Dark Blood Age

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Chu Yunsheng did not know when he and Lan Chaoyin were separated, his only thought now was to constantly wave the sword.

Insects just kept appearing continuously. They ran past them and started to slaughter anyone they saw. Slowly, the fire torches were put out one by one.

Chu Yunsheng’s night vision goggles were already broken by the flaming monster, he could only rely on his senses to detect the Yuan Qi movements around him. Because it went completely dark, he didn’t know how many insects were there. All he could hear was the noises made by the insects and people’s horrifying dying screams.


After Chu Yunsheng pulled the trigger, a giant fireball was shot out from his gun, it instantly lit up the insects around him. With the help of fire, he could barely see where he was running to.

When dealing with red-shelled insects, his gun was way less effective than the sword. Most of the time, it was just used as a flare to help him find a way.

Just right before the swarm arrived, he had used his fastest speed to make one energy shield talisman and cast it onto his body. However, before he even had time to make one for Lan Chaoyin, he was quickly swallowed up by the swarm.

With the Yuan Tian stage two’s strength, combined with Qian Bi sword, and if the combat armor was not broken, he would definitely be able to break out from here.

However, his combat armor was already broken. Not only did it reduce his defensive ability, but he also lost the additional physical strength boost that combat armor provided to him.

The only thing that didn’t disappoint him was that after Qian Bi sword absorbed the strange blue gases from red-eyed monsters, he didn’t need to infuse Yuan Qi into the sword to kill the red-shelled insects anymore.

Hacking the sword repeatedly, he didn’t know how many insects he had killed, and he also did not know how many times red-shelled insects had attacked him. He had already lost the count. He just kept telling himself that even the flaming monster could not kill him, so those small time bugs wouldn’t be able to kill him as well.

‘I’ll definitely be able to get out here alive!’ He was determined.

Every time he broke out of the insect’s swarm, he would quickly be surrounded again. There were too many of them as if he fell into an ocean of insects.

The human screams and cries around him seemed to have disappeared as if he was the only man that was still standing, still fighting.

He was not scared to be pinched by red-shelled insects, because whenever he was pinched by a claw he could quickly cut the claw off.

He also was not scared to be stabbed by the insect’s sharp legs. Although every hit created unbearable pains, every hit would push him forward, push him far away from the insect’s swarm.

The only thing he was scared of was being surrounded by insects and the corrosive liquid they spat out. It was fine if he still had the combat armor, but he just had an energy shield talisman now, it was very dangerous for him.

Every time he was surrounded, he would have to use the sword fighting technique to make a way for him to escape. Only until now did he realize how powerful the sword fighting technique was. After six sword Qi blades were shot out from the sword, it smashed every single one of the insects on their way into pieces. Every time he used it, the insects would stop attacking him for a while. They seemed to be scared to approach him, and they all stood at a place far away from him. But each time they would start to surround him again after they learned that Chu Yunsheng couldn’t unleash the strange light beam continually.

However, this strength was just a tip of the iceberg.

Since he reached Yuan Tian stage two, he didn’t even have time to study new abilities. He had spent all his time seeking a safer place to stay.

If he could make a higher level energy shield talisman, if the combat armor reached another level, if he could understand more about the sword fighting techniques, there were so many if that could make his life much easier.

But now all he could do was to only focus on escaping from red-shelled insects. Sword fighting technique would consume a lot of his Yuan Qi, so he mainly used his three sword moves.


A military flare suddenly appeared in the sky at the front. It was at a place not far from him. Chu Yunsheng became excited, that meant that he was not far from the army. But then his excitement was replaced by endless chill, and the chill went straight down to his spine.

With the help of the flare rocket, he saw the ground was covered with insects. There wasn’t any empty space in the swarm, nor was there an end. It stretched into the darkness as far as the eyes could see!

Chu Yunsheng was stunned by the scene. It was that moment of stunt that gave a red-shelled insect an opportunity to attack him from behind. Even though he had the energy shield talisman to protect him, this attack still made him spit out blood.

He was knocked over, fell to the ground, and then was stuck on the ground by an insect’s sharp leg. The insects around him immediately started to narrow down the circle.

He was about to run over by an uncountable amount of red-shelled insects!

He panicked and immediately waved the sword cut off the insect’s leg. At the same time, he quickly jumped up while pulling the trigger using his left hand. The gun filled with Yuan Qi instantly shot out a giant fireball hitting a red-shelled insect next to him. With the help of recoil force, he flew up higher into the sky!

While he was still in the air, the place he stayed earlier was instantly covered with insects. However, he started to fall from the sky, and if he did not do anything, he would definitely fall into the swarm of insects again, and this time, he would never be able to come out again!

He quickly unleashed another round of sword Qi. Six sword Qi blades instantly killed all the insects right below him and made an empty area for him to land.

