Dark Blood Age

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Zhong Nan scowled and said coldly, ‘Mr. Gan, if you want to take those supplies, it won’t be easy.”

The man laughed out loud, “take a look at our brothers, do we look like cowards, Captain Zhong, let me tell you something, indeed, we are taking things from other people by force, but we are also working for the government. The government doesn’t have enough men to work for them, luckily, we have special abilities, so they have asked us to protect a few important people, so we aren’t just the regular bandit!”

He noticed that Zhong Nan snorted in disdain when he said this, but he didn’t really care, he just carried on saying, “if it wasn’t for those important officials, who have powers in Jin Ling city, and the things that they promised that they will give to us once we get to Jin Ling city, you think I fucking care about their lives?

The government has asked us to escort those people, but they didn’t provide us with cars or food, but our brothers need to live, so we just take what we need from other people.

In this world, only the strongest is the king! Our Brothers think that you are a competent man, so we don’t want to have any conflict with you.

You have two choices, either give us half of your supplies, or join us. When we get to Jin Ling city, we can enjoy our fortune together, we will give you one minute to think.”

He paused a second then added, “oh, also, I’ve heard that those students had attacked you guys before, but you guys are still protecting them? What for? Think carefully!”

The long-faced man lit up a cigarette, and smiled at Zhong Nan. He didn’t seem to care about other people.

But he did not expect that Zhong Nan would immediately reply to him, “I used to be a student at Dong Shen university, the people behind me, most of them also studied at Dong Shen university before, our friends, classmates, they are all here. No matter how messy it is, that is our own business, the things you said, we can’t accept it, if you want to take it, we will fight to the end!”

The man’s face instantly fell. When he was about to say something else, an old man came out from his back. The old man’s face was full of smiles. He said to Zhong Nan, “Captain, my name is Zhu Dulin, some of you might have heard my name before, I can assure you that if you escort us to Jin Ling city, I’ll definitely reward you heavily. At least, you will never worry about hunger or cold anymore.”

Qian Deduo suddenly shouted at the back of the ground, “old man, I know you, you are just a filthy rich man. But do you still think that money is still useful now? The money you had is just a number now, there is no way you can exchange it for food.”

The old man was not mad at all, he laughed, “young man, you have underestimated me, not only do I have many friends, who are high ranking officials in Jin Ling city, but my younger son is also working for the government in Jin Ling city as well.”

Qian Deduo laughed, “haha... if you are really that important, instead of asking those bandits, why don’t you ask the military to escort you?”

The old man shook his head and sighed, “who doesn’t want to be escorted by the military, do you know how many important people there are in Shen Cheng city? It is already fortunate enough to have someone escort us!”

Zhu Dulin’s words made the brawny brute very angry. He picked him up, and glared at him, “Hey! the old man, if it wasn’t me, you’d have been already dead, and you are still fucking complaining, fuck you!”

The old man smiled reluctantly, “my bad, my bad!”

The brawny brute threw the old man aside then shouted, “Boss, let’s fight them, I am running out of my patience!” He was so arrogant that he had absolutely no regard for any other people here.

Suddenly, everyone heard a stern voice, “I dare you!”

Chu Yunsheng raised his head to take a close look, it was the commander Du. He was with a group of heavily armed soldiers and the awakened warriors, who were holding different kinds of weapons, coming this way.

The long-faced man was dazed for a second then laughed, “officer, it’s a misunderstanding, we are just discussing how to cooperate with each other.”

The commander Du glanced at Zhong Nan, and then snorted at the long-faced man, “I don’t care what you are discussing, but don’t cause any troubles, Dong Shen university is our key protected organization. Whoever causes troubles to them, the military will not let them get away easily.”

The long-faced man gave a hollow laugh, “of course! of course!”

Then he quickly changed his tone, “but officer, the government has told us to escort those people to Jin Ling city, but we also need supplies to carry on our mission, you see... With the situation we are in now, probably we won’t be able to finish our mission. So those people, I’m now giving them back to you,” he said with a helpless tone.

