Date The

Chapter 205: We Need to Talk

Chapter 205: We Need to Talk

"My, my, my, Yan that sure looks good. Would you share a bite with your mother?"

Ambryan chewed the cheesecake slowly. It was less creamy than the one he had before. This one had a stronger strawberry flavor because of the glaze. The biscuit base also had added spices in it. He wondered what would Evangeline think of it

"Hello? Earth to my son?" Avery sighed. She leaned back and crossed her legs, taking another sip of coffee. "Will you ever tell me why you asked me to come here or should I give you some privacy with the cheesecake?"

"Can't I see my mother whenever I please?"

She slammed the cup on his work desk. Her elbow followed and rattled the surface. "Oh, don't beat around the bush. You'd never spare your working hours unless I forced you to. You clearly need something from me. So be a good boy and tell me already. Maybe I'd actually consider it."

Ambryan washed down the cheesecake with his favorite black tea, clearly taking his time. The madam knew he enjoyed her impatience. He always had the upperhand in that. It was him who needed her right now and yet, it was her who acted this way.

"It's about Evangeline," he finally revealed and checked on his emails.

Avery narrowed her eyes. He was still stalling at this point? Then, she would have to make her own presumptions then. She hid a grin, keeping her face serious. "Yan, if you want to propose, I think you ask her guardians and not me."

That got his attention.

Her son let his computer keyboard go and gave her his full attention. His fingers interlocked and rested on the table. "It's about your contract with her."

"Haven't we gone over it?" The madam frowned. 

"And her real name."

Her eyebrows shot up. Now, that was something she didn't expect. Did Eve admit to that perhaps? How much did he know? She observed his face. It was impassive like how he handled business meetings.

Still, if he knew everything, would he have needed to see her? That thought brought the grin she previously suppressed. "What a bold claim do elaborate on it, son. I find this oh-so-fascinating."

Ambryan's temple throbbed. She was enjoying this turn of events. Now he was the one that squirmed for her response. His lips thinned into a grim line. "Her name is not really Evangeline."

'And he walked right into the trap,' Avery rejoiced inside. It was finally happening! The day had come! Noticing her own reaction, she realized how much she wanted this to happen. It was a step forward to how things should be.

It was a happy occasion.

"If it's not then, what is it?"






"I don't know."

If Avery had been on cloud nine, she just crash-landed on earth from those words. Her eyes widened as far as they could. "Are you serious right now?"

Even if Eve hadn't told him, if he knew this much then it was only a matter of time before he made the connection. He had one of the brightest minds she had ever known. Was there something in his subconscious holding him back?

Like the guilt of not being able to recognize her?

"Should I know her?" Ambryan inferred based on her reaction. "Then again, you already knew we went to the same school. Is that why you picked her?"

The urge to bang her forehead on the desk grew stronger. 'So that's what he meant' Avery kept to herself. The disappointment was unreal. It bursted out of her chest and sank her soul into the darkness.

"... partially." She sighed. It wasn't like he didn't hit the mark. It was just a tiny bit far off from the center. "I didn't know it when I invited her but I became more convinced to invite her when I did find that out."

Memories of that day resurfaced. Disgust seeped into her mouth. Her initial reaction wasn't something she was proud of. The knowledge had opened old wounds for her. They lingered until now.

And she felt ashamed of them.

"You knew each other, huh?" Avery whispered. Curiosity gnawed at the sides of her head. She gulped down the rest of her coffee. It had been a while since this piqued her interest. It would also take another while for it to subside.

Ambryan shrugged. "It was a big school."

"Aw, come on. Don't give me that!" She glared in his direction. "You spent what? 9 years of your life there? Plenty of time for your paths to crossplus you remember her. I doubt you would if she wasn't the tiniest bit significant."

"What exactly is in that contract?" Ambryan demanded, leaning forward. He didn't allow her a chance to avert her gaze. "What did you plan to do with her after this is over?"

Avery raised her hands in protest. "Don't paint me like I'm the bad guy. I had my mind set on her even before I knew about that part of her past. Besides, why are you bringing this up again? Could it be that?"

Her son remained silent. 

She stood up and paced in front of his desk. Her arms climbed up to the ceiling as she did. "Alright. Don't tell me. The cheesecake already speaks volumes." 

Pointing to the clear container, she sent him an incredulous look. Ambryan hadn't left a single crumb behind. It gave her an idea. "If she said she loved tomatoes, would you eat them perhaps?"

Ambryan laid back and let her pace around. His impatience began to wear thin. 

"Mother. Answer my question."

"Oh, fine." Avery halted in her steps and held the edges of the table. "Whatever happens after the contract is purely at her discretion. The same thing goes to you. You both are free to end this or to continue it. It's that simple."

That was how a contract worked. She didn't need to explain it to him.

"Then, I want to know if learning her real name is violating terms."

The madam had a reply ready. She could offer a revised documentone that specifically stated office work didn't count as dates. She could also toy with him and let him suffer a little longer. 

But more concerning matters existed.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Avery breathed out, running her hands through her hair. This also finally came, huh? She glanced out the windows. The world seemed quiet and peaceful from up here.

Ambryan gripped his fingers tighter. "Why not?" 

His mother's gaze flickered towards him. This time, she didn't cower. Her voice took on a heavy tone. "Because Elias Walker also knows the same thing."

Cold gust hollowed out his insides. "Is he a threat? Is that what you're saying?"

'The bastard and I were on the same level?' His mind screamed. But, at the same time, it somehow made sense. Evangeline had told him that he was a fake and he had gotten away with most of it because she couldn't defend herself without revealing her alias.

"Yes and no." Avery sighed and scratched the back of her head. She hadn't rehearsed on how to explain this particular situation yet. "He keeps repeating that he only wants Evangeline as his muse. Nothing more. We even did a lie detector on him. That was the only straightforward answeralong with not physically harming her."

Nothing in her statement pleased Ambryan. He reached for the armrests, needing something stronger or he'd break his own fingers. He'd rather be damned to hell than let Elias have his way. The latter's obsession had gone too far.

"And what's troubling you?" Ambryan finally spoke, struggling to keep his voice steady.

"Because if that was true, he wouldn't have needed to do all the things he'd done," his mother pointed out. "He just needed a project where they could work together and arrange negotiations."

He took a deep breath. He hadn't known he stopped breathing until now. Blood rushed back into his brain. "Someone else is behind it."

"And I suspect it might be the same person as last time," Avery concluded, sitting back down. Her shoulders felt lighter now that Ambryan shared the burden. "They might also know that Evangeline isn't all who she says she is. I think it's best for you not to know the rest about her quite yet."

"Are you saying I'm a threat to her now?" Her son seethed under his breath.

"Geezus, Yan" she scoffed in return and added an eye roll. "You're really protective of her. You even have a part of your security team tailing her though she already has her own. What more when you find out? Keeping this all a secret protects her in its own twisted way."

Avery crossed her fingers. She hoped that was enough to convince him. A little bit more and he might finally figure it out. She hadn't asked Eve about it yet. If anything, Eve should be the one making this request and not him.

Ambryan gritted his teeth. "Is there really no way around it?"

He really wanted to know, huh? The madam clicked her tongue and debated on the topic. 

Then, an idea popped in her head, lighting up her entire face.

"How about this? If you can guess or remember her real name then, I can let it slide."

"What?" Ambryan scowled.

"Aw, come on," she whined, lightning nudging her shoulder. "I'm sure you can remember her name. If not, you're intelligent enough to find a way without breaking my rules."


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