Dark Blood Age

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Commander’s Du’s face was livid. He could not afford to take the risk. If Gan Ziqiang really pulled the trigger, the awakened humans would not have any problems, but half of the important people in the meeting room would be injured or even killed.

Gan Ziqiang grinned hideously, “Du Qishan, order your men to kill that guy now. Everyone will be safe if you do as I said. otherwise, none of those important people will live!”

Hearing this, it struck a chill into Chu Yunsheng’s heart. This man even wanted his life. Originally, he was hesitant because of those scientists. After all, if he wanted to leave this city he still needed to rely on them.

But now Gan Ziqiang was threatening Commander Du. It forced Chu Yunsheng to make a choice immediately.

He instantly made up a bold decision. Taking out an arrow, he pulled the string, infused the Yuan Qi inside the arrow and aimed it at Gan Ziqiang.

He was hiding behind a pillar and Gan Ziqiang was not facing him, so he had a great advantage. The only thing he needed to worry was his accuracy.

As long as the arrow hit him, he was confident that the arrow would instantly freeze him. He knew the speed of his frost arrow, it was even faster than the speed of a bullet. Once it hit Gan Ziqiang, he would have no chance to detonate the grenades.

Time was ticking, when Commander Du was about to say something, Chu Yunsheng’s frost arrow broke the law of physics, and pierced Gan Ziqiang’s body like a white light beam, within the blink of an eye and tightly nailed him onto the wall. The frost instantly surged out and froze him, even his grenades were still stuck in a fixed position.


Chu Yunsheng shouted inside his mind secretly.

The sudden change shocked everyone on the scene. Then the both sides started to join the fight.

Chu Yunsheng put back the bow, drew the sword and walked out from behind the pillar. When he reached the fight in the middle, he quickly killed two people and then cut off the long-faced man’s head. Finally, he avenged Yu Xiaohai’s death! And finally, the weight was lifted off his shoulders.

The awakened warriors from the military also killed the rest of the people, and the hall went back to quiet again.

The whole situation lasted less than three minutes!

Commander Du’s face was very stern. He waved his hand to signal soldiers to move the bodies away, then he spoke to Chu Yunsheng on the side, “Mr. Chu, do you know how dangerous it was? How could you act presumptuously on your own!”

Chu Yunsheng sheathed the sword and gave him a disdainful smile, “Commander Du, did you forget the things you told me? You said that you can sacrifice anyone to protect the people inside. I did not doubt that you will order your troop to kill me! I am just eliminating my threat that’s all!”

Commander Du was angry but he could not do anything. He let out a deep sigh and said, “follow me, professor Sun will explain everything to you. Breaking the fog wall is both important to you and me.”

Then he pushed the door in.

Everyone inside was looking at them nervously. The people inside the meeting room appeared to be very scared. Doing the research was one thing, being scared to die was another thing.

Commander Du could barely give them a smile and said, “everything is fine now, the danger has been eliminated.”

Everyone sighed with relief. It was chaotic outside earlier, even the wall was frozen, which was done by Chu Yunsheng. Apart from that, they did not know anything happened outside, so before Commander Du came in, all of them were very scared.

“I heard from Staff Officer Tao saying that you have solved the equations, is that true?” Commander Du intentionally avoided the topic and asked about the progress of the research.

Everyone instantly changed their facial expressions when they heard commander Du asking about equations. Some were excited, some were still thinking, some were puzzled, some were shaking their heads...

Chu Yunsheng had already deactivated his armor. He was wearing his grey cotton coat and standing quietly behind commander Du at the moment.

He saw Ding Yan earlier. However, Ding Yan seemed to have other plans. He didn’t come to talk to him after the initial brief exchange of glances.

Speaking of Ding Yan, it seemed like he didn’t have a good relationship with commander Du. He even had a violent conflict with Commander Du’s Subordinate Gu Liming. But Chu Yunsheng didn’t want to find out what his problem was. He had enough problems himself already.

It was not too long for Professor Sun to recognise the man behind Commander Du. At first, he did not recognize the man was Chu Yunsheng because when Chu Yunsheng was on the roof with professor Sun, he did not pull up his mask.

