Dark Blood Path

Chapter 19: The Flame Goblin

Chapter 19: The Flame Goblin

The Flame Goblin wielded a wave of scorching hot flames. The raging flames shrunk and constricted, eventually condensing into an uneven fireball in the palm of its hand. One second passed before it raised its hand and forcefully threw the fireball, only for the scorching flames to magically fly out in the air with a loud whistling sound, and they bombarded their target at an extremely fast speed.

Be careful!

Xiao Yu hugged Han Kexins soft, slim waist and flung both of them aside with all his effort.


He could feel the burning air rushing towards his face as a ring of flames three meters high surged into the sky. In a second, a massive tree nearby was turned into scorched wood. Xiao Yus sleeves and back were stained with fire, causing him blistering anguish. He rolled on the ground numerous times, barely extinguishing the flames. Just nearby, two unlucky goblins were immediately shrouded in the fire and turned into two goblin-shaped fireballs as they ran around screaming before they fell down in a short time. Right afterward, a burned smell of flesh enveloped the area!

Han Kexins delicate arm was also burned; however, the unusual thing was that the burn mark healed swiftly and completely without leaving any trace behind.

Wang Chao and Jin Shi were all dumbfounded. What a shocking power, they thought. Under the blow of the flame goblin, a whole large tree was burnt and got scorched black. Who could resist such a terrifying attack? The most horrifying aspect is that in order to defeat its enemies, it didnt hesitate to kill its friends as well. So if they ever got entangled with some gobbling warriors, the monster would most probably leave no way out for them.

Peng Peng!

The Flame Goblin didnt give anyone a chance to breathe. This time, it raised both its hands at the same time, and flames rose from its left and right palms successively. It let out a piercing roar and instantly flung the two flaming balls into the woods. Two clusters of brilliant flames pierced the air, rushed into the forest with a whistling sound, and headed towards Xiao Yu, who was in the middle of extinguishing the fire on his body.

Everyone could barely see the flame trail flashing by.

The attack was too fast!

Almost like a rocket launcher!

Xiao Yus eyes widened, and the shapes of two flames were reflected in his red eyes. Under the observation of his eyes of insight, everything in the world became in slow motion, and the attack slowed substantially. The two flaming balls kept changing shapes, constantly intertwining with each other as they flew toward him. It was cumbersome to say, yet everything happened in an instant. And the moment the flames crossed each other again, he bent his knees and jumped up, passing through the gap between the two balls of fire within a hairs breadth.

In the eyes of everyone, only a short moment passed.

Amidst the loud noises, the terrible flames expanded, and the tongues of fire several meters high pointed directly at the sky. One unlucky guy happened to be enshrouded by the explosion, and he couldnt even groan before his body instantly turned pitch black as he got blasted to pieces. In a blink of an eye, bits of charred black flesh were scattered in all directions, with smoke coming out of them.

Xiao Yu fell to the ground, and his face and chest felt hot. Although he escaped the attack just now, he was still burned to a certain extent. And because he used the eyes of insight intensively for that moment, his eyes felt sour, his brain dizzy, and his spiritual power was exhausted. But he didnt stop for a moment; instead, he kicked the ground, jumped like he had springs on his feet, then he lifted the bone blade and flew towards the flame goblin. If he hesitated in the face of these attacks, he would die. It could only be dealt with if he hurried to engage in melee combat.

Boom, boom, boom

Flame Goblins had strong attacking power, but melee combat wasnt their forth. Only by getting close could he have a chance to kill it. However, the Flame Goblin already saw through the other partys intentions; it roared and bombarded him with hot flaming balls like a machine gun. Xiao Yu faced the ensuing bombardment of flames, and his eyes of insight played a crucial role at that moment. He appeared as if he had shifted into a flexible and vibrant dragon, dodging and evading quickly between the fireballs.

At this sight, the monster felt irritated. After all, the opponents insight could almost be described as heaven-defying. No matter how hard it attacked, it just couldnt hit him. Its dense and violent attacks were all avoided by him, and now it had to retreat and attack simultaneously. The two fast-moving figures chased after each other quickly, flames burst out everywhere they passed, and the trees and grass were all burned up as the billowing smoke obscured everyones vision.

Seeing this, Han Kexin pulled out a short spear before another goblin blocked her way. She thrust her spear into its body, rushed over quickly, and grabbed the spear protruding from behind the goblins back, and then under everyones watch, rushed into the thick smoke without looking back, following Xiao Yus figure.

While Xiao Yu was fighting fiercely with the flame goblin, the fight on the other side was also ongoing. The goblin warriors led a group of peons in a close-quarter battle against Jin Shi and others.

At this critical juncture, Jiang Xiaowens golden cocoon finally burst open.

