Date The

Chapter 203: How Much Does He Know?

Chapter 203: How Much Does He Know?

The arcade was filled with chatter. Allies and enemies expressed their victories and frustrations. The game music played like a broken record. It could probably seep into one's dream if they stayed in the shop long enough.

But one spot's noise rose above all.

People raised their eyebrows at the two grown adults.

"I c-can't be-lieve yo-u lo-st at PAQ-MAN." Eve cackled, clutching her stomach. It was getting harder to breathe by the second. That had to be the easiest win of the day. Did it even last ten minutes? As the main strategist of their company, Ambryan surely could have lasted longer.

The imaginary dark cloud around him just made it funnier.

"I merely went easy on you."

"Did you?" She taunted and wiped off her tears. "We can have a rematch next time then."

Ambryan fixed his clothing and brushed off the defeat. If it made her this happy, he could overlook it just this once. He held her hand and, together, they walked out of the shop. Hues of orange, pink and purple colored the sky. The autumn leaves became vibrant under its light.

Eve matched his pace, humming to herself. She had been craving since yesterday. The bet was a convenient tool to guarantee her request. Her mouth salivated from all the food she could eat. 

She could hardly wait!

"So where will we eat?" Ambryan asked after noticing her expression.

She sent a coy smile his way. "I think there's some food at the square."







Bustling noise loitered around a small section of the square. Picnic tables lined up the middle of the bath. Stalls stood on either side, selling various items and food. It was such a popular place that the city's beautification committee added twinkling lights overhead. 

Eve found it bright and warm.

Ambryan found it dreadful. "Street food?"

"Yep!" She chuckled. His reaction was just as expected. She mentally congratulated herself for her smart thinking and good luck. The smell of cooking wafted in the air, teasing her nose. Her stomach grumbled in response.

"It's unhealthy."

"Aw, come on," she whined and tugged on his sleeve. "I miss eating street food and you're dressed casually so we won't be turning heads. It's also crowded so we'll lose the paparazzi."

Scowling, Ambryan assessed the place. There seemed to be some decent stalls. He won't eat anything that wasn't made with a pair of hand gloves. Drinks should all come from a bottle. "If I get a stomachache"

"You won't. Stop being a drama queen!" Eve quickly dragged him inside before he could change his mind. There was one stall she frequently visited as a college student. "Look! Fried tofu!"

The pair found an empty table after they strolled through the street food market. Eve managed to gather a lot. Some she ate while walking. Others she saved for later to bring back home. She and Ambryan sat across each other again. 

Excitement quivered under her skin as she opened the paper meal box. Just the mere sight of what's inside reawakened her appetite. The tempura sauce glistened over the food. Mayonnaise, chives, chili powder and bonito flakes were added on top of it.

"What is it?" Ambryan asked.

She turned the box around to show him. "It's takoyaki!"

"Japanese cuisine?" 

"That's right!" Eve nodded, returning the box back to its original position. She poked an octopus ball with the disposable dessert fork. It almost instantly melted in her mouth. "I just saw this on TV the other day. I couldn't stop thinking about it."

"Then, why haven't you visited this place earlier?" Ambryan let her order for himpartially because he wanted to taste what she liked. "Have your hours as an Online English Tutor increased?"

"... I guess you can say that." Eve swallowed the rest of her first bite. She had worked overtime just to meet the deadlines. Although Ambryan could have moved them, she didn't want to give up until the last minute.

Besides, he was sick. The least she could do was lessen his workload

since she couldn't visit him again.

"Have you ever thought about becoming a full-time model? I've heard nothing but good things from mother and Cale. They seem to think you have a good future ahead in this career." Ambryan copied her movements, making sure there was some of everything before taking a bite. It tasted more flavorful than it looked.

"Spying on me?" Eve joked.

"They're really fond of you, especially mother" Ambryan thought out loud. Where was this headed exactly? Why did the topic lead this way? Of course his mother was fond of her. She wouldn't have been a candidate if that wasn't true.

