Dark Phoenix Prince

Chapter 155: Catch the enemy

Chapter 155: Catch the enemy

Camelia's gaze was actually very hidden, but Alu could still feel it.

Through the earring in his left ear, he could see without turning back.

With that level of artifact, not even a Earthly bNirvana expert would be able to sense the gaze from the earring.

He looked at Camelia with suspicious thoughts.

"She seems suspicious of me." That was all he could conclude after observing Camelia for a while.

"Well, as long as she doesn't have bad intentions, I won't do anything to her." He stopped observing the woman after that.


After some time, the ban on leaving the sect headquarters was lifted, and the disciples were finally allowed to go outside.

In recent times, Darien has gotten even crazier. He shouted several times by saying accusing words of Alu. He kept saying that Alu was the mastermind behind the accident that happened to him.

Although his words were worth considering, people were even more annoyed by his annoying screams.

If it weren't for his background that they feared, they would have thrown him from there.

Of course, even if they didn't dare do something that touched him, that didn't mean they didn't dare offend him.

Maybe Darien is not that attractive to people anymore, but he has one thing that many people are jealous of, namely his fianc who is a princess of an Empire.

Since Darien became increasingly craze, there were rumors that the relationship between Darien and Lorenn was getting worse, and that caused several handsome and talented men to start openly approaching Lorenn.

As for the outcome, only time will tell.

But for sure, if Darien couldn't recover his cultivation, his relationship with Lorenn was definitely destined to end. No matter where it is, neither faction is willing to give their women to a useless man.


Alu, on the other hand, thought of a plan to go outside after the sect allowed the disciples to leave the sect headquarters.

He knew that he couldn't go alone, so he invited Angela and Chelsea to go with him.

He actually only wanted to take Angela with him, but if he only brought Angela along, it might make Chelsea suspicious.

In the end, he decided to make Chelsea his slave as soon as possible.

Now, he had something he could count on to catch her.

However, when they went outside, someone actually followed them behind.

Even though she tried to hide herself, Alu could still feel her presence.

She is a woman and she is the princess of the Blue Moon Empire, Lorenn, who is Darien's fianc.

Chelsea and Angela can't sense the woman's presence, but he tells them.

"What are we going to do with that woman, little brother Alu?" Chelsea then asked.

When asked, she looked at Alu with a doubtful expression.

Ever since they left the sect headquarters, for some reason she suddenly felt that Alu was very strange.

First, he suddenly invited her to go out for a walk but didn't say where he wanted to go. And when they had left the sect headquarters, she suddenly felt that Alu's actions were becoming even more mysterious.

The problem is; the direction they were going in was actually a lonely place.

"There is something I want to show you and sister Angela." Alu answered with an innocent smile. "Since that woman is following us, just let her see it too."

He glanced back for a brief moment as he spoke.

Silently he said. "This is a complete coincidence. I'm sure that woman would be of great use if I could catch her."

On the other hand, Chelsea did not feel calm after she heard Alu's answer. On the contrary, she felt even more restless.

If no incident had happened to Darien, she probably wouldn't have felt anything as she followed Alu.

But the things Darien said just a moment ago made her start thinking about various possibilities.

"Why do you look uneasy, Chelsea? Is there something on your mind?" Angela suddenly asked with a strange smile.

Of course, it was Alu who ordered her to provoke Chelsea.

On the other hand, Alu communicated with the artifact spirit residing in his left ear. "Can you help me. I want to take them into your space?" He asked.

"Don't worry young master." Answer the artifact spirit.

"But my current strength is still very weak, so I can't force them in. So I need your help to push them. Later I will open a portal in front of them."

"Don't worry, I will hide your aura so that no one can feel your actions."

"All right, we will start now."

Now they had arrived at a place where there were no people.

Alu then turned back and said. "Are you still going to hide, miss?"

The figure of a woman with dark blue hair then appeared in front of Alu and the others.

"I know you can feel my presence. Why did you let me follow you?" Lorenn asked.

"Well, I want to show you something." Replied Alu.

Lorenn wasn't the one who was the most surprised by Alu's answer. In fact, it was Chelsea who looked the most surprised.

Alu's expression and the way he spoke. They no longer looked like before, but looked like a criminal controlling everything.

"Little brother Alu, you." Chelsea could not help but be stunned.

"And you!" She was even more surprised when she saw Angela's expression.

At this time, Angela suddenly grinned at her.

"Don't worry, sister Chelsea. I won't hurt you. I just want you to stay by my side and be loyal to me forever." Alu answered with an innocent smile.

"Charlie." Alu then called Charlie.

The moment he said that, a portal appeared in their midst.

Before they could react, an invisible force suddenly appeared behind Chelsea and Lorenn.


The two women immediately lost consciousness as their bodies were flung into the portal in front of them.


Inside the artifact space.

When Chelsea and Lorenn opened their eyes again, they found Alu standing in front of them.

Unlike before, he didn't show any expression when looking at them.

Beside him, Angela was looking at them with a look of pity.

"Congratulations Chelsea, from now on we are sisters sharing the same fate." She said to Chelsea.

"I'm sure you understand your current status." She grinned.

Alu, on the other hand, just stared at Lorenn.

At this time the woman was looking at him with an expression of hatred.

"As I thought, you were the one who sent the Assassins to injure Darien." She says.

"All right, miss, there's no point talking about it now. Now I just want to know, do you still want to be with that useless Darien?"

"Hmm, maybe there are many women in this world who are willing to die for their men. But that is only when their men still shine."

"However, when their men become useless men, how many women who remain strong stay with them to the end."

"Enduring humiliation and burdens! I don't think you are among the women who can endure such things." Alu smiled sarcastically as he said that.

"Huh, I heard you even fought with Darien." He added.

"..." Lorenn

"What do you want?" In the end, she could only ask.

But after asking, she realized that her question only confirmed what Alu had said.

"Well, you can come back first."

"Lately, I feel like eating a soul of hatred." He said in a low voice.


Some time later, Alu, Angela, and Chelsea arrived in front of a very grand and luxurious building.

It is a place of entertainment. And that being said is the best entertainment venue in the Domain of the Rising Sun.

The most delicious wine and the most beautiful women, as long as one has money, that place can provide them all.

Seeing that amusement place, even Alu who didn't really like crowds felt like he wanted to go in there to have some fun.

Just outside, he saw many beautiful women in revealing clothes.

On the wall of the building of the entertainment place written three very majestic words. (Sin and Nirvana.)

"Calvin is in here. I want you two to take him into a room. Do you understand?" Alu said to Chelsea and Angela.

He didn't wait for their reply. After he spoke, his body immediately disappeared from there, leaving only an earring which then flew into Angela's hand.

The two women then looked at each other with wry smiles.

"This is our fate." Said Angela.

"This is your fault." Chelsea replied.

"Hmmph." They snorted before stepping into the luxurious building in front of them.

Inside the artifact space, Alu could still see what was happening outside. Well, nevertheless, he saw through the artifact.

When Angela and Chelsea entered the entertainment venue, even he could feel the sensation of the place.

It was no ordinary place. As a spirit master, he could feel a formation affecting the minds of the people residing in that place.

Of course, that formation wasn't something that would hurt people, but only made people sink deeper into the fun.

The smell of wine and the scent of women filled the place.

There, he could feel many strong auras from the visitors.

On the outside, they might be the leader of a country, the leader of a sect, the leader of a clan. But here, they are just like everyone else who needs entertainment and fun.


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