Date The

Chapter 222: Into the Shadows

Chapter 222: Into the Shadows

Eve overheard the rattling of candy inside a box.

She looked up from her tablet, glancing to her right. The city buildings and stores slowly dwindled into empty lots outside the car window. Across from her in the backseat, Ambryan shook out a pile of rock candy onto the palm of his hand and popped them into his mouth. 

"You still haven't finished that?" She said with a shake of her head.

"A gift like this must be savored."


Sighing helplessly, Eve returned to her work. Wen drove the vehicle towards the newly built studio lot of Eros Productions. The company arranged a small gathering for its opening. Guests would also be given a tour around the new site. Reporters from every media outlet were dropping by to cover the event.

Eve couldn't wait to see it!

"You seem excited," Ambryan remarked, noticing the silly smile on her face.

"It's like going into another world," Eve breathed out. Work receded to the back of her mind. "This studio is supposed to expand our set locations. I'm curious on how it looks. It had a high budget so I guess my expectations are just as high." 

She chuckled and swiped across her screen. "It sounds silly I know. It's not like it will be the next Disneyland."

Ambryan chose not to answer. After the incident in a public street, he had the construction process sped up. They had assessed what locations they often looked for different movies. They also gathered a survey to see what ideas would arise from random people. 

Her expectations were reasonable.

"It's good that you're downplaying your anticipation. That is something I can cross off my to-do list now," he joked, offering her the sour candy.

Eve stopped her eye roll midway. Her gaze landed on the rearview mirror. She didn't catch it but she felt Wen's attention on her. Clearing her throat, she adjusted her manners. "I have sorted through the recent emails. You may look at them while we wait."

Ambryan hid the box. "So cold."

She ignored it and checked the venue's status. Supervisors from various teams kept her posted on a real time basis. The caterer had arrived. Media personnel were escorted to a tent while they waited. The workers inside the studio finished last minute decor for the tour.

There were eyes on all sides.

When they arrived, the assistants of the heads-in-charge walked behind Eve. They waited for her to complete the inspection and assessment while Ambryan conversed with the other executives present.

Then, the organizer called for their attention.

Eve found her place for the opening event. Ambryan's tall frame shadowed her from the sun. The ceremony consisted of a blessing over the lot and speeches about its prospects. She was too distracted by her excitement to hear any of it.

The ribbon-cutting eventually took place.

Spectators, employees, investors, invited guests clapped when Ambryan cut the blue ribbon. He handed the giant scissors over to Eve. She, then, passed them to the person in charge. A hand clamped onto her shoulder.

"Did you fall asleep?" Madison teased behind her, his luminous green eyes sparkling with mischief. His long albino hair draped down the back of his silver suit and black dress shirt. 

"President!" Eve exclaimed, looking over his shoulder. "And Riffle!"

Riffle perked up at the sound of her voice. He waved and fixed his glasses. Soon, his phone started ringing and demanded for his attention. Madison used the moment to his advantage.

"Now, why is it you are so formal with me but you call my secretary by his first name?" He whined, pouting like a puppy. "I thought we were friends?"

Eve put his hand away gently. "Not while we're both employed by Eros, Sir King."

Madison wiped an invisible tear. "So cruel."

"I had mentioned something similar."

Ambryan positioned himself beside Eve. His position gave a clear view of his side profile to the paparazzis. Their cameras flashed at the CEO and the President. Both Riffle and Eve noticed this sudden attention. They moved away on instinct.

Madison jabbed Ambryan on the chest. "Well, you probably deserved it."

"Can we move somewhere else? Like the dining area?" The CEO suggested, gesturing towards the line of people that headed for the next venue.

"Please head this way." Eve led them to a secluded entrance.

The media frenzy died a little once they entered the dining area. Most of the attendees were investors and executives. This part of the event wasn't necessary to the press. And so, the reporters attacked the PR Team and pleaded for a tour of the site.

