Dark Blood Age

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Chu Yunsheng didn’t know where the witch got three trucks from, although they looked old and clumsy, when they were on the road, they were actually quite stable.

In order to save petrol, they didn’t bring more cars with them, most of the dark warriors were asked to sit on the back of the truck. Apart from Chu Yunsheng and the witch, there were around 15 dark warriors. Amongst them, the highest rank was just Rank-two Yi-class.

Deep inside Chu Yunsheng’s mind, he knew that the witch was a skillful person. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to gather this many people in this short amount of time.

Chu Yunsheng was assigned to sit in a relative comfort seat next to the driver. Although many people were not happy about this arrangement, they didn’t dare to say anything.

They set off from the city’s west gate and headed north-west, while there were still hazy shimmers in the sky.

With just this small number of people, Chu Yunsheng was worried that if they encountered a swarm, they would probably need to abandon the whole plan. Luckily, everyone including the driver were dark warriors, so they probably wouldn’t have any problem escaping.

Only after they traveled for some time, did Chu Yunsheng finally realize why the witch was so confident. In her group, there was a person, who had a wind elemental ability. Although he was just a Rank-one dark warrior, his detection ability was almost as good as the little tiger. In just 5km, they had already bypassed three swarms of insects.

What surprised Chu Yunsheng, even more, was that this man’s badge clearly belonged to an ice elemental dark warrior!

Later on, the driver told him that this man was one of those people, who was awakened twice. This type of awakening was very rare.

That guy was accidentally awakened with wind elemental controlling ability. However, his both abilities couldn’t pass the rank-two evaluation test. The wind elemental ability even just barely reached the rank-one Bing-class. If it weren’t for the fact that his wind elemental ability could be used to detect movements, probably no one would be interested in inviting him.

Chu Yunsheng didn’t have much knowledge about the awakening. His recent study of the book also didn’t focus on that area. But the information he received made him think about the little tiger’s metal elemental and wind elemental abilities. Although the little tiger was born with two abilities, there was one thing that they both had in common. It was that the main ability usually belonged to one of the common elements, but the second one usually was very strange.

The main ability usually belonged to the five main elements, for instance, the little tiger’s metal element and that man’s ice element. The second ability was almost like a mutant ability, For example, the wind element was related to the wood element.

But apart from the little tiger, the driver told Chu Yunsheng that those people’s second abilities were usually not very powerful. It might look impressive but it was actually useless. The real powerful dark warriors were those who could use one ability to its extreme. For instance, the fire king, the ice king, and other powerful Dark Warriors, all of them could easily kill those people, who were awakened twice.

With the help of this man and the little tiger’s detection ability, although the journey was scary, it was not very dangerous. There were a few times that they could not avoid a swarm of insects, but they managed to find the weakest part of the swarm and broke through those insect’s encirclement.

The granary depot was less than 50Km away from Jin Ling city. It was surrounded by many hills, so it was conducive to hiding. Sometimes they would need to hide in hills to wait for a swarm of insects to move past them. The longest time they had waited was five hours. When they finally got to the granary depot, it was already two days later, and they had also lost one truck.

However, when they got to the granary depot, it seemed like the place had already been taken. There were walls around the grain depot and a tall watchtower inside.

Moreover, his group was not the first team to arrive at the grain depot. Outside the walls, there were all kinds of cars that were already parked there. Some people were standing on top of cars and cursing at the people inside.


Lu Guolong was anxiously walking back and forth in the basement. Since yesterday, many people have started to come to this granary depot one after another. They all demanded him to open the gate and give out food.

He was originally from a village nearby this grain depot, and he had been single for 40 years. The first reason was that he was poor, the second reason was that his appearance was a little bit intimidating. Since the dark age began and the plague of insects, he has hidden inside this grain depot.

In the beginning, the depot owner was still alive. But one day, the granary was attacked by a swarm of insects. Many people died that day, including the owner of the depot. When he finally crawled out of piles of bodies, he was awakened. With the help of his strange ability, he reinforced the basement wall. From that day, even if the insects moved past the grain depot again, they were not able to detect where he was.

He had also been to Jin Ling city before. After all, it was not far from the granary depot, but he was only given rank-one evaluation. Moreover, because his ability was the earth elemental ability, which was the relatively weak element when it comes to attacking. This result upset him a lot.

Originally, the military wanted to recruit him and assigned him to reinforce the defense line, but no one expected that a large-scale conflict between dark warriors and the military suddenly broke out inside the city. He almost died in Jin Ling city at that time.

