Date The

Chapter 190: The Lady Boss is on Fire

Chapter 190: The Lady Boss is on Fire


Oh-ho! Anyone here for the latest gossip? Earlier today, the model, Ms. Evangeline Reed, had been spotted near her beau's residence. What is she doing there alone, you may ask? 

Wrong question! 

There were reportedly two little girls with her. Sources believe that the three of them had gone up inside his resident buildingand everyone I know is looking for the deets! If anyone has info on who these two girls could be, contact us!

Theories had been flying around and they must be cleared! Are they related to Ms. Reed? Maybe they are related to Mr. Ambryan Hathaway instead? Or perhaps the couple are taking another step in their relationship? 

Ah! We can't wait to find out! o(>o<)o


Eve sat on the passenger seat on the way home. 

Her gaze downcasted, she fiddled with her fingers. They laid on her lap while her thoughts floated in the air. The rush happened so fast. It had overwhelmed her to the point of being numb. What should she even do from now on?

Falling for Ambryan wasn't part of the deal.

She closed her eyes and groaned just at the thought of it.

Would it also be too much to assume that he liked Evangeline? 'No, it couldn't be' but then, all the signs seemed to head in that direction. The things he did today implied it. He wouldn't kiss or hold someone like that just to lead someone onhe was simply not that kind of person.

Eve banged her head backwards, her eyes still closed. 

She opened them to the blur of car lights. 

Nanzie peeked at her from the driver's seat. She couldn't tell what bothered her client. Was it Elias Walker again? Mrs. Hathaway was currently handling it. It could also be about Mr. Ambryan's condition. But, Wen had informed her that it wasn't life-threatening...

Shaking her head, Nanzie focused on the road. 

It wasn't any of her business unless Eve shared at her own initiative,

"So you work as a part-time model?" Eri asked from the backseat. Since it was late, Eve had decided to drop them off instead of asking Andie to pick them up. The latter sounded too much work.

"Yes," Eve replied absentmindedly. Her head went around in circles. She was surprised it hadn't made her dizzy yet. Would Andie be out long? She could really use someone to talk to right now.

"What's your full-time job?"

"I II work as an online English tutor."

"Really?" Eri scowled. "I thought you worked as Mr. Hathaway's secretary."

Nanzie went rigid. Her cyan eyes flashed back on Eve. The latter seemed to be distracted still. There was a faraway look on her face, keeping her dazed and oblivious. The little girl's words took time to register in her head. 

And when they did, her eyes popped out of their sockets.

Eve slowly turned her head towards the twins. Both of them stared back at her hard. Her head recoiled from the intensity in their eyes. "I think you're mistaking me for someone else"

"Oh, don't deny it, Eve! We know it's you!" Ede cut in. She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I feel so stupid. You look exactly mom! You even used her name! Those should have been enough to let us know. Tsk."

"Ede, you're not stupid." 

Her eyebrow shot up. "So it really is you?"

"I" Eve spared her bodyguard a glance. They shared the same sentiments of defeat. And after what happened earlier, Eve wasn't in any mood for more lies. It would only give her more headaches. She took a deep breath.

"Yes, it's me." Her voice came out small and soft. Then, it became stern as she lifted her pinky finger at them. "You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this. In fact, don't even talk about it at all even when you're alone in your rooms."

Both twins took their turns to pinky swear.

Eve made a mental note to inform Avery about the development. 

"So you became a model, took mom's name and now, you're dating your boss?" Eri summarized. She pursed her lips. "Since when did you like him?"

"And how come you're pretending to be someone else around him?" Ede added, her head leaning beside her twin's. "Didn't you teach us not to lie? Then, why did you pretend not to know us at the baking class?" 

"It's a little complicated" Eve coughed. She lowered her head until they were at the same eye level. She made sure for her tone to be firm. "When I said don't tell anyone, that includes Ambryan. Got it?"

"He doesn't know?"

"He doesn't."

"He's stupid," her sisters reacted together.

Eve couldn't help but chuckle. She pulled back. That was one burden off her shoulders. Still, she probably should ask Aunt Georgie to keep an eye on them too. It wouldn't hurt to be extra cautious. 