Unable to restore his energy, if he couldn’t get out of this place as soon as possible, he would be dead very soon. Therefore, when he just landed, he immediately charged out. At the same time, he kept waving his sword to kill anything that was on his way!

Soon, Chu Yunsheng encountered the first group of humans that was still resisting. They were a group of roughly twenty awakened warriors. With a tight circle formation, they slowly moved backward while blocking red-shelled insect’s attacks.

The insects didn’t seem to be able to break their formation, they only tried to drain their energy by constantly attacking their defensive formation.

Chu Yunsheng wanted to join them, he couldn’t fight the swarm alone any longer. But the entire ground suddenly started to shake violently. He quickly killed the two insects that were blocking his way and backed away for a distance.

Then the ground started to shake even more intensely.

“Bang, Bang, Bang...”


One fire elemental warrior cast out a fireball to check what was going on. Then everyone saw a giant insect’s head, as big as a bus, suddenly dug its way out of the ground. Its neck was as big as its head, and it was covered with many sections of golden shells. The fire that was cast out by the awakened warrior made its shells shine a bright golden light in the dark!

The sudden appearance of the giant monster made all the awakened warriors lose their pace. A few red-shelled insects took the opportunity and quickly killed two awakened warriors.

Then the giant golden shelled monster raised its head, made a loud roar, and suddenly spat out a long and thick stream of blistering fire. The fire instantly swallowed up all the awakened warriors, even some of the red-shelled insects were also caught on fire.

That fire was like the dragon’s breath, although its fire elemental energy was not as pure as the flaming bird’s, the power of it was not much different. The two awakened warriors that were the closest to the monster were instantly burned into ashes. The rest of them were also caught on fire and screamed in pain!

Chu Yunsheng was terrified. At this point, he has already forgotten that he wanted to join them earlier. Now the monster was concentrating on this group, he must use this opportunity to escape. After immediately killing a few insects which were blocking his way, he quickly turned around and left the place.

‘Gunfire, Gunfire!’

Chu Yunsheng desperately tried to get to the place where the sounds of gunfire came from, but all he could see were insects, insects, nothing, but the insects!

Time was slowly ticking away, his sword swing became weaker and weaker. His Yuan Qi also declined rapidly. He knew that once he was exhausted with Yuan Qi, it would be his time of death.

Originally, he could split an insect into halves just by one sword swing. Slowly, he needed to swing two times to kill an insect, and then it became three times. He couldn’t feel his strength anymore, and his body was now covered with sticky liquid, he didn’t even have time to wipe them off. Those liquids made it very hard for him to keep his eyes open.

The sound of gunfire became louder and clear. Chu Yunsheng kept telling himself that he was near the army.

In the light that came from a few scattered gunfire, Chu Yunsheng could barely recognize some houses in a seemingly small village.

With just the slightest hope, Chu Yunsheng used all his strength to get to the village. But he was very exhausted, he had been fighting non-stop since the fog city, he had used every last bit of his potential energy. His eyesight started to get blurry, but his hand still swung the sword subconsciously.

Soon, he could even hear soldiers’ screams, he was very close to them. However, although it was very close, he still felt like it was even further than the distance between Kun city and Sheng Chen city.

The closer he got to the place where the sound of gunfire was, the denser the swarm was. When he finally got into the village he realized that he could not get through there. The village was already blocked by a massive amount of insects. There was no space he could use to get through!

He couldn’t fight anymore, and he could not retreat or push forward either, so he immediately ran into a three-story high village house, and killed one red-shelled insect that was following him.

The lights that caused the gunfire and the artillery fire were flickering in the village. Chu Yunsheng did not have time to worry about if there were more insects chasing him or not. With the help of the flickering lights, he used his final strength to get to the second floor, and used his sword to destroy the staircases. After that, he just collapsed on the floor.

Chu Yunsheng had already finished all the absorption talismans, even the energy shield talisman was nearly broken. Luckily the insects were attracted by the gunfire, they did not chase him.

Struggling to get up, he just crawled slowly towards the windows. Wiping off the blood from his face, what he saw next made him laugh.

He laughed how stupid he was.

With the help of gunfire outside, he finally saw the “army” he had been looking for. It was a just group of soldiers on the roof of a building, and they were surrounded by insects. The main military force probably had already retreated. Those soldiers were left behind to delay the swarm.

...Meanwhile, the soldiers on the roof of the building Chu Yunsheng saw........

“Major, we are out of ammo!”

“Me too!”

“I’m out of grenades!”


The bottom of the building was covered with many insects’ bodies. The live insects were crawling on top of the dead ones, trying to get to the roof and kill those soldiers, and they almost reached them.

After the major gave them the last order, everyone gathered together to form a tight circle. Some soldiers were laughing in the circle, some were crying, then...


Suddenly, the ground shook violently. It was those soldiers. They detonated the explosives in the building below them.


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