Date The

Chapter 167: Out of the Shadows

Chapter 167: Out of the Shadows

Ambryan could see the same reactions on his computer screen. NDdgaf had shared the post to another platform. The media and the public ate it up. Praises came for his glasses look. Others noticed the food on his desk.

Its positive reception slowly outweighed the negative press. 

But it proved that they have to be proactive instead of reactive to this situation.

"The real winner?" He mused, saving a copy of the post to his computer. "Me, of course."


"I'm enjoying a plate of cookies and a mug of tea made personally by my girlfriend...," he explained as he sent a message to the PR. "... who had cleared her schedule to spend time with me even when I have to work."

Eve blushed. She pretended to finger comb her hair, removing any tangles. In reality, she used it as a curtain between her face and his line of sight. "You're getting better at this."

Ambryan went back to work. "At what?"

"Never mind."

The tablet slipped off her lap. She caught it just before it could descend to the floor. Her fingers brushed the screen, scrolling through the images. The device displayed a different picture compared to where she left off. 

"Hm," Eve mumbled, turning the tablet upside down. 

"It might just work"











Elias Walker sat on his rotating chair. Two computer monitors sat on his desk. The one to the left displayed photos from the shoot he did earlier. The other showed his newsfeed on Twittah. Music played out of his cellular phone.

He hummed along with the melody and edited the pictures for a client.

"I still can't believe you had a secret girlfriend," his roommate spoke from the other side of the room. "When did you even see her? While I was out? Every time I come back, you're always here."

Elias chuckled. The blue screen illuminated against his chocolate eyes. "Now that she's famous, you can see why I had been secretive about her. Her beauty could even capture the interest of someone like Ambryan Hathaway."

"Why did you break up though?"

"Sorry but I still want to keep my share of secrets."

He picked up a biscuit and held it between his lips. Eventually, he heard the door open and close. His roommate had left him in the dark. His mouse slithered across its pad while his other hand managed the keyboard controls.

The photo of a baby smiled up at him. 

He fixed the lightning so it could match the bright expression.

After half an hour of relentless work, a message notification popped up from the side of his screen. He peeked over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes at the dark room. 

It was empty except for him.


``Unknown: Are you just going to let her win?``


Elias exhaled sharply. He never thought he'd one day meet someone more impatient than his most pretentious client. His fingers slammed on the keyboard as he typed out a quick response. He had to get rid of the chat window as soon as possible.


``EW: I have to or my motivations would be questioned. The key is to be discreet. Sooner or later, someone would notice their timing. Their PDA suddenly showed up when their image received backlash. If we do the same, we would also be suspected. If they keep this up, we can win.``


He stood up and drank the rest of his soda. The aluminum can wrinkled under his grip. He tossed it to the trash can. Posters decorated a wall in his bedroom. They varied in sizes and shapes. It contained some of his best work, ranging from artistic themes to memorable ones.

But his prized possession were printed photos that hung on a clothesline. 

Their white borders framed a pair of hazel eyes that looked away from the camera. In each capture, they gleamed with life. If pictures could speak a thousand words, those eyes spoke a million. Crimson red hair fluttered against the wind. 

Anyone who had the sense of sight would immediately turn their heads.

The bold color refused to be overshadowed. Wherever it was, it easily stood out from its surroundings. 

"So beautiful," Elias whispered, touching the one where Evangeline wore a violet jumper dress. It was blurry compared to the others. He had taken it in haste since bodyguards stood by the apartment complex. 

He thought the beret was the perfect touch.

Then, his chocolate eyes dulled to black. "But such a waste."

A week passed by. 

Elias carried a camera bag over one shoulder. He strode across the grassfield. A vintage diner with a train's railcar-style exterior. Inside, the establishment has kept its 80s decoration. Songs from the King of Pop played from a jukebox. 

He set his stuff down on the long white counter, hopping on a stool. "Morning."

The waitress turned around at the sound of his voice. The DSLR camera caught her attention. She pointed a wooden spoon at him and stalked closer. Her nostrils flared as if sniffing out a bag of marijuana.

"Are you the press?"

Elias raised his hands in surrender. "You're mistaken. I'm just a freelance photographer."

She jabbed the spoon in his direction. Although it didn't touch him, he jumped from the sudden attack. "You better be telling the truth. We had enough of reporters coming here for gossip."

"Sounds annoying," Elias scoffed. He picked up a menu and read out the available meals. 

"Tell me about it." The waitress snorted. She put the spoon down and cleaned off another spot on the counter. "Just because some idiot decided to create a scandal between Evangeline Reed and Mikael Davis."


Her guard rose up once again. "Are you really not a reporter?"

Elias raised his eyebrows. "You want proof?" 

"If you're carrying a Certificate of Employment, be my guest." She shrugged. She wouldn't admit it but the man had looks. His pretty boy face plus matching chocolate eyes and hair could easily gain another's trust. He had that natural charm which could spellbound unsuspecting minds.

But those are the ones people have to be extra careful with.

"Cautious. I like that." Elias chuckled. He took out his wallet and handed her his business card. Although he was self-employed, he had started his own brand. His works carried the trademark: Enigma Photography.

It would also be the name of his studio when he finally opened one.

The waitress clicked her tongue, reading the credentials on the card. "Aren't you famous?"

"Me? No." Elias shook his head. "I wish, though. That way I'd have more work."

But she wasn't convinced. Craning her neck, she searched for her co-waitress. The latter bustled tables near the back. She shouted to get her attention. "Hey, Greta! Who is Elias Walker again?"

Greta looked up and glanced at the ceiling. The gears in her head turned. She shook the rag towards the counter as she recalled the name from her memories. "He-He's that dude."

"Which dude?"

"The dude on slowgram. He commented on Evangeline's account," Greta shared, finally remembering the full incident. It had been all over the news not too long ago. "I think he was her ex."

The waitress snapped her back on Elias. "That true?"

He showed a tight smile. "Guilty as charged."

"Not to be rude but I don't trust you either," she said, handing back his business card.

"That's cool. I'm not really here to ask about her," Elias defended. He put the card away and grabbed the menu. The smell of savory food floated from the kitchen. His stomach rumbled in response. "I have a client who would like to do their wedding photos here. I just came to check out the place."

"Sure, sure."

"Look, I'm serious," he defended. His face changed into a stricken one. He pressed a hand on his chest. "Besides, I only want the best for Evangeline."

"Really? Not bitter about your ex?"

"Of course not," Elias persisted, raising his voice's pitch and volume. "I knew those rumors weren't true from the moment I heard about that. "

"How?" The waitress held the counter with her arms stretched apart. Her shoulders jutted upwards from the position. For someone who claimed to be a good guy, he sure babbled a lot. 

She looked directly into his eyes.

"Because she's still decent enough to break up with her current relationship before dating another guy," Elias joked with a laugh. 

The waitress rolled her eyes, taking a step away from him. "Funny but I ain't changing my mind."

Elias toned it down and admitted defeat. He placed the menu back in its container. A solemn expression painted over his face. He twiddled his thumbs together. "Then, can I just have a bowl of ice cream and a glass of root beer?"

She considered it for a moment. "Fine."

"Thank you." He reached for his camera, scrolling through possible locations. The good thing was World of Adventure had a lot of colors. He found it ideal for wedding photos since the bridal gown was usually white. 

Not too far from him, a customer typed on his phone. Sunglasses framed his face despite being indoors. His plate of macaroni salad remained untouched. He furiously tapped on his mobile screen. 

His wallet nearly stuck out his back pocket. In the photo slot, he had slipped his business card. 

His name and profession were written over the watermark of a TV station's logo.


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