Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 508: Brilliance (7)

Chapter 508: Brilliance (7)

It wasn’t a metaphor, either.

Melkith El-Hayah literally sprang from the ground.

Eugene couldn’t tell whether Melkith's dramatic entrance was intentional or if she had another reason behind it. Whatever the reason, Melkith had literally emerged from deep within the earth to reveal herself.

Even with this dramatic show, not a speck of dirt clung to Melkith's attire. After all, she was a contractor of Yhanos, the Earth Spirit King. She could dive and swim through even the most solid ground as if it were just water.

'How?' Eugene thought, amazed.

He was astounded by Melkith's sudden appearance. There was no way of telling how long she had been underground, but what bothered Eugene was that he had not noticed her presence.

'Did she go to such lengths to deceive my senses?' he wondered in astonishment.

Regardless of whether it was possible to evade Eugene’s perception, why would she bother doing so in the first place? Eugene couldn't fathom why she had gone to such lengths. Melkith was considered among the most powerful wizards of the current era, an Archwizard of immense skill, and the strongest spirit summoner. Yet, regrettably, she possessed a vulgar mind.

But... even with that in mind, why had she gone to such lengths just to crash a press conference?

Meanwhile, Melkith had just one thought running through her mind as she looked up at the stage with zealously burning eyes. 'Sis. I did it for you, sis.'

At that moment, Sienna and Melkith exchanged a secretive glance. Sienna made sure to maintain her composure, but inwardly, she was feeling extremely satisfied and... excited.

Why hide it? Because it was the Wise Sienna who had made plans to deceive Eugene's senses and ensured Melkith's successful disruptive entry into the conference.

But why Melkith, of all people?

According to Sienna, she was the most fitting individual for such spontaneous action. While Sienna doubted anyone else would refuse a request from her, she still had a human heart. She couldn’t bear to let someone else be burdened with this act.

What if someone other than Melkith had made such an intrusive entrance and asked such a probing question? In all likelihood, Eugene would not have harshly rebuked them to their face as he was not the type of person to harbor a grudge over such matters.

But, even if Eugene would have been okay with it....

Would a normal person be okay after such an act? They would have been wracked by guilt and embarrassment and agonize over their actions once they knew they had been a nuisance to the Hero. However, there was no need to fret over such ordinary and mundane issues with Melkith El-Hayah.

This audacious plot was hatched merely an hour before the conference. After catching wind of the press conference, Sienna did not immediately follow Eugene but remarked to excuse herself.

I’ve been holed up in a room for ten days. Shouldn’t I at least make some preparations?

Preparations? What preparation do you need? You look clean. That’s enough.

You idiot, I might look clean to you, but it’s not up to my standards. Anyway, I need more time to prepare.

After sending Eugene off, Sienna returned to the basement and contacted Melkith. Her instructions to Melkith were brief: secretly infiltrate the grounds during the conference. It would be too conspicuous if she descended from the sky, and it would also be hard to conceal, so they settled on her springing from the ground instead....

Like a mole?

Yes, exactly, like a mole!

Oh sister, with all due respect, considering I am Aroth’s White Tower Master and arguably the greatest spirit wizard of this century, if not across all ages, popping out of the ground like a mole seems a tad undignified, don't you think?

Who are you to just call me sister of your own accord?

It's a joke, sister, just a joke! If you command me to spring forth, I can emerge from the ground or even fire. But sister, does it have to be done in secrecy? Can't I just be present at the conference from the start?

If you’re there from the beginning, Eugene would bolt at first sight of you.

Ah, come on. Surely not. You might be a tad jealous, sister, but I'm actually quite close with Eugene.

When Sienna heard those words, she wanted to summon Melkith and give her a piece of her mind. Still, she suppressed that urge and continued to explain her plan.

Stop with the nonsense.... Anyway, at the press conference later, be straightforward. Ask Eugene what he thinks of Sienna.

Oh my, oh my! Sister, is it really that? Huh? It is, isn't it?

