Dark Blood Age

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chu Yunsheng wasn’t an idiot. If they could take care of Lin Shuiyao, he definitely would not refuse. Not to mention that he could also get some information from the researchers, and more importantly, he could get more insects, which was the reason why he wanted to join in the first place.

There were several buses behind the truck, one of them was heavily guarded. It was definitely for the families and friends of the escort team. The heavy machine gun was installed on the top of the bus, and the bus was reinforced with steel bars outside. Each bus was constantly guarded by two people.

Normally, one bus was able to fit 50 passengers. Each escort team member had two or three seats on the bus depending on their power levels. The strongest one would get three places, the weaker one would only get two. It was the fixed rule made by the team leader, so no one dared to break it. If anyone wanted the third seat on the bus, then they had to show their strength.

Apparently, there were a couple of reasons why this rule was made. The first reason was that they didn’t have enough strength, food, fuels, and other materials. The second reason was that the students in the escort team were mainly from other cities, they didn’t have many family members with them, the seats they got were mainly their boyfriends or girlfriends.

In exchange for the escort team to fight for them, the military provided them with weapons, and the university provided them with food. It meant that not only those buses would be heavily guarded, but the people on the bus would also receive a regular supply of food.

Because of this, the bus became heaven in everyone’s mind. In this moving castle, everyone would receive protection, warm clothes, and the most important things: food and water!

Before Chu Yunsheng joined them, the escort team had fourteen members, they were eight male, and six female, only five of them had three seats, including their team leader, the rest of them all had two seats on the bus.

Everyone coveted those few seats on the bus. Some of them tried to fawn over their roommates back in the university; some girls even exchanged her body for their safety; and some pretty boys were busy chasing the girls in the escort team.

Especially those people, who already got their seats on the bus, many people wanted to curry favor with them. It was just because those people would receive meals two times a day.

Apart from this bus No.1, there were few other buses behind the truck, they all became the secondary choices. However, those buses were not easy to get on as well, they were mainly for the people who had connections in the university or the military.

In total, Chu Yunsheng and Yu Xiaohai would get five seats, but they had to pass the team leader’s strict test first, Lin Shuiyao was only allowed to get on the bus after they made sure that their abilities were real.

At the moment, their team leader was guarding on top of Bus No.1. Zhang Zicheng used this gap to explain the benefits and responsibilities they would get.

For example, things like food and water supplies, what they needed to be aware of when there was a rescue mission, and other things... Most importantly, he reminded all the awakened warriors that they did not need to kill insects, they just needed to destroy their defence layer, and leave the rest to the troops. In this way, they would be able to deal with more insects.

Chu Yunsheng was still leaning against the steel bars, smoking a cigarette while listening to Qin Heng bluffing about how their team leader would destroy him, and expose his lie.

He did not have time to argue with Qin Heng, he just needed to wait until their team leader arrived and showed them his true ability. He wanted to see how they would react when they discovered his true power.

Turning around, he looked outside. The crowd was mixed with cars and people, it was moving very slowly, sometimes it was not even moving at all. But they could not do anything about it, the road was filled with refugees, no one cared about the bodies on the side of the road and the horrible smell of faeces.

People were shouting all the time, some were calling the name of other people, some were just crying, and some people were even busy stealing other’s bags, but most people were moving in panic.

If someone was tripped over and if they did not get up on time, the result would be stepped to death. No one would care if the person underneath them was dead or alive.

Chu Yunsheng also noticed that some people were jumping on top of some unarmed private cars at a place far away from them, some people had even broken the windows and started to squeeze in. It was a real mess.

It was much better in the area near the truck, no one dared to fight the people who had guns and the awakened warriors, they did not even dare to come close to their vehicles.

The intermittent sound of explosions constantly appeared from the place far away behind the crowd, it attracted Chu Yunsheng’s attention. It was caused by the fierce battle between the military and the swarm of the insects.

The rockets from the howitzers and artillery violently blast out long bright fiery trails in the sky, lighting up the entire skyline. The ground was shaken violently as if there was a big earthquake. The sounds of violent explosions and rockets piercing through the air resounded in the massive crowd.

Chu Yunsheng couldn’t help but be stunned. It was the first time for him to see such a large scale military action other than in a movie. There were so many rockets flying in the sky, the long fiery trails of many rockets were spreading across the sky as if the sky was raining rockets down to earth.

Most importantly, they still have not used ballistic missiles or nuclear weapons, these kinds of destructive weapons yet. It suddenly reminded Chu Yunsheng that not only the insect, humans themselves could also destroy Earth!

He could not imagine the scene that, the hand of the president of the country that had the most nuclear weapons was on the activate button right now.

Since the beginning of the dark age, Chu Yunsheng has always thought that he was fighting the insect on the front line, but now it seemed that he was way off.

With such a massive artillery bombardment, he couldn’t imagine how large a swarm they were dealing with over there!

That should be the real front line of the battle between insects and humans!

However, even though the military had such firepower, they still decided to retreat. Chu Yunsheng felt a chill down his spine. What exactly did they see? Why were they so scared that they had to retreat?

Would they really be safe when they arrived at Jin Ling city? Would Jin Ling city really be able to stop the attack from a swarm of insects?

Chu Yunsheng could not answer this question. Apart from Yuan Qi cultivation, his plan was exactly the same as other people outside the truck, which was to flee to Jin Ling city and maybe they would be safe over there.

Jin Ling city was their last hope, and it was the only thing that kept them alive. He was certain that if some reliable news source had told them in advance that Jin Ling City had fallen, everyone here, including himself, would’ve probably fallen into an infinite panic until they die.

Or maybe this hope wasn’t real, but people still chose to believe it. In fact, some rumors were saying that Jin Ling city had already fallen, but because it wasn’t from a reliable source, no one believed it.

Looking at the endless crowd, Chu Yunsheng suddenly thought that if Jin Ling City really fell, where would his hope be? Would he escape to the end of the world? Or would he give up escaping and just wait for the insect to kill him?

“I still have Yuan Qi, I can still cultivate it.” Chu Yunsheng told himself, “even if it means to escape to the end of the world, I will still do it.”

His father once told him that even the darkest cloud would be dissipated one day, never give up, otherwise, you would never get to see the Sun after the dark cloud.

Chu Yunsheng’s thoughts started to drift away...

The sound of someone getting on the truck suddenly pulled him back to reality. It was the captain of this escort team!


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