After escaping from the conflict, he returned to the grain depot. With his ability, he built an earthly paradise for himself.

As time passed by, more and more people started to escape from Anhui province. Because of the food shortage, many people had no choice but to stay at the granary depot. After Lu Guolong used his ability to gather a group of rank-one dark warriors, he instantly became a king of this granary depot.

Although this place was not as safe as Jin Ling city, it was not very dangerous. Whenever they were found by a group of insects, they would usually force a few people to go outside of the wall to lure the insects away.

Lu Guolong’s ability was limited, whenever there was something that he couldn’t deal with, he would hide in his small basement. The only thing he was scared of the most was the golden-shelled insect. If a golden-shelled insect dug into his basement, no matter how strong his basement was, he would still be dead.

Even with this kind of concern, he was still happy to live here. At least, he did not have to worry about not having any women anymore. Almost every night, there would be a woman, who could not bear the hunger, taking the initiative to get into his bed and sleeping with him. He did not even need to threaten them.

Lu Guolong felt sad while one of his hands was still fondling the body of a fine-faced woman, who was sleeping beside him. His good days were finally over. He knew very well that the king of the granary was nothing in Jin Ling city. There were already three batches of dark warriors outside the wall. He knew that he had to open the gate eventually. Otherwise, if they broke in, it would not be just giving out food that simple.

He had already expected this day, but he still did not expect that it would come this soon.

A few minutes later, Lu Guolong walked out of the basement. He ordered his men to give up and open the gate.

It was not just Lu Guolong who was very upset, many other groups that suffered huge losses were all very upset as well. They all felt that this trip was not worth it.

It was not that the small grain depot was empty. In fact, there was a lot of food, it was also not because of the insects, since the area around them was still very quiet.

It was because of the sudden appearance of two big dark warrior groups, and the dazzling rank-three dark warrior badges that the people in those groups were wearing made people lose all their courage to have any arguments with them.

If there was just one big group, the big group would probably just load the food straight away without worrying about small teams at all. But since there were two, they were restrained by each other from doing something recklessly and stupidly.

All other small teams suddenly became important roles in the competition between the two powerful groups. Because the support from the small teams would cause the balance to fall.

Chu Yunsheng was sitting inside the truck, he did not come out. The witch had already left the truck. She probably went to join some kind of food distribution meeting. Because It was not part of the agreement, he did not bother to come out.

But he had other secret plans. He wanted to steal some of those foods when the sky became darker.

The “granary king” was ignored by everyone. There was no place for him to join the discussion, even his basement was also used as a meeting room

Everyone here seemed to be very cautious. Because everyone knew that fighting with each other would not bring any benefits to them. Instead, the noises, the lights, and the energy fluctuations caused by the fight could easily attract insects!

Also because it was getting dark. Within the next 12 hours, no one dared to walk out this granary depot that would be surrounded by darkness soon. That was why people could sit down and discuss food distribution.

Chu Yunsheng used this short period of time to restore some of his energy. After a while, he jumped off the truck with the little tiger. Most of the dark warrior groups had already started to make meals. No matter what the result was, feeding themselves was the most realistic and the most important thing to do.

The two big groups did not ask their men to secure the granary, as long as the trucks were not moving, they were not scared that the food would disappear, if someone tried to steal it, without a transportation tool, how much could they steal? Moreover, it could also show everyone that they were sincere in the discussion.

Chu Yunsheng was looking for this place’s leader, Lu Guolong. He wanted to take some food before the two big groups finished their discussion. Once they finished the discussion, it would be very difficult for him to steal anything.

Lu Guolong was in charge of this place before, so he must be familiar with all the details of this grain depot. That was why Chu Yunsheng was looking for him. He did not want to go around and check the granary, it would only draw a lot of attention to him.

After a while, Chu Yunsheng finally found Lu Guolong in a row of offices. But his situation did not look good.

“No, no! She is my woman, I gave you the granary already, please let us go! ”

Chu Yunsheng walked past a corner. In the fire torch’s light, he saw Lu Guolong was protecting a woman, whose clothing was disheveled.

All his men joined other dark warrior groups after he ordered them to stop resisting. That was why he was there alone.

“Fuck off man, just a woman, it is not even your wife, if you carry on talking, I’ll break you! don’t make me do it!” standing in front of Lu Guolong were two men, one of them kicked Lu Guolong away and immediately jumped on top of the woman.

“You! You! She is my wife! She is my wife! I will kill you!” enraged, Lu Guolong stood up and charged towards them.

“Kill him!” the man, who was still on top of the woman, said to his partner. He did not even bother to turn around.


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