Such was the conversation they shared. The plot aimed at Eugene was nearly coming to fruition. While Sienna didn't give Melkith specific questions to ask, she didn’t think it was necessary. A madwoman had her own details. Guiding her in a general direction would be sufficient for Melkith.

In other words, Melkith was the ideal hitman. She wouldn't feel guilty about confronting Eugene with such a brazen question, nor would she regret her actions afterward. She wouldn't fret over others' opinions of herself or her dignity. Moreover, Eugene had a subtle soft spot for Melkith.

"Sir Eugene Lionheart! Please answer!" Melkith shouted while waving her hand in the air.

Eugene’s face twisted in dismay as he looked down from the stage, but Melkith paid it no mind.

"What exactly is your relationship with Lady Sienna, Sir Eugene? What exactly is going on between you two? I'm dying to know!" Melkith shouted.

The other reporters were startled by Melkith's sudden appearance, but none tried to stop her outburst. Even the sole demon journalist, who had just been cowering under Eugene's murderous intent, couldn't help but stare at Melkith with shining eyes.

It was inevitable. Melkith's sudden question was something everyone was curious about but dared not ask.

Perhaps someone would have had the courage to ask it had the atmosphere been a bit less stifling and a bit more friendly. However, Eugene had just been emitting an intense murderous vibe that could have caused the entire venue to freeze over.

Eugene was shocked into silence.

He had exerted such effort to exude such a menacing aura, specifically to stop anyone from asking such a question. He had done well until now, only to have Melkith ruin all his efforts by barging in like this...!

Eugene felt a suffocating tightness in his chest as he clenched his fists.

"Why are you here?" he spat.

"I have the freedom to go wherever I please, Sir Eugene,” retorted Melkith.

"Why the formal speech all of a sudden?"

"If I spoke informally here, wouldn't I come off too presumptuous?" she countered.

"So you are aware. In that case, why are you asking me such a question?” Eugene asked, sounding annoyed.

"I'm here with credentials as a journalist,” Melkith exclaimed while waving her hand.

Faced with her shamelessly impudent demeanor, Eugene ground his teeth.

"Credentials? What kind of credentials!?" he shouted.

"I'm a journalist for Aroth’s Weekly Spirit Magic... or something similar," Melkith replied vaguely.

Eugene’s cheeks twitched involuntarily as Melkith blabbered on. She did not miss the moment when Eugene clenched his teeth. She emphasized her question once more.

"Please answer!" she said.

"I'll pass,” Eugene replied.

"Please answer!" she asked once more.

"Next journalist,” Eugene said dismissively.

"I want an answer!" said Melkith.

"That concludes this press conference...."

"Ahhhhh!" Melkith let out a shriek. "Arrrrgh!"

It wasn't just any scream, either. It had a whiny quality to it — no, it was more like a child's tantrum.


How could someone act like this? Shouldn’t they avoid such behavior if they were human?

Eugene had been bewildered when Ciel had suddenly burst into tears after confessing her feelings, but it wasn’t entirely incomprehensible when he thought back to it. After all, Ciel had just been rejected, and she had never experienced such emotional turmoil in her life up to that point, and she was only twenty-one.

Then what about when Kristina suddenly slapped Ciel?

Even that was somewhat understandable. Like Ciel, Kristina was young. It was even more comprehensible since Kristina, though she may not see it herself, had been a picture-perfect zealot until a few years ago. She had insisted on her way being the right way, regardless of what others said.

But shouldn’t it be different for Melkith El-Hayah? How could she act like this? She couldn’t be considered young, and she always proclaimed herself as the greatest spirit wizard of all ages....

How could Melkith, of all people, be acting like this?

Eugene was aghast.

On the side, Sienna cleared her throat, "Ahem...."

She marveled at her hitman's disregard for self-preservation and glanced at Eugene slyly.

"Aren't you going to answer?" she asked.

"Uh.... What?" he replied.

"Answer. It's not that hard,” Sienna prodded.

