Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 506: Brilliance (5)

Chapter 506: Brilliance (5)

The liberation war of Hauria came to an end under the watchful eyes of the entire continent.

Unlike the battle at the Southern Seas of Shimuin, most of the continent's renowned knightly orders and mercenary groups had participated in the liberation war. In essence, the elite forces of all the major powers, except for the Helmuth Empire, had participated in this war.

That alone was enough to draw attention, but there had been other dramatic events that drew further attention to the Liberation War of Hauria.

It was the first time in three hundred years since the era of war that a kingdom’s capital had fallen.

In the process, the Sultan was killed, and most of the people of the capital were expelled from the city, leaving the entire capital in ruins.

It was the deed of a Demon King.

Though the name of the Demon King wasn’t publicized, the existence had undoubtedly been a Demon King.

The specter had not announced his name, and Helmuth did not make any official statements regarding the matter either. As such, the continent began to refer to the specter as the Nameless Demon King.

The Nameless Demon King had headed the war, which involved notorious monsters from the era of war, the former Staff of Incarceration Amelia Merwin, demons that had been expelled from Helmuth, and also demons hiding in Ravesta, the territory of Destruction.

There had not been a war of this scale since the era of war.

Furthermore, the true identity of the Hero, Eugene Lionheart, was also revealed during this war. He was the reincarnation of the Stupid Hamel, a hero from three hundred years ago.

A press conference was inevitable.

Crowds swarmed the outside of the palace belonging to Salar’s Emir. Everyone came wanting to see the heroes who played active roles in the war, as well as the Hero who reincarnated beyond time.

Reporters from all over the continent had set up camp inside the palace's walls, in the palace garden. Their eyes glittered with a sharp light as they waited for the protagonist to step onto the stage.

"But... it seems there is someone here who maybe shouldn’t be," a reporter said.

These words prompted the rest of the crowd to turn their heads in a specific direction.

"Hey there, let's not make racially discriminatory remarks,” came the response.

This speaker was a demonfolk with reddish skin, horns on his head, a bulky body that didn’t match his neat suit, and glasses too small for his face. The demon adjusted his tie as he responded.

"Racial discrimination? That’s not what I meant. Just, isn’t it absurd for a demonfolk to be at this press conference?" the first reporter questioned.

"And what’s so absurd about it? Helmuth has news and newspapers, too. Frankly speaking, is there any country on the continent with a greater media presence than Helmuth? Under the grace of His Majesty the Demon King, Helmuth broadcasts high-quality news to every household in the empire every morning, afternoon, and evening,” the demon said with unabashed pride.

He looked around at the human reporters, who couldn’t retort his words before continuing, "As a correspondent, it is my duty to cover and deliver the news of the continent objectively and transparently. The article I report will be broadcasted throughout Helmuth this evening."

"Good for you."

"How can a demon be objective and transparent in covering the Hero?"

"Considering three Demon Kings were killed by the Stupid Hamel three hundred years ago, and countless demons...."

The human reporters openly showed their displeasure and sneered at the demon. The demon laughed out loud and shook his head in response.

"Ha-ha! Stupid Hamel, indeed! I don’t understand why you humans still use such a derogatory nickname,” the demon shouted.

"Well, no... that name isn’t meant to be derogatory—"

"Just as you say, three hundred years ago, Hamel killed three Demon Kings and countless demons. Even my father died on the battlefield where Hamel slaughtered! Yet, we demons, including myself, do not use the derogatory term Stupid Hamel for that fearsome man!" declared the demon.

The reporters were left speechless by the demon’s words. They could only exchange awkward glances among themselves as they were left in an uncomfortable silence.

The demon reporter passionately continued, "Hamel Dynes, isn’t he a hero of you humans? Is he not a hero who, alongside Vermouth Lionheart, achieved remarkable feats!? Then why doesn’t human history give Hamel the proper recognition he deserves?"

"That... that’s because—"

"Helmuth does not forget the sins of the past. Regardless of the reasons, we invaded the continent and killed countless people in that war! Therefore, we do not commemorate nor celebrate the death of the Demon Kings who led the invasion — the Demon King of Carnage, the Demon King of Cruelty, and the Demon King of Fury! Yet, why don’t you humans commemorate Hamel? Why do you mock him by giving him the nickname Stupid Hamel rather than commemorating that tragic hero who sacrificed his life for the continent?" the demon questioned passionately.

The reporters felt unjustly accused. The anonymous writer of the fairy tale had given Hamel his nickname. The heroes' nicknames were permanently attached to their names as the fairy tale spread all over the continent.

The Great Vermouth.

The Brave Molon.

The Wise Sienna.

The Faithful Anise.

