Dark Blood Path

Chapter 83: The Harpies

Chapter 83: The Harpies

It was difficult to count the number of monsters, with nearly a thousand in each direction. One-third of them were elementary level monsters with strong fighting power. Each group of monsters was led by one or two first-order monsters. They were of different species and possessed different combat styles, making them even more difficult to deal with. All they could do was defend the camp and block the monsters attacks.

A group of one-eyed ape-men rushed to the wall, and the fragile earth wall was completely vulnerable to their punches. They immediately opened a passage, and a large number of monsters rushed in one after another. Wang Chao unleashed his berserk state, roared, and jumped off the wall, blocking the group of incoming monsters. With his wolf tooth mace, he smashed three one-eyed ape-men into minced meat, and the strong force blew down a large number of monsters. On the other hand, the Tigers vice team leader Zhao Dahai led the other team members to rush over, and in one round of attack, they annihilated dozens of monsters.

The bravery of Wang Chao and others boosted the morale of the camp guards who came to assist. However, the dozens of monsters that were eliminated were nothing compared to the huge monster horde. The monsters kept rushing and fighting against the humans from all directions, and the deafening cries of battle resounded through the night. In just a few minutes, more than a hundred monsters had fallen.

After crushing more than 20 monsters, Wang Chao finally confronted a first-order monster that charged towards him. It was a blood-red, one-eyed ape-man with immense strength and agility, making it quite formidable. Even with his transformation, Wang Chao could only fight it on an equal footing. Finally, Zhao Dahai came to his aid, and together they managed to hold it off.

The number of monsters was several times greater than that of humans, so this battle was destined to be very difficult.

Just as the battle began, several sharp and ear-piercing screams suddenly came from the sky.

Under the night sky, a group of bird-like monsters were flapping their wings and flying towards them, numbering about a hundred. The strange-looking birds had wingspreads of about three meters and werent particularly huge. They had black feathers and long, sharp claws, yet these monsters were almost indistinguishable from ordinary birds, except for the fact that they had a womans face attached to their necks. Their faces were quite charming, with blue eyes and pointed ears, but they looked out of place with their bird body.

The feathers of the frontmost harpy ahead were bright and pinkish, and its body size was three points larger than the other harpies. It was a first-order monster.

Watch out! There are monsters reinforcements!

Han Kexin looked at the flying birds as she heard sounds of fighting all around her. She felt uneasy as she thought about Xiao Yu still sleeping in the house she was currently protecting. So she turned and declared to Jiang Xiaowen beside her, You go and help the others; I should be able to handle it here. Dont let the monsters break in!

Jiang Xiaowen hesitated for a moment, then nodded and spread her wings to fly.

About a hundred strange harpies circled back and forth in the sky, the flapping of their wings disturbing peoples minds. The harpy leader swooped down first, opening its mouth to emit a piercing scream that made everyone present feel dizzy. The other harpies followed suit, their talons flashing like lightning as they grabbed people on the ground, lifting them up a hundred meters in the air before dropping them back down.

Its actually using mental attacks!

Upon hearing the screech of the harpys leader, Jiang Xiaowen abruptly stopped mid-flight and hurled her spear towards the creature while fiercely flapping her wings to rush towards it. The harpydodged the incoming spear, but Jiang Xiaowen had already arrived and grabbed the spear in midair, using its momentum to slam it heavily onto the creatures body.

The harpylet out a pitiful cry and was thrown several meters away, with more than a dozen pink feathers fluttering down from the sky.

Upon witnessing this, Han Kexin couldnt help but exclaim, Well done, Xiaowen!

The leader of the harpies was enraged and conjured up one wind blade after another, which Jiang Xiaowen fearlessly dodged with her agile and evasive maneuvers. Countless specks of shining dust flew out from between her wings, sprinkling the sky with sparkling dots. Over a dozen harpieswere covered by the dream dust mental attack and swayed as they plummeted from the sky, before getting killed by the humans below.

Although the monster was not a particularly powerful monster, it was exceptionally cunning and skilled at mental attacks. Jiang Xiaowen and the monster had been fighting in midair for a long time without a clear victor, and neither could gain the upper hand over the other.

As Han Kexin looked around and noticed that all the surrounding walls were guarded and that Jiang Xiaowen was holding the leader of the harpyin the sky, she judged that the situation was stabilizing for the time being.

However, before she could sigh in relief, the ground suddenly shook, and dirt rolled up from several places inside the camp. Out of the ground came monsters with scales all over their bodies, resembling rats but the size of water buffaloes.

They were monsters that could burrow underground!

Han Kexin felt the ground shake behind her and turned around in alarm. Two enormous rodents burst out of the soil and slammed into the shoddy wooden hut, causing it to collapse immediately.


Han Kexin swung her whip around the neck of the drilling rodents, tightened it, and the spikes on the whip penetrated into the neck of the drilling rodent. Blood was instantly extracted and transformed into misty energy.


The leader of the harpies, who had been battling fiercely in the air with Jiang Xiaowen, suddenly found a target on the ground. It gave up entangling with Jiang Xiaowen and swooped down. Its huge claws reached into the rubble of the wooden house and grabbed Xiao Yu, who had not yet awakened.

Jiang Xiaowen and Han Kexin saw this and exclaimed in unison. The latter reacted quickly and shook her whip, wrapping it around the feet of the harpies leader. The monster screamed, spread its wings, and flew toward the sky. Han Kexins strength was not enough to pull the harpy, but she held on tightly and was also brought into the air.