She had decided that Melkith needed backup. As such, she signaled Eugene with a look while nudging him in the ribs.

Eugene's eyes were filled with confusion as he said, "No.... But why here of all places...?”

"Then where else would you discuss it?" Sienna's eyes narrowed further as she questioned.

Eugene hesitated, then sighed deeply before muttering, “Teacher and student."

"How can you give such a cowardly answer!?" Melkith shouted.

Attempting to navigate the crisis with a moderate response proved futile against Melkith's relentless pursuit.

"Please provide a clear answer!" she demanded.

"No, it's just that—" Eugene muttered.

"Why are you hesitating now after leaving behind those last words three hundred years ago?” questioned Melkith.

The mention of the last words sent a shiver down Eugene's spine.

"I never uttered those last words!" Eugene protested.

"Lies! You confessed your feelings to Lady Sienna just before you died!" Melkith challenged.

"No, I didn’t! I didn’t leave behind any such words! It's all fabrications from a fairy tale!" Eugene objected.

Eugene was genuinely frustrated. That damned fairy tale had caused him enough trouble already. Without it, the crappy nickname of Stupid Hamel wouldn't have existed, and furthermore....

"Lady Sienna!" Melkith shouted as she changed tactics, focusing on Sienna as Eugene simmered with boiling emotions.

"Please answer, Lady Sienna! Did Sir Hamel truly not leave behind any such words?!"

Melkith had no intention of attacking Sienna with that question. In fact, she was asking the question for Sienna’s sake. Although unbeknownst to Melkith, Sienna was the author of the fairy tale in question. She had no idea that the words written at the end of the story were Sienna’s lament for Hamel.

"That.... Well.... Um...." Sienna hesitated, struggling to respond immediately.

She wanted to say that Hamel’s last words in the fairy tale were true, but... she could feel Eugene’s glaring eyes boring into her side. It made it impossible for her to affirm Melkith’s question. She knew that she could very well trigger Eugene into revealing her secrets. In a war of revelations with Eugene, Sienna would be decidedly at a disadvantage.

So, Sienna evaded the question and turned her gaze elsewhere. "I can't quite remember.... It was three hundred years ago, after all...."

Can't remember? Eugene’s eyes practically ignited with fire.

"Bu-but it's not really the words that matter, right? What’s important is not three hundred years ago but now. So, what exactly are we to each other?" Sienna questioned.

"Warrior and wizard. Comrades. Teacher and student,” Eugene gritted his teeth as he spoke.

Sienna pouted slightly in response, but she refrained from arguing with him.

"We are cautiously getting to know each other... given the times... but maybe... after we've killed all the Demon Kings and if we're still alive... perhaps then it won't just be about cautiously getting to know each other, but more like... aggressively confirming our relationship...." Eugene’s voice trailed off into silence.

What did it even mean to be cautiously getting to know each other? And what on earth was aggressively confirming a relationship?

Eugene’s answer was vague, but there wasn’t anyone present who didn’t grasp the subtle implications behind it. Even Sienna herself was left with her mouth agape and cheeks flushed.

"Are you going to get married?" Melkith had a gleam in her eyes as she asked.

Eugene’s answer didn’t satisfy her. She wanted a more definitive answer, believing she was doing this for Sienna's sake.

So she probed further, "Are you going to get married? Or are you going to start dating? Or have you been dating already? If that’s the case, when did it start? Since three hundred years ago? Or when Lady Sienna returned to Aroth? Or before she even came to Aroth?"

Melkith's inquiries were relentless. In this regard, Melkith was very much like a wizard. She didn’t suppress her soaring curiosity as she continued to bombard them with questions.

"And speaking of which, Sir Eugene, you had the ownership of Akasha when you first returned from the Samar Forest! You also said you went to find Lady Sienna. Don’t tell me, is Akasha like a token of love between you? My goodness, my goodness! Right, and what about Mer? Back then, Sir Eugene, you took Mer along with Akasha from Akron, didn’t you!?"