The commander Du didn’t reply to him directly, he suggested, “I got a solution, I don’t know if you want to hear it.”

The long-faced man was curious, “please!”

“We are recruiting awakened warriors at the moment, you could join us. The regiment will supply food and other necessities. Since we are going to the same place, staying together is much safer, what do you think?” the commander Du said.

As the long-faced man waved his hands, two people immediately came out from his back. Then they were whispering to each other quietly. It seemed like they were discussing the commander’s suggestion.

After a while, the long-faced man turned around and said, “it sounds good, but we need one more thing, we need a bus just like this one, what do you think?”

The commander Du thought for a second, and then looked at Zhong Nan, “Captain Zhong, please do everyone a favor!” he said sternly.

Zhong Nan reluctantly nodded his head and agreed to give them one bus.

Qin Heng, on the other hand, spat on the floor, turned around and said to the long-faced man. “bastard!”

The long-faced man’s face instantly fell. As he waved his right hand instantly, Yuan Qi energy was instantly stirred up in the area. Less than a second, an Icicle Spear as big as a human fist quickly was shot towards Qin Heng.

The Icicle Spear was very fast, and they also stood very close to each other. So although Qin Heng immediately summoned a fire wall trying to defend himself, he still couldn’t stop the icicle spear. He was hit and sent flying backward by the Icicle.


As a loud and clear banging sound appeared, he was smashed onto a truck. The blood instantly burst out and ran down from his mouth.

The long-faced man said with a helpless tone again, “officer, Captain Zhong, this garbage dares to provoke me, for the sake of you two, I’ll spare him a life, but please teach him how to respect other people.”

The members of the first team were instantly enraged by his action, everyone started to gather their energy, but Zhong Nan immediately stopped them, “don’t get yourself killed!” he said coldly.

Just one move, he could injure the first team team-leader, this guy was on a different level!?

The commander Du instantly shouted, “no more fight, it stops now!...”

However, before he even finished his sentence, a soldier suddenly shouted, “commander! Flying insect! Flying insect! They are coming!”


Just right after he shouted, buzzing sounds started to arise in the area. They were very fast. One of the biggest one seemed to have locked on the rich old man, and it quickly dived at him!

Chu Yunsheng immediately drew the sword. There were too many people here, he couldn’t lay down on the floor.

But no one expected that the long-faced man suddenly lifted one person up and threw the person towards the green-shelled insect!.

Seeing a man flying towards it, the green-shelled insect instantly changed its direction and bit the man. It’s long feet also fiercely stabbed into the man’s body. Everyone could hear a loud scream coming from that man.

This painful scream also made Chu Yunsheng’s heart sink!

It was Yu Xiaohai!

Yu Xiaohai was standing at the front of the group, but Chu Yunsheng was standing at the back.

He was shocked, but he knew that he needed to act quickly. So he immediately jumped up, stepped on people’s heads, leapt on top of a bus, and took out the pistol he hadn’t used for a long time.

He infused his Yuan Qi into the gun and began to shoot at the flying insect repeatedly!

One magazine was emptied, then another one, and another one, until he used up all his bullets. However, the insect was still flying higher and higher. He couldn’t stop it, all he could do was to see Yu Xiaohai was being taken away!

Probably because Chu Yunsheng had cast a energy shield talisman onto Yu Xiaohai’s body, so Yu Xiaohai was not torn into pieces instantly, he was taken away until he disappeared from everyone’s eyesight.

At that moment, Chu Yunsheng felt like he was falling into a bottomless ice cave, and he was falling deeper and deeper every second. He knew that the energy shield wouldn’t be able to hold the attack much longer. unless a miracle appeared, otherwise, there was no way that Yu Xiaohai would survive from this.

Yu Xiaohai was his best friend, when everyone thought that he was mad in the age of light, Yu Xiaohai still came to talk to him. He was the only one Chu Yunsheng could trust in the dark age.

Throwing away the empty gun, he lifted the sword that he stabbed on top of the bus earlier, with a pair of eyes as cold as ice.

Suddenly, he jumped off the roof of the bus and hacked his sword down. His target was that long-faced man.


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