Long purple hair as smooth as silk fluttered out, and an angelic and innocent face appeared in front of everyone. Behind her petite and slender body, a pair of huge butterfly-like wings stretched halfway up. They were transparent and covered with luminous light purple lines; her entire body was shrouded in a hazy halosimply a dreamlike beauty.

Evolving completed!

Jiang Xiaowens eyes had also turned to a beautiful light purple, while a pair of huge translucent butterfly wings flapped gently twice on her back as if she was adjusting to her new extra organ. Suddenly, a goblin warrior nearby swung an axe attacking her. Jiang Xiaowen was startled, her wings flapped quickly, and a violent air current carried her up as her delicate body soared high into the air. The goblin warrior roared and raised its hands, ready to throw its axe right at her.


Jiang Xiaowen panicked but then recalled the innate skill she had just recently learned when reaching the elementary stage. Her huge butterfly wings flapped vigorously, and they sprinkled countless shiny lights that looked like pollen on the ground below. After the goblin warrior was covered in the pollen-like substance, it felt heavy and dizzy all of a sudden.

Go to hell, monster!

Jiang Xiaowen shouted in her sweet voice, and while flapping her wings, she swooped down in an instant, holding the short goblin spear in both hands, and pierced the goblins body at once, as she rushed far away with it. The weirdest scene was that the goblin warrior barely resisted, allowing the short spear to pierce its body. Even when it was dead, it had a strange smile of satisfaction on its face, as if it was living inside a wonderful dream.

Wang Chao yelled: Damn it, there are too many of them. We cant beat them all; its good that youre here to help!

Jiang Xiaowen shook off the goblin on her short spear. Her beautiful butterfly wings flapped lightly, and she flew over quickly, waving her slender right arm, the goblin she was carrying turned into a black shadow and fell straight down, landing directly between Wang Chao and a goblin warrior, cleverly separating them at the same time she yelled loudly: Get out of the way!

Wang Chao, Jin Shi, and the others were gradually beaten back by the four warriors, and her rescue came too timely.

The two quickly retreated. Jiang Xiaowen descended into the mortal world like a beautiful fairy and floated in front of the goblins. She used her power again, and countless shiny lights flew over with every flap of her butterfly wings, covering the four monsters entirely. Those four nasty beings hadnt walked more than a few steps before staggering back as if intoxicated, with drunken and content grins on their faces.

After using her ability, she suddenly felt a strong sense of dizziness, and she fell from midair down to earth. The pair of huge glowing butterfly wings significantly dimmed.

Not far away, Yunyun hurried forward to support her, are you okay?

Jiang Xiaowen pressed on her dizzy head, shook her face, and said: its okay, it seems like I overused my innate skill, and my spiritual power was a bit exhausted. Where are Xiao Yu and teacher Han? Are they okay?

Yunyun looked at the goblin village shrouded in flames and smoke in front of them, They went after a goblin who can shoot fire.

Jin Shi and Wang Chao took the opportunity when the two goblin warriors were staggering back in a daze, and they quickly stabbed the monsters vitals. After absorbing that huge amount of energy, the two finally felt a volcanic eruption in their power as they got wrapped in countless golden silk threads and into a big cocoon.


Two people were evolving at the same time!

Attack; if we last until the two of them advance, we will win!

The morale of the crowd rose again while Jiang Xiaowens beautiful purple eyes gazed at the goblin village shrouded in flames and smoke in the distance as she clearly heard explosions coming from the inside, I dont know if Xiao Yu and teacher Han are going to be alright. Are they currently fighting with that first-order monsterit will be fine. Xiao Yu is so strong; how could he lose?

Wang Chao and Jin Shi emerged from their cocoons not long after.

Both of them had remarkable changes. Jin shi was currently a big guy standing over two meters in height. After evolution, his height rose by 20 centimeters, and his physique was three times broader than before. As if a wild giant had risen in the world. There was a heated atmosphere all around him. His hair was completely gone now, his forehead became bright and shiny, and his skin darkened a lot, turning bronze.

The most noticeable change was on his right arm. Jin shis right arm was utterly deformed and did not resemble a humans. It was more than double the thickness of the left arm. Everything from the tips of the fingers to the shoulder, as well as a portion of the pectoral muscles, has turned bluish-gray. Like an arm carved from stone!

Wang Chaos changes were likewise much exaggerated. His fat body swelled further, his skin turned bright red, his entire eye sockets glowed with crimson light that made people palpitate, his bones crackled, and his entire body was full of explosive power.

Jiang Xiaowen was stunned, They appear to have changed significantly. These two also acquired innate skills!

She once heard Xiao Yu explain innate skills. Not everyone could get them when they advanced. Only a select few with with special potential could own a unique power and skill right after evolving. And ninety percent of said people could only manifest very common abilities after entering the elementary level, such as physical body enhancement, agility enhancement, and the like.


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