Her urgency was evident in the shift in her tone.

"The familiar that's said to be the spitting image of Lady Sienna's childhood...! Like, like Lady Sienna's child with... you? My goodness! There was already a child between the two of you!" Melkith exclaimed loudly, jumping around her spot.

Eugene finally clenched his fists tightly after silently enduring her tale until now.

[That’s right! That’s right! I am! I am like a child to Sir Eugene and Lady Sienna! My name is Mer Merdein, but someday I will become Mer Lionheart!] Mer shouted excitedly from within Eugene’s cloak.

[This lady, too... will not remain Raimira but become Raimira Rogeris. And someday, from Raimira Rogeris to Raimira Lionheart...!] Raimira yelled enthusiastically, not to be outdone by Mer.

[You fool! What do you mean, Raimira Lionheart? What a terrible name! How about shortening it to Rairai? You’re Rairairairairai!] Mer teased, not even considering the ridicule she once received as Mer Mer Merdein.

Eugene clenched his fists even tighter amidst the noisy exchanges in his head.

"But Eugene, or should I say, Sir Eugene! Do you prefer Lady Sienna as a teacher or as a comrade? Surely, your feelings have grown since your days as Hamel, haven't they?" inquired Melkith.

Eugene didn’t respond.

"Ah, but... what about Saint Kristina? I mean, you and I, we've known each other for quite some time, haven't we? I know how close you and Saint Kristina are. I see how honey seems to drip from her eyes when she looks at you. Surely you’ve also noticed? It’s not just me, either. Everyone who’s seen you two knows,” continued Melkith.

Eugene was trying to keep his emotions in check.

"If you're cautiously getting to know Lady Sienna, what exactly is your relationship with Saint Kristina? After all, the Hero and the Saint. You don’t need a fortune teller to know how compatible you two would be....”

"Get lost,” Eugene hissed. He could not bear it any longer.

The abrupt harshness of his words made Melkith scream, "Eugene! What kind of way is that to speak to your older sis!"

"Get lost!" Eugene roared while standing up abruptly.

Crack! The chair wasn’t able to withstand his momentum and shattered into pieces. It wasn’t just the chair, either. The entire podium thudded as it collapsed into the ground.

"All of you, all of you just get lost! Out of my sight, right now!" shouted Eugene.

"Sir Eugene Lionheart! We haven't even asked our questions yet..." some reporters complained.

"Get lost!" he roared again.

"But... but Sir Eugene...! There's so much we still want to hear from you! About the war plans with Helmuth, your future actions, and—"

"Get lost!"

Eugene had no more patience for the reporters' pleas. If they wouldn't leave willingly, he'd have to force them. He extended his hand without hesitation.


Eugene's magic lifted dozens of reporters into the air all at once.

[Please, Melkith El-Hayah, just stay still for now. Don't resist Hamel's magic... please!] Tempest pleaded desperately.

‘My goodness, Tempest...! Are you worried about me?’ Melkith asked excitedly.

[I'm not worried about you. I’m worried about Hamel's sanity....] Tempest sighed, but Melkith didn't heed his words. She grinned. Satisfied with her mischief, she allowed herself to be lifted alongside the reporters.

‘I did it, sister,’ Melkith communicated mentally, sounding triumphant.

She hadn't been promised any reward for intervening. She simply acted because it seemed fun. Moreover, she thought that her work would boost her intimacy with Sienna.

‘Well done,’ Sienna praised in response.

It was just as Melkith had hoped. Though they didn't receive a definite answer, Sienna was satisfied with the response. She stole glances at Eugene with flushed cheeks. Eugene was equally red-faced — though that was from pure rage.

After having flung the reporters beyond the walls, Eugene clutched his hair in frustration.

"Should I... should I kill her?" he asked.

"No, why would you kill her? Don't kill her. Bear with it. She might be a bit strange, but she's talented! Good at fighting and...."

Sienna tried not to laugh as she patted Eugene's shoulder while offering consolation.


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