Date The

Chapter 188: Reminder, This is PG-13

Chapter 188: Reminder, This is PG-13

Silence fell inside the room. The sun descended outside the window, illuminating the space in warm colors of orange, red and purple. Eve faced in its direction but her eyes perceived nothing. Her focus fastened towards her sense of hearing and of touch. 

Unlike before, every inch of her skin felt hotnot just her face.

Ambryan weighed heavily behind her. He supported himself up with her shoulders. Since his body leaned forward, he didn't pull her backwards. Unfortunately, this meant that his mass of bones and muscles threatened to crush her instead.

It also didn't seem to lighten anytime soon.

His breaths sounded loud in her ears.

"Wait, Ambee," Eve began to say. She patted his shoulders. There was no response. She tried again, increasing the pressure until it became like a slap. Ambryan still didn't react to her assault.

He had fallen asleep.

Her knees struggled to support both of them.

"Damn it." Eve staggered forward, her upper body feeling like it could break in half. It proved to be an impossible task with his arms on her waist. She wrapped her hands around his wrist and yanked them away from each other. She only needed a little room, enough for her to shift positions.

Except nothing happened.

Eve hissed. "Ambee, wake up. Come on. You were just awake less than a minute ago."

The furniture in front of her was the desk. If they fell, her body would hit it first. She attempted to rotate in place but, once again, Ambryan proved to be a strong block. Only her legs and her feet would face a different direction. 

Maybe she should try moving sideways

Bending her upper body lower, Eve endured more of his weight on her back. She hoped it could loosen his stance. It was basically an attempt for an awkward piggyback ride. She took a step as a test. Her foot lurched against the floorbut it was ahead of her other one.

It should be enough for her to have them change locations.

At least, close enough for her to guide onto the couch.

Eve set to work.

She lost track of time, sweat coating the back of her neck. The experience seemed like a sauna or a human-sized hot pack. She picked up the pace as they reached the couch. Every now and then, she'd pause to rest and take a breather.

They were almost there

Once she was satisfied with the distance, Eve straightened her spine. She succeeded until her mid-back. Her shoulders remained hunched. 'Now, how to get him on the furniture?'

Eve tried his arms again. They were like beams of stainless steel. There was no bending them with her strength. It left her with little choices. She twisted her torso so Ambryan's weight would be off her back.

The theory was he'd still propel forward and land on the couch.

The reality was the plan succeededbut he dragged Eve along with him.

"GAH!" She yelped. The side of her head hit his chest. For a moment, neither one moved. Eve blinked as she tried to understand their position. Her legs had been entangled with his. She lied on her side but his arms remained around her waist.

His chest rose up and down in a steady rhythm.

Eve grabbed the back of the cough and pulled herself up, wiggling along the way.

This time, his arms loosened. She took advantage of it. Careful not to wake him, she managed a sitting position. Her legs swung over to the side, her feet finding the floor. Freedom was only a few seconds away.

Then, a hand tugged her back.

"What the"

Eve stopped her momentum by positioning her hands on either side of Ambryan. The base of her palm dug into the cushions, bending her wrists in an uncomfortable manner. Her gaze snapped to his face. 

It stared back with a serene expression and a pair of closed eyes.

She narrowed hers. "Alright, mister. I know you're awake. Fess up."

Ambryan opened one eye. His lips smiled at her stern expression. "Can't a sick person have a little fun? Don't they say that laughter is the best medicine?"

Eve gritted her teeth. "Well, I don't find it funny."

He pushed himself up until their faces were an inch apart. "Neither did I. But it was pleasant."

"You find torturing me as pleasant?"

"I find holding you as pleasant."

A lump formed in Eve's throat. Her mouth clamped shut. He wasn't holding her anymore but she felt the same fire simmering in her veins. The hairs on her skin stood upright. Beats as loud as drums hammered inside her chest. 

Ambryan's eyes hooded. He cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb over her blush. At first, he thought it had been a dreamthat he had to hold her to be sure. Now, he couldn't get enough. 