Monday rolled in and Ambryan was still MIA from work. 

``Lin: Hey, how's it going? Are you still asleep? You didn't work late yesterday, right?``

Eve began to worry. The company party was this upcoming weekend. People started to wonder about his condition or if he would even attend. She worked double time to get more than half of her tasks done in the morning.

Avery had assured her that it was only a fever. He would recover in a day or two. She prayed that was the case. The telephone rang. Her eyes peeked to see the number before answering it.

"Eve!" Riffle spoke through the speaker. "I have the travel documents from CEO's meetings last week. Do you need the actual copies or just scanned?"

"Scanned will do for now," she replied without missing a beat. "If you can, send them to accounting for processing. They have to be reimbursed as soon as possible."

"Got it, lady boss."

Eve stopped from typing and glared at the phone. "What?" 

"Aren't ya? You're practically his proxy."

"Riffle, I appreciate the help" she drawled. "But shut up."

She received a boisterous laugh as a response. "Call me if you need anything else."

Eve proceeded to prepare the reports. Checking the time, she dialled a number on the telephone. It rang once before someone picked up. "Hello? Ms. Hannah?"

"Yes, Ms. Hart?"

"Is the company vehicle still available for my departure in 2 hours?"

"Yes, everything has been prepared." 

"Good," she nodded, saving her file as she made changes along the way. "I'll be down 15 minutes before the time. Keep me updated on any changes."

"Noted, Ms. Hart."

"Thank you."

An email came from Venus Investments. Eve opened it and read through Richard's message. Her cheeks blushed involuntarily. Right. He was also there when she and Ambryan were sprawled on the couch. 

Eve hit the side of her head just to get rid of the image. 

She glanced at her phone. 

Venus' board of directors wanted an update on the expenses used by Define Love's production. She'd normally need Ambryan's permission for sharing documents outside the office. Instead, she reached out for the telephone.

"Riffle, is President around?" She asked, already opening the appropriate folders.

"He is" Riffle began to say. "... supposed to be right where I left him."

"Which is where?"

"His office, of course." He snorted.

Eve rolled her eyes. "Mind ringing me through?"

"No problem."

The dial tone sounded once again. 


"Sir King!" She exclaimed, her heart pumping. Time was ticking and this blasted report wasn't part of her schedule. "Sorry for disturbing. Venus Investments wants a copy of expenditures about their project ventures. Shall I send them to you before forwarding them?"

"Absolutely! I'd been waiting for you to ask for help since"

"Thank you, Sir King. I'll send them right away."

Then, the line went dead. 

Madison shook his head. The girl was on fire. He could feel her energy even from far away. Hearing her enthusiasm got his own blood boiling. He would need to work harder if he wanted her to rely on him more often.

"Alright! Let's finish these papers before lunch!"

"How about not having to eat lunch before you finish them?" Riffle commented from the doorway, bringing in a fresh batch of documents. 

"Riffle, that is too cruel."

His secretary merely smiled. "If students can go through it, so can you."


``Yan: Good morning, beautiful. I'm fine. I can move much easier now. Mother just wanted me to be fully recovered for more than a day before sending me back to work.``

``Lin: Well, she has a valid point! If you even try to type one letter for something work-related, I'd tie you to your bed!``

``Yan: Hm. So you're into that sort of thing. I'd have to note that down.``

``Lin: ... ``

``Lin: I'm surprised you even know that sort of thing.``

``Yan: I'm more surprised that you participate in it.``

``Lin: I have to go.``

``Yan: How are you feeling?``

``Lin: Fit as a fiddle. Why?``

``Yan: Don't overwork yourself. We did cuddle for a long time. You might get sick.``

``Lin: C-Cuddle???????????``

``Yan: That is what it's called, correct?``


Eve put her phone down and massaged her temples. Was she supposed to believe that this is the same person that she was having feelings for? How was that even possible? Andie's words from the night before replayed in her head like a broken record.

"I know you're really confused right now. But if you like this guy and he likes you back, live in the moment and cherish it while it lasts."


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