Consider this practice."

Jarrett caressed her ear, mustering the courage to speak. "There's no other way to say this but I've been dismissed."

"Until when?" 

"Indefinitely." The word came out of his mouth syllable by syllable.

Andie stepped back. Horror struck in her eyes. "You've been laid off?"


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