Dark Blood Age

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Translator: Doggotranslation Editor: Doggotranslation

Originally, Chu Yunsheng thought that the armor had already finished forming its shape, but since it was still able to absorb more shells, it meant that it could still be upgraded. So as long as he still had the insects’ shells, he would be able to continuously upgrade the armor.

However, he still could not figure out what was wrong with the blade part. He suspected that probably, the material for the blades wasn’t the right one, but he couldn’t understand the description of it in the ancient book, so he couldn’t be sure.

He thought for a while, but still couldn’t understand it, so he simply threw the insects’ claws and legs in and decided to give it a try.

Surprisingly, the sword part started to absorb the materials again, and after he ran out of his materials, a crimson red-colored sword also appeared.

Chu Yunsheng was thrilled. He told himself that it must be because the usage of the insects claws and legs was different than that of their shells, that was probably why the sword could be formed. After all, a sword was an offensive weapon, it must be made of offensive materials, such as claws and legs.

In order to make the combat armor as perfect as possible, he then threw the rest of the insects’ shells in.

Soon, the armor was also changed into the crimson red color. Although it was not a black-colored armour that he always wanted, it was not the time for him to complain too much.

Both sword and armor were red, but they didn’t contain any fire elemental energy. Similar to the Yuan Qi Chu Yunsheng had, the Yuan Qi it contained was in a pure primitive state. It greatly increased the degree of the armor’s plasticity.

It was also very convenient to use as well. After Chu Yunsheng cast the combat armor talisman onto his body, and used his Yuan Qi to activate the combat armor, the armor began to gradually appear on each part of his body one by one and slowly adjust themselves to perfectly fit his whole body until there was not a single gap left.

The sword was hung on his left side. When he unsheathed it, he could instantly feel the sharpness of the sword.

The sword he used before was kept in the storage talisman, in case he might need it in the future. Anyway, there was no way he would throw it away.

The whole refining process required a lot of Yun Qi. After the armor was completed, Chu Yunsheng also found that he only had one unit of Yuan Qi left.

Taking out the last absorption talisman he had, he couldn’t help but have a wry smile on his face. After absorbing the Yuan Qi from the last three flame patterns, he was barely able to restore seven units of Yuan Qi.

Then he made a new energy shield talisman and a Shen Bing talisman, and cast them separately onto the armor and the sword.

After that he checked the sword again. While holding the sword, he had a clear feeling that by infusing merely one unit of Yuan Qi into the sword, he would then be able to easily stab it into the insect’s body. After all, it was not an ordinary sword, it was made of the quintessence extracted from nearly 240 legs and 120 claws!

And if he was able to understand the description of level 2 energy shield talisman and level 2 Shen Bing talisman, he believed that the power of his armor and sword would be even more powerful.

At Yuan Tian stage two, he would be able to learn a Sword Form called ‘Qian Jun Bi Yi’. This sword form was something that he always wanted to learn. After thinking for a while, he named the sword “Qian Bi”. He hoped that this sharp sword would be like its name, staying with him to kill thousands of insects!

With the combat armour, Chu Yunsheng felt much more confident now. If it was not for the fact that he had used up most of his Yuan Qi, he would have gone out to find some insects to test his armor immediately.

Now all that was left was to reach Yuan Tian stage two!

He still needed to repeat the Yuan Qi cultivation process fifty-four times.

Since the first time he discovered that his Yuan Qi volume was increased, he realised that the calculation he did in the past was wrong. With the increase of the Yuan Qi volume, he would have to kill more insects to replenish his Yuan Qi. For example, he had nine units of Yuan Qi at the moment, it required four and half a flame patterns to fully restore his Yuan Qi. If he had ten units of Yuan Qi, he would need five flame patterns. With each increased Yuan Qi unit, he would require an additional half a flame pattern.

However, he was not upset, he now had a set of armor and a Qian Bi sword. The speed of killing insects would definitely be much faster.

At the moment his biggest problems were: First, reaching Yuan Tian stage two, so he wouldn’t be ruled by other people and so he could protect himself!