Miss. Zhao also recognized him. The only difference was that professor Sun’s face was filled with excitement, but Miss. Zhao was shocked and a little bit angry.

In the dangerous dark world, where people could die anywhere at any time, it was a miracle to have two groups of people meeting each other once again after they had been separated.

Professor Sun left a good impression in Chu Yunsheng’s mind. Not only did this old man not keep the things Chu Yunsheng did in mind, but he also shared his knowledge with Chu Yunsheng. The food he got from Chu Yunsheng was also shared with other people in his group.

So he didn’t mind seeing this old man again. When the old man recognized him, it also put a smile on his face.

Professor Sun was holding a draft. He walked around the table and laughed, “young man, I did not expect to see you again! Huh? Where is your... Your... your... body armor?” he was confused.

Chu Yunsheng just smiled at him, but he did not answer his question. If this old man knew Chu Yunsheng could put on the armor freely, who knows what those people would do to him.

Seeing Chu Yunsheng was just smiling at him and not answering his question, the old man just shook his head, “there are always awakened warriors like you, who think that we will cut them into pieces and study them. But there is no such thing! If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine. Everyone has their own secret. We won’t force you... won’t force you. Come, come, let me show you our research results. It is truly astonishing, truly amazing. Young man, do you know that If we use those equations to build a spaceship in the future, we could perform a space warp in space!”

Commander Du gave Chu Yunsheng a sympathetic look when Chu Yunsheng was being dragged away, probably he had had enough “knowledge” from those professors. Chu Yunsheng soon started to understand that feeling. It was a feeling of mental torture. Because he could not understand the formulas and graphs on the draft at all. It was like reading a book written in double Dutch.

But when he glanced through the drafts, he suddenly noticed a graph. A graph that he was very familiar with. He had seen the graph from the ancient book before, it was one of Yuan Qi rule’s descriptions, Chu Yunsheng usually skipped the description about the principle of something. But he had studied this graph for a short period of time because it was related to a problem about the space in the talisman’s body in one of level-three talismans. However, Chu Yunsheng still couldn’t figure it out.

The graph on the draft was not exactly the same as the one in the ancient book. It could only be described as a preliminary model and it had many mistakes. The graph was constructed from the most primitive form. There were five steps, each step was deduced from the previous one, but the last one had a big cross written over it. It seemed like they had given up deducing the last graph.

The longer Chu Yunsheng looked at it, the more concentrated he was. He felt like he was about to open a door of something, and it instantly made him fall into a state of trance. Unconsciously, he picked up a pencil next to him and started to reconstruct the graph based on the part of the description he could understand in the ancient book.

His strange behavior immediately attracted professor Sun’s attention.

Seeing Chu Yunsheng was drawing unknown symbols on the scrapped draft, the old man laughed, “young man, I did not expect that you also have potential in science-”

Before he finished the sentence, a new geometric graph appeared on the paper.

Chu Yunsheng finished reconstructing the graph. It was the preliminary model of that rule without any mistakes. Although it was still very different from the complete graph in the book, Chu Yunsheng had reached his limit to deduce.

After reconstructing, Chu Yunsheng felt that he had a sense of realization.

Before, when he was making a talisman, he was just trying to copy its shape. He did not understand its rules, and when he failed, he just thought that it was because the shape wasn’t exactly the same as the one in the ancient book. Now, he had sensed the principles of those rules, he felt that the barriers of making high-level Talismans were slowly breaking down. It was a truly wonderful experience!

Chu Yunsheng was dazed, while looking at the graph he drew. At first, Professor Sun just simply glanced at the graph without paying attention to it.

But when he couldn’t help but look at the graph the second time, then his eyes could not leave the graph at all.

Professor Sun was shocked, and he immediately grabbed the draft and looked at the graph closely. His lips were twitching, and he was constantly murmuring, “no way, no way, this is impossible! The coupling inside this kind of energy field should not be stable! But why is it stable now? Why is it not collapsing? How do you control the decay process? Lao Fang, Lao Fang, quick, come here, you are a physicist, take a look at this!”

A regular draft paper immediately became the professors’ argument. Everyone wanted to take a look at the graph. It was very chaotic. Even Staff Officer Tao also rushed inside the meeting room anxiously with a group of soldiers.


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