Dark Blood Age

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Meat worms’ suction ability was very strange. When Chu Yunsheng was still at Yuan Tian stage one, he needed to rely on the strength of a giant root to stop himself from being sucked into a meat worm’s mouth.

When he reached Yuan Tian stage two, it did change a little bit. However, it was only because Chu Yunsheng became stronger and he could kill meat worms faster. Meat worms’ powerful suction ability still had an effect on him.

According to the ancient book, the meat worm he caught still had not fully recovered yet, it still needed to be fed with Yuan Qi for a while.

However, it was a critical moment for him now, that was why he needed to release it early.

Just when Chu Yunsheng was about to turn around and run, he saw the meat worm swallow all the fireballs that were shot towards him and spat it out from the other mouth. It changed the fireball’s directions and hit the buildings next to them.

What surprised Chu Yunsheng, even more, was that the flaming monster was being slowly dragged down.

It was struggling!

Chu Yunsheng immediately realized that this flaming monster was also exhausted, its situation was just a little bit better than him.

Although it could still throw fireballs, the power of its fireballs was greatly decreased, otherwise, the meat worm would not be able to change the fireballs’ directions, since normally, if a meat worm just swallowed one flaming monster’s fireball, it would severely damage the meat worm’s internal organ.

Chu Yunsheng was shocked when he saw what this meat worm did. He was trying to figure out what to do. He did not know how fast the flaming monster would recover itself, and the meat worm also seemed to have reached its limit. If he left the meat worm, it would definitely be killed, and if the monster recovered itself after absorbing the energy from the meat worm, then he would be dead as well. But if he took this opportunity and attacked the flaming bird, he might be able to kill this monster!

Gritting his teeth, he made up his mind.

He quickly took out two absorption talismans, and planned to use them while the flaming bird was still focusing on the meat worm. Once he fully recovered, he would definitely be able to kill the flaming bird.

Some areas of his body armor were still on fire, but he did not have time to put it out. When he was busy trying to recover his energy, the meat worm was trying its best to pull the flaming bird down.

Unable to break free, the flaming bird was enraged, it should have been the predator, not the other way around! It was flapping its wings furiously to throw out some fireballs, but they were all sucked into the meat worm’s body, and spat out from the other side.

Times quickly passed by, Chu Yunsheng used every single second he had to absorb Yuan Qi from the absorption talisman.

Soon, he smelled a pungent smell of the burned flesh. It was the meat worm, it had already reached its limit. If its consciousness hadn’t been sealed by the incantations, it would’ve probably already run away!

Suddenly, the flaming bird gave up flapping its wings, it dived down like a ballistic missile, heading straight towards the meat worm’s giant mouth.

The meat worm felt the danger, it instantly expanded its body and mouth two times bigger than its original size.

Within a split second, Chu Yunsheng suddenly felt the area went dark. The flaming bird had shrunk its body and flown into the meat worm’s mouth.

The white meat worm’s body suddenly glowed in a red like a hot stove. It was having an acute burning pain. However, it could not do anything else but twist its body and roll around on the ground.

Its body was under the flaming bird’s attack, some areas of its body suddenly swelled up, and other areas suddenly shrank down, it was the moment of life and death for both monsters.

But Chu Yunsheng could see the victory in sight!

He immediately speeded up his absorption speed without thinking about if his body could handle it or not! Yuan Qi instantly flooded into his body. The sudden change of energy intake speed almost made him pass out! The visceral and blood vessels were all expanded to its limit, his skins started to crack, and he felt like his muscles were torn apart. He could feel that he was bleeding everywhere.

At the same time, the meat worm finally lost the battle, the flaming bird burned a hole in its body, and it was about to fly out!

Chu Yunsheng suppressed his pain, pulled out the sword, which was stabbed on the ground earlier, charged towards the flaming bird. He forced himself to activate the sword fighting technique one more time. He wanted to kill the flaming bird while it was still in the meant worm’s body.

Instantly, the sword Qi burst out from the sword and shredded everything on its way.

The meat worm no longer existed, it only left the flaming bird struggling to fight with the sword Qi.

Chu Yunsheng once again exhausted his energy. He was exhausted and there were sharp pains everywhere around his body. He could no longer stand up but cling onto the sword and kneel down.

Soon, the flaming bird finally fell on the ground and stopped moving, its body flames also slowly disappeared.

Chu Yunsheng had never seen a dying flaming bird before. If he could, he would rather seal the flaming bird into the talisman than let it die. This monster was very strong, it was much stronger than the meat worm.

Unfortunately, he was injured and exhausted with Yuan Qi, he did not have spare Yuan Qi to make a monster seal talisman. He could not do anything but see a powerful monster die in front of him.

After the flaming bird died, its fire energy slowly shrank and formed a red seed-like object, it was as big as an apple. But its surface was as rough as a nut.

Chu Yunsheng was curious, he did not know what that thing was, so he staggered towards the object and used the sword to move it. It did not seem to have any reaction, so he kneeled down and tried to pick it up. But he did not expect that the object was extremely hot. Even though he threw it away immediately, his hand armor was still melted off a layer.

Just one touch, Chu Yunsheng could clearly feel a tremendous amount of fire-elemental Yuan Qi contained in this strange “seed”.

Since he couldn’t touch it, he just controlled the storage talisman to store this strange seed inside the talisman.

After storing the seed, he began to limp towards the west slowly, while using one absorption talisman to recover his energy.

This place was extremely dangerous, he needed to leave as soon as possible! Now even if there was just one meat worm or a few red-eyed monsters, it would instantly kill him, not mention another flaming bird!

He was scared to use the motorbike, monsters were extremely sensitive to the sound, what if he attracted one, then he would be 100% dead this time.


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