Second, he was way too slow in learning the characters in the book. It was like he knew where the treasure was buried, but he had no tools to dig it up.

To him, reaching Yuan Tian stage two was just a matter of time, but the characters written in the book were the most problematic. They were not even Oracle texts, they were very strange, and the number of characters in the book was extremely numerous, especially those that he couldn’t understand. So far, the only way to decipher it was to keep trying to guess what they meant, and then experiment with his hypothesis to verify if they were correct.

After thinking it over, Chu Yunsheng decided that, no matter what, he needed to reach Yuan Tian stage two first. He hoped that by the time he reached Yuan Tian stage two, he would be able to understand the ancient book more clearly.

Moreover, he would also be able to perform more experiments. After all, Yuan Tian stage two would provide much more different types of talismans for him to study than Yuan Tian stage one.

After a short break, Chu Yunsheng’s excitement slowly died out. As he started to calm down, he started to think about the Qian Bi sword again. It was indeed a powerful weapon, but if he didn’t use it properly, then its power would be greatly reduced. Like his frost arrows, because he couldn’t aim them properly on moving targets, it caused him to only use frost arrows to perform sneak attacks, which greatly reduced the level of deterrence that frost arrows originally should have.

If it was used by a crossbow master, he believed that frost arrows could be even more powerful.

That was why he did not want to blindly use the sword at the moment. Of course, the ancient book contained Fighting Techniques, but his level wasn’t high enough to learn any of them. He could only learn some basic sword moves. The ancient book mentioned some of them, but he also couldn’t understand those characters.

Moreover, the book did not encourage practitioners to learn those moves. Under the absolute power of the Sword Fighting Techniques, those sword moves only play a subsidiary role, as they were only used to help the swordsmen to become familiar with swords!

Although Chu Yunsheng did not understand the ancient book’s Sword Fighting Techniques, he had other ways. He had already prepared a lot of martial arts documents during the age of light. Some from bookstores, some downloaded from the internet. Now was a good time to use them.

The basic sword movements consisted of hook, parry, poke, upward flick, stab, hack, etc. Chu Yunsheng surely could not learn all of them. It was both time-consuming and difficult to remember. His only threat right now were red-shelled insects, so the sword movements should be used to deal with the insect’s weakness.

Recalling the red-shelled insect’s movements in his mind while looking at all the information about the sword movements, he now wanted to compile a set of the simplest but most practical moves.

Red-shelled insects would usually jump towards their prey after they discovered their prey. They would use their claws to cut targets into the half, or use their legs to pierce through their targets. If those two attacking methods did not work, then they would spit corrosive saliva instead.

So it could be said that although their attacking methods were very powerful, their attacking methods were not complicated.

With his ability right now, and with the help of the combat armour talisman and the energy shield talisman’s double protection, the insect’ attacks would be less effective. If he had enough Yuan Qi, he could defend himself against the insects’ attacks many times. In addition to that, Qian Bi sword would be unstoppable after he filled it with Yuan Qi.

Based on those factors, Chu Yunsheng sorted out three offensive sword movements.

The first move was a head hack, he named it [Sword chop] move: he had to hold the sword up using both hands, wait until an insect got close, and then hack the insect from the top. Arms and the sword should stay in a straight line, so both strength and Yuan Qi could reach all the way to the sword point, and hack the insect from its head!

If the insect did not dodge, then its head, which was the weakest point of the insect’s body would be hit, and the hit would definitely injure, or may even kill the insect!

Of course, this was based on the precondition that he could accurately hit the insect’s head. If the insect moved too fast, or if he hacked too slow, then he would hit the insect’s shell which was the strongest part of the insect’s body!

If the insect dodged or he couldn’t hit its head, then he could use the second move [Sword Slice] move!

[Sword Slice] move was easy and practical. If the first move failed, the sword blade would be dropped down to a lower position. At that time, depending on where the insect was, the sword could be sliced up to the left or up to the right.

If the insect tried to escape by jumping over his head, then he could perform the final sword move [Upward Flick], stabbing straight into the insect’s belly!


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