Date The

Chapter 13: Elegant Like a Swan

Chapter 13: Elegant Like a Swan

"Oh, my" Avery whispered. Worry flashed in her violet eyes. "Eve seems to be in a pinch. She looks stiff and in pain. Is she going to be alright like that?"

Even from their viewpoint, the hard expression was noticeable. The distress affected the whole pose. It took the attention away from the satchel bag. Several elements of the photo now seemed disjointed. The tense posture failed to connect them into one entity.

It didn't paint a clear picture for people to see.

It didn't project a story that enticed them to the product.

Luna sighed, rubbing her temple. Her lips stretched into a grim line. "Maybe that pose isn't the best start. I should have chosen a standing position first. This one significantly involved various muscles from head to toe. Each body part needed attention. Ignore one and it would create an imbalance."

Cale brushed off their worries with a wave of his hand, completely unfazed by Eve's performance.

"Give her some time. She still has a lot more to learn. Later, we can show her the photos and talk it out with her. It's easier to understand once she sees them. Besides, a model should always pay attention to every body part in any pose. I say we're on the right track in teaching that."

The shoot barely began. It had only been five minutes more or less. It wouldn't do well to be anxious right away. Eve needed their support and guidance. If they stressed out so would she.

"You do have a point." Luna replied with a nod. She heard the photograph give the next instructions. Eve shifted her gaze towards the wall across from her. The rest of her body remained the same.

Avery inhaled deeply. Her heart pounded in her chest. She willed it to calm down. Eve wouldn't quit on her. It was still too early for the young woman to give up.

"I know I'm right." Cale laughed, clasping his hands together. He had seen and met many models. For beginners, he learned to let them be and study their movements. They wouldn't know how to notice their faults yet.

He also wouldn't be able to unless they demonstrated without advice.

Cale felt an intense stare from the shadows and glanced behind him. His jaw dropped at the sight his eyes laid on. Before he knew it, his feet had turned around and his legs had jogged up to the doorway.

He spread his arms open for a hug.

"Oh my goodness! Mikael! You're back from overseas too!" He cackled, embracing the hearthrob. He pulled back and turned to Jordan. They also exchanged a hug. He beamed at both of them. "It's so good to see you. What brings you here?"

"Cale" Mikael began to say. An ominous feeling tingled at the back of his mind. There could only be one reason why a model manager would be in the room.

The scowl he wore deepened. "Don't tell me that you also recruited her."

"Who?" Cale blinked. He snapped his head back to the shoot. "Her? She's gorgeous, isn't she?"

"Yeah," Jordan nodded, also watching. "She is a beauty."

"I know right? I did her hair and makeup myself."

The 26-year old model pinched the bridge of his nose. The problem turned out to be bigger than it seemed. The sponsor even managed to convince Cale Fisher. Money and connections really did wonders.

'This young woman just received a whole package, didn't she? A big brand deal and a top model manager.' Mikael thought. He exhaled sharply and looked back up. "Cale, there should be more to hiring a new model other than her looks."

Cale hit his arm, reprimanding his behavior. "You judge too quickly. The shoot hasn't even ended yet. This day is about teaching her the ropes."

"That's what I told him but he's still pissed," Jordan cut in, sending an I-told-you-so expression at his friend. He hoped that Cale's input would enlighten Mikael.

"Teaching her? Then, she should attend training sessions, not endorse a high end brand." Mikael specified, almost growling. Was he the only one who saw what was wrong in this picture? Many models who had been in the industry for years desired for their first high brand deal.

Yet, this woman had one served on a platter for her.

"I can't believe you let this happen."

Cale's bright smile faltered. Locking his jaw, he looked straight into the model's eyes and said, "Mikael, there are things here that you aren't aware of."

"That she has a big sponsor? That's easy to guess." Mikael snorted, avoiding the stare.

"Well, I'm upset to see you act this way but we don't need your approval. We know what we're doing. We made commitments and we would see it through."

He shifted his gaze back to Cale. The latter rarely expressed displeasure. It was his life mission to always have fun despite grim situations. He searched for the positives and refused to let anger control him. This meant that Mikael had overstepped his boundaries.

He didn't have the authority in making the decisions.

Realizing his mistake, Mikael opened his mouth

"I'm sorry. Can we do that one more time?"

The three people at the door focused their attention towards the ongoing shoot. Luna and Avery widened their eyes as the photographer peeled the camera off his face. Silence surrounded them. Only the sounds of the airconditioning filled the air.

They watched, waiting for what would happen next.

Eve sat up and straightened her spine. Her hazel eyes located Luna and the photographer. "I don't think this is working out well. Would it be okay to adjust the pose?"

"Sure!" Luna agreed quickly, clapping her hands. A breathless chuckle escaped her lips. "Whatever makes you comfortable."

"Alright. I would like a minute."

"Of course."

Eve took a deep breath. Her arms quivered from her burst of energy. She hadn't dared to speak up before. She believed that their silence meant that they approved of what they saw. She followed instructions dutifully but...

Her mind begged to differ.

It wouldn't stay quiet.

Pain from a pose was part of the job. She had seen models execute more complicated ones in photos. She and Andie joked how they'd break in half if it had been them. Yet, none of those models showed their discomfort.

She promised to give her 110% effort into this.

Her gut told her this wasn't the way to do that.

Closing her eyes, Eve erased herself from reality. She travelled to her safe haven. It was her own mental creation. In here, she felt free and unburdened. It was a place where her pure self resided, staying the same despite hindrances.

Words from a hazy memory floated in her mind. It came from a time when her whole body ached for days. She'd wake up to an excruciating pain. The slightest movement pierced her muscles like a thousand needles. It made her want to go back to sleep where she felt relief.

But then, she'd be on her feet, enduring the agony as the day passed by.

A familiar voice echoed and repeated a lesson from that phase in her life.

```You must move with grace. What captivates an audience is the ease that you display. They are immersed in how effortless yet thoughtful it seems. Feel every part of your body. Refine their motion.

Project yourself like an elegant swan.```

"Okay. I'm ready."

Eve lied back down, flying into action. She twisted her hips so only one butt cheek touched the cushion. Her bent knee titled over her other leg. Both feet faced the camera and pointed to the edge of the chaise. She relaxed her right shoulder, slightly bending her arm.

Her left hand twisted its palm upwards and scooted under the bag. She lifted up the satchel like a tray of food served by a waitress. Her wristed rotated so her fingers could spread out and peek over the bag's front side.

Their fan-like positions made the item seem weightless.

At first, Eve stared up the ceiling.

Then, she thought better of it.

Her eyes flickered to the bag. Crimson waves framed the left side of her face. The corner of lip smirked, revealing a small dimple. Eyelids hooded, lust swelled in her gaze. She convinced herself that she desired the satchel bag.

Her mind memorized its details, the red exterior, the shiny golden rhinestones, the feel of it, the smell of brand new leather she let it consume her.

So that the audience would be as well.

Luna tapped the photographer. Urgency powered her manner of speech.

"What are you waiting for? Take the photos!"

He jumped in surprise but followed the orders. His hands raised up the camera in haste. He adjusted the lens, fixing its focus settings. The shutter went off at a non-stop speed.

"Hold it!" He told Eve as he changed angles. He could already see this as a wall display. The transition amazed him. He continued to capture photos as if this moment would suddenly fade away.

He didn't overlook a single detail.

His camera immortalized the birth of a new model.


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