"Why do you tempt me so much?"

His lips were closing the last few centimeters between them.






"What are youOHMYGOWHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" A voice shrieked from the doorway.

Eve snapped out of her daze. Curly bronze hair caught her attention. Her breath hitched at the sight of their audience. Steel gray eyes met her hazel ones. The former threatened to pop out of their sockets.

Richard opened his mouth.

Then, he closed it again.

Had their relationship progressed this far? How come he didn't know about it? Was this a real thing now? Had his best friend made up his mind? Thousands of questions popped up in his head. They disoriented his state of shock further.

The room even started to spin right before him.

Ambryan angled his face towards the door, enough to glare at the intruder through the corner of his eyes. "Richard, this better be important or I won't have a reason to let you live."

A shiver went up Richard's spine. He managed to move his and pointed a finger towards the floor. His lips quivered as Ambryan intensified his glare. 

"W-Well, there are children here." He gulped, praying that he'd be spared.

Two caramel heads peeked through the doorway. Their brown eyes blinked when the pair looked at them. Their nostrils rested against the wooden frame and hid the rest of their face. Another head joined underneath theirs. This one had white fur and purple eyes. 

The seconds ticked by.

Eve immediately got up. Her foot slipped in her haste and Ambryan steadied her with one arm. He used the opportunity to also stand up, keeping a hold on her. He used his free hand to dust off his clothing.

Doing the same, Eve bowed her head. She couldn't look him in the eye anyway. "Long time, no see, Mr. Kingston. Hope you have been well."

"Likewise," Richard replied out of habit. He didn't need to look to know Ambryan was sending a silent message for him to leave. "Anyway, I just dropped by to check on Yan. I heard he was sick from Aunt Avery. I'm glad he's doing okay. I'll be leaving."

Not a second to lose, he bolted for the exit. He needed time to process the scene. Normally, he did so by telling Ambryan about these things. It wasn't possible for this case. Should he tell Avery? Or would Ambryan actually strangle him if he did?

Whatever may happen, he was safer far away from the pair.

At least for the time being.

Ambryan ignored his departure and focused on the two girls. "How come you're all here?"

Eve shrugged. "We were at The Magical Symphony earlier. Your mother thought it was a good idea for the three of us to spend time together."

She might have thought of a better answer but his arm distracted her. A little more and his fingers were close to tickling the side of her stomach.

"Is it just the three of you?" Ambryan frowned.


He directed his next question towards the twins. "Where's your sister?"

Eri stepped out of the shadows. She played with her hands, feeling nervous for some reason. "I don't know. Andie said she was at her part-time job."

"Part-time job?"

"Yeah," Ede joined her. She picked up the other eavesdropper and held her at arm's length. "Evangeline said we had to feed a cat. So here we are!"

Ambryan glanced at Kiri. The bundle of fur seemed happy to have company. He sighed. Thumping pain squeezed the sides of his head. A cough bubbled inside his chest. He lifted a fist towards his lips. "I see. Thank you for visiting my cat."

"What's her name?" Ede couldn't help but ask. The debate between her and her sister wouldn't have stopped if Richard hadn't knocked on the door.

"It's Kiri."

"Kiri?" Eri tilted her to one side. "Isn't that cheese?"

Eve attempted a laugh. "Are you hungry already? I'll prepare something for us to eat."

"Eh, I don't think I can eat another bite today," Eri shared. She pointed a thumb over her shoulder. "Can we use the TV? Our favorite show is about to start."

"Sure. Use it as much as you like."

"Thank you!" The twins replied in unison. Then, they ran for the living room, taking Kiri along.

Counting to five, Eve figured it was safe to leave. She pried off Ambryan's hand on her side and took a step towards the door. "They might not be hungry but you need to eat something other than soup. I'll bring it to your room once I'm done."

Ambryan snatched her wrist and kissed the side of her neck. "I'll be waiting then."


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