Dark Blood Age

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

The first wave that arrived was the thermal radiation. Within just a split second, it set everything on its path on fire.

Chu Yunsheng was far away from the center of the nuclear explosion. However, when the thermal radiation arrived at the civilian house he had stayed before, its power didn’t seem to be reduced. Luckily, those thermal radiations were blocked by the energy shield talisman, otherwise, not only the intense heat would cause him to have severe injuries, just the light itself would make him blind.

But it was not over yet, the real danger was the shockwave. Even though he was far away from the center of the explosion, it didn’t take too long for the shockwave to reach the house. Chu Yunsheng only got the chance to run to the nearest dry ditch and quickly jump into it. He also made sure that the little one was underneath him and was fully covered by his body.

The shockwave brought about a tremendous amount of dust, sweeping through the ground. The brand new combat armor barely withstood the first shock wave’s impact, then it was shattered into pieces.

Chu Yunsheng had to utilize all the yuan qi inside of his body to keep the energy shield running.

When the powerful shockwave was finally over, Chu Yunsheng had also lost his consciousness.


After a long time, he was awakened by low-pitched roars.

He still maintained his facedown position and his back was covered with dirt. However, it was completely empty underneath him. Fear suddenly struck his heart. He immediately tried to get up, but felt a terrible burning pain on his back. He also felt like all of the bones inside his body were broken.

He forced himself to sit up while enduring the pain. Then he noticed that the sky already had hazy shimmers, and it seemed to be getting dimmer. It meant that he had lost his consciousness for more than twenty hours at least.

Soon, he noticed where the little tiger was. It was sitting on a higher ground and facing the other side. There were dozens of dead mice next to it. The low-pitched roars were made by it.

Chu Yunsheng gathered all his strength to crawl up to higher ground. What he saw next sent a chill down his spine!

In front of him were not insects, which was probably the worst thing that could happen, but a swarm of mice! There were definitely more than hundreds of them!

Some of them were chewing a dead body not far from Chu Yunsheng, but the rest of them that could not squeeze themselves into the crowd to chew at the body, all squeaked at the little tiger!

A few of them even attempted to attack the little one, but they were all quickly killed by it.

However, it seemed like it was just a tentative attack. They slowly gathered together and prepared for a massive attack!

Chu Yunsheng could not understand it, mice should be scared of larger animals. Why were they not afraid now!?

He was also shocked that if he didn’t wake up early, just by the little tiger itself, it definitely wouldn’t be able to deal with these many mice.

Looking at the mice, he instantly thought of an idea. He could use the corrosive liquid that he still had. Once he threw the corrosive liquid out, it would spread out and would kill lots of them.

Of course, if he had enough yuan qi, he could also use his sword technique to kill those mice as well. But because he didn’t have enough yuan qi, he had to use the liquid instead.

He still had some of those liquid bags with him. Originally, he planned to use them all when he was in Fog City. However when he reached Yuan Tian stage two, he would no longer need them to kill meat worms.

Since the Dark Age began, from the people and the monsters he had encountered, he learned that no matter how dangerous it was, he needed to make decisions quickly. Otherwise, he might end up dead!

So he quickly took out the liquid and immediately shouted, “Hu Zai, come back!”

In his recent observations, Chu Yunsheng noticed that the little one was very smart, he didn’t know why exactly, but he suspected that it had something to do with the awakening.

As soon as the little tiger heard his voice, it instantly turned around. He could see a visible happiness appearing on the little one’s face. Then it quickly jumped back and wanted to use its face to rub onto Chu Yunsheng’s face. But then, it noticed that Chu Yunsheng was holding something, and as if it understood what Chu Yunsheng wanted to do, it jumped aside.

The swarm of mice squeaked at them and then quickly swarmed Chu Yunsheng.

Chu Yunsheng was furious, “Insects are powerful, so I can’t do anything to them, but you little pieces of shit dared to think about eating me. Die all of you!”

Two bags of liquid were immediately poured into the swarm of mice. The sizzling sounds made by the liquid as it touched the mice were constantly heard.

The mice were moving very fast, but Chu Yunsheng wasn’t slow either. He constantly took out the bags of liquid and threw them into the swarm of mice. Whenever a mouse caught the liquid, it would either die instantly or stop attacking because of its injury. Only a few of them didn’t have any injuries, and were still running toward Chu Yunsheng, but they were all blown back by the little tiger’s roar.

Within a minute, half of the swarm of mice were dead!

Seeing the horrible death of the other mice, the rest of them all got scared and stopped their attacks. Eventually, only a few of them were left and quickly disappeared in the hazy light.

Chu Yunsheng was not surprised to see so many mice. Insects were only interested in humans and other large animals. They didn’t even bother to look at smaller animals such as mice.

Moreover, insects and other monsters had caused a huge impact on the earth’s ecological balance. Mice’s natural enemies were either killed by monsters or eaten by humans, plus with their scary breeding speed, strong adaptability, and they really enjoyed the darkness, the dark age was almost heaven to them.

Nowadays, with dead bodies everywhere on the streets, the mice did not have any problem finding their food at all.

The abandoned city also became their new home.

He had even seen mice following insects and were eating the bodies that the insects killed.

Chu Yunsheng had also seen some people trying to catch those mice to eat them, but whenever he thought of human meat inside the mice’s stomach, he would lose his appetite.

Anyway, they finally dealt with the mice problem. Chu Yunsheng petted the little one on its head and realized that it had not eaten for almost a day. Luckily, the endurance of large animals such as tigers was very strong. Even though the little one was very young, it could still endure hunger for some time.

Chu Yunsheng took some insect’s meat out and fed it to the little one. After it had enough, its curiosity and playful characteristics started to show up. It was born at the time without the sun. For the little one, this was probably how the world should have been.

It was using its paw to play with the dead mice’s bodies, hopping back and forth. It didn’t seem to feel tired at all.

However, Chu Yunsheng did not have a good mood. His armor was broken by the shockwave once again and he was also injured.

He sat on the dry ditch and started to control the yuan qi inside his body. He was reciting the healing incantation trying to recover from his injury.

He did not think about preparing to change to a better location and there were several reasons for it.

Firstly, he couldn’t move; secondly, he didn’t know which area would be safe. He had lost his consciousness for more than twenty-four hours, and the only threat he saw at this place was the mice, so it was quite a good place for him to recover his energy.

The only thing that Chu Yunsheng found very strange was that, although he was far away from the center of the nuclear explosion, the nuclear radiation, and the nuclear pollution should have arrived here by now. However, the energy shield did not seem to have any reaction at all as if the nuclear radiation does not exist.

Apart from a physical wound, Chu Yunsheng did not feel uncomfortable anywhere in his body. The little one was very energetic, even those mice also did not seem to be affected by the radiation.

He was not a scientist, there was no way he could find out why it was like that, but he did not feel annoyed. Since the dark age began, there were so many things he could not figure out, so he was kind of used to it.

The insects seemed to have disappeared. He could not find any, not one, in the area. He doubted the insects would be eliminated by one nuclear bomb. Even he could survive the explosion, let alone those insects and their powerful energy shield.

Also, there was one thing that he was worried about the most. At the moment of the nuclear explosion, he could feel that his yuan qi was stirred up violently as if the yuan qi of the whole world was moving rapidly!

According to the ancient book, after Tian Gui was recovered, if there was a massive violent Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi turbulence, regardless of what caused it, it would definitely cause the tunnels and cracks between the two worlds to expand. It meant that even more monsters would swarm into the human world.


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