The rest of the afternoon passed as scheduled while the tour turned out to be everything Eve hoped it to be. The cafes all had various themes. The park looked like it came out of movies with how green they were despite the autumn season. She wondered if there were others that catered to a different time of year.

Reporters outside waited eagerly for their departure. Their mics posed ready for last minute interviews.

"Mr. Hathaway, do you have time to answer some questions?"

"Look this way, Ms. Hart! Any comments on the new studio site?"

"What upcoming projects can we expect with this large step? Mr. Hathaway? Ms. Hart?"

Eve kept her head low. Her lips thinned into a grim line. She side-stepped, positioning herself directly behind Ambryan. Her fingers tapped restlessly on the tablet. Tremors crawled over her skin. 

She was being watchedmore than usual.

Since when had it been this way?

A sigh of relief flowed out of her mouth when Madison appeared behind the pair and addressed the media. Their attention quickly shifted towards him. She sneaked a peek over her shoulder. 

It was a split second but she could have sworn the President winked in her direction. 

Nonetheless, it brought a small smile to her face.

Wen drove down the parking lot of Eros Headquarters. She maneuvered it around the public parking and sped through the exclusive sector, skipping the ID verification taken by a security guard. 

Her face was easily recognizeda person to be respected. Eve learned early that the company security team admired the head bodyguard. With how meticulous Wen was, she wasn't surprised.

"How much work is still there to do?" Ambryan inquired as Wen parked the car in its reserved spot.

"Well, there's a few reports due tomorrow, preparations for conference meetings with the executives, last glance over the documents needed by the audit team"

"You can do them tomorrow. Go home." Ambryan interrupted, stepping out of the vehicle.

"But, Sir Hathaway!" Eve ran after him with her heels echoing in the air. "There are also many things to be done tomorrow. If I don't do them now, I'll"

"Office hours had ended, Eve." He told her sternly. They stopped in front of the elevator. "You're not about to render overtime."

"Overtime has always been a part of my job."

"Not today." Ambryan swiped the tablet in her hands, reading through the list and pointing at several items. "If you really don't have time tomorrow, I'll pick up the easiest ones and get them done today."

"You'd take more overtime that way!" 

"And you covered for me when I was sick. It's the least I can do. I'm also here to help you if you need it," he dismissed, clearly not taking 'no' as an answer.

Then, he stepped inside the lift and stared her down. "Go home. That's an order."

"And here I thought I have to figure things out on my own." Eve crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her head sideways. "That was what I had been told on my first day." 

"And you played CEO for a week. Paid off, don't you think so?" Ambryan smirked before closing the elevator doors.

That was when the sound of sniffling reached Eve. "I always knew the two of you would make a great couple. This is the best of my life."

Blinking, Eve turned her head slowly towards her right. "Darryl, Sir Hathaway is dating a model. Don't speak nonsense."

"But you're always by his side!"

"Don't. Just don't."

Eve left him to continue his wallows. They were too overdramatic anyway. It couldn't be serious enough for him to be crushed by her actions.

At the last minute, she stopped by a convenient store before heading home.

"Ms. Hart."

The bag of chips slipped off Eve's fingers. She lifted her head to find amber eyes on her.

"YouWhat business do you have here?"

The woman fidgeted with the bag strap over her shoulder. She bit her bottom lip, her eyes fidgeting. "I was wondering if you had thought about our discussion."

"What discussion?" Eve hissed. "There was nothing to discuss."

"But don't you want to have him?"

She groaned and scratched her scalp. "You have repeated that so many times. It's sounding more and more like you're the one who needs me for something."

"Oh" the woman mumbled. She took a deep breath. In a split second, her gaze sharpened into a glare. Her lips stretched into a mischievous smirk. "You really are smart as they say."

Eve hardened her muscles. Her hunch was right. Nothing about this woman's presence was good. "That has to be a lie. I'm not someone you'd be that interested in."

"And why not? Because you're a mere secretary in the shadows of her boss?" The woman taunted. She took out her phone and shoved the screen to her face. "Well, does it still seem that way to you?"


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