The Stupid Hamel.

These five titles had become obvious names in this era. As such, the reporters felt unjustified when the demon criticized Hamel’s title as derogatory. However, regardless of how they felt, it was true that the reporters lacked a convincing rebuttal or excuse.

'Who would have thought Hamel would be reincarnated...?'

But they couldn’t offer such words as their excuse. Thus, the reporters kept their mouths shut while glancing only at the platform.

The protagonists of today’s press conference were Eugene Lionheart, the reincarnation of Hamel, and the Wise Sienna. It was already past the promised time, yet the duo had still not shown themselves.

"And what do you think about this, oh Wise Sienna?" questioned Eugene.

The two of them were inside the palace, and he had his arms crossed as he stared at Sienna.

But Sienna was unable to meet his gaze. She merely looked down and fiddled with her fingers.

"What... what did I do...?" She tried to speak up, but her voice lacked strength.

From the get-go, the fact that she couldn’t look him in the eye was proof that Sienna still retained a human heart.

"That demon bastard over there said it too. That Stupid Hamel is a derogatory term,” Eugene accused.

"But why is that demon scum here? We should kill him right now," Sienna made an attempt to turn the topic.

"How can you just kill someone who came as a correspondent?"

"What do you mean how? Just kill him. We're already at odds with Helmuth. Nothing changes if we kill some slick-tongued correspondent,” Sienna said with a murderous look in her eyes.

Even Eugene was at a loss for words at her barbaric and ignorant remark. He looked at Sienna in disbelief, sighed deeply, and shook his head.

"Well, I know your public image can’t get any worse, but... I think it's right to exercise a little restraint in times like this,” said Eugene.

"My public image? What's wrong with my public image?" questioned Sienna.

How could she be so shameless?

Eugene and Kristina stared at Sienna, equally at a loss for words. Sienna couldn't help but flinch at the many layers of meaning contained in their stares.

"There's nothing wrong with my... public image,” Sienna said hesitantly.

"You lack self-objectification,” Eugene muttered while shaking his head.

[Don't you think there's something terribly wrong with Hamel saying such a thing?] Anise muttered with a wry smile.

Even Kristina, who would have given Eugene an unconditional affirmation for most things, was mute. She could not refute Anise’s words.

"Hmm...... Sir Eugene, Lady Sienna. You should probably get going," Kristina reminded in a hesitant voice.

"No... Ah... Fu...” Eugene’s words were incomprehensible.

He shuddered. He would never have called this press conference if Gilead and Carmen had not asked him to do so.

He knew that he had no choice. He had publicized his secret. Now that it had happened, he had to clear things up. Otherwise, it would only cause him more trouble.

"If you run away from here, you'll be in a lot of trouble back home,” Kristina whispered.

She knew well that Eugene was especially weak when it came to matters regarding his stepmother, Ancilla, and his father, Gerhard.

She wasn’t lying. If Eugene refused an interview and fled, reporters and crowds would be camped outside the Lionheart estate, waiting for him. If that happened, dozens of fans would meet their ends at Ancilla’s clutches.

"Yeah.... Of course....” Eugene nodded with a heavy sigh.

Contrary to Eugene, who didn’t want to participate in the press conference, Sienna was very motivated.

She had many eyes and ears who relayed her relevant information, so she had heard the news beforehand. Gossip had spread after the ball in Shimuin. It was said that the Wise Sienna had taken a liking to her apprentice, who was three hundred years younger than her. Moreover, he was even a descendant of one of her comrades, the Great Vermouth.

Yes, times had changed. Love between master and disciple was accepted as long as they were of the same mind.

But even so, wasn’t an age difference of three hundred years a little too much? Moreover, he was even a descendant of the Great Vermouth! And if they really did fall in love, wasn’t it far too tragic for the Stupid Hamel, who had met a sad end?

Such stories made Sienna feel unjustified. Eugene was the reincarnation of Hamel, so what was the big deal? A three-hundred-year difference? Who cared?

"Hey, why don't you guys clear it up as well?" Sienna said.

"What do you mean?" responded Kristina.

"That you have that Anise Slywood inside of you. There's nothing wrong with revealing it now, is there?" questioned Eugene.

Sienna took Kristina's hand with a twinkle in her eye. There was a sinister reason behind her suggestion. If it were discovered that Kristina, a young Saint of twenty-five, had a three-hundred-year-old Anise inside her, she would no longer have her youth as a weapon. Sienna wanted fairness between herself and Kristina in terms of age.

"No,” Anise answered on Kristina's behalf. "I appreciate your consideration, but I have no intention of revealing my existence."