Jiang Xiaowen saw that Xiao Yu was caught and grew anxious, rushing after them. Unexpectedly, the harpy leader turned around and unleashed a blow of wind blades.

This time, Jiang Xiaowen couldnt completely avoid these attacks. A wind blade left a wound on her shoulder, causing her to fall from the sky and land on the ground. Although she wasnt seriously injured, she watched helplessly as the harpies leader took Xiao Yu and Han Kexin away.

Jiang Xiaowen looked at them being taken away and cried out in despair, Xiao Yu, Teacher Han!

Dozens of burrowing rodents appeared from inside the camp, causing chaos among everyone. Meanwhile, the scene of the harpy leader taking Xiao Yu and Han Kexin away was seen by many people. Wang Chao, Jin Shi, and others were in a state of panic, which caused cracks in their defense, allowing more monsters to enter the camp. Their formation was disrupted and they were forced to retreat.

The camp was completely overwhelmed.

Zhao Changping had no other choice but to shout, We cant hold the camp anymore, everyone follow me and break through to the north!

Wang Chao was both anxious and angry. At this critical moment, he couldnt care less about the consequences and entered the rage body state. His whole body emitted a red light and heat, as if he were a burning iron. He completely lost his reason and had only one thought in mind: to fight his way out. Like a demon god, Wang Chao charged forward in a burst of red light; every swing of his wolf-toothed mace resulted in a spray of blood and minced meat, and a large group of monsters were defeated by him. His ferocity was terrifying.

Jin Shi also unleashed his most powerfull state, his whole body turning into rock. All attacks seemed to have no effect on him, and his warhammer smashed countless heads to pieces. The hammer was covered in a mixture of red and white substances, while the half-Abomination beside him advanced like a meat grinder.

Zhao Changping couldnt help but sigh, Xiao Yus subordinates are all fearless warriors!

Han Kexin held a whip in one hand and had already been brought to an altitude of over 200 meters by the harpies leader. Her position was a blind spot for attacks, and the monster could only try to shake her off by constantly flapping its wings. However, Han Kexin firmly held onto the whip and refused to let go no matter how much it shook. The blood mist surrounding her churned and transformed into a blood-red, sharp blade, which fiercely stabbed into the monsters body.

The harpy let out a mournful cry and suddenly dove down, carrying Han Kexin through a forest. Han Kexin was scraped by countless tree branches and suffered many injuries, but any wounded area instantly healed and recovered on its own. Seeing that Han Kexin still refused to let go, the harpies leader was both angry and fearful, and it let out a long cry, summoning dozens of ordinary harpies to rush over.

Han Kexins ring shone brightly, and burst of flame exploded in the midst of the incoming harpies flock, instantly blowing them to pieces. She continued to absorb the scattered blood through Blood Sacrifice to convert it into her own energy, and then transformed it into a long spear to once again stab into the abdomen of the harpies leader.

A large amount of blood gushed out of the wound, staining the harpys originally beautiful pink feathers red. Its charming face was filled with pain and anger. It opened its mouth and let out a piercing scream.

Han Kexin was subjected to a mental attack; her vision went black, and her hand almost let go of the whip. Fortunately, her willpower was stronger than the average persons, and she quickly recovered. She relentlessly controlled the blood-formed sharp blades and spears, crazily stabbing into and out of the harpys body, dealing more than a dozen heavy blows in succession.

Han Kexin fiercely battled with the monster, gradually gaining the upper hand. As a result, the harpies leader drifted lower and lower, and its cries became weaker and weaker.

Han Kexin found that the height was just right. So she gathered all her strength, manipulated the long spear transformed from blood, and launched one last attack with all her might. The blood spear pierced through the back of the harpy, completely penetrating it. The monster suffered a fatal injury, and its power rapidly dissipated. It fell diagonally from the air, passing through a dense forest, and finally fell into a not-so-deep stream in the woodland with a splash.

Xiao Yu fell into the water. Stimulated by the icy creek, he opened his eyes suddenly and sat up. He felt sore all over, as if his bones were falling apart. He took a glance at the dying harpies leader beside him, and then saw Han Kexin, who had fallen not far away and was covered in injuries, exhausted. He immediately understood what had happened.


The harpy leader was dying, and she glared at Han Kexin with resentment, and a huge wind blade quickly took shape.

However, a ball of green flames was faster, as it shot before directly landing on the harpys body. The blazing green fire instantly enveloped the body of the harpy leader, and in the next second, the monster turned into millions of specks of dust that drifted in the air, leaving only three dropped light balls.

Xiao Yu had been asleep for three days and was supposed to wake up tonight, but he was still disturbed by the ruckus and woke up. Hence he would suffer some mental injury to some extent. The spiritual power consumption of the Instant Disintegration skill was even greater than that of the Blast Flame skill. As soon as he used it, he immediately felt a splitting headache and almost passed out.

Han Kexin struggled to walk over and helped Xiao Yu up, asking with concern, Im sorry we didnt guard you well and you were awakened early. How do you feel? Are you okay? She understood the dangers of absorbing a crystal of inheritance. After all, during the process, it was essential to avoid disturbance. However, now that Xiao Yu had been awakened by an external force, it was uncertain whether there would be any problems.

Xiao Yu indeed felt a bit groggy and confused. He waved his hand with some effort and said, I have completely fused the inheritance. I just woke up a little earlier than expected and suffered some minor mental injuries. As long as I rest for some time, there shouldnt be any bad repercussions .

Dark Blood Path


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