He sneaked a peek forward. 

Every time. Every. Single. Time. He wanted more. From the smile on her face, to the feel of her hand in his, to the sweet sound of her voice all of it. He needed more time. Weekends were too far apart from each other.

He grabbed a juice bottle and drank half of it. "What do you think about going on a vacation?"


Eve almost dropped the dessert fork. That was such a random question. What could have brought it on? She met his gaze. It narrowed in earnest. An internal sigh filled her lungs. "I don't feel comfortable being gone for long periods of time..."

"It can just be for a week."

"A week?!"

Another week without the CEO? 

"Is that too long?" Ambryan frowned at her reaction. "Would you lose your online job if that was the case? I could help you look for another job if that happens."

Struggling for a response, Eve analyzed the situation. There was no way she could agree to this without raising suspicion. The CEO's absence meant more workload for her as his secretary. If she also asked for a vacation, he'd either request her to move hers or he'd moved his plans. It was the mostly likely outcome since he wanted to promote her position

Her head began to hurt.

"Can't it just be over the weekend?" She tried to salvage. Spending a night together was dangerous but it was better than multiple ones. She managed the previous night because she kept her make-up onbut that couldn't be the case again if she'd sleep.

"But that's the reason why I want to go on a trip. I wish to spend more time with you."

'You practically see me everyday by now!' Eve wanted to cry, bowing her head and rubbing her temple. Life truly liked to torture her. Those were meant to be sweet words but they also felt like daggers to the heart. 

'Should this be the time to tell him?'

'Would she lose the compensation Avery had promised if she did?'

Her eyes landed on his face. She had feelings for this man. And it was mutual. Wouldn't it be unfair if she still binded herself by the contract? But what about her sisters? What if she also lost her full-time job? 

She hated this. 

Each time she came close to confessing the fear and risks always appeared. 

"I'm sorry, Ambryan" she began to say. "I don't think I'm prepared for that yet. There's just too many factors to consider. I'm not privileged to drop everything and leave. Can we reconsider it after this agreement is over?"

Eve stabbed another piece and filled up her mouth. She chewed slowly. Selfish. Such selfishness. 

"You mean six months from now?" Ambryan confirmed.

She nodded her head slowly, taking a sip of water. "I'm sure you remember my contract with your mother. It doesn't limit my travels but it wouldn't be okay if I went somewhere with you not knowing its details."

"I see."

Silence fell on the table. Eve played with her takoyaki, letting them roll over the leftover sauce. The box was about to be wiped clean from her doing.

"Then, are you asking me to wait until you share the contract with me?"

Her spine stiffened from his words. Their gazes met once more, both of them unwavering. 

She opened her mouth. "You might not like it."

"I'll take my chances."

"You might even hate it."

"I think that's the word people use when they don't like something,"

"You might hate me."

Ambryan took a deep breath. He closed his empty meal box and brought the juice bottle to his lips. He glanced in her direction once before taking a sip. "You're living under a false name."

"How did you?" A lump swelled inside Eve's throat. How much did he know? Had he been testing her? Had she failed him? Cold fear dripped in her veins.

"I know I'm not allowed to investigate you but even common folk look up others through social media," Ambryan elaborated. He finished the juice bottle and set it down on the table. "Before your Slowgram account as Evangeline Reed, there was nothing. Even Elias Walker managed to fake posts about your alleged relationship"

He reached out to touch her hand and squeezed it three times. His lips stretched into a gentle smile. "But I understand if you're not ready to share that part of your life yet."

"Pardon?" Eve blinked. 

Was it just her or was it stuffy out here?

"I meant it when I said I could never hate you," Ambryan reminded her. "I already knew about that at the very least. I had thought about several possibilities to what your life could have been before my mother approached you."

He kissed her knuckles. "I think I'm more than capable at not being shocked."


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