Date The

Chapter 211: Hello? I Quit

Chapter 211: Hello? I Quit

Elias walked around as he pressed on the shutter.

The photoshoot had resumed. More props were added into the concept, creating different scenes and aesthetics. He had dimmed the lights for a darker vibe. A small lamp was placed near Eve while she hugged her knees on a rectangular block. Her feet touched one edge while her bottom sat on the other.

From what she gathered, these were transitional shots that would lead to the darker concept.

Her eyes perceived the frustration on the photographer's face. It was sort of amusing. He had wanted them to behave and they did as he asked. But, suddenly, it didn't seem like he approved of it? Had they given in so easily?

Or was he annoyed at Ambryan accomplishing his desk work on the chair?

Whatever it was, Eve caught herself smiling.

"Hey! No distractions!" Elias scolded. Then, he asked her to close her eyes. Mutters flowed out under his breath. "What is this place? An office? There's a time and place for everything so if you needed to work, you should have left."

Eve opened one eye.

"Then, do you prefer him watching you like a hawk?" She asked, not caring that she interrupted the shoot. He had started it first anyway. "I suggest you make up your mind, Mr. Walker."

Her gaze directed to Ambryan at the moment. She bet that he couldn't even hear them right now since it was irrelevant to his office work. His fingers tapped on the keyboard of his laptop. The 'permanent' scowl on his face was deeper than normal again.

Someone's email must have frustrated him.

She watched as he massaged the side of his neck.

Then, he caught her stare. He winked just before turning back to his screen. Elias didn't like it but he surely didn't let the opportunity go. His camera had taken pictures of the moment between the two. One look at the view window and his pride took a blow.

He had found the image he wanted for the cover of his project.

It would take all of his ego for him to use this photo.

Profanities grumbled out of his lips. "What do you even see in that guy?"

Eve finally turned towards his direction. "Something you clearly can't."

"I guess that proves more than enough that I am not interested in him."

"Oh, I know you weren't. It was just funny to see you squirm."

Elias took a few steps back. He assessed the photos, checking if he had what he needed. Eve straightened her spine and stretched. The wing tips brushed on the floor. 

"Go change while we rearrange the studio again."


This time, Eve left on her own. Cale was busy getting to know the staff. She could almost imagine how he gained their favor. No one could resist his dazzling smile. It seemed like an insult if one ignored it. His childlike energy was a breath of fresh air. 

Eve found herself back on the makeup chair. 

Nanzie stood guarded near the door.

When Ambryan looked up again, he paused from his work. The vixen he once thought of was now in front of him. Eve wore another short one piece. It was similar to the leotards but made from leather. It had the drama to go with her makeup look. Dark smokey shadows framed her hazel eyes. Glistening sherry red gloss coated her lips. 

Large black wings sprung from her back.

Thigh high boots wrapped around her legs.

She wanted to take it off already. The fabric was hot against her skin and so were the boots. A short skirt draped over hips, giving a cute effect to the look. Eve was at a loss on what to do for this part. There weren't other props yet. She had free reign to improvise.

Then, her eyes found Ambryan's.

She stalked towards him. Each step was done slowly and sensually. Her upper body posed to one side in between steps. She touched her lips with a finger as if silencing the man before her. His violet eyes widened by a fraction.

Newfound confidence purred inside her.

'The two of them were really addicted to one another, huh?' Elias thought as he took more images. The photo earlier turned out really well. He wondered if there would be another like it. Either way, he couldn't let this slip under his nose.

'Just throw them in the same room and they'd always see their little bubble,' he added. Even if it was crowded, the pair would find each otherand that sort of magnetism showed on camera.

Maybe he was the one getting addicted

Eve turned around and let the wings take the center of attention. They weighed lighter than the white ones. The bottom half had missing feathers while the others had been cut. It reminded her of ashes after a fire. Her feet stood apart and strong. Many might take pity at the ruined wings.

But, to her, they were a symbol of survival.

She glared over her shoulder, letting her crimson hair frame half of her face. 

Ambryan took everything in. The transformation was phenomenal. Now, he could see why Cale and his mother wanted her to give her modelling more attention. It didn't matter how uncomfortable the outfit was. She'd find a way to not let it overshadow her.

His heart beamed with pride.

"Alright. Where's the train for this look?" Elias said, gesturing towards the stylist. 

Soon, Eve had another layer on her. It had to be her favorite piece. The train looked like it was made of the fallen feathers. Something new had been created despite the damage. It made her feel even stronger. This was her stage.

And pity wasn't welcome.

Elias sat on the floor and looked through the raw shots. The photoshoot had gone better than he expected. It inspired him to do moreseize all the emotions on Evangeline's face. He could fill up an entire gallery of them. Walls and walls of her pictures alone as if in a museum.

There wouldn't be a better muse for him.

"Got what you wanted?" He heard Ambryan ask from behind.

"She's amazing," Elias breathed out. He scrolled through the photos again once he reached the end. The flow of the poses and scene astounded him. He didn't even need to rearrange them. It was like a story had already been written for him.

"I'm aware."

"I can't explain how overjoyed I am with the results."

"Flattery won't get you a second photoshoot."

"Right. A deal's a deal." 

Elias rose to his feet and placed the camera in its bag. He wiped his hands on his jeans and held one out for Ambryan to shake. "I know we got off on the wrong foot. And you have every right to resent me but I still thank you for letting me do this."

He licked his lips, partially lost in his head. His sense of sight didn't even perceive the glare directed at him. "Have you ever been so passionate that you became blind? Then, once you have what you desired, you look back and see what you had done?"

Ambryan let the hand hover in the air.

"I don't care if you suddenly realized what wrong things you had done," he spat. "You expect me to believe that after arguing with me earlier? Your obsession with Evangeline was never right from the beginning."

The hand clenched into a fist. "Fair point."

Elias sighed, exhaling through his nose. He ran his fingers through his hair and watched the staff clean up. Then, he glanced back at Ambryan. "But I will spend the rest of my time convincing you to not regret this session. You'll be the first to receive a copy of the photo book."

Ambryan gritted his teeth. It would be a lie to say the offer wasn't tempting. There were several moments which he wished he had a copy of. Although his impression of Elias was far from good, the latter still had excellent skills in photography.

It was enough to make him curious about the project results.

"We'll see about that," he finally replied, taking a step towards the dressing room. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I'd like to see my girlfriend."

"Go right ahead."

Elias excused himself after the CEO left. He entered the fire exit and climbed up the flight of stairseventually finding a blind spot. His phone rang against his ear. He leaned back on the wall while waiting for the receiver to pick up.

"So, how did it go?" A sultry voice asked, giggling faintly. 

"Better than I thought."

She squealed into his ear, obviously pleased by the news. "Am I expecting a scandal then?"

Elias hardened his expression. "No." 

The line became silent. He counted down the seconds, waiting for the reaction. 

He had made up his mind and nothing she'd say could change it.

"What do you mean?"

"I quit," he said. 

"Did that girl seduce you?"

"That girl has been more real with me than you ever had." Elias sneered. His nostrils flared from the accusation. How could he side with this woman over Evangeline?

"Change of heart?" The woman scoffed, thoroughly unconvinced. "You think you can be righteous now after what you've done?"

"I can't change the past." Elias admitted in defeat. The transformation in the images came to his mind. The same confidence projected out of the photos and into his veins. He glared at the floor, standing his ground. "But that doesn't mean nothing can be done."


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