Anise didn't realize that Sienna was suggesting it for such crude, ugly reasons. She assumed it was a kind gesture.

"Hamel may have died and reincarnated, but that's not the same with me. I died 300 years ago, leaving only my soul behind. It wouldn't be strange if I disappeared at any moment,” Anise said with a gloomy expression.

"There you go again with the pessimism."

"Let it be. Anise always has this attitude on such topics."

Sienna and Eugene were already accustomed to her demeanor. They nudged each other with their elbows while exchanging words.

"Anyway, I don't want to reveal my existence. If people learn that I dwell within Kristina, they'll attribute her achievements to me,” continued Anise.

[Sister, I really don't mind. After all, it’s true that any merit attributed to me has been made possible only with your help,] responded Kristina.

"I dislike it," Anise declared.

She was unyielding. She knew all too well that she remained in this world as an incomplete being. She was always wary of the possibility of fading into nothingness.

"And it's a hassle. If my existence becomes known, the zealots of Yuras will annoy me endlessly. I really detest such a bother,” concluded Anise.

With her having such a firm stance, Sienna could no longer persuade her.

She pouted and grumbled with disappointment, "Anise, are you perhaps concerned about being in a state of death alone?"

"What are you talking about all of a sudden?" questioned Anise.

"Well, if that’s what is bothering you, once I become the Goddess of Magic, I'll create a body for you,” Sienna promised.

Sienna had attempted something similar a few times before. She had tried to craft a body to settle Anise’s soul into it, similar to when she had created Mer. However, her attempts had failed.

After having become an angel, Anise’s soul had been so harmonized with Kristina that it proved impossible to separate them forcibly, and even if separating her soul was possible, the risks were too high.

However, becoming the Goddess of Magic might make it possible for Sienna to provide Anise with a new body. Sienna held Anise's hand firmly. She truly believed in this possibility.

"One of you is promising to create a heaven for me, and the other is offering to make a body for me,” Anise chuckled softly. "Regardless of whether it'll succeed, I'm grateful for the thought. Later... yes, later. After everything is over, let's talk about it again."

"Aren’t you acting a little too indifferent?" questioned Eugene.

"Hamel, did you expect me to cry tears of gratitude?" Anise asked.

"A little,” answered Eugene.

"Even if I did cry, I would have still pushed you to go,” said Anise.

She glanced at Eugene and gave his shin a playful kick.

"How long will you stay here? Hurry up and go,” she urged.

"Really... I really don't want to go..." Eugene grumbled.

His shoulders drooped. A press conference? He had no idea what to say. Was it okay for him to curse? Eugene's expression grew complex, and Sienna snorted while slapping his back.

"Why are you so nervous?" she questioned.

"I’m not nervous. I’m regretting it. If I had known this would happen, I never would have admitted to being Hamel,” admitted Eugene.

"It's funny to say you didn't know this would happen,” retorted Sienna.

"What's the point of a press conference anyway? What am I supposed to say there?" Eugene asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but just say whatever comes to mind, right? If you don't want to answer, then don't. Honestly, who can say anything to us?"

Sienna gave a confident smile. She grabbed Eugene's wrist and pulled him along.

"We saved the world three hundred years ago. We might not have done it perfectly, but no one fought as well as we did back then,” she assured.

"That's true,” answered Eugene.

Sienna continued, "And what about now? If the current generation were doing things right, we wouldn't still be struggling three hundred years later. That means we've earned the right to do as we please."

Those words went a long way in alleviating Eugene's regrets. Indeed, Sienna was right. He only felt embarrassed and shameful regret about revealing his identity because of the way he had acted and spoken as Eugene in the past.

But what of it? Eugene had been vocal in defending Hamel and expressing admiration precisely because the world refused to recognize Hamel. There was a problem with the world for being unable to say, ‘I admire Sir Hamel’ while listing the Great Vermouth, the Brave Molon, and the Stupid Hamel.

So what if he had expressed admiration for Hamel while hiding his identity? There was no need for him to feel ashamed. As Sienna said, he had every right to live as he pleased after having gone through so much three hundred years ago and still facing adversaries in this era.

Thus, Eugene straightened his back. His shoulders were no longer drooping.

He even unbuttoned a few more buttons on his shirt. The necklace, an heirloom of Hamel's he had scarcely taken off, was now fully on display. Eugene walked forward with determination while showing off the necklace.

The moment he stepped outside, the murmuring stopped abruptly. The journalists and reporters turned their heads to stare at Eugene and Sienna in unison. Eugene was unfazed by the collective gaze as he ascended to the platform.

"Any complaints about the delay?" Eugene asked while looking down.

Sienna was left speechless. She had not expected him to be so bold or, rather, brazen.


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