Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 0.5- Divine Intervention

Quest 0.5- Divine Intervention

Star trails litter the night sky. Polished topaz eyes scanned the sky, plucking the stars.

They took one and bleached it clean before burying it in the ground, and a Night Phlox grew out of it.

"Another soul sent back." Her words were laced with boredom.

Her eyes turned up to the sky again, scanning it.

Scanning the sky, one star caught her eye.

"!" She immediately plucked it from the sky and held it preciously.

Holding the soul in her hand, a smile grew on her face. Her topaz eyes have gained a luster to them.

"You... you will lead to great change." She covered the soul in her hand with a transparent veil. "My veil will protect you from the gods' eyes." The veil then slowly blends with the soul. "We will meet again **** ***. Or would you prefer ******? Well, when the time comes, I will know."

With a warm smile and hope in her heart, she kneels to the ground and buries the soul.

"It will be a bit rough, but you will meet someone very special. She will be the one to truly set and help you on your path."

She buried the soul in the dirt, and from it, a green cloud-shaped flower sprung up.

"Farewell. Until we meet again. I hope you can